THE UNIVERSAL CAR It is most important when your Ford Car requires mechanical attention that you place it in charge of the authorized Ford dealer, because then you are sure of hav ing repairs and replacements made with genuine Ford-made materials by men who know all about Ford cars. So bring your Ford to us where satisfaction is guaranteed. Prompt, efficient service at . all times and Ford cars if you wish to buy: Runabout $582.87: Touring Car $608.48; One-Ton Truck Chassis $63-1.10 -delivered at Weston. CURS DELIVERED ONLY OH ORDERS . Order Your Car NOW LIBERTY AUTO CO. O. A. Adams, Mgr. (Successors to Weston Auto vote .wr-- it-vra - II! Co.) I HigluMl price paid for chickens at the Weston Market. F.arl Klnnear u a visitor in Weston TuewUy from Walla Walla. Rv. E. W. Achillea, formerly of Weston, l reported to be critically ill with heart trouble at hia home in Spokane. Fred Henderson was in town from the uplands this week, visiting his mother at the homo ot Mr. and Mrs. C W. Avery. KoUct ot Ftnal Account In the Count Court f the Slata of Orvffon (or Umatilla County. In the Mattar af the Eatate of Joa. AnUn radarar, Dacaaaad. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN te nil paraona whom It may eonearn thai m -m a-eram m m m m m -t a a a" Una fadarar, admlniatratrix of tha H UI of Jos. Anton Fadarer. daoaaaao. a hM hiad har final recount and report In ft tha administration of tha eataiai that W tha County J uda, by ordar made and k ntami. has annointed Monday tha J lh day of March. !. at tan o'clock in taa foranoon as tha time, and tha . .... kfr IhiiullaliMl. I k JH1IUI UJUIt UWUW . . . - - . I. " . . ... . II LUtl.ui. ft Allan tiarnett was nere wis wren rgmn. aa ma piace ' 'lY .1 Z n . hunine trii from Astoria, and raeet one to the " following the "Zi lrfV Oatad this tha lth day of Fahruary Admtniauatrla. will M. rrraasoN j whero he has been shoemaker's trade. Manager Adams of tha Liberty Auto Co. sold a new ford touring car Monday to Roy Hyatt. It will bo delivered April 1st. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Price return ed Wednesday from a visit with the 0. M. Kiehmonds and Mrs. Cora Simpson at Walla Walla. After an extended visit with rel tivee here Arthur Gould and family are leaving today on their return home to Amethyst, Alberta. The Weston country was drench cd with a heavy rainfall Sunday night. This was nearly all ab sorbed by the soil, and put a stop to any fear of deficient winter moisture. Fresh snow fell, on the mountain to a depth of nine inchea near Tamarack church. Rev. W. S. Payne of the Metho dist Epistcopal Church returned V Monday from the Sunnyside Meth- odist church north of Freewater, ,V where he conducted a successful I 1 The unmatchable SIX at 1395 Also Cole Eight, Reo and Dort Automobiles. A. IV. UDELL - Agent WlUJAM S. NA.H ....m.. Attornaya for Admiiiiatraina. . . .....-.awa J -' M A 1 ' - .1 BL Was GGOD TEETil ARE ESSHH1AL TO YOUR GHiERAL HEALTH Have your teeth examined free of charge. All dental work guaran teed and absolutely painless. Milarkey Building, corner of Court and Main Streets, (over v , Pendleton Drug Store,) Pendleton, Oregon. ' Thone One Thousand , Dr. B. G. VINSON -- Manager !REVfflES A letter from Leonard Blomgrcn, who is with the American army of occupation in Germany, gives a number of interesting post card views along the Rhine. One pic ture in -colors is a beautiful view, chnwino- a villatre and-castle on the Expert dentistry prices reasona- banks of the famous river. On the ble. Dr. Sponogle, Athena. back is Leonard's notation: "This " . -J l- 1. :.,: castle belonged to Kaiser Bill and Mrs. J. M. iTCieaw" mm,A n n,rhf !n h w- .:. Mm fi. w. May- "v "r " "... aaattaatt congregation included more than 300 people. Henry J. Taylor of Pendleton, president of the Umatilla County Pioneers' Association, will meet with the citizens of Weston on Sat urday, March 15. at two o'clock in V the afternoon, for the purpose of O appointing committees and mak- ing arrangements for the annual & reunion of pioneers. The meeting t will be held in the office of Secre- Y tary Barnes. J Our intelligent compositor had no desire to overrule President V Henry Taylor when he put J. M. O Banister on the toidiers' and pio- neers' memorial committee in the ,, place of J. M. O'Harra He was X merely confused by the fact that r their initials are identical and now hastens to acknowledge his error, as there seems to be no chance to lay the blame onto Sim Barnes. f Guy Johnson, a Weston 'soldier w with Battery U, 148th Field Artii- lery, took part in a good deal of A hard fighting during the American JL advance, but is now taking things JT easy in Germanythat is, com para- V' tively easy. He is one of the bat- v tery cooks and sends home to his ta mother, Mrs. W. M. Johnson, a pic- A ture of himself and three other Ja "kitchen bums." Battery D is bil leted at Hoehr. Germany, and Pri mraa 1iUnan urfito that, tha Ampr. ican soldiers are treated better there than they were in France. is waving from the flag pole." a vaav little village below. Kaiser Bill IW DFVTVII . RnNT M FX doesn't live there now. Old Glory v,uw" a.i WITH INCREASING INTEREST A party of experienced farm ' ' workers irom this neighborhood is V . . . leaving in a few days for Calgary, The revival meetings at Saling t. Alberta. As at present planned it hall continue to grow in interest oriii inoi.iHo r uth- Shpii,nhrirr and enthusiasm. ' Roy Read, Walter Beamer, Walter Evangelist Taylor's theme j for O incr bee, at Pasco, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. George Phillips were here Tuesday from Freewat er, attending the Hansell sale. Paul Bulfinch has accepted a banking position at American Falls, Idaho, and will report for duty there on February 26. William Goodwin of the Ford Williams and Clarence Hand. It is Saturday evening ta A BacKsUder a Motor Co., Portland, and Robert the intention of the boys to engage p0' 0"! Simpson of Pendleton were busi- in ranch work and to look around t to Pulpit. ,? th ness callers Monday at the Liberty with a view to getting hold of some mg he wl discuss The i-ower or aaraire ' r good Alberta soil. Mherh??r; , - s J a X garage. ... . The children's service is ached- Private Alvah Wurzer, who serv- ufect for Sunday afternoon at two- A. the artillery branch of the thirtv. and "Litt e f oxes " will be Irvine Caplinger, a young man 1 1 1 1 .,A .i-Jh rliim 1 - . wno nas own eiiiiu 1 ea Jn lne m-micry uiaiiuii vi nic tniny, ana J-.iii.ic rvn win ire Duncan at the Watts Bros. larm, is army, arrived home Saturday Irom the subject. The little folk will X a typhoid fever patient at St. Ma- camp Lewis, where he received his occupy the choir stand. "Come f ry's hospital, Walla Walla. He is discharge. Alvah was six months and hear them they will give a V reported to be improving, j , overseas, thus earning a gold stripe, grand program," is the invitation. Anxioua to iret back to the soil and looks as though army life had Sunday evenmg'a sermon will A. andntribute his bit to the agri- agreed with him. After a day or be on "The Question of the Age.'" X raKnnl industry of the nation, two in the home town, he went to "Do not fail to attend these ser- f Jamea KillgorTrTturned this week Walla Walla for a visit with rela- vices," says the Weston Minister- Y HnMm.n. He has work to do tives. ial association. "Weston is surely V. a f?ant both aa to nreach- thinrff W1 me J. C. OCninOUKr 11II1. . liru V-namnman Ttin TA. in. - " 11- MrtL WIl.iKm MacKen- sta lid followin. officers lues- if.. ?. .4 W l-Zi - - -7 - 4 - ,. . layior is ail uiu ne is 1 cui cdcuku jjr. rie left Wednesday for their home day evening- A. Ifarnea j. district A man of deep, broad mind, Y at Coffee Creek, - Montana, after a deputy grand patriarch, officiating: . above the little technical!- f pleasant visit with Weston friends. Ralph Tucker, chief patriarch; denominational names, he They will stop for a few days m Prank Greer, senior warden; Joe g one big aim in view. A Whitman county, wasn., wnere r, nxu, " t0 build ud the Kingdom of God. "Paul, the wonderful singer, is A Hedrick, scribe; W. M. Davis, treas urer. training the children for the Sun- ,AHn..M ..m'in ltd aro t(! Two cases of scarlet fever have day afternoon service. Be sure to f sleight-of-hand periorm- V MacKenzie has land interests Marvin Price, Sim Culley and ruin r n iiniiii. wmi. ai u. 1 BLrcuiuaui . - .o-ain last Sunday near Umatilla, been reported to Athena health au- gee the ... .l. c-- . ,n kit. thnritipji. itavH the Press. The homes an " - J UU L lue iiou inuocu w v . - -- - f . . T them. Some twenty steelheads of F. B. Radtke and George baton Aside from the singing by the. A .were taken during the day. by forty are quarantined, there being one large chorus trained by Director ,,i oinnir shnrt case in each home. The Press also Paul B. Tavlor. a mixed Quartet . stretch of river. report that a little son of Frank render special selections from , ' m . J. Harris has the measles in mild time to time. -Its members are Harry Ross of Kansas City, Mis- fom , Mrg R Q Sa ing. Miss Lois Por- A JUtL-m Harnett, chief clerk in MSS I ynaud.whombehadnseeinc, jtaRPrtttrt- ft Jaylor. M-mgibu they were children. Brother and land. expectea to ( arrive tnia ev- evenintr', K.rvice. She V ster were, overjoyed at meeting -thHh Sffi Iff iff neVt Sunday a$ in aai O A customer came into our store recently with a coat that had been sent him from a mail order house. He had read the adver tisement. It looked fine. The garment surely was a bargain, judging from the ad vertisement. ' It was sent with the proviso that it could be returned if not satisfactory. On receipt of the package our customer gave it the "once over," then brought it to our store for comparison. The price was $17.00. We found we could give him a coat of equal quality for $16.00 and a far better coat for $17.00. Our customer re turned and took our better coat for $17.00. He was fitted in the store, knew how it looked and ad the reputation, of our firm behind him, assuring him value for his money.. You will note that our customer played fair by giving us a chance to compare values. We have no quarrel with the mail order house. We only ask that you first give us a chance to serve you. If our val ues are not equal to or better than those of the mail order house you have a right to send your money away. Otherwise we have a right to ask you to trade at home-building up your home in stitutions, not only your stores, but your schools, your churches, your roads, thereby making your own community a more desira ble place in. which to live. Play fair. ' A, Seeds! C""a Seeds! Asthe season approaches keep us in mind " for your garden seeds. nOfflMJ? KEG CO. C. C. luORSE & CO. D. n FERRY & CO. ; Our February White Goods Sale Continues eeds!! Me m 2 Tar commercial traveler. nett. evening. eann mnpr mmin. ir. iiudd ttr -