The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, April 04, 1919, Image 2

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CLARK WOOD, fubllihtr
Strut! lit AcftAHCt
French Class Honors Teacher
Honoring Mrs. Lilian rYederioka,
the Frviwh Claw observed her "jour
iU naissanee," at the home of Mrs.
emnlxed at the
Mr. and Mr. II.
country noma of
A. lwd of Wath
The Year ,
Six Month 1 00
Three .Month , 0 50
It. R. Snlinir. last Thumlayeveninir . ... . - tuena on Thursday. March 27. when
12 00 Dainty blossoms appropriate to the WesiOB memorial ASSOCUUOn w thelr dHUBhter Haael Ucam the
FnttM at tht poitotllc t WttU. Oitfna
icnd-tltt Kll mailer.
Kcgulur, per inch per insertion 15c
Transient, jut inch pr insortitm .....LVc
Iah-iiI, per line Kr insertion 10c
anrmirtime save the rooms an
tractive appearance.
A short musical program consist
ing of solos by Mrs. Salinjr anil du
ets by Mr. ami Mrs. baling, was
greatly enjoyed by all present. A
psychological tost was then conduct
ed which occasioned some astonish
ment and much merriment, but ul
timately produced highly edifying
Refreshments were served at a
late hour, the color scheme through
out being pink and white. A large
at- ganlzed -Watts Is President
The Dowd-Smlta Nuptials
A very pretty wedding wa aol- V-TTP-'J SPLS
m - - w
. The pupils of Miaa Tipton' room
are making a splendid record in
attendance, as no one has been
absent for three week.
Miss Colvln'i room has been
decorated with pussywillows and
bluebirds, suggestive of spring.
The schedule of work has been
received by. the Sewing and Agri
cultural clubs of (he sixth and sev-
Work is now in pro.
win 1
bride of K. Iiutler Smith of Mono-
. " , lulu.
The Weston Memorial Association The cozy home of Mr. and Mrs.
was auspiciously launched at the fVowd was decorated with plant
meeting of subacriUTS' Saturday and vines, and at 3 p. m. the mar
evening at Weston opera house. riage ritea were read by Rev. I).
S. A. Fames was chosen to pre- A. Kussel, the. ring ceremony being
side as temporary chairman, and used. The bride was daintily
Mrs. C. II. Smith was named as gowned in white satin and georg- enth j,...
temporary seerouiiy. rut eiviw mm vwrrc-u uuuiuii irresa.
A institution was adopted, of white and pink carnations. jt 'ntu n Urtnimously decided
which among other things says: - After congratulations, light re- . th Soohomores have uroduifd
the irreatcst orator of the tlnio in
The object of this Association freshmen ta were served. The wed
shall lie the suitable coinmemora ding mrty then left for Washtucna,
M "PI FIN l!P" FlAY birthday cake with lighted candle t ion of the immortal deeds of Ore- from which point the newly-jnarricd
bLLftll Ul Urt ll wag tJ)0 dominant feature. The gon pioneers in the conquest of pair went to Everett, Wash., where
1 honor guest was then showered wilderness and the heroic service the groom's twrenta reside. Several
the au- with birthday wishes and presented of her soldiers and sailors in thwart- girl friends and college frienda of
also the Mr. ami Mrs. Nmth
I. J. M. Banister, bv
thority veMetHnnudohervbypn- wuv7-,r- .
, . ... , , Those participating in the even-
claim two certain days to be knwon ing.5 fostjvti Mrs. Lilian
w Clean-up Days, and set aside as FYedericks. Mrs. Mary McNee. Mr.
such days Saturday, April 6, and and Mrs. J. H. Williams, Mr
Monday, April 7.
Upon said days I authorize that
ail rubbish of every character bo
placed in convenient receptacles ac
cessible to the street or alley, so
that it can be removed by the Wes
ton Transfer Co.
I further advise the removal of
all manure and trash from all barn
yards and alleys at once, as a means
of preserving public health and in
creasing civic pride.
Dated at Weston, Oregon, this
2d day of April, 1919.
Mrs. Robert Proudfit. Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Goodwin, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph U. Saling.
Church of the Brethren Sunday
school at 10 a. m. Preaching at
11 a. m. C. W. S. at 6:30 p. hi.
Bible Study, Life of Christ, at 7:30
p. m. J.H. Gordon, elder.
Methodist Church Sunday school
at 10 a. m. Preaching services at
11 a. m. and 8:00 p. tn. Epworth ciation will be, held the third Friday
.it . . t mm.. mm... . &
ing tne nation s enemies; also me air. ami airs, wnun were present
promotion of community welfare to wish them happiness and bon
by means of wholesome, instruc voyage.
live and educational entertainment Mr. Smith is in the employe
and community gatherings." of the United State government
The minimum voting membership and is engaged in construction work
foe is fixed at 110 annually, but in Honolulu. With his wife he ex
the ayment of any sum entitles lcta to sail for that city from San
the person paying it to a like crod- Francisco about April ft.
it in admittance tickets to any The wedding guests were:
motion picture or other entertain- Rev. and Mrs. D. A. Rusael, Mr.
ment given by the association itself, and Mrs. J. H. Gross, Margaret
The community social evenings,
which are to be held once a month,
are free to all.
The holding of a voting member
ship by either husband or wife en
titles both to vote.
Business meetings of the Asso-
Gross, Mr. and Mra. S. A. IVmlin,
Margery, Jack and Itahy Doolin,
of Washtuena.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Richal, Mr.
and Mrs. E. C. Rogers, Kmery and
Kenneth Rogers, of Weston.
J. M. RAXISTER Mayor.,.- League .at .1:30...... Prayer., mating- ewning cai mnth.
J. W. PORTER, Recorder.
, The Germans found that the Ameri
can doughboys at the front were not
quitters. , Let us show those dough
boys that the Americans who stayed
at home are not quitters. There Is no
better way to do thia than to hold on
to the Liberty Bonds we have and buy
to the limit when we are asked to
take more.
Carter Class, Secretary of the
Treasury, said recently:
"Our boys at the front In the service
of the government have never quit If
1 you sell your Liberty Bonds you quit
at a time when the government needs
your continued support Every time
you quit by selling your Liberty Bonds
you hurt the credit of our govern
ment and make it more difficult to
finance the war. The cost of the war
continues until peace Is signed and
our gallant boys are brought back to
.American soil."
There is no excuse for you to sell
your bonds onless you are without
- food or are to be turned out of your
home. In a Liberty Bond you have
the safest investment In the world.
The credit of the United States, whose
wealth is estimated at I230.000.000.0UO.
la guarantee that you will get your
money back. In the meantime your
money will be working for you at
fair rate of Interest
Officers were elected in the good
old. town meeting style, without
nominations. They are:
Dr. F. D. Watts, president; Hey
Winn, vice preisdent: Mrs. H.
Goodwin, secretary; E. O. DeMoaa,
Thursday evening. S. E. Powell
United Brethren Church Preach
ing at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m
Sunday school at 10:00 a. m
Junior C. E. at 2:30 p. m. C. E.
meeting at 7 p.
ing Wednesday
Wriggle, pastor.
n-..: ri u tv. m....v. ...:u
,, , i ,, ,.., affairs is vested. The three board
a wi uiai . ciiuiiit avi an. uuuua , ,
school at ten o'clock, preaching at
the person of Lois Lleuallen.
George Ulomgren is recovering
from hia recent illness and expect
to be in school next week.
The members of the High School
enjoyed delightful April Fools'
picnic up Pine creek. The young
people started alout one o'cha-k
with kodaks, weiniea and marsh
mallows. They did not come hack
till evenlng-and then with face
coated with dust and burned by the
sun. Three rousing e.heer for Mr.
Fitzpatrick !
A numU-r of purely Imaginative
stories were written by the English
IV class. Some of the tale show
ed, indeed, that the imagination of
the writers had soared to ethereal
heighti. Two stories entitled "A
Trip to the Moon," by Dorothy
Proebstel and Wilma Harbour, and
"If I Were to Choose a Wife," by
Otis Gould were among the beat.
New International
DJCTONAJtrrj ar In um by bust
nts men. tnilnstra, bankers,
tudiw, architects, physicians,
larmfrs, teachers, librarians, cler
gymen, ay tmrntitul man mud
tmmM lAe wrU mmr.
The New International provide
tht mean to tucctts. ItlaanaUV
fcnowinc teacher, universal qs
tkn answerer.
If you seek efficiency and ad
ancetnent why not make dally
use of thia vast fund of Inform
M.eMVafwfcularyTenM. l?ttPee,
AM llluamiloMi (Mara rite,
fetaenpatemJ LairtM.
tltJt sti ladli haw rillws.
I iim '" I i 1 ''.in WllUlnmm "
, 1 at rwkat
K - ac.
m. fraj-er meet. iresurer
evening. L. r.
The annual Freshmen reception
L .L . . m , M. . was held Friday night by the upper
. The Northwest War Trophy Train d,, of lhe igh School. A
sent out to herald the WtoryLib- novd tritcrtainment was planned
erty Loan will reach Weston station .nd firrie(1 ou. bv the Soi.homore
constitute the board of managers,
in which control of the association's
eleven. Also preaching at eight
o'clock in the evening. W. R.
Storms, pastor.
Christian Science Society Scr
vices Sunday at 11 a. m., and
Wednesday evening at 7:30. Water
street, near Main.
I Liberty Bonds I
, An absolutely safe invest-
ment. If you have money to in- ?
e L i ;u..... ii i.. r .... T
Z If you sell Liberty, lionds, sell
to us.
T . We buy and sell Liberty Bonds.
, Any denomination too $100
f loOO-llOW.
James L. Elam
Walla Walla - - Washington
members elected are G
F. C. Fitzatrick and
W. Staggs,
Mra. E. O.
The four officers and three othera Tutfi'ty' APj'' 8- ,l 0Bth,rf' clasa-aa vaudeville. The first num.
..V M7. ;" "i her was a short sKctch rrom achool
remain here thirty minutes. life "A Faculty Meeting." Th
The train consists of six cars and di(rtfrent mgh School teacher wre
a corps of military men. speakers impersonated by the class-Anna
and publicity expert accompanie it. vender a Miss Simmons, Jesai
Report say that the train made Davs as Miss Brown, Goldl Nesbit
triumphal progress in southern M Hollenbeck, and Gall
rrnmil- IllUIPrn n'OtlirU V . w"aaea oy lM William, as Mr. Fita,atrlck. Ther
FEDERAL MANAGER 0 BRIEN uJZ WRa much um chewln nd
iiirnrnTf Tiir nrnnT nftin who V "bI!to expl'in, ?, the Klingonthe part of the teacher.,
INSPECTS THE DEPOT ROAD '"eimP'vHncidenU th0 efforUof Mr. FiUpat-
ot. th'r cxpcrlenc. in demon- rick t0 m.inui,, dicpine and
strating the war use of different diirnity
;ln0wrpMcrama , , ,n The second number was a mighty
of the O-W. R. N., arrived in Wea- At Ashland, Medford and Grant ortion by Lleuallen, "Curfew
ton Wednesday morning in his spec-. Pas the crowds were so great that Sna Not Rjn Tonight" With
ial car and remained during the en- it was with difficulty the train was wij mJ together gymnastic ires
tire forenoon. He was met by the able to proceed in time to make the tum, who,8 ,udi ncv
depot road committee, nsisting schedule. thrill with emotion as she uttered
p m TrKB il' Ma?p"d w. "Curfew sl.all
h. M. bmith and by President Por- T'opsy-TW Party not ring tonight."
tei ot the Weston i Commercial club., lopsy IW rany The last number capped the
The road to the depot was care- The member, of the Saturday r i .i.-
Worth WatU and Gail William
General Insurance I
M Real Estate
Do you want to tell your X
property 7 If it it saJable
! Cleaning
Men's and
Women's Suits
Yellow and White
fully inspected by the party and it
is understood that the results of
Manager O'Drien's visit encourage
the hope of early improvement of
this important local highway, which
has long needed attention.
Mr. O'Brien was escorted about
town and visited the leading stores.
He was also taken on a motoring
trip through the adjacent wheat
country, which he declared he had
never seen to better advantage.
TERMS CASH At Leader shop.
Each Pacific Coast State to
Get at Least One Tank to
Aid Fifth Drive
Afternoon Club entertained their
husbands with a Topsy-Turvy par
ty Thursday evening, April 1st. All
Fools' Day was manifested by the
grotesque costumes donned for the
occasion and the circuitous route
by which the final destination was
reached was a veritable
' Unique sports, including an arch
ery contest, contributed to the eve
ning's entertainment. At midnight
delicious refreshment were served,
after which the strains of "Home,
Sweet Home" announced the hour
of departure.
Special mention is due Mrs. Rich
gave a demonstration of feminine
gymnastics in jumping, boxing and
many other novel stunt. The scene
created much merriment.
The remainder of the evening waa
mystic ttjngjjnjf 0f pUnL.) inj wafers, lee
cream and cake were served by the
3. A. Churchill, stale superintend
ent of public instruction, and W.
W. Green, county superintendent,
visited and instccted tho Weston
schools last Friday. They express-
ard Morrison and Mr. J. W. Porter e uieiweim " nigniy pieaaea
for the fantastic conception of their wiUJ lhe mwiner n which the achool
R. L. Reynaud j
We will crush your cob corn for you, or shell and crush it;
or, if "dry, grind it into corn meal.
respective regalia.
work here is conducted.
(a beautiful line)
if OSS 1
umihire Store
--'''' ,
Twelve tanks which have been as
signed to the Twelfth Federal Reserve
District for use during the Victory
Liberty Loao drive opening April 21
hare been assigned to the seven states
In the district so that eacii state In
the district will get at least one of the
tanks to display during the campaign
The tanks have been ash'zned as (ol
lows: Two to Washington, one to
Oregon, one to Idaho, one to Utah,
on to Nevada, two to Northern Call
fornla and two to Southern California
and Arlsona. The remaining two tank
are to be carried o- special troaby
trains wbicb will tcur the district
Tanks In Sham Battle
Veterans of tbe American Ekpedl
2 tlonary Force wbo have seen actual
service In France will be th drivers
ft of tbe tanks during the campaign. Be
n fore being distributed throughout the
v. district for the opeclng of tht, earn
palgn tbe tanks will parade In Ban
Francisco and give a sham battle.
u All of the tanks are being shipped
from tbe East direct to San Francisco.
U They are due to arrive there about
April 6 when they will be taken to a
U four acre tract near tbe Southern Pa-
J clflc freight yards and assembled by
tbe men who are to drive them. Each
of tbe tanks will be armed wltb a
Martin machine gun or S7 M M. smoke
bombs with special plctols and lights.
Display of War Relics
In addition to the tanks tie special
trophy trains will carry a complete
display of relics wblcb have been
gathered on tbe battlefields of Franc
and wblcb have been Mpped back to
this country since the signing of the
armistice. Accompanying each of th
trains will be an American war hero
wbo will speak for the Victory Loan.
One of thr trains will tour 'b North
west and the other will travel through
California and the Southwest
Mail. Your
t ptoi
Tallman Drug Co.
for expert finishing.
Each print carries the per
aonal touch,
Msil orders given prompt atten
tion. We pay return postage.
Wall Walla Wash.
The Weston Leader Is on a cash
basis, and positively want no busi J
nes otherwise, Clark Wood, pub- J
lisher. .
produces in the motor those
ideal conditions which cause
it to develop more Power
and Speed, run further on a
gallon of fuel, and really
adds 50 percent to the life
and durability of any gasoline-driven
Box of 60 Tankli TsblnU...
Box of 100 Tankii Tablets..
Will Save Gasclin
The Stransky Fuel Va
porizer is new, it is dif
ferent, it is 'patented
and guaranteed to save
25 to 50 percent in
your gasoline bills.
Raymond V. Sowers
State Agt, Weston, Or.
Baker's Goods
Phone your dray orders,
93, or call at store.
Davis & Ellis
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla Coutity.
In the Matter of the Estate of Mary
E. Henderson, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that (he un
dersigned has been appointed adminis
trator of the above-entitled estate by
the above-entitled court, and as such
administrator has qualified as by law re
quired. All persons having claims
against said estate are notified to pre
sent the same, properly verified as by
law required, to me at Weston, Ore.,
within six months from the first publi
cation of this notice.
I First publication April 4, 1919.)
. Fred R. Henderson,
Practices In all Stat and Kednraf
Courts. -