The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, April 04, 1919, Image 3

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Q Milai
That's the Guaranteed
. Mileage Life of the
Globe Tire mileage is supreme
because its makers have stood un
shaken against the pressure of big
volume and machine-made compe
tition. We Guarantee and Adjust. See
us if your Globe Tires do not do all
that's claimed for them.
We also handle Brunswick and
Portage Tires among the best on
chick feud, llixlg.
R. G. BALING, Manager
Try our new
on Mills.
T. J. McCarty wu in town Tues
day from Hurbank, Wash.
J. S. Harris has gone to Walla
Walla to receive medical treatment.
Mrs. H. March of Freewater vis
I ted with friends in Weston Tues
day. Frank Snider has accepted a po
sition with the firm of Watt A
Rogers. '
Mrs. Amy Van Skiver has gone to
Baker, Oregon, for a two weeks'
visit at the home of her sister,
J. M. Swaggart.
George Nesblt went to Walla
Walla this week to begin his new
work as salesman with the Interna
tional Harvester Co.
J. E. Scrinthher and family are
finding much pleasure in the recent
acquisition by purchase of a new
With a lively sen? of satisfaction jn-rmiU of her removal.
at least two dollars worth the
Ix-ader is enabled to report that
Trajan Tucker was in town Saturday.
Fred Gr DuPuls, city marshal of
Weston, has sued his wife Leota for
divorce. The suit Is the culmina
tion of a llappy Canyon romance,
the two having been wedded clur- U
I tig the 1915 I'endlcton Round lip i
as a Happy l-snyon feature. The
plaintiff complains that his wife 3
treated him cruelly and has been fj
keeping company with other men.
He says she left him on the 4th of N
March last. There Is one child, A
Harley, and the father asks for his A
custody. W. M. Peterson is plain- y
tiff's attorney. jj
A. W. Rogers, former Weston
farmer, has bought a fifteen thou
sand dollar farm six miles north of
North Yakima, Wash, near a little
town called Selah, on the hard
surfaced road traversing that sec
tion. Alex has also Invested in the'
posted qp the doings of his old-
time Weston friends and neighbors.
Miss Fay Warren is in an Ever
ctt, Wash. hospital, where she
U'ing attended by her mother, Mrs.
K. M. Warren. Miss Warren will
Im? compelled to relinquuih her Chas,
school work indefinitely, and will
be brought to Weston by her
1 i
s. 3
rr. 8
is A
Put one of the NEW DAY PHO
NOGRAPHS Vho Claxtonola
in your home; it's the most beau
tiful phonograph made, while the
tone quality is round, full, clear
of amazing naturalness and as
tonishing volume.
H. CsrUr Dsn P. Sroyt
Carter & Smythe
Oregon J
C. W, Avery, deputy assessor, has
opened an office in the Gould
building, next door to Frank Price's
office, and extends a cordial inviu-
Mrs. Frank Skinner is a patient Hon to taxpayers to call and meet
In St. Anthony's hospital, I 'end I c- their fate.
ton, where she submitted to an oper
for the relief of throat trou-
Furnished and Printed at the Leader office
Sixty (minimum) $1 00
One hundred 1 35
Two hundred 2 00
Each additional hundred 0 60
Tbe Fanners Dank of Weston
Established 1891 '
The war is over, but not paid for.
Some have subscribed for bonds and failed
to pay for them. Would the war have been
over if our boys at the front had been as
The Victory Loan will soon be called must
be subscribed and paid. .
The country and its people are too heavily
in debt to indulge in anything not essential.
Let's get out from under the load.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon Waitsburj, Wah.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the.
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
, Sold In Weston by
; Weston Mercantile Company
Elmer and Chester Pcriruson have
bought 15 acres of irrigable land on
the Wild Horse, below Saxe sta
tion. They are now engaged In
plowing and leveling the tract.'
A ten-pound boy was born Mon
day to Mr. and Mrs. A. M. John
son at the home of Rev. and Mrs.
W. R. Storms, who are the proud
grandparents of the youngster.
Luther Shellenberger . returned
yesterday from Alberta, having been
seized with an attack of rheumatism
which he decided to come back to
get rid of. Walter Beamer has the
flu, but is recovering.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Padberg are
here from Morrow county for a
visit with relatives. Mr. Padberg
reports good prospecta for wheat in
Morrow county, where but little
reseeding waa found necessary.
Andy T. Barnett, produce buyer
for the Weston Mercantile Co., was
again engaged this week in buying
potatoes in behalf of the United.
Brokers of Portland. The quota
tion remains at $1.25 to f 1.40.
The Weston branch library will
be moved aoon to convenient new
quarters in the Watts office build
ing on south Water street, use of
which has been kindly donated by
Dr. WatU. Permission to make
the change of location waa granted
Wednesday evening by the council.
The recent arrival is reported
of Beverly Jeanne McGrew, weight
8 pounds, at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond L. McGrew in Port
land. Incidentally. G. A. R. Mc
Grew is a grandpa for the first
time, and is prouder of the distinc
tion than he would be of the presi
dency of the league of nations. '
Pody Duncan is constantly adding
to his store of knowledge. He
learned the other day, quite by ac
cident, that when muriatic acid
comes In contact with human flesh
the consequences are painful If not
disastrous. After spilling some of
this violent fluid on his leg he lost
no time in beseeching the kind
offices of Dr. McKInney. J
Henry Bascom Bellomy passed j
way March 29, 1919, at the home
of Rev. S. E. Powell from influenza I
following pneumonia. Mr. Bellomy
was 27 years, 7 months and 18 days
old, and Is survived by a widow
and infant child. His parents are
also left to mourn his untimely
death. The remains were shipped
to his late home at Troy, Idaho, for
Clem Duncan has finished reseed
. ing DO acres of red chaff at the
Watts Bros. farm. Several hundred
acres of the same farm are In white
hybrid, which is coming along nice
ly. The singular fact is noted that
the best stand of hybrid Is found on
land which was not harrowed after
the drills. Where the"' ground was
harrowed it was left in a smoother
condition and there was less protec
tion against freezing.
The celebrated mules of Jim
Jones .broke looso from the rural
mail chariot in a mountain snow
drift the other day and wallowed
along just ahead of him for a mile.
The drifts were deep and soft and
progress was slow and tortuous.
Up to his hips in snow, Jones toiled
painfully behind the mules,, tearful
ly beseeching them to "whoa," but
could never get quite near enough '
to grab the lines. He Anally head-'
ed them off by crawling out of
the drifts and making a detour.
L. W. Barnes was here a few
days this week from Chelan, Wash.,
visiting relatives and friends. '
Butter Wrap orders prompt
ly filled at the Leader shop.
w. m. rurM c. n. at
Peterson & Bishop
Pendleton, Or. Freewster, Or.
t Dr. S. L HOARD i
Veterinaiy Sugeoa f
Hospital at corner of Main
and Broad streets.
I Phone - Main 253
Qp.f )
'Life is iust one
after another."
darn thing
Although Joshua made the
sun to stand still and Wilson
went him one better by setting
if back an hour, still we haven't
the time to write an ad this
o o o