The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, April 04, 1919, Image 4

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    UDEillK HUlUtUMf
Wt UMIliiUt IU ItlA&t M
to Weston and vicinity. We like you so far and we
want you to like us. Come and Size Us Up
it will cost you nothing. . Read us between the lines
(or blinkers) and when you have work in our line
you will know whether you wish to
SAFETY FIRST-We guarantee our work
and our guarantee means just what we say, straight
Estimates cheerfully given. We will put your
car in shape for Bum Roads, and then you are ready
for the
Firestone, Federal, , Goodrich and
(a dandy line.)
MONOGRAM OIL A slippery, greasy kind
that stays.
The only Ford Authorized Sales and
Service Station in town. Place your order
now. The only way you can secure new Fords is
by ordering. .
J O. A. ADAMS, Man'gr
Mr. and Mr. Dud Morrlsctte
hav moved into a cottage on north
Water street.
Mr. and Mrs. J. I!. IViw r in
Publisher" i Statement
Statement of the ownership,
management, iti, required by the
Act of Congress of August U, 191 2,
Walla Walla, where
in under medical care.
lYIee of the
Werton Leader, published
at Weston. Oregon, for
.t:. mLi. .1 nt "!"wr .nJ .wn-r- S
tivea and frienda at Portland
MiM Isabella MacKcnxie ia re
ported to be ill with acarlet fever oes none
in a Lewistown, Montana, hospital.
Smiley & I Vat, Weston's new
blacksmiths, are kept constantly
busy and say that they like the
Herman Staggs has returned
from Oregon Agricultural College
Clark Wood, Weston, Oregon.
Known bondholders or morlyag-
Sworn to and subscribed Itefore
me this 4th day of April. 1919.
(My commission expires Oct. 20,
S. A.
TJho Ultimate habfo Sx
If you are in the market for a car a demon
stration will convinco you that this car will out
perform any light six on the market; that in
sturdiness, ruggedness, convenience, finish and
class it has no competitor at anywbero near the
A. W. Lundoll, Act.
J. D. Miller and family have re
turned to Weston from 'Pendleton,
and will again make their home in
this city.
Roy Tompkins and an automobile
party of Walla Walla knights, were
here yesterday on their way to fra
ternize with Pythian Lodge of
Mrs. Virgil Neild ia here from
Portland for a visit with parents
and friends. Upon her return to
Ittrtiand Mrs. rueim win oe accom- a
panied by her mother, Mrs. J. Kirk- X
A handsome display counter in
which you can see what you want
and thus ask for it without hesi
tationhas been added to the
Weston Mercantile Co.'a grocery
Mrs. Mabel Settlemeier, grand
ItarniMi hu mirehaiuHl thn (3
ITT.? tOT "AZr residence lots of the William Biair 1
!k ww, w" M"";1 ""estate on Broad street.
i April 8, 1:30 p. e, (or 30 ItMes
Ak. , ?
Pendleton and Athena. During her
er V
Saturday and Monday we will have a shipment y
worth matron of the Easterner. & Vf lnHips' hnta Hl'iwf f mm tJlfi wholpSalft hoilSG that X
.ning. visitor, were present from promises to surpass in beauty any previous snow
ing. Remember, the assortment will be large, giv
ing you an opportunity to select from the most at
tractive styles at your convenience a city showing
at your own door. Much attention is given in this
shipment to misses and children's hats -the chic, pretty things so much in
vogue this season.
Mrs. Scttlemeie
by Mrs. F. D.
stay in Weston
was entertained
Mrs. Lizzie Lansdale and Ralph
Lansdale are moving back to their
mountain farm this Week from the
Umatilla river. Miss Mary Lans
dale has six weeks more of teach
ing at her river school, where she
has some interesting young Indian
"The Great Reconstruction Era"
is the title of a lecture to be giv
en at Weston opera house next
Monday evening at eight o'clock
by W. A. Baker of Portland under
auspices of the Bible Students.
Seats are free and no collection
will be taken.
Weston was the first town in the
county to go over the top in the
Chance Rogers contributed gener- 7 uDc,0l",n-
ously to the funds of Washington Mrs. Sim J. Culley, local Red Cross
,mmnna,ii. i,ii chairman, desires to thank all those
vvKiiuwunvauu niuiii, vis io s wv 1 1 v
Ladles' Coat
The new styles, the season's best selections.
y New garments are constantly being added. It will
4 pay you to spend an hour in this department. If
X we do not have what you wish we will get it for you.
Rulon Smith was up from Pen
dleton Sunday.
W. L. Rayborn is in Pendleton
this week on jury service.
motoring trip north with a party
from Weston. Over there occasion
al requests for contributions are
made to Oregon motorists, and
Chance was quite urgently urged to
pungle by three total strangers who
chased his Hudson on motorcycles.
who contributed to this worthy V
cause. There will be work at head-
quartern every Tuesady and Friday
afternoons and a large attendance is
TW. ...III U ..l.w. .t
Methodist churcn next bunday. I
"What's your hurry?" they asked, The quarantine has been lifted and V
Expert dentistry prices reasona- when he permitted himself to be the danger of contagion is past, so 5
ble Dr Sponogle. Athena. overumen. v nance renuea imu ne tnai Kev. v,. u. wicuausiana -oi w
" " , , . , was in no especial rush, and they Butte, Montana, will fill the pulpit
Sidney Tucker left last week on insisted that he would have Sunday morning and evening. Mr. X
his return to Amethyst, Alberta. pnty 0f time to haul out is wallet McCausland is a strong preacher f
J. S. Lieuallen, government and fork over sever simoleons. He and comes with a message that is V
blacksmith at Rieth, Oregon, is in did so without argument. vital to all. You should hear him V
town lor a ween s luriougn wiu Qne hundred merchants of the In- Bl DOin ;rv,teB' ouujr bchooi
his family. land Empire, located at widely scat- the feuIr h,our'. Eoenin8r0,er"
J. F. Snider and family returned tered points, have organized the "ght 0 c,ock- Sl E' Pow
Monday from a motoring trip to Creasy Corporation and started in cll P8810'- f
Dayton, where they visited several the wholesale grocery business. The At the commercial club meeting
days with' relatives. stockholders are to receive the ben- Tuesday evening President Porter
enis or cooperative Duying. Bimi- appointed tne rouowing citizens as
lar wholesale houses have been a committee to work in cooperation
opened in 24 cities. The manager with the city council toward bring-
Direct from the east received but yesterday
a new shipment of these handsome garments; the
new plaids in silks and wool; the attractive over
skirt effect, plaited, plain and fancy. No two alike,
assuring that individuality of style so much desired.
Lawrence Pennington and family
have moved again to Hingham,
i-Et that membership of 300 to ing about a general observance of
in tractor operation are in demand. 400 fa confidentIy expected. He Weston's annual clean-up days: D.
Mrs. Marvin Price is convalescing says the plan will reduce the high F. Lavender, G. DeGraw, W. R.
at her home in this city after an cost of living for the consumer and Storms, A. W, LundeP, W. II.
operation which was performed last will be a deterrrent to mail order Gould. At the same meeting P. T.
weeK at ot. Mary s nospitai, maim nouses, as it win give -tne retail Harbour and J. r . snider were as-
Walla, for the removal of a tumor, merchant an opportunity to operate signed to the duty of making the A
Clem ' Duncan demonstrated the lower depot road more passable in readi- X
other day that gear will not run The news was received in Weston nes? ,0' Victory "n lPhy
without gasoline. He only had to with much regret by the many tram, which comes next Tuesday.
walk a few miles, and is fully satis- friends of the MacKenzie family of The four agricultural pilgrims X
fied, in view of his important dis- the death March 28 at Lewistown, who went north not long ago to see V
covery. Montana, of Kenneth MacKenzie. if they could find any Canadian
The Weston brickyard has been He succumbed to pneumonia fol- dollars B-rolllng up hill, all have A
put in shape for the season's run. '0Win8 Bn attack of influenza, which employment on one ranch. It is A
Certain features of the work of PreVa'ent in Lewistown for the some ranch, too six miles square J
brickmaking will be taken over un- th'r t'me anc' '8 port to be and would have Umatilla coun- IT
der contract this year by Jack causing many fatalities. Mr. ty's biggest wheat farm looking like V
Tutes MacKenize, who grew up in Weston, a truck patch. It is owned by the V
,' . ... . was 8 successful young farmer of C. G. Noble Foundation, Ltd., is
Watts & Rogers are taking in- Montana, and his passing cuts short located in the neighborhood of A
ventory of the Henry Barrett stock a ijfe 0f usefulness and promise. Nobleford, Alberta, and is known X
at Athena, preparatory to closing a He is survived by a widow and as the Cameron ranch. Luther f
deal for the same. It mil be i Watts three children. Sheljenberger writes that he count- 9
' &.getn J.U6t mffr the hl11 fro,n The city council decided Wed- ed ""en tractors on this ranch, and
either town hereafter. ne r'1' . "uncii oecmea nea- . horses in thn hum A
, nesday evening to let a contract for "lat " nf ifJU nor8e m tne, .D"r" V
After investing in a new Ford laying new water main on Broad Srfrae o ft" teamsters are paid $100 A
car, Henry Thompson was a guest gtreet. Steel pipe formerly used month' and t their board and X
Friday night of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. between the dam and headgate is room besides. Along with Luther f
Jones. He learned to drive the car available for the nurnose. The on the .Cameron ranch payroll are V
and then motored home to surprise council deslirnflted next Saturday Walter Williams, Walter Beamer V
Mrs. Thompson with his acquisition. an Monday as annual clean-up and R8ad
C. M. Schneider has leased a half days,
section of land near Washtucna, and Henry Dowd's work horses, which
left Saturday for his new place, ac- were sick last week with a strange
companied by his family, to do the malady that causer considerable
' spring plowing. He will return in alarm in the Uplands, are belter,
time to put in the crop on his up- Dr. Baddeley, the veterinarian
land farm, where Tom Booher and called, found the trouble to be due
family are temporarily residing. to eating fern and decayed straw.
... I - - - - .-
Appeal of Debl Denies"
Wsihlnfton. tugens
plication for a rehearing
from conviction and tentencs
years' imprisonment for violating th
esplonai act was dsniad by ths iu
proms court
We are headquarters for shoes for men, women and
THE ARMY SHOE for men, so much desired, at
$5.50, $6.00 and $6.50. This is the most practical shoe for
men, both from the standpoint of comfort and service.
Beautiful New Tans, both low and dressy heel.
Black for every use Mary Jane Oxfords, Oxfords and Pumps.
You are urged to visit our big, clean, attractive
grocery, where there is every thing to eat.
Talk to us about potatoes. We are fortunate '
in having a market and can handle your stock.
Bring us your produce; we can handle it. But- !
ter, eggs, turnips, carrots, etc. .
flan 1
a - a v, m m. m . r mam wr mm . ma mr u vr arm rm n n w m