The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, February 14, 1919, Image 1

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'Ft . t
flslem. -Both houses resumed work
Monday efler lha usual weekend ad
journment with two weeka In wbUb
to ercomplleh moat of tha raal work.
Whlla lha various committees have
been btiajr whipping proposed leglsla
lion Into ahapa and many measures of
minor Imporlaaca baa received at
tention In either bouse. Bona of lb
bin bills hsva passed.
Road leglaUtlon. which overshad
ova all olhar laauaa, will occupy moat
of lha Uma of bolh houses Hi la week,
Tba road bond bill haa
appeared after weeka of contention In
tha committee, and numaroiia psvtng
bill ara ready for lha legislative
grind. Thera la apparently llttla op
position to lha hooding bill, but aoma
of Iba other road bills ara likely to
ctuao soma vocal firework.
Bonding Bill fallow! Cloaaly 1917 Bill.
In Ha present form, tha result ot
Dfrly two wseka of consideration and
compromlaa tha bond bill followa
closely tba lines of tha $4,000,000 bond
bill paasad by Iba HIT aeaslon and
referred to and approved by tba peo
ple In tha special election In June,
1917 Rfforta to Instruct tba staia
highway commission aa to which roads
should first be completed hart been
overruled. Inasmuch as membera of
tha commission have said they ran
and will hsva work proceeding simul
taneously on all tha primary trunk
roada. Tha main -effort at first was
to Insist that tba commission com
plete Iba Pacific highway befort any
Mher trunk Una waa touched. Those
advocating this demand hsva been
convinced that they can depend on
tha commission dealing fairly by tha
I'sclflc highway and that thera ara
other roads of Importance In Oregon
calling for speedy completion.
tie Consolidation Leglslstlon. .
Early In tha aeaslon thera waa
noma prospect, of consolidation legls
lstlon, but It la now freely predicted
lhat all proposals for consolidation ot
tba management of atata Institution
will fall at this session. Tha depart
ment of agriculture bill, chief of all
tha measures proposed by tha Joint
consolidation committee, waa defeated
In tha bouaa after a stormy debate,
and It la understood that other con
solidation bills will ba quietly cou
algned lo tha legislative scrap ptla.
.construction Legislation Unlikely.
Apparently thera will be no prae
Ileal reconstruction leglslstlon at this
session.. Early In the session It waa
, roughly, outlined what could be dono
In reconstruction, such aa road work,
Irrigation, drainage and logged off
lands and land settlement, but no one
attempted to combine these Idcaa Into
a workable programme. It haa been
suggested that a reconstruction com
mission be created to formulate IcrIs
. latlon to be presented at a special
session ot the legislature.
Fewer Bills Introduced.
A record la being made by the Ore
gon leglslcture In curtailing the num
ber of bills Introduced. Up to the
Thousands of people have com latc to Set thcir share of
Don't overlook the fact that owing to the damage done to our stocks the insurance companies flowed
us a large amount of cash damage, ' That enables us to offer you our wonderful merchandise at
far less than wholesale cost and we take pleasure in giving our trade real bargains. N
w All Goods Strictly Cash. No Refunds. No Exchanges. Store opens at 9 o'clock and closes at 5 in the evening
present time ilii liirunirrs ltve been
introduced In the senate, SKeltist $0J
fur the corresponding period of the
11T session, while In the house 4:7
bills have been Introduced, against
tit two years ago.
At the conclusion of the first four'
week ot the session, but 25 bill have
been signed by Iba governor, 21 house
bills and 11 from Hie annate. Many
more bllla, however, have been sent
up lo the eiecutlve for consideration.
' Most of she bills passed so far are of
minor Importance.
Minimum Sentence' Law la Repealed.
I'rovlslon la meJa for doing away
with the minimum sentence law In
sending prisoners to the state pent
lentlary In a bill by Representative
BlitMon, which paased the bouse. The
measure removee the minimum sen
tence clause from all criminal laws,
tnd provlrti-s that, wben a convict baa
served one fourth of hla term he may
ba paroled. If bla record shows htm
to be deserving.
Another of SheMon'e penitentiary
series also passed the house. It makes,
It a tolony to escape or to aid In tbu
sscape of any person from a penal
Institution. Curiously enough, no
uch law has heretofore been written
on the Oregon statutes.
ftsd Flag Bill to Become Law.
Representative Gordon's "red flag"
bill was passed by the senato without
debate and without a dlstentlng vote.
All the fireworks over the blU were
shot off in the house and the senate
passed the bill without oratory or fuse.
Briefly It provldoa that It shall be
unlawful for any perui.i In Oregon to
display a red flag or any other em-
blew Indicating disloyalty to the Unl-'
ld States government, or belief In
snarchy or other political doctrines
tho objecte of which are the disrup
tion of organised government or defi
ance of the laws of the state or the
175 Minimum Pay for Teaohsre.
' '"A minimum tryat VI a month
for Oregon school teachers la provid
ed by ft bill passed by tbo house. The
measure, which waa Introduced by
Representstlve Mrs. Thompson, makea
It unlawful for a board of directors of
school district In the slate to pay a
teacher less than $7J a mouth, making
lha member of any board sinning a
contract In violation of the provisions
of the measure ptrsotiel'y liable for
the amount specified In lite contract
and withholds all aid from the county
school fund.
Bill Provldea Education Per Soldiers.
Free tuition, board, lodging and
clothca for honorably discharged sol
dlore who wish to attend any educa
tional Institution In the state, whfcb
la supported wholly or In part by pub
Ho funds, are provided tor In a. bill
Introduced in the senate by Senator
I. 8. Smith and Walter Pierce.
The bill applies to soldiers who have
served In the army or navy within the
last two years and who were residents
J.n""ii!L """" i '" " v
cp a )
of Oregon prior to entering military
Budget Cuta Total Mere Than Million.
Out of total budget estimated re
quirements ot 16,834.758, ao far acted
upon by the Joint ways and means
committee, that committee ha tenta
tively allowed to date $5,449,137.21
and ha made total reduction aggre
gating $1,385,650.72, a total of reduc
tion which many legislators fondly
warned the committee early In the
session oould not be reached.
It Is believed the outside appropria
tion bllla are pretty well In now and
efforts will be made to pass the money
around as far as It will go. But the
committee arid the legislature la com
mitted to the policy ot keeping within
he per cent basis and Intenda to
do ao,
Many Development Plana for Stat
Leglslstlon intended to promote the
development of Oregon baa not been
overlooked this lession, and It the var
-,-lwll .J
Greatest Department
ious measures with this purpose in
view are approved, the legislature will
be able to point to something accom
plished other than a stream of salary
ralslng bills. And aa to the' tatter,
there are about SO sslaryhoistlug bills.
Most of tho development ouia re
quire funda In larg quantities. As a
rule, they call for bond Issues. They
ara aimed to open up Oregon's re
sources ot land and water power; to
bring Into being steamer linea to
stimulate commerce and navigation,
and to provide roada tor all sections ot
the state. These are the main meas
ures, which are supplemented by sev
eral minor ones.
Primarily, the farmer la benefited,
and Industry advanced. Potentially,
these measure are creators ot labor,
for to carry out almost any one of
them will require the aervlce of an
army of skilled and common laborers.
Store . Where it Pays to Trade
The Clackamaa county fair will be
held at Caoby September 2$, 21, 2
and 27.
A Baptist regional conference for
laymen of the church la to be held In
Portland February 23 and 24.
Veterans of Battery A. tld Third
Oregon, celebrated the (3rd anniver
sary ot the organization at a banquet
In Portland.
After weeka of anowleaa winter
eastern Oregon points were again
enow-covered, much to the delight ot
Enrollment In the school of law of
the University of Oregon haa grown
to 4$, the highest mark In the history
of tba university.
Senator McNary bsa appointed Wil
liam S. Blddle, Milwaukle, and WUltam
H. Kendall, Portland, aa first and sec
ond alternates respectively to West
The decision of the Polk County
Pair association not to hold a county
fair in Dallas in 1919 haa been recon
sidered and plana will be made aoon
to hold Iba annual show.
Congressman Slnnott haa Introduced
n bin In the bouse to extend the lim
it of the Ocboco national forest. This
bill will add 4000 acres to the present
area and will protect valuable water
John Dierdortf, of HUlsboro, and
Merrill Barber, of Twining, were ap
pointed midshipmen to Annapolis by
Representative Hawley on report of
competitive eliminations held at the
University of Oregon.
Taxea for' 1918 are now due and
payable. The first half of the taxes
may be paid to and Including April I
without Interest The second half ot
the taxes may be paid any time before
October S, without Interest
The government will hold an auc
tion aale of wool in Portland on March
1 to take care ot the requirement of
local mills. The mills will then have
at their disposal enough wool to last
them until the new northwestern dip
la ready.
, The tirat nnlt of returning Oregon
soldiers, the Sixty-fifth Coast artillery,
will arrive in Portland on the nlgbt ,
of Sunday, February 19, or the morn
ing of February 17. and will be allowed
stopover time for a parade on the way
to Camp Lewis.
A $50,000 milk producing plant is to
be -erected In Portland Immediately as
s result ot meeting at which 250
dairymen and milk producers were
present The plant will be erected on
the co-operative plan, th entire stock
being subscribed at the meeting.
Three principals and nine alternates
will be recommended by Represent
tlve W. C Hawley for admission to
the United State Naval academy at
Annapolis by March 4. Candtdatea
ahould aend appllcationa at once to
the president's office, University of
Oregon, Eugene.
The 69th regiment. Coast Artillery
corps, composed ot 87 officers and
1708 men from Oregon, aailed from
3 D
Bordeaux en February 4 on the tran
sport Mercury, the war dwpertsssat
has announced. The transport to ex
pected to arrive) at Newport News,
Virginia. February Id.
In tha parson of Joseph Wemchlek,
kged 90, of Hsrrlsburg. Linn county
boasts the oldest angler in the state.
He secured s fishing license for 1119
at the county elerk'a office In Albany
last week. He also secured ft similar
permit to fish nut year, so) evidently
is ft consistent fUberaan. '
A tentative toad paving program for
Marlon county, contemplating the ex
penditure of $1,000,900. was announced
by the county court after conference
with business men of the Mount Angel
district A- chain of paved highways
sonnectiag an Incorporated cities and
towns of the comity la tho plan.
Baker enjoyed the heaviest snowfall
jf the year, varying ta depth from t.
inches In the city to more than four
feet in the mountain. The miners
In that section had been apprehensive
that there would be Insufficient enow
In the bflla to furnish the desired
amount of water tn the spring, but
that fear fcs now removed.
Miss Anas M. Tnrley, tte leader
jf home demonstration agents at the
Oregon Agricultural college, has re
signed and will go to Columbia uni
versity, where eh wCl take special
courses in home demonstration work.
She will be succeeded by Mrs. Jessie
IX McCotnb. assistant atste leader, ft
graduate of the University of Nebras
ka. The Ochoco Irrigation district haa
;Iosed a contract employing the Paget
Bound Bridge ft Dredging company,
it Seattle, to build ft large hydraulic
earth-fill dam. The Work was under
n tract to Twohy Brothers company,
if Portland, And was abandoned by
them en February 3. 1919. The pump
work haa been started and the aisle
ng operation has commenced. .
Perfecting an organisation to pro
vide employment for returning sad
dler throughout the state selection
of August 14, 15 and 14 as the date)
for Ra annual state convention at
Klamath Falls, and selection of com
mittee to memorialize the Oregon con
gressional delegation to do It utmost
in securing the passage of leglslstlon
for the benefit of the discharged sol
diers, were among the Important re
sults ot ft special meeting of the Ore
gon State Elks' association held In
Portland.' v - --:
A special aeaslon of the Oregon leg
islature probably will be called by
the governor in May, when there will
be referred to the people) at ft spatial
election to be held in , June such re
construction measures as a commis
sion of 15 members may prepare. The
plan la contingent on the evolving of
ft practical program to give employ
ment through big development or
building work. Irrespective of the
amount of beading necessary for fi
nancing and If conditions in the coun
lev era not Jmoroved.