r WESTON;' Ll EADER NUMBER 40 VOLUME 41 WESTON, OREGON; Fill D AY, MARCH 7, 1919 - GIFTS TO RED CROSS TOTAL. $400,000,000 JOIN THE LEAGUE OF THE NATION Washington. (Hwlal,) Henry I'. lavloii a chairman ltn Him follow ing statement on behalf of lb War Coutull uf American Bud Cro: To lit American People t Tli War Council of Ilia American Jttd Croat pihiIiiim1 by President Wil ton on May 10, JU1T, lo carry on Hit work of Hit American Red Cms dur ln( Hit wnr, at iliclr riiet and by vol of Hit Central Committee, ceased at nililnlKlir, February I'M "Immediately Hie trmlallit wa Ihihh Hit War Council Instituted tinlle lo deicrniln when Hit strld ly war work of Iha orsiuiUntloii would Imv been auini'li'ally innliirvil In en ahlt Hit direction of affair to be re sumed by tilt pniincnt staff. Henry I'. iHivlwin, Im-Ihk In I'm l ! Hit aniiuilit w signed, summoned a coiifwrrnrt" ther of Hit limd of all Hit Rd I'nuw Coiiimliiiiloiia In Kurop ' lo cniiv Hit aliuiilloit. After, con sidering IMI factor II con cluded lo iimkt Hit l munition on March 1. Hit very fortunult choice of Ir. IJvlii(ion Farrtnd aa Hit new chairman of Hit Central Committee, and thereby Ilia permanent chief tx tcutivt of Hit Bed Croat, make poL lilt Hit consummation of Hila plan uu dee, Hit niott favoratilt condition. Account Audited by War Dprtmnt "Pellled report to Congn and a complete audit of lu account ly Hi War.lieptrtiiietit will roiiMliute Hit Bnal record of Bed front activity dur ln( Hit war. Although It linn been Hit ruin lo Mink iullle all pe"dl turt when authorised and lo plw do tailed Information relative to all work undertaken, Hit War Council In turn ing over ll rpotillllltle to !r. Fur- rand and hla aiwoctiiie doslr lo glv a brief resume of lied f n war Urn aillvlilna to Hit American eopliv to w how Hit Hi1"! Crox bi long, mid w luwt generous contribution hsv made pos sible all Hint lift been aei-omptuiied. "I hiring tht pn nearly iwemyint months Hit ' American Miilt have given In rnh and supplies lo Hit American Bed Cross tnort than IkNMMO. No valut can be placed umn tlit contribution of aervbt which havt been given without ntltit and of letillnte at great aacrlflc by million of our eoplt. "Hit effort of Ih American Ited 'Croat In till war ha emmlluited by far Hit lareenl voluntary gtfii of nioney, of hand and heart, ever con Iribuied purely for Hie relief of hu man anffcrtng. ThroiiBli the Ited f wt the bonrt and vplrlt of the whole American peoplt biivo bccii iiioblllxed to lake rare of our" own, to relieve Hit mlMci-y Incident the war, and nlno o reveal to Hit world Hit tuprtmt Idenla of our nailonnl life. "Kveryono who ha bnd any part In thl war cfforl of Hit Ited f ro I en titled o conurtituliite lilmMf. No (bank from anyone could bt equal In valut lo (bt elf aiitlsfartlon tvery mi abnuid feel for Hit ftnrt Inken. Fully 8,0(10,000 American womet havt exerted tbvmselrt ia Bed CroMi serv ice. Ha Ovr 17,000,000 Adult Mmbr. "When wa entered Hit wnr Iht American lied Croa had about rHi,000 memlitr. Tottny, a the result of Hit recent Clirlstnin meniliersbtp Boll Cull, there art upward of 17.000,(100 full paid member outside of Hit mem ber of th junior Bed Cross, number ing perbnp 0.000,000 tchool children addltlnnnl. "Th etilef effort of Jht Bed Cross during tbt war. Im beep to care for . our men in service mm to aiu our army and nnvy wherev or the Hod Cro may bt colled on to o assist. A. to Ibla phase of th work Burgeon Hen era I Ireland of tlit 17. 8. Army recent? ly said ; Tht lied Cross lui bcn an enterprise ns vnt n the wnr Itself. From Hie beginning It hn duno those thing which (be Army Medical Corps wanted done, but could not do Itself.' Tb Bed Crosa endeavor In Franca ua nnturnlly been upon an exception ally large sen I where service ha been rendered to Iht Amerlcnn Army and to the French Army and the French people a well, (he latter par ticularly during tht trying period when tbt Allied World wn waiting for Ihe American Army to arise In force and power. Hospital emergency orvlee for our army In France tins greatly diminished, but (halted Cross I atlll being called upon for service upon-a lurg scale In the grent base hospitals, where thousands of Ameri can tick and wounded are still receiv ing attention. At these hospitals the Bed Crosa supplies but and facilities for th amusement and recreation of th men a they necomo convalescent. Our Army of Occupation In Oormnny ws followed with Medical unit pre pared to render the Mine emergency aid and aupply aervlce which was th primary huslnes of the Bed Cross during hostllllli'B. The Army Canteen ervlet along tb line of travel bus nctmilly Inrrensed Ineo the arinlHtlc. "As for work mining Hit French peo ple, now thiit lioattlltlca have censed, (lie French theinselve naturally pre fer a far a possible to provide f their own. It bus accordingly been tie- icrtniiicit nun Hie iiHlti.iitf pniio pit or Hi'd f nw IkiIIih In Ki'iiui't lii'io i riirlli shall be lo Imv punctilious regard to It every r-H Hini t ill 1 1 ', lull lo direct Its tenons iirliniirlly lo agisting FreWh relief Soclotlt-a. Tim lllieritetl and devaluated regions of France but been divided by Hie government Into mull districts, tacit ollli'lully ami lined lo a denlKiialed Krviirli relief ornuiil union, "lbo AitH'rlenn Ited Croa work In Km nee win, Inllliilml by n riiimiiltlnii of elclileeti men who IiiiiiIimI mi Kreni'h hori' June 1.1, SUIT. Mnr llo-n oine ti.mxi (M't-Niim have been Uhii tba roll In I'riiiu-e, of wlioiii 7.1 "Hi wert arllvely eiiifnifeil wbeti Hi nrmUllit wii kilned. Au Imtlnillon of Hit pre enl acnln of Hit work will be obtnlned from Hit fuel Hint Hie i-rvlce,of n.mio Miriti are mill reiiilreil, "Our Amerlenn Kxwlltloiiry r'ont liRvtng largely vvai'iinttd Knulnnil, Hi 4 tiiilvlilfn of the lied fro Oiminla , lon there art naturally upon a dluiln lulling wule perlixl. Active operation art atlll In proire In Arilmnuel and Wlierlo, -The work In I inly bin beer almJint entirely on Indinlf of the rlvlllnn pop ulation of llmt eoumry. In Hit rrlllenl hour of Italy' etru'lo tlm Amerlran (wopfe, Hirouuli Hielr Hi'd fnw, tent prni'tli-nl nieawign of nyuipatby and relief, for wbb'h ilm lioviTiiinrnt and pent'l of Italy Imv never cvaed Jo expre tb-jlr eralltudo, 6urpH and Pronnl tt Niar Eaat. "Tlit oceiieloii for ii'-U itMHM-nlnt-Hon of ('(Tort In Italy, riiiflitnd, llvl K I hiii ii nl even lii Km nee having tiittiir ally ami linrmnlly dmilnlslieil. It Ik been w.llile to divert viipplle and ierotinel In Inret nieimur to Hit aid of Hunt iieoplo In lit Near Hunt who havt hitherto bwn InnereiMlblo to out- . lilt aimauee, but wIion ufferltiK hnvt Iiihii upon an nppnlling nile. Tb need of lliene peoplin art o vnt that covemnieiil alone ran meet them, hill the American Ited Cri I making an effort to relieve Immedlattly Hit more acuta dlairtiM. "An txtenlft gnmp. of American worker lia bwn dUpnicbed to carry "vltully needed auppllea, and lo work tlil w inter In Hie various Itnlkmi conn trie. In order to ro-ordliinlo their ao tlvltlea, lutikmi cfltnmtimlon hn been iwtuhllidicd, with licnliUitrter at Itome, Italy, from which jMilnl nlont ell Hit Itnlknn center enn bt reached promptly. "A commllon lui Just reachH Po. bind wMIt doelora and nuraea, medical Hiiptillcii. nlid fiMHl ''fur sick children nml IumiIIiIh. An Amcrli'tin Ittil Croat ft.iiiiiiiMKion ha nui i..n npiMituied to aid in relieving me minering or uus Inn primmer atlll confined In Oerumn prlwm enmp. "An Imporinnt cnmmlsnlon I atlll working In Palestine, Through the war aiteclul oi-oi'ratlon bus been given lo Ihe Armenian and Syrian Ho- lief Coiniulxslon, which wus tbt only agency able to carry relief In tbo In terior of Turkish dominions. Rd Cross Will Centlnu. "Red Croat effort Is thus fur flung, tt will continue to be so. But tht movement represented by this work tins likewise assumed an inilniate plnct In the dally lift of our peoplo at homo. Tbt army of worker which tint been recruited and trained during Hit war porlcnre In Hit war ahow clearly that there I on unlimited field for service of the kind which can be performed with peculiar effect tvencwi by the Bed Cross. What It future task may bt It I ytt ImpoKMiblt to forecast Wt know Hint so long aa there I an Amer- P (he tWdjIia Bed Cros T.Em SVd" tnnct to Hie American Bed Cross than lb plan Just set In motion by the Bve great Red Cross societies of the world (o develop a program ot extended no. Hvltle. In the Interest of humanity. The conception Involves not alone fort to relieve human suffering, but to prevent It; uot alone a movement by the people of an Individual nntion, bul an attenint to arouse all Dfonli to ...n.a nt ii.ui,- ritannnaiMiu far ! u-Bir.ipo nf llwilr fnllnw holnir. Ihmurh. out Hi world. It I a uroiiruin liutb ttlcnl and practical. Ideal Id that it. supreme nttti Is nothing lea. than ver- liable "Pence on earth good will to men," and .practical In that It seeks to take means mid measures which art flciiiniiy hwiuiioiu ... ..,. ..rlu JTrZ Z lives of nlk Dtoiiles, "For .am.nfpliHl.lng l.s mTsslon an"08, conference .would ''favorably the vtara of peace which must ll consider the claims of Ireland to tht nbend of tis tbo Red Cross w III require right ot .elf datermlnatlon." Hie ablest possible leuilerslilp, and must enjoy the continued support, sym pathy, and participation In It work of the wholo Amerlcnn people.. It It particularly fortunate Hint such a tpnn ns Dr, Livingston Farrand should have been selected as the permanent bend of the organisation. The unstinted fashion In which ah our people gnv of themselves throughout the wnr It the best assurance Hint our Bed Cross will continue to receive that en opera tion which will mnke Its work a source of pHde and Inspiration to ever Awer- f1 r IF mm HELP YOURSELF Mora than ir.0 year ago Benjatttla franklin wrote: "Keep your ahop tnd It will keep you." Tlit Ump of great ueHt U on Franklin' pbiloopby bt caust It wa not alona of hli tlmt; It hold for all tlmo. Our way havt rhangod a bit In tbt ecotxmlc 11(8 of tlil republic whleb the great Franklin holjwd to build. No Innti'er may tvnry man bt hi own ahopkeeptr, Mont of u help keep tome other fellow' ahop and certain element among tbt aatUtant ahop kcopera havt become rettltsa because they nava no ahop theme!ve and call themnelvt I, W. V Uolnhcvlk anj other name. " ' i CENTRAL GERMANY IN GRIP OF BIG STRIKE . . ... , ' ,. i Terrorist Attacks on National Assembly Are Denounced In Manifesto. Brlln.--Ctntral Cermany la In ihe throe of a wldoauread Bolitical atrike (tfectng largo part of Saxony, Tbur Ingla and AnUalt. and through Its ef feet upon railroad communications Is caatlug a sinister shadow over th en tire nation" The government has Issued a long manifesto from Wolmar denouncing tht terrorist attempt to get rid ot tht national assembly. It proclaims faith fui0M t0 the principle of democracy. Th manifesto denounce strikes. saying: "Everi atrlka bring, u. a ttep near er to th abyss. Only work can eave u." The manifesto promisee th social ization ot suitable Industries and ea- ubllghmenl of industrial couucil. rep resentatlve of ail th. worker, and elected. It close, with a .trong note, asserting tht determination of tht government to wase relentless war against terrorism, concluding: "Whoever assaila tht lift ot tht na- ef-ition i. bur enemy," ... Ftcn Dmand German Merchant Fleet copennagen. waranai rocn nas oe- msndad the immediate delivery ot tht rwman mori-antlle fleet without r. nr tn th Question of food SuddIt. tcoording to a dispatch from Weimar, wnere D0 German national assembly , , iegslon , ( , ' . . '. ; . Fre.dom. - iStSSZ!l Hon expressing the hope that the .lean." - :' :,-v Mr. Davlsdn, as chairman of the In ternatloual Commission of the Ameri can Red Cross, has undertaken to rep resent the Amerlcnn Bed Cross In the preparation of the program for extend ed Red Cross activities and will spend the next several mouths In Europe lu consultation with other Red Cross socl etles for that purpose. THR WAR COUNCIL OF TI1K AMEIt 1CAN RED CROSS. Henry P. Davison, Chairman. S 1 iT in flf'l I IIU7ri1 S Bl -I li , , if ' 1 i r r" it rrr- .tr "ta . i 1 r) -Vi WW Nevertheless Franklin' homely say Ing I a true today and a easy to comply with as It was tht day be ut- tered it. The United Etatea govern- ment provide, tht way. War Saving, and Thrift Stamps. r conceived aa a war measure and now backed by .bt government a. a par- mancnt policy, givt every man. woman and child in Ameilca the chance to keep .bop. Each person I. allowed to put 11000 year Into the business tht buslncsi of American government Tht business guarantee 4 per cent tier annum compounded quarterly. It Is tht biggest basinets in tbt world. On can Invest aa lo? 25 cent.. Tbt wonderful thing about It la that tht investor htlpa hi country as -veil ai himself. REPUBLiCArS uti I JOCH LEiiS:ATION Deliberate Attempt to Hamper - Administration Charged By President , Washington Upon tht adjournment of congresa Tuesday with Important legislation killed by a republican sen ate filibuster, President Wilson issued a statement declaring that group of men in th senate havt deliberately chosen to embarrass the administra tion of tht government, to imperil the financial interests ot the railway sys tems of Hie country." Republican Leader Lodge declined to comment on tht president's state- ment He declared, however, that three-fourth of th republican aln- "cerely deplored failure ot the railroad approprlatlon. The few republicans who insisted upon filibustering to de feat the hill, it wa. atated were "be yond control," telling their leader that tholr action wai personal and not a party affair. Among the bills that failed waa ont appropriating $750,000,000 for tht rail- road administration, without which, some administration leaders say, the railroads must be returned to their owner, before tht middle of April. Just before adjournment President Wilson, in his capltol office, author lied final notice to tht republican that their efforta to force an imme- dlate tXtr Session h.S tailed; that h. u unshaken In" his determination not to call congress until hi work at th Peace conference waa done. ,'. Adjournment mark th passing ot democratic control at the capltol. The congress that passed at noon Tuesday b,gan , Apri, m7 passeil th Ger- m.arec,.rSPand it. almost by unprecedented leglalaUon and con-' trover.y. - Big bill, that failed Included both the army and navy appropriation measure.. - Only two important moas- ures that ran the gauntlet of the last 48 hour of filibustering Were the Victory Liberty Loan bill and the $1,000,000,000 wheat guarantee bill : ien or lifted! .vein i tro one waa Simply rolling In fret'caletidnfra. Now you have to tease for one. - The former kaiser la another per son who tried to beat the races, so to speak, aud saw his finish. OREGON HEWS 1,'QTES Ont negro wa killed and anothtr wounded In gunflght In Portland. 8amul C. Jlarrlon waa accidental- ly killed Mondiy while felling a tret aouth of Sodavllle. ' Th total precipitation at Portland for tht month of February waa t it Inch, or 2.63 Incbe bov normal for tht month. During tht pant week 41tndutr!al accident wers reported to tbt atata Industrial accident commladon. but none wert fatal. Mort than four mile of itreet Im provement to coat between 1100.000 . and f 200,000 will bt made by tbt city of Bend during tbt coming cpring and lummer.. Emitb French, a pioneer merchant of The Dalle, who during a half Cen tury bad figured prominently In the buaineaa Ufa of tie county, died at tbt agt of 81. Tharle H. Jone. for 23 year editor of Hit Oregon Teacher' Monthly and known to every educator In tbt tatt, died at hla home In Salem after an lllnen of 20 month. February wa an exceptionally wet month In Aatoria. The official record in tb weather observer' offlct show " that the precipitation during tht month wa 11.29 Incbe. Tbt citlzena of Molalla have donated a site of 32 acre adjoining the north-' western part of town to Hit Molalla Fire Clay company, on which will bt erected a ont-kiln pottery factory, pUni are aireajy beingT made for tJ)a JJ19 comblned Multnomah county ,,,, ., manufacturer' and land Drod- . k . .. . . . beld " Creshm September 15 to 20 Approximately 12.000 men art out ot work In Oregon, and nearly all of them are in Portland, according to District Director Smith of th United State employment service in Port land. . Plana were made for Hie state synod to cooperate in raising a fund of $10, 000 per year, which would give the college $15,000 year in addition to it present Income from aa endow ment of over $20d,000. Taxes to be raised In Multnomah county this year total 19,790,005.40, based on a mlllage of 30.8 on a total valuation ot 1328,560,710. This shows an increase over hist year Ot 81,314, 231.42, or 15.5 per cent The Slnnott bill revesting title In the federal government to 93,000 acre of Und in Douglas and Coos counties, known aa the Coos bay wagon, road land grant, ha become a law through the signature ot President Wilson. An offer of the national board of education ot the Presbyterian churches to donate one dollar for every two raised by Albany college from other source was made to and accepted by the board of trustee ot the college. Charlea A. Sear, who was reared in Albany and began hla career' as an electrician there, haa been appointed manager ot the plant ot the Mlssissip- pi River Power company at Keokuk, la., the largest hydro-electric plant in the world. Any plan tor the annexation of the Mosler fruit district to Hood River county, according to C. N. Ravlin. sec retary ot the Hood River commercial club, would probably have mora op- position In Hood River county than in the Mosier fruit district An immense pier jutting into the Pacific ocean tor 2000 feet 1 to be built at Seaside. ' The pier la to be 100 feet wide. At the, outer end there will be a dance pavilion, and along the .pier will be amusement devices and. place, for deepsea fishing. Thirty inche. of .now at Kirk, 40 miles north of Klamath Falls, with five toet at the Algoma Lumber com pany' logging camp some distance to the west la reported by J. M. Bed- ford, who ha. charge of the timber on tht Klamath Indian reservation, ; " . 5 Th Odd Fellows and Rcbekahs of Umatilla county will celebrate the one hundredth anniversary or we touna- Ing ot.he -Order of Odd Fellowa at Pendleton. April 26. The membership ot the order In Umatilla county alone exceed. S00O members.. - A meeting of the state highway com- mission will be held in Portland March 8. to open bids on four road projects,; and at the same time it" is expected the commission will discuss plans for the expenditure jf the 810,000,000 pro vlded in the bond issue authorised by the legislature. - , . Wheatgrower of Wasco county re port that the crop is In a condition which has rarely, if ever, been better at thla season ot the year. The rain fall during the past three months haa totaled more than 11 inches and tbt OF GEIERAL CiTEREST ground I thoroughly oak4. fall wheat md an taceptlonally goid befor cold weather act la and propcia now art iot on oi n D,8- gent crop that tht section baa ever pioductd. Jame. A. Wilson, assistant secre tary of tbt Pheasant Fruit Products company, of Salum, wa Instantly killed when tht automobile la which ha was riding waa struck by street car. Four other persons wart Injured. Portland business conditions, aa In dicated by statements for tht month of February, art in a decidedly healthy state. Back clearings for tht month totaled 899.352,404, compared with 172,(67465 for tht corresponding month of last year, an Increase of ap proximately 33 per cent , Tbo railroad administration baa In formed Senator McN'ary that it can not grant the request of the Oregon Odd Fellow for reduced rate to the Grand lodge at Salem In May. Re duced convention rate will bt granted only to the Grand Army and Confed erate Veterana' reunions. . By plan completed at meeting of tht Portland city council th Horn Telephone company properties passed Saturday to the Pacific Telephone A Telegraph company for a considera tion of approximately $2,000,000. Phys ical consolidation of th properties ia expected to bt completed within a year. Th public service commission haa set March 17 a the date for the final hearing on Hie application of tht Pa cific Telephone A Telegraph company far an Increase in Hie exebangt tele phone rates in Oregon. It ia estimated if these Increases are allowed, ap proximately 8600,000 a year will bt added to the revenue of Hie company. - Early construction of a woman' building on Hie campus of the univer sity ot Oregon la virtually assured, in the minds ot university people, by tht passage of .the appropriation bill in cluding $100,000 toward this purpose. Another part of the same bill waa an appropriation qf $135,000 for mainten- - ance and current expense of the in stitution. The Oregon Hardware Dealer' as sociaUon'a annual convention ad journed at Portland after electing Hit following officers: President A. L. Jameson, McMinnville; vice-president Charles R. Orchard, Salem; members ot the executive committee, W. E. Wadsworth, Harrisburg; U. G. Mc Kinxle, Goldendale, Wash.; F. . E. Chambers. Eugene; P. A. Ketrum, Prairie City.' Coos county farmer attended prac tical schools in dairying hist week at Marshfleld, Myrtle Point and Coquille. Lecture and demonstrations were given by E. B. Fitts and E. L. West over of the Oregon Agricultural col- - lege extension service and J. L. Smith, county agent The breeding and feed ing ot dairy cattle, calf raising and herd record keeping were some ot the subjects discussed. ' V Though , Hie compulsory military . training bill providing for military in struction in the high schools of tht state wa. defeated in the legislature, the programme tor military instruc tion under Lieutenant-Colonel John Leader ot the University of Oregon, will be carried on in the 20 high school, over the state which have accepted Colonel Leader'. . plan, ac cording to the colonel. Lumber cargoes from the Columbia, river during the month of February were unusually light During the month 20 vessels loaded at the mills in the lower Columbia river district and their combined cargoes totaled 13,556,103 feet of lumber. In the same period six vessel loaded 4,166,539 feet of lumber at the up-river mills, mak ing a grand total of 17.752,641 feet of lumber that left Hie Columbia river in cargoes in the month ot February. v Tentative plana for improvements in the Klamth irrigation project were discussed at a conference at Denver a few day. ago, from which Project Manager J. B. Bond has just returned, Extension, on a Urge scale will bt made in the local project provided the congressional appropriation ia suf ficient for this purpose. The reclama tion officials hope that the appropria tion wi'.t be fixed before March 4. so that they may go ahead with definite clan tor the year. Perhaps "the French itlrls didn't wish TunUee husbands any more than th Americnus desired Freneli wives. Usually a personal pnrade of one' Virtues Is made Immediately prior tt an attack on other people's vices.