The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, March 28, 1919, Image 4

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a.m ifttiiiitiftin MA MitfP
to Weston and vicinity. Wc like you so far and we
want you to like us. Come and Size Us Up-
it will cost you nothing. Read us between the lines
(or blinkers) and when you have work in our line
you will know whether you wish to
SAFETY FIRST-Wc guarantee our vork
and our guarantee means just what we say, straight
Estimates cheerfully given. We will put your
car in shape for Bum Roads, and then you are ready
for the
Firestone, Federal, Goodrich and
I (a dandy line.)
iiAMnrD&lf fTt A clinnon' rrrpnsv Iclnrl
iuWiwuiWM w "1TVJ f
that stays.
The only Ford Authorized Sales and
V Service otaiion in town, nace jrum wuci
now. The only way you can secure new Fords is
by ordering.
O. A. ADAMS, Man'gr
that the whole family
Jack Calder and family are mov
imr soon Into the S. V. Knox cot.
tag. " ' uk at leant 3 or 4 Uoeea of a N
Ernest Marvh and MeLain broth- thoro, purifying, system cleaning $
era are dehorning ami branding medicine thia apring. Now Ja the J
their cattle on Pry cm, time. The family will be health- ,
, Rh,H,e ..,und IW SKfiKSS
ing-$1.60 persuing of 15; $8.00 Bton.h ,ml bowola clean-
per 100. Mm. A. A. hees. rf m, mmt of wntcri g
After an extended visit here, Mr. accumulated in the system, driven d
ami Mrs, v raig iitiskcii ieu cw- nway. iioiuaier a nwny nuuiuiu
urduy on their return to Montana. Tea is one of the very Ut and 4!
... . . miwl Sitpini nuxliWnnt to take. Jt
f. ... ... .
known pioneer residents, la serious
ly ill at hi home on Water street.
Jack Read of Athena made an
especially pleasant call at the Lead
er ofliee yesterday and went away
with our autograph.
While on his motjjrinjr trip into
California Bud Nelson ran Into such
rough going that he had to ship
his Chalmers 300 miles by train.
A new way of working the road
has been developed by Roy May,
who went out Wednesday with a
disc and scarified the snow-covered
highway on Weston mountain. It
was full of drifts ana me anus
were full of holes.
Sumrel A. John: an Oregon pi
necr of 1852, psjwed away a few X
days ago at his home In lrtland.
Mr. John was one of Weston's fore-
most citiiens in its stage-coach
days, and built the St. John'a hotel, A
destroyed in early years by fire.
Considerable re-sreding is now y
in nrosrress in the Weston country. A
who have found tnis
Vho llnmatchable Six
If you aro in the market for a car ft demon
stration will convince you that this car will out
perform any light six on the market; that in
..i.nno. ri,rTirwiniit. convenience, finish and
medicines t take. A ulu " . Y ,' nnn Un
Get it and sec the difference In the i ClUSS It nas no comvniui w iw.jv.v
whole Tamily. Their color win iw jj price
letter, they'll feel fine and be well ,! 1
and happy. II. Goodwin. auv. jj
TERMS CASH -At Usdor shop. .l...-,
A. W. Lundoll, Agt.
Amonir those
of theiSjare'wi'S we soid more hats last Saturday than were
.in. Marion Hansel I. Alick John- V . - ...... . i , mi
on, Jw.Key-M ; priSJ' ever sold in one day in the history ot tne score, ine
cu'iieyTj. MBanisJer.1 ' X reason is plain: Our stock is satisfactory; no care
eeuia .has been spared to select for our customers the best
Weston hardware and Implement jt , (Vl 1 Tn o. rof nf lr vnoivmnr
dealers, arc about to branch out by Y Tne IHUl UllUIUa. C cllt; wuomhiwj vvuiufe
taking over the H. A. Barrett im- , , U4-U LnmnnA onrl cVinnnc trinf
Y IlCVV IlcllO, UUtll tilllllllVU CVliV UIIUJ'VU vkuw -w
element stock at Athena. Both the
UWnn and Athena establishments
will be conducted by the local firm, A
it is said, if the deal goes through,.
Captain C. H. Smith of the Med- X
ical Detachment. 361st Infantry. T
has reported at Winchester, Eng-
trimmed to suit your wishes.
land, for post graduate work in an
English medical college, inis win
occupy him until July, when he ex
pects to sail for America. Sergeant
Elmer Tucker of the same detach
ment, who was with Captain Smith
Ladies' Coats
Rudolph Proebstel is also
Charles Cain of the United Brok- 361st
ers, Portland, was in Weston thia On the first of April George
week and accompanied Andy l . hit will enter the employ
Barnett, produce buyer of the ternational Harvester Comj)any
Weston Mercantile Co., on a hike selling agent and mechanical ex
through the upland regions. He pert trhoughout Eastern Oregon,
bought 1693 sacks of potatoes at His family will continue to reside
prices ranging from $1.25 to $1.40 jn Weston and he will make his
per sack. Mr. Cain will be back headquarters here. While Mr. Nes
were soon on another visit, and mean- bit will have to do with the general
while local growers who may wish run 0f machines put out by the big
to sell are requested to notify Mr. concern, he will chiefly handle corn-
It is said that a perma- bines and tractors. The experience
Weston spuds is ha hn arouired while, with the firm
due to be established through the 0f Watts & Rogers will come into
United Brokers if local growers good play in assuming his reponsi
exercise care in grading their ble new position.
Expert dentistry prices reasona
ble. Dr. Sponogle, Athena.
Earl Rose and Will Payne
business visitors in Pendleton Mon
. .. . n . .. Barnett
Mr. and Mrs J. J market for Wegton
came in from Dry creek Wednes- . . . .-u,:-,! th
day and were guests at the DeGraw
The J. C. Turners have rented
j! Naw o-nrmpnfs nrp ronstantlv beincr added. It will
in field station service at tne ngni- y " ' Ov , . , , .
'7JrL:Kr pay you to spend an hour m this department. If
., , .' , r. i .i ...:.u it... I 1 . i 1 i 1 111 L. ZL 4r.. ..a
w.u. we ao noc nave wnac you Wisn we win gvi n xur yvu.
wrge Nes- A
of the In- Jf mm Ml l Jl
Direct from the east received but yesterday
a new shipment of these handsome garments; the
Y HCVV UlalUO 111 DUIVO aiiu vvvvi mv; avviHvmv viv x
a sKirr. niaicea. d ain anu iancv. inu lvvu iuih.e,
Y 7 X 1 1 1
aodUJLilig tiial iiiuiviuuam,y ui oijiv; ov umwi mvuuvui
brick cottage on north Water street to California, Texas and Arizona
and will make their home in Wes- points. "0" 10 SUOSOlMrS
ton for a few montns. . . . . n t,. tf this notice is marked It sitmi
George Blomgren, who has been Knighta of Pythias will be held ,fles that your subscription expires
under Dr. McKinney's care at his April 19 in the Eagle-Woodmen April 1, 1919. We would most
fnwn. ii recovering. A hail Pondlpton A nrntrram will be gratefully appreciate your prompt
threatened attack of typhoid fever given in the afternoon. In the ev- renewal. V
was averted. minir there will be third rank com- Subscription rates by the year, A
im.. t-'na. oafi, petition between teams representing $2.00; six months, $1.00; three &
Hotel ArTonaut San Eranc sco and the old and the young knights, months 60 cents .
htel S'il Only 25-year veterans willbeeligi- The Leader Is invariably discon
Sdv tTme." Tey fllSK ble for the old team. In certain tinued at expiration.
moving farther south. 5S5f!!!Tr
Sergeant Earl
Twelfth Balloon
G. Olson
of the
Cl T nun. 1ietti.f flonn t V ann
M . Ul UUW UIOMJV. UlMb,, t '
landed T Of Mar,n mutD-
last Saturday at Newport. News, excheauer. have direction of the
Virginia, according to a telegram event M chairman and secretary,
received by Robert Hodgson. 'respectively.
The Victor H. Chastains have Mr. and Mrs. Allen Richal and
disposed of their drug store at Lew- Mr.- and Mrs. E. C. Rogers left
iston, Idaho, and have located on Wednesday by automobile for Wash,
the Chastain farm in the Walla Wal- tucn, Wah., t0 attend the wed-
la valley. They expect to build a 6-mg ot Misg Hazel Dowd and Mr.
modern iarm resiuence on ine prop- Butle Smitn . bride-to-be is
crty. the accomplished and
Church of' the Brethren Sunday
school at 10 a. m. Preaching at
11 a. m. C. W. S. at 6:30 p. m.
Bible Study, Life of Christ, at 7:30 V
p. m. i. H. Gordon, elder. i
Methodist Church Sunday school W
at 10 a. m. Preaching services at
11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Epworth
Prayer meeting
t i a. an
" ijrauEue UL u.ovi
popular rhttnutav ovpnlnir. R. E. PowpII.
Mm. k. m. warren was cai ea aauenier vi mr. anu ir. n. n.
ctnati tn MnrvaviJlp. Wash., bv Dowd. formerly of Weston
the serious illness of her daughter, has been engaged in teaching since un. Breu. v-,-
... . i - a . iir -t. :., ciki Iflir at 11 A. rn. Bnu B D Tii
Miss Kay Warren, wno nas oeen graauaunf? ironi w nbmiiKivn ounc - . ln,nn t a
teaching school there. Miss War- College. Mr. Smith is in the em- Sunday school 10.00 a m. V
ren was
VtVV ' v - -----
left in a weakened condi- ploy of the United States govem-
ir t .... i. :n - l .ftimwl Dt Hum, lulu, mecung at f p. m. rraycr miw
livn aJ an ot-vekwi vi iiuiuvuivut ...-..p -
n ft f Ifi . ,. . He came back to the sUtes for the t Wednesday
Cornoral Charles Bulnnch. late of . .i . . Wrlocle. nastor.
the United Stetes Marines, left Sun- brjdeP Baptist Church-The tturch with
day for New York City, where he mrdial welcome for all. Sundav
expecU to fit himself forabus.ness The Leader has received a . letter hoo, o'clock, preaching at
ii-r Hb wi l take the commer- from a Pilot Rock baseball fan , .s .i' iu.
cial course at either Columbia Col- who wants Weston to put a team , ,
leee or Packard's Commercial into the field this season and resume H
School Its pleasant sporting relations with
While E. O. DeMoss and son k- He advocates Indcpend
were in Pendleton Saturday Miss eni Da"'
Ruby Price had charge of the local Five farm horses Monging to
telephone exchange. Patrwis were Lewis H. lhmd are sick with an un
delighted with the admirable eer- known disease, resembling blind
vice rendered during the absence of staggers, at his place in the uplands.
ruwfed a Mr. liowd has communicated with
iUI. jw.vw, , . , ,
.vacation anyhow. . the state veterinarian. lisher.
Wc arc headquarters for shoes for men, women and
THE ARMY SHOE for men, so much desired, at
$5.50, $6.00 and $6.50. This is the most practical shoe for
men, both from the standpoint of comfort and service.
Beautiful New Tans, both low and dressy heel.
, 4
Black for every use Mary Jane Oxfords, Oxfords and Pumps. X
You are urged to visit our big, clean, attractive f
grocery, where there is everything to eat.
Talk to us about potatoes, We are fortunate $
in having a market and can handle your stock.
Bring us your produce; we can handle it. But- X
ter, eggs, turnips, carrots, etc. - V
ncss otherwise. Uark wood, pui Y
at 2:30 p. m.
Wednesday evening.
V. A
. &
T(ip WMtun 1juAtr in on a MKh 1
basis, and positively wants no busi
Also preaching at eight
In the evening. W. R.
Storms, pastor.
Christian Science Society Ser
vlcea Sunday at 11 a. m. Water
street, near Main.