The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, April 04, 1919, Image 1

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Principal EvinU Wiek
B'rliny Sketched for InfoN
siitlon ol Our Ruder.
Mer th 1UW children r
perted to nroll for boy' tad ilrti'
club work In Oregon this yr.
Oearhart Prb, near Seaside, It to
hsv new lummtr resort hotel rpr
tenting sn Investment or 10.000.
Fir starting In trash piled around
th burner resulted In th destruction
v of th MeKlnley Mwmlll. near Bend.
At a meeting of Heppner lodge No.
ttl. B. P. O. E., It waa definitely de
elded to ret a lodg homo In Hepp
aer. .Ono thousand dollar or mora In,
Jewelry w stolen by burglar from
tha Madtan Jwlry atom at CotUi
Ore re.
A I1.900.0M bead laau proposed In
Linn county for road construction may
bo votes' upon at tha special election
In June.
lucb high pricea nr being offered
already by cannera and shipper for
tlreberrte that It ta aaid there will
be very few berrtea for borne con
sumption. An effort to secure for The Dslle
tb Faclfle coaet manufacturing plant
planned by Henry ford, waa launched
at n meeting of the board of dlrectora
of The Police chamber of commerce.
Mro. R. P. Bolee. widow of a former
Justice of the Oregon supreme court
and member of n widely-known pioneer
family, died In Salem at the home of
her daughter at the age of II years.
A Junketing trip through the Paclfle
northwest as fsr as Seattle Is under
contemplation by the Cberrlans. a
Salem booster organisation, which la
now arranging tentative plana for a
' summer sicursloa.
On Thursday and rrlday, at Eugene,
' will be bald a contention of tb Na
tional Farm Ixan eeeoHsttoee of this
state for the purpose of forming a ,
state association and to discuss nut
ters of mutual Interest.
The llth annual contention of the
lnlfte Coast Rescue and Protective
society embracing Oregon, Washing
ton. Idaho and California, was held
In Portlsnd Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday of this week.
Surveyors ar engaged In locating
the new highway between Pendleton
and Echo. Tb road will be changed
to follow tha Umatilla river and will
be a part of th Columbia river high
war through th oonnty.
" Eugene and Un county will besr
one-half of tha expense of maintain
ing tha federal labor bureau In Eu
' gsn until such a Urn congress
provide for th maintenance of tha
service throughout tha country.
No battleehlp. cruiser or sub
marines ar avallabl tor h Rosa
Festival at Portland In June, accord
ing to a communication forwarded by
Assistant Secretary of th Navy Room
volt, to Representative HcArtbur.
Announcement of th award of a
1178,000 contract to Fordham Mc
Laughlin, of La Pin, for tha comple
tion of tha Morson Irrigation project,
between La Pin and Crsscsnt. and
mbraelng IT,00 acrss, was mad. '
Governor Olcott has reappointed as
members of the taU board of halth
Dr. P. M. Brook of Portland and Dr.
Andrew C. Smith of Portland. Ha
also has appolntsd Dr. W. B, Mors
of Bslera to succeed Dr. A. C. Beeley
of Rotsburg.
Th publlo rvlc commission wsi
not able to Issue It ordsr In th Pa
cific Tslephon rat ess by April 1,
aa It had sipected. but an effort Will
be mad to get th ordsr out bsfor
April 80. Th case U on of th most
voluminous aver beard by th publlo
ssrvlc commission.
Th big Job of charting th unsur
veyed marsh landa of th lower Klam
ath lake, which has bssn going on tor
th psst three month under th di
rection of Fred Mench, United States
. cadastral engineer from Portland, has
been completed to far at can be done
at th present tlm.
Consumers of gt and electricity
must pay an Increased rata for these
commodities In the town of Ross
burg, Orsnta Pass, Medford, Ashland,
Talent and Phoenix. The publlo serv
lc commission sntersd an order grant
ing to the Oregon Oa Eleetrlc com-,
pany authority to lncres Its rates,
the order being effective April 1.
The referendum can not be Invoked
by the peopl of Oregon on th Joint
resolution adopted by the last legis
lature ratifying th national prohibi
tion amendment to the federal const I
1'ii'cn. Attorney General Drown took
tli'.a I'oslllnn In an opinion to Beer
lury of Slate Otcitt. Referendum
petitions had been filed with the sec
retary of slat to be referred to the
attorney generel for a ballot title. The
attorney general declined to prepare
the ballot title. He pointed out thst
under th lew of Oregon a referen
dum can apply only to the lawmaking
power of the legislature, and that bills
or art may b referred, hut not resolution.
I. W. Brewer, farm help specialist
for Oregon for th reel year and a
half, bss tendered hie resignation to
the government, effective June I, to
entr the employ of the Calcadero De
hydrating company at Alasradero, Csl.
A suit for ll.S0S.800 was filed In the
circuit court at The Dalles by C. D.
Charles of Portland, fiscal agent,
against tha Oregon Proepectlng Pro
- moling Co., slso or Portland. The eult
Involves valuable power rights on tb
Deschutes river In Waeco county, In
which Mr. Charts claim a hair In
tereet Oeorg Sydman, II year old, ot
Denmark. Or., waa shot and killed In
a danc hall at Langlola. In Curry
county, by George D. Chenoweth of
Denmark, a veteran ot the Canadian
army and acting Joint representative
for Coos and Curry county In th Or
goo legislature. Family trouble la re
ported to bav been th caus of tha
The alfalfa acreage ot central Ore
gon will be Increaeed by 20 per cent
s a result of the Incressed alfalfa pro
duction campaign carried on by tb
Ftret Nations) bank ot Bend. Th bank
ha supplied over 200 farmer with
2S.0O0 pounds ot high testing alfalfa
seed, and has also arranged to finance
th farmer for a year In the purchase
ot tb seed.
R. A. Booth of Eugsne will remain
aa a member of th state highway
commission until all contract tor
work to b completed tbl year ar
warded by the commission. Mr.
Booth announced this decision, fol
lowing a conference with Governor
Olcott, at which road matters a re
lating specially to aoulhorn Oregon
were discussed.
The bureau of public road agreed,
In a conference with Senator McNary,
to share half of th cost of construc
tion or a hard surfaced road from Mad
ford to Crater Lake national park and
from" Klamath Falla to Crater Lak
National park, provided the Oregon
siste highway commission will desig
nate those rosds aa part of th high
way system to be Improved under th
federal aid act
The elty of Portland may have th
expert services of John Dlller, a noted
government geologist, to examine Bull
Run lake at to It feasibility tor stor
ing the city's water supply, provided
th municipality will pay hi travl
expense to th Paclfle coast and back
again, together with Incidental ex
penses, according to a letter sent to
Representative McArthur by the ge
ologic! survsy.
Oovsrnor Olcott hat requested Mrs.
R. J. Hendricks of Salem, president ot
th Oregon chapter ot th Amorlcan
War Mothr' association, and Will
Moor ot Portlsnd. president of th
Oregon chopter of tha Association
of Fsthsrs of 8otdler and Sailors, to
appoint committees to deolda upon a
memorial In honor of tba 116th n
glnsars, which was made up of men
from Oregon, Idaho and North Dakota.
Th memorial will b placed at the
tat capltol. '
Governor Olcott ha announced ap
pointment of the member of th Ore
gon stats land settlement commission,
which was created by an not passed
by th recent Ugtslatur. A th act
carried an emergency claus It 1 now
in affect and th appointments be
com ffeotlv Immediately. Mem
ber of th nw commission ar at
follow: Emory Olmttead. Portlands
Robert N. fitanfleld, Stantleld; Whit
ney L. Boise, Portland; Q. H. Bakr,
Band) Charles Hall, Marshfleld.
Contingent upon their ability to
mak financial arrangement and up
on th dacltlon ot th Portland dis
trict freight traftio commtttea of tha
United Stat railroad administration
to grant an attractive rat on lumber
tor outward shipment, th Paclflo at
Eastern railway will return opera
tions. Thla road, running S3 miles out
ot Medford to Butta Falla, went Into
receivership early thla year because
of Its Inability to earn enough to pay
operating charge, and it renewal f
train aervlc will b a ourc of Joy
to lumbr producer ot southern Ore
gon now without means of transport
ing thslr product to outsld market.
III!' Amr : Mm
mi . 1 1 ljl 11 m-
mhm .,n , 11 L 1 II l- Minftk
w PfipiiiiiPili r f :
American Embassy in Mexico
City Instructed to Make
Washington. The Amerlcsn em
bsssy at Mexico City was Instructed
to make Inquiries concerning the re
port that the Mexican government has
granted agricultural concessions to
Japanese In Lower California and to
report the facts' aa quickly aa possible.
No official information has reached
tha department about the concessions
nd surprise wss occasioned by the
dispatch from Mexico City quoting
General Amado Agulrlr. under secre
tary ot development and agriculture,
aa saying they had.been granted.
The American government Is Inter
ested both because ot the apparent
success of Jspanes In obtaining a
long-sought foothold In Lower Califor
nia and because the tract ot land In
volved waa developed and Is claimed
by an American company, whose
lights war declared forfeited by th
Mexican government In 1917.
The land, upwards ot a million acres
below th California border, waa
granted by the then President Dial
to tb California & Mexican Land Co.
of Los Angeles. It wss desert land with
nothing growing on It but sagebrush,,
cactu and chaparral. Tho American
company spent more than 11,000.000
In irrigation work before the tract
was productive. On of the require
ments ot th concession wit thst th
land should be Irrigated. Another
wit that It should be settled with
farmers ind rancheri, Both these re
quirements gr ld to hiv been mt
Pirit. Report to tha French for
elgn office Indicate th Hungarian rev
olution was staged largely with the
purpos of testing the strength ot the
will or the" entente powers and was
designed to frighten them with the
Idea that Germany might also rapidly
Marshal Foch left Parts for Spa to
meet Mathlaa Erxberger to discuss
with him the allied demand that Polish
troops be permitted to use the port of
Danslg. 1 The marshal has received
full powers to negotiate with German
representatives. Ha will bo in con
stant communication witn me councu
of four.
The Interallied shipping commls-
sten has completed preparations' fT
transport the Polish troops to Danzig.
Documents in possession ot the
French and Roumanian governments,
newspapers say, prove thst the advent
ot the communist regime tn Hungary
was due In grest part to a maneuver
of Count Karolyi, In conjunction with
the German government The move
ment was aimed directly it the allied
powers, It is said.
Burleson Makes Official Announce
ment of 20 Per Cent Advance.
Washington. Postmaster General
Burleson announced an Increase of 20
per cent In the rates for United Statea
domestic telegrams, effective April 1.
Day letters and night letters shall
be computed as at present hut charg
ed for on the bisis ot the new rates.
Night messages will be charged for at
an Increase ot 20 per cent over exist
ing night message rates.
' Th rat Increases ordered, accord
ing to Burleson, "are made necessary
to meet the Increased cost of opera
tion occasioned by wage Increases
now In effect, made during the past
year." The 20 per cent increase or
dered, he says, is "barely sufficient"
to meet wage raises.
, Missouri Suffragists Win.
Jefferson ' City, Mo. The Missouri
senate passed the senate suffrage bill
granting women the right to vote for
presidential electors and Immediately
afterward adopted a resolution sub
mitting to the voters a constitutional
amendment tor woman suffrage in alt
election. The senate's action Is con
sidered at ending the women's fight,
ai the house It overwhelmingly for
' May Accept Root' Suggestion.
Paris. Commenting on the six
amendments to the covenant of th
league ot nation suggested by Ellhu
Root it was ssld by one 'of the legal
specialists associated with the Amer
ican peace conference delegation that
he believed all the amendments wer
acceptable to the American delegation.
New York. The start ot the United
States navy's attempt to cross the
Atlantlo ocein on a heavler-thm-alr
machine will take place on the first ,
cleat diy In Miy.
Polndexter Invited to Debate,
j. Tacoma. Wash Senator Miles Poln
t dexter has been naked to debate on
the league ot nations her April C, It
was announced, with Bishop Frederick
W. Keator as his opponent
Work will start on the Mount Hood
loon as quickly as possible and the
project wyi be com.pJete4.Jn Jwo. jeer.
wfuiln uie roretu reserve, mn
one ot the various matter determined
at a conference between tha stat
highway . commission and Dr. L. I.
Hewcs and George H. Cecil, represent
ing the federal government There are
27.S mile within the forest and the
rosd will be 16 feet wide, of dirt, and
cost $514,000. This cost will be divided
equally between the government and
the state.
The state lime board, in session at
Gold Hill, ordered the official in,
charge of the state lime plant to re
sume operations at once with convict
labor. A crew of ten men will be
employed. The output is to be 30
tons a day. The unfilled orders for
immediate delivery amount to 1000
tons and at the rate the orders are
coming in daily they may amount to
another 100 tons before the sprinj
sesson closes. All orders for the
present will be filled at S1.75 per ton
f. o. b. at Gold Hill, pending an ad
justment between the cost of free and
convict labor.-- ' ' ' v - "
Tillle dinger says that one reason
why she hates to rake dictation from
her new bos is because when be la
chewing tobacco he can't talk, and
when he Isn't chewing he can't think.
Galveston JJewa,
$73,000 DAILY
War Department 'CuU Ex
penses on Meat Shipments
for the A. E. F.
Thousands of tons ot boneles best
was shipped to the American Expe
ditionary Forces in order to cut tb
cost of transportation and eave valu
able fielght space. This is only one
ot scores ot ways in which the gov
rnment eliminated unnecessary ex
pense In the endeavor to make every
dollar raised through the four popular
Liberty Loans go as far as possible
By shipping all meat for the over
seas troops with the bones cut out t
the peeking houses In America It has
been estimated that a saving of $73,000
dally waa made. The suggestion to
ship the meat In this economical man
ner was made by an army man after
he watched thousands of tons go for
ward by the old method. A carcass
of beef contains twenty-five pounds of
bone to every hundred pounds ot meat
and requires twice tb shipping space.
It is with such unanswerable argu
ments aa these thst the government is
replying to tho charges that money
was carelessly spent during the war
miking necessary the calling of th
Victory Loan.
Men Elected By Workmen Take
Places At Heads of Busi
ness Institutions.
Vienna. Following th practice i"t
Into effect by the Rueslan soviet gov
ernment at Moscow, bank presldprtv
In Budapest have become mere figure
heads, while soviet clerks administer
the business. Rent no longer ar
paid' to- Isndiords, but to the govern
ment, which Is represented by the
Janitors. The store have been nation
alised and tb bead of factories have
been replaced by those elected by th
workmen. r.r
The banking business la being ban
'dlcapped under the new regulations.
No one la allowed to draw out more
than 1100, except In the payment of
salaries. A check must be signed by
all the trustees before It la submitted
to a bank where It I honored.
' All estate bav been appropriated
by tha government American offi
cials ar well treated by the Hun
garian official, and American cour-
lera ar allowed to pass in and out of
Budapest without hindrance.
Count Karolyi' position has not
been damaged by -th new regime, ac
cording to political obeervers, who say
he cleverly vacated hi position as
provisional president by shifting re
sponsibility for th course of vnt
to th allies, and then urging rej at
ance against the entente, which re
sulted ta a union of the social demo
crat and the communists.
In Ciecho-Slovaiia it is reported
that uprisings have occurred. New
s ot Hungarian bolsbevlsm has spread
rapidly and tha revolutionary spirit in
West Ckralne and Roumanla I said to
be Increasing.
3000 1.1EII OF 91ST .
New York. With more than S000
officer and men ot the Slst division
national army, Washington, Oregon,
California. Nevada, (Utah. Montana
and Wyoming the steamship Siboney
arrived from St Nazatre Monday.
These Included the 363d infantry's
headquarter of the 2d battalion,' the
supply company and companies F. O
and H, 39 officers and 861 men. for
Camps Kearney, Lewis, Taylor, Dodge,
Funaton and Sherman, and the 364th
Infantry' field and staff headquarter
of the 3d battalion, headquarters of
the supply and machine gun compa
nies, ordnance and medical detach
ments and companies A, B. I, K, L
and M, SI officers and 2069 men, tor
Camps Kearney, Lewis, Sherman, Tay
lor, Grant Dix. Dodge and Funston.
Thro American to Go to Pari In
Behalf of Ireland.
Washington. Passport were grant
ed by th stat department to Frank
P. Walsh,' former Joint chairman ot
tho war labor board: Edward F.
Dunn, former governor ' of Illinois,
and Michael K. Ryan, former Pennsyl
vania public service commissioner,
who are going to Pari to present Ire
land's claims at th peace conference
aa spokesmen of the Irish race con
vention held last month at Philadel
phia. Mr. Walsh and Mr. Ryan said that
the purpose ot their mission wss "to
obtain tor th delegates selected by
the people of Ireland a hearing at th
peace conference."
Tribute Paid to Norway By Heut.
Paris. Norway was praised as a
friend of the entente by Colonel E. M.
House when the Norwegian delegation
on the league of nation was presented
to him by Leon Bourgeois, French
member of th league of nations com
mission. "No neutral nation gav the1
entente mors help than Norway," Col
onel Hons told th delegation, "War
Christlanla not so remote from th
center of European activities, Col
onel House added, "that city would
have been suggested as th seat of
th league of nation"
Train Carry 112,000,000 For Orient
. San Francisco. Th two richest
treasure trains that ever crossed th
continent arrived here with 112,000,000
In silver bullion, being shipped by tha
United States government to India for
th account ot th British government