The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, February 28, 1919, Image 3

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    Lutbr Shellenfoerger, Hoy tutu, -4-wr
Waltr Williams and Walter Beam-
ell or Trade
l?ft yesterday for Calirarv. A
Put one of the NEW DAY PHO
NOGRAPHS 4j. a a aa I , u t .t.utiinlt itM IM
t II-1 M, Vf "lint vj'jn'i immivii ar v
Suffered there for skilled jrrlrul-
Oil week from lorn-.
Jtighft price paid for
It's a Bargain
See Us Soon
R. G. SALING, Mgr.
Joe iud wm in town a few dy ,.J1wt lha wj earh nd all lv M
lfotict to Creditors
Oreiron fur Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Eatate of Otwell
Thompson Douglaa, defeated
Notlca ia hereby given that the un
tlrsignd haa been appointed execu
trix of tha above-entitled eatale by
the above-entitled court, and aaatirh
executrix haa qualified aa by law re
quired. All peraona having claims
agalnat (aid eatate are notified to pra
tnt the same, properly vorldvd aa by
law required, to me at Wtaton, Ore
in, or to my attorney. Homer I.
Watte, at bia office In Athena. Oregon,
within six months from the first publi
cation of this notice.
Dated January 24, 1019.
Harriet Euzabbtm Povaus. ,
Liberty Bonds
An absolutely aafe Invest
ment. If you have money to In
vwt, buy Liberty HoikU from u.
If you sell Liberty Uonda, sell
to us.
We buy and sell LlWrty Bonds.
Any denomination IW-elOO
James L. Elam
Walla Walla Waahlngton
TERMS CASH -At Under shop.
Tbe Faimers Dank of Veston
Establistzed 1891
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon . Waitsburg, Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest
Sold in Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company
Kn-ai t
chickens Canadian wheat empire Is the Iead- i
. .. ... ' . . I t. t a ...III L a 1 9 MW
at the Weston Market. r a wisn. n win uv sure w.-n wi
Another big danc Saturday jflv ,uUcrilx'"' 8
night at Weston opera house. Xhtt Eastern Orj-gon etockmen a
Eight U'U shotes, weight about ty" hv? to feed for 40 days Is
HO x.u.ul. earn, for bt4wf f rrank II.IU-rt,proml. A
Itanister. phone 81KU. wn Uki1h kman. who Is win-
' tering a large number of cattle in
Mrs. Henry B. Kills of Iloy. W , south end of the county. . Mr.
ho, haa been visiting at the home Slilbert bases his opinion on the
of Mr. and Mrs. L. 1). Davis in this VHct that the snow has clung to
city. the trees for the past ten days.
Ikn Ia was In town Sunday This is an old Indian sign for con
front Trvscott, where he follows linued. snow,
garage work, to visit hia little ; airky wiIgon ,nd Fred Cretr
daughter. returnei fron) Spokane, where
Zack Ctiandler, a Dayton, Ore they completed the course at the
gon, pioneer, was in town this Modern Automobile school. Each
week, visiting his niece, Mrs. W. Mas granted a diploma. , The boys
M. Towers. took both automobile and tractor
Stevens Dodge No. 49. Knight t4;he hcwl . and f cl now as Ch... II. Cartar
of Pythias, is preparing to sUrt a nw f "u " w ? ""i
classofcandidaU-sin the first rank 8bwut tho,r rho6cn ,,ne ot
next Wednesday evening. endeavor.
'Mrs. J. P. Licuallen and her two I Captain J. A. Best, formerly
younger children returned Satur- inayor of Weston and now known
day from a week's visit with their to fame as "Pendleton's fighting
daughter, Mrs. Lester Vaughn, at inayor," arrived in New York Tues
Belmont, Washington. 'day from overseas. He had charge
t.-f. , r. j, . .i pl a contagion divwion ol tne large
Whi e In Pendleton recently Mrs. $ . , t Brwt
J. Hodgson had. twenty-two twth J F
extracted in less than an hour. Py- , Leon Lundell has taken a pot'
orrhea necessitaU the operation, Jioti in the grocery department of
which was painlessly performed. . . the Weston Mercantile Co.
Harry Samuels of Milton. 19
years old, has confessed to killing
Omar Olingcr at the latter'a place
in the Blue mountains. He says he
shot dinger with the latter'a own
rifle after a quarrel.
East Orcgonian The Weston
Milling Co., through its manager,
W. L. Robbins. has started suit
against C II. Nelson, asking for
judgment for $157.67 and interest
s i i: j
lor nirrciiunuiec biiu ibuvi . .
Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Achilles
are coming to Weston soon from
Spokane, and will occupy their res
idence property on north Water
street. J. H. McGibbon and fam
ily, its present occupants, are mov
ing into the Minnick .residence..
For SaleSix seU butt chain
harness, just overhauled; 40 shotes
from 20 to 100 lbs.; 6 head good
young work mules; 10 head work
hora: one S-section steel harrowj
one Si-inch wagon; two seta double
buggy harness. I'll take your note
If it's good. Sira J. Culley.
Walter Webb and Lyle Webb re
turned to their home in Weston this
week from the Umatilla river, and
will remain here until taking up
further employment. Mrs. Webb
is expected home In a few days -from
Seattle, where she haa been
visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Driskell are
visiting relatives in Weston and
vicinity this week,' prior to going
to Dayton, where Harve will en
gage in farm work. He was com
pelled to give up his position in a
Walla Walla mill because of the
flour dust, which seriously affected
his health. j
"Your Majesty, I think thepos
sibillties of your ever amounting !
to much are exceedingly remote,"
writes Jimmie Read from Portland I
to the Leader man. However and. ,
nevertheless, as Jimmie encloses 1
two long green slmoleons, he evi
dently expects the Leader itself
will amount to a whole lot. . i
Miss Dorothy Bulfinch came up
Tuesday from Portland, where she
has been doing clerical work in the
office of Zellerback & Co. Miss Bul
finch was accompanied on part of
her trip by her brother, Paul Bul
finch, who has been visiting the
H. A. Walkers at their Wasco farm.
Paul has gone to American Falls,
Idaho, to take a banking position. ?
In a show window at Watts &
Rogers' store are an Indian hammer
head, an Indian net sinker and oth
er relics of a bygone age picked up
by .Bob Proudfit at Umatillla on hia
last fishing trip. It is a singular
fact that the Btone net sinker is
identical with those at one time
used by the Indians of tha Atlantic
coast, and which Bob found when a
boy in the District of Columbia.
Hugh Taylor, one of the Weston
soldiers who are still overseas, is
in Stromberg, Germany. He say
he had the pleasure of crossing the
Rhine on New Year's day, in a re-.
pnt. letter. He writes furthers
"I can go out on the hill just at
the edge of the little town we are
billeted in and look all over the
country. It's a very pretty coun
try to look at, but outside of that
I havenY anything to say about it.
The U. S. A. for me. The German
people sure do treat us good, but I
guess they know that is about the
only way to do. Now that the war
is finished, I would certainly like
to visit my old home town again."
Uho Claxtonola
in your home; it's the most beau
tiful phonograph made, while the
tone quality is round, full, clear
of amazing naturalness and as
tonishing volume. -:
So od win's
Dan P. Smythe
Carter & Smythe
Butter Wrap orders prompt
ly filled at the Leader shop.
W. M. PUea C. It. BUhoe
Peterson & Bishop
Pendleton. Or. Freewater. Or.
I Dr. S. L KORD i
I Veterinary Snrgeca
Hospital at comer of Main
and Broad streets.
I Phone - Main 253
o o o
1 Because the people as a whole want Good Roads.
2 Because what the people want they should have and usually get.
3 Because Good Roads are an economy anywhere and everywhere they are
"" built "".'v-'A'
4 Because Good Roads increase the value of our County property the same
as a paved street increases the value of your home by which it passes.
5 Because Good Roads are a big saving on all kinds of vehicles,, such as
Farm Wagons, Trucks, Automobiles, etc.
6 Because the small cost per person amounts to nothing compared with the
great benefits derived by every person in every way.
7 Because this is a new era of modern transportation we are living in, and
the times demand we keep pace with other sections, counties, states, etc.
8 Because the Modern Transportation justifies the building of Good Roads.
9 Because a Bond Issue is the only fair and logical way of raising the mon
ey to build that which you and I want-Good Roads-all over the county.
10 Because we want Good Roads when you and I can enjoy them, as well as
future generations. Therefore, vote for the Bond Issue and build Good
Roads NOW, not five or ten years from now.
GOOD ROADS have made California the most talked of State in the Union.
Let us make Umatilla County the most talked of County in Oregon. We can
do it, we shall do it, we must do it and last but not least, WE WILL DO IT.
And further, now is the time to match dollars with the State WHEN THE
STATE IS READY. Procrastination may rob ua of our chance. When
we get good through roads we'll stand a better chance of getting good laterals.
;V'.'V ' V .: .0-0 :: : :
r; Harness, Electric Washers, Sewing Machines.
We have the plows that move the Earth and
Wagons to carry it.
Drills and Binders to till and harvest.
The best half of firm out of town
Weather chinooking .
Bob says: "Let's all go fishing."