The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, March 28, 1919, Image 1

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V VUll'IU - M M M ; 7 . . ,
y Mr. Sarah A. Evane.tate Chair,
man, Woman' Liberty Lean
Commltte f Oregon
Thl I lo b lb Ut liberty
That word w nd lo you, allll
thrilling with tha Joy that wa our
when lhy em to ua; not fur Ih
promise or work eurtallail: not (or the
lining of a financial burden from
weighted shoulders, but (or their re
sounding cry of victory, heralding
thanksgiving rail to all lb nation or
the earth.
fix month aco we urged you to
dedicate your services and your money
,to the uae of the government that vic
tory might be our. The magnificent
response from the women of Oregon,
and other tati, by (heir ronaerrated
loraliy and generou uiwrt played no
mall part In bringing Joy to"tb world
on Ih eleventh of lat November. Our
money, lavlst'y loaned and used, waa
the dynamic fore that prostrated the
Herman barbarian, and atopped lb
laughter of our aplendld manhood.
The magnitude of our preparation
atrurk terror to (he enemy, for It Im
plied th obligation America bad Uken
upon herealf, and br grim dtrmlna
tloa to a ft through to a glorlou
4 : -
V I.
. . i
1 t
. ':,-f-i "'
Tha victory ha been won, but nave,
wo caneeled all our obligation? Cer
lalnly not until w have paid every
debt Incurred to bring about thl vlo
tory, and honorably return hom overy
toldter who mad It polbl.
Our thank-ottering for th apeedy
do or th wr, th thousand of
live prd, and the untold u(terlng
thua aaved must be th preservation
of th financial Integrity or America,
ind a comprebenalv teadjuatment of
disturbed condition. Thla can only
he don by generou and ready re
ponae to thl last great call THE
Let u rededlcat ourlvi and our
treaaura one more to th cam of
peace, a did th wla men of old who
tby hard from th Judean Hill tha
long of victory:
"Pac on Earns; good will to ma."
It I called tha Victory Lon b
auae th money It will bring In wa
ipent to fore victory over Uerminy.
"Th moat unmitigated cure or tha
L'nlted State I th lack or thrift"
rrank Crane.
Wast nlthr Urn nor moLy, but
oak tba best us or both.
It la foollah to lay out money la a
lurchaM Of repentan..
Money can beget money, and Its off
ering can beget more.
Labor Urging Ownership of Railroad.
Washington. A ayatamatlc attempt
ky organised labor to put through gov
ernment ownership or railroads ha
begun with petition being received
by member or the house and nat.
Th petition, all similar, are being
received rrom all over th country,
and when the pecll eslon or con
grass I clld by Prldnt Wllaon
congremn expect to bo doluged by
ft memorial.
Denmark to Oet Captive.
.Pari. In conformity with th at
titude of th British government, the
French war offic consented to the
Immediate repatriation of German
prlaonera of war born In Danish
Washington. Advlrea to the atalo
iltTai.iii'-nl (mm three widely separ
ated Kurn'Bii smiTi-a tended lo In
t rvas tha aiislcly of tiff,i 'als over Ih
situation In Hungary. Bolshevik el
menla apparently had aaaumed rom
plela control o( the government of
Hudapeat with a threat o( renewal or
There wa no Indication aa to the
eilent or the control or the new re
gime beyond the capital and. In th
abaenca or thla and other detail, of
ficial wer reluctant to dlecuaa th
altuatlon at length. It appeared trom
advlrea. however, that the crlala re
aulted (rom the line of demarkatlon
eatahllahed by the peace conference
In circumscribing the territory of Hun
gary, and tba general economlo altua
tlon In Budapest.
rarta. The condltlonaMn Hungary
aeem lo have affected German Austria.
Advlcea to the American eac con
ference dnlegatea from private agenta
In Vienna Indicate th existence of a
threatening ataU or affelra (her.
On of these agent who h Jut
come from Vienna report that oven
the d( ha been fixed for aom tlm
In April for th trnformUon of tba
eilstlng government Into a ovlt gov
rnment which will co-operat or
merg with th government ot th
Hungarian ovlt
Fart. A special aaloa of both
houses of th American congresa prob
ably will be called to mbl about
the middle or My, th dat when
Preeldeot Wilson hope to return to
th United State.
It I possible that If th treaty of
pec la sufficiently advanced toVsr
rant auch a courae. a special session
of Ih senate may be called vn r
ller to frord It opportunity to dl
with thl ubjct berore being calld
on lo direct It ttntlon to other
important matter, cbler or which will
be rtnanclal affaire.
It la held lo be unnecessary for
rrealdent Wilson to be In Washing
ton when th rail for auch a special
aeaalon la lued for thla may b ca
bled from Parle In advance of hla
departure rrom France. I
Maekay Ousted for Alleged Fllur to
Carry Out Order.
Washington. Potmaatr Ceneral
Burleson removed Clarnc H. Mse
kay. president; W. W. Cook, general
couna!; William 8. Deegan. aecretary,
and th board of director or th
Mackay company, operating th Potl
Telegrph and Telephone system. II
appointed A. T. Adama to uprd
them In the management
In relieving the Mackay group from
connection with ,thelr company, Burle
aon asaerted that they "hav railed to
carry out th order and Instruction
or th postmaster general and have
conducted themselve be for tha pub
lic and with th operating fore In
uch mannr a to dladvantagouly
rfct th lntret of th ovrn-mnt"
Amarloana Nip Plot at Cobleni.
Coblena. Three agltatora, admitted
ly Bpartacan ympathlr, hav con
fessed to th American military au
thorities that they cama Into th oc
cupied area ror th ptirpoM or rurther
ing a movement among th German
workmen to organlie Bpartacan rorce
surnolntly that In time they would
gain atrngth enough to attack the
American oldlr and taka poaelon
of th Cobleni banks and railway ata
ttoni and rolv assistance from un
oceupld Germany.
tYtar Suspension of Immigration Plan;
Aberdeen, Wash. Representative
Albert Johnson, who will be chairman
of the houae Immigration committee
in the next eongres. will reintroduce
on tb firt dsy or th elon th hill
providing ror th suspension of all
Immigration for tha next four yars.
ha announced on hi arrival hom
Anvhow, the war taught the king
a lesson. Soma of them learned
enough to go In out of the reign.
The sultan says Turkey's portlclpa
tlon In the war waa due to accident
It accidentally made a wrong gueaa,
All that the various governments of
Berlin seem to know of their own
wheresbouts is tnt they are on their
State Bjnator Wetter A. tiimlck died
at hla home In Oregon City after aa
illness or ten daya, aged 39 yeara.
An ordinance haa iu Introduced
In th Med ford city council putting a
ban on Sunday dancea and regulating
all public dancea.'
Governor Olcott haa reappointed I.
E. Reynolds, or La Grande, and W. IL
Savage, ot Corvalila, to membership
on the state fair board.
With S7 different klnda or automo
bllea, trucks and tractors on display,
Albany"s first sutomobll show wss
held in the armory there.
Pherman county will conduct a canu
palgn on March 31 to April fi to obtain
complete records of all soldiers, sail
ors snd marlnea of the county.
More than S00 stockmen are expect
ed to Invade Bend on April 22. when
(he annual conven'lon of the Oregon
Cattle and Horse Raisers' association
will bo held there.
Tho weekly bulletin of the depart
ment of labor shows a vast Improve
ment In the employment situation In
Portland, for last week, th urplus
of unemployed dropping rrom 12.000
to 9000.
Walter Hill Kline, or Corvallls. has
presented the Oregon Agricultural col
lege with a collection or framed por
trait or celebrltie, ror tho most part
portraits or th presidents or the
United States.
Following recent action or the Bay
Park and North Bend mllla. the Buch
ner Lumber company, or North Bend,
has announced that beginning April
1 a material reduction In th wge
scale will be made.
Colonel John Leader, In chargv ot
military training in tbo high schools
of the state, will visit high schools In
southern Oregon the week ot April 14.
Ho will Inspect the organizations at
Grants Pass, Medford and Ashland.
Wher only one Deschutes county
rancher was raising purebred live
stock two years sgo. 20 are now add
ing to th quality of their herds by
th Introduction ot thoroughbred sires,
a census or stock, raisers recently
completed shows.
Th Linn county court and county
agricultural agent S. V. Smith, have
declared war on the gray digger squir
rels. The court has advanced S100
with which to buy poisons which will
ba distributed by the county agent
to th farmer at cost '
On hundred thousand theep will
ba under th controf ot Dechutes
national forest officials, It Is estim
ated. In addition to 40.000 which will
grace on the Deschutes' forest about
60.000 In tho Cascade and Santtam
foreata have been transferred to the
administration ot Supervisor Jacobson.
A meeting ot th Western Oregon
Tie 6 Lumber assoclstlon will be held
In Portland on March 29, when an ef
fort will be mjd to units the various
lumber manufacturing associations
and Independent lumbermen In a pro
test sgalnst marketing conditions Im
posed by th railroad administration.
Colonel John L. May, who recently
returned from overaeaa, wher h was
commander of th l2d Infantry, was
named adjutant-general of Oregon, In
an appointment announced by Gover
nor Olcott He eucceeds Adjutant
General Charle F, Beebe, who made
the request to the governor to be
F1MDAY. MARCH 28, 1019
Placed on tne retired list
The Southern Oregon conference of
the 8eventh Dsy Adventists, which
wss In session at Sutherlln during tha
past week, unanimously confirmed th
selection of that plac a permanent
conference head quartern and educa
tional center. The former Sutherlln
hotel building and adjoining property
ha been purchased for us a an acad
emy. With enthusiaatlc expressions ot
mutual good will 300 men and women
ot southorn Oregon attended the get
together meeting of the Grants Psss,
Medford and Ashland commercial
rluba at Medford and pledged them
selves to a program of cooperative
service ror the advancement or the
material prosperity or the Rogue river
State Engineer Lewis. Attorney Gen
eral Brown and Superintendent or
Banks Bennett, comprising the state
Irrigation aecurlty commission, left
Salem Mondsy Tor Echo, where they
will Investigate the Teel Irrigation
project with a view ot certifying St.
100,000 ot the irrigation dlstricta
bond which soon will be placed on
the market
Dealera In gold-tinted wildcat oil
stock and other fraudulent corpora
lions hav reaped a rich harvest in re
cent months among the well-paid ship
yard workers ot Oregon, according to
Corporation Commlsaloner Schulder
man. who has sent printed warnings
brosdeast about th state, advising the
public generally to beware of sales
men for thes out-of the-tta stock
Countlea may have local Issue
placed on the ballot at the pecil eleo
tlon on June 3, although no other
tate-wide measures may be voted on
except those enumerated In the legl
latlve enactment authorising the tlec
tlon. Thla Is tha decision reached In
an opinion given to District Attorney
Gehlhar of Marlon county by Attorney
General Brown.
. Bonds have been sold and the Cf v
tract lot to the Warren Construction
company for the conatruction work
amounting to' 11,000.000 on the Teel
project at Echo, accoHina; to th an
nouncement of th uirector. Th
work will complet an extension of
the project by means ot which about
16.000 acres under the project and
4000 acres on Butter Creek will be put
under wster.
, Th Bend Athletic club Is organis
ing as a sub8ldia.y unit the Bend Rod
and Gun club, with th purpose ot
bettering fish and game conditlona in
central Oregon. Heretofore there have
. been dynamiting of treams. fishrng
and hunting out or sesson and other
' infractions ot the game protective
laws. Th new organisation Intends
to co-operate with the game warden'a
office In doing away with these evils.
New drivewsys, bridges, cansls and
drift fences are Included in th forest
servloe plana tor Improving the gras
Ing rangea on the national foreata ot
Oregon and Washington, according to
District Forester George H. Cecil, ot
Portland. Forty-three bridges, 46 trails
snd drlvewaye. 24 corrala and 43 drift
fencea have already been built to fa
cilitate the handling ot atock on the
national toresta ot the district Water
development hss been made In 206
Officers were elected, finances tem
porarily arranged, and a committee ap
pointed to prepare a statement for the
voters' pamphlet at a meeting of road
enthusiast In Portland to promote the
f2.S00.0O0 bond Issue for the Roose
velt highway. The people will vote on
the proposal to Issue these bonds at
the special election June 3. Tb bond
are contingent on the federal govern
ment matching th sum, and if tb
government decline to act, no bond
will be sold.
A shipment of cranberries was made
rrom the marshes In Clatsop county
to Portland Friday. Tbia la the latest
shipment or this fruit ever made from
the district Crower (eel that the
very fact of their being able to place
berries In the markets at thla time
fully demonstrate the excellent keep
ing quality of the cranberry raised In
this section. The total crop for th
past sesson waa over 3000 barrels of
cranberries. Thla amount ror the 100
acre sot out to vines In Clatsop coun
ty, give an average ot 30 barrels per
A decided Impetus waa given to the
programme for military training in th
high schools ot Oregon when Superin
tendent of Public Instruction Churchill
announced that the war department
through Colonel Howard at Spokane,
ha ottered to furnish all needed uni
forms and equipment to all high
schools which will enlist 100 students
In military organization. Colonel
Howard further promised to furnish
an army officer as instructor for each
high school ot th (tat and wherever
possible, an assistant will be provided
for th iMtructor.
With no power spraying apparatus
available, owners of fruit and orna
mental trees on Hood River city lot
are unable to comply with Instructions
of County Fruit Inspector Frank Stan
ton, who cay that the state horticul
tural laws require that all city trees
affected by diseases that menace or
chard property must be sprayed. Mr.
Stanton will present th predicament
to the county court at It regular ces
sion In April and It la likely that the
city council will be asked to co-operate
in securing effective machinery for
spraying city orchards.
Governor Olcott is entitled to serve
the full four yesrs ot the unexpired
term of the late Governor Withy
combe. He likewise has authority to
resign as secretary of state and ap
point hia successor to that office with
out jeopardizing his right to remain
as governor of Oregon. These are the
salient featurea or a sweeping opinion
handed down by Attorney-General
Brown. The opinion was given at the
request or Governor Olcott who, short
ly after he took, office aa governor,
announced his desire to relinquish the
office ot secretary ot state and nam
a successor if the laws of Oregon
would permit of uch a procedure.
Under the etock-ralsing homestead
law, permitting entrien of landa chief
ly valuable tor grazing and the raising
of stock in tracts of 640 acres or less,
92,686 acres of public land In Oregon
were classified during February, ac
cording to the announcement of Secre
tary Lane, of the department ot the
Interior, through Harry K. Laughlln.
chief of the Portland field division. It
also hss been announced that although
classification jjT th 93.000 acre ot
land involved in the Coo bay wagon
road grant th title to which is now
being contested In th supreme court
by the southern Oregon company, is
being completed with all possible ra
pidity, nothing can be don by persons
who intend to tile entry on this land
until tha case is finally settled.
Will Not Sign Peace That Involve
Los of West Prussia.
Copenhagen. Germany cannot and
will not sign a pcac which involves
th annexation ot Danslg by Poland,
President Ebert declared in a speech
Sunday, a dispatch from Berlin says.
The German president added that
Germany could not give up West Prus
sia or part ot upper Silesia.
Ebert spoke at a meeting called to
protest against the annexation ot Dan
ilg by Poland. He declared that Ger
many was prepsred to agree to the
neutralization of the Vistula, which
would include Danslg as a fre port
The Atistrlnn minister to Swltser
Inml nays the future of his country la
dnrk. Green or blue?
It sometimes seems as If duck hunt
Ing's chief charm lies In th fact that
It isn't one' dally work.
Only a philosopher or a man with
Indigestion can refrain from quarrel
ing with the cost of living.
Despite Armistice, Disburse
ment Have Slackened
Off Utile.
Vwentone months of our war with
Germany cost tba Coiled btaiea
t2.3SS.OOO.')OC, the treasury depart
ment calculates. Although huge muni
tiooa and other eon tract a hav be
cancelled, disbursement have slack
ened off little. Manufacturers are now
presenting their bill and receiving
payment for material deliird,
month ago in th beat of th
Included In th cnoimou total at
f26.336.000.000 I th sum of f7.87u.
000.000 loaned to our Allies. When
we began lending to our Allies. tr.
government contemplated turning
over to them about f500.000.000 a
month but actual loan ordinarily ran
around f380.OOO.0OO monthly.
Of tba tout war bill about fl.0Ofl.
000,000 hav been raised so far by
tb Liberty Loan. Tb (act that
hav not covered our war debt Is tb
reason for th Victory Liberty Loan.
In other word w havat paid (or
th Job-
Th coet of the war to Great Brit
ain was f40.64O.OOO.00O. Germany Is
out f38.7S0.0O0.0OO exclusive of In
demnities tb Allies msy impose.
Herbert Johnson, tb man who draws
those inimitable cartoon for th Sat
urday Evening Post pnt Into black and
white In the March 1 Iesu of tb mag
azine something that every man v ho
owns a Liberty Bond ought to frame.
It la entitled "The Shepherd and the
1p the foreground, ragged t nt In a
."plug" hat and a awallowtaU coat and -with
an avaricious smile on bis fnco,
la a wolf with a grip full ot all sorts of
flim-flam stocks. Speeding towards bini
Is a flock of aheep In the of
humans, each trying to get to the wolf
first with a Liberty Bond to trade (or
the flim-flam atock. Unci Sam, the
shepherd, stands In th background, a '
tonlshed at the sudden Insanity dis
played by his flock. -
Johnson's cartoons are good because
they are always true and always well
done. Tbia one Is particularly true and
exceptionally well done. In a glance
it tells a story that every Liberty Bond
holder onght to heed.
The American buyer of Liberty
Bonds who lets go ot bis bonds for
fake stock, or even for stock that Is
not take, is playing into th hands of
wolves. The wolf always gets the bel
ter ot the sheep, if he dldnt he
wouldn't hav anything to do with th
Every man or woman who owns Lib
erty Bonds can pat It down In his pipe
or her powder-puff any time anybody
offers something for Liberty Bonds
that the Liberty Bonds are worth more
than th thing offered. Johnson shows
his human sheep wearing silly smiles
as they rush for the wolt A man own
ing the best Interest-paying security on
earth ought to wear a silly smile when
ha walks Into a faker'a office to trade
hla Liberty Bonds for worthless stock
or to sell them for less than they ar
worth. Even if on la offered the mar
ket price, one is getting less than th
bonds are worth, because the market
price for bonds now is no Indication
of their real value.
Hold your bonds. Dont ba a
Alt that you hav done before
vVlIl atilt be incomplete
Unless yod buckle to one mora,
Tb- Victory Loan to meet
O'Leary Jury Falla to Agree
New York. After deliberating 54
hours and failing to reach a verdict,
the jury which heard the case ot Jere
miah A. O'Leary. charged with vlolat-'
ing the espionage law, was discharged
by Federal Judge Hnd.
Bolshevik Army Crosse Dniester.
London. A Bolshevik army of 70,
000 men haa crossed th river Dnie
ster, south ot Lemberg, according to
a Zurich dispatch received In Paris.,
t he large number ot peopie wno suc
ceed In restraining the impulse to writ
poetry ar not properly ppreclated by
th cold, crnel world.
A department of human welfare Is
proposed in the cabinet. It is to !
hoped w ar not going to get too Ideal-
Ut'e Mtln tr(eJesl.