The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, February 07, 1919, Image 1

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Principal Evmti of the Wuk
Brlifly Sketched for Infor
nation of Our Reader.
:M t'oo by branch of lh Southern
I iwlflr, In ao great that on room can
got conimulat a'l th puplla and
mother will b adilril. Tha teacher
ind lha larger boy puplla of tha
Khool will do all Ida work.
Tha big aawmlll of lha Booth Rally j
Lumbar company at Springfield re
lumod operation Monday aftar bar
HI baan cloaad for a month. During
hli tlma rapalra hva been mada to
" rarious unlia of tba plant. Tha com-
Tba total eounty Indebtedness of soy' mill at Wandllng baa baan
Rltner IntxoduceiTUll for Jew Penltmtlary Building
under which tha auta printing plant
would print all tba teit books used In
tha schools of tba aula, tha aama to
ba aold at actual coat.
Mora xpedllou transaction of cir
cuit court buslnaaa la tba purpoa off
8alem.-Who tha Lglatatur a, war. If a bill introduced by Senator bl" lDtrfu5 hf V11.1 J"d Claim Of Oifferent . Nation
eembled Monday for tba fourth week Handley become law. Tha measure " ' . ..
Klamath county la now IUI.I4I.7.
A larg attandaac of growers and
othara la aipactad at tha fourth an
nual moating of tba Western Walnut
auorlatlon U bo bald In Portland Fb
ruary and T.
Aftar long vacation. occasioned by
tha In Mite as apldamle. tba Monmouth
publlo acboola opanad again Monday,
having baan cloaad' tine a weak be
fore tba rhrlltmaa holiday.
With practically no now "flu" eaaaa
for aral daya, tha Albany health
utbortUoa hav removed tha ban on
tha) city a-4 allowed publlo meeting
rated throughout lha wlntar.
To furnUh employment to returning
oldler and atlinulata activity slung
constructive plana extunalve I in pro ve
meut of Ilia diK-ka and strocta of tha
city of North Bend la being advocated,
and Indlcatlona ara that tbnr will
probably bo a larga amount of work
dona tbora during tha summer If ma
terial can bo aocured at aatiafactory
It will not bo long before tba pruno
crop of the northwest will bo 100.000.
000 pound, according to oallmatea
mad by Robert C. Psulus, manager of
f lh. ..n !,.,. ... .,. mil. uki Ih.t !I nt- court, h. lK.n juauca 01 w supr-m- roun to Bn
It credit in tha way of bill paaaad authority to apond 16000 of tba pubU ctrc"u , -uty dr'
money for tbia purpoa. - Kun tuu" " ,
CaplUI Bill Introduced. , Congress U ""Uf mM
Death penalty for all peraon. hero- ppropn.w umu. r .
and aent up to tha governor. A a
matter of fact, vary few of the lrd
portant measure bare been Intro
duced in either houi. '
While tb bout did considerable
work lait week, tha aenate moetly
marked tlma, due largely to tb (act
that the aenate committee reported
out few bill for conalderatlon. Both
bouaea from now on muat get down to
a. steady grind and work longer bourn
If tba uaual congestion during the laat
daya of tbo aeaalon ara to bo avoided.
Parhapa tha moat Important piece
of legtalatlon passed during tba third
week of tba session waa the Dlmtck
Kubfl syndicalism blllv designed to
uppr Bolthevlkl, I. W. W. and
Must Be Adjusted Oyer
Peace Table, v
Paris. Tbo delegate of tb five
after convicted In tbla state of our- ublD ,,eel toi wooitn thlp' now rMt p0"r " B0W to P10"" 10
dr or treason In tha first degree la
under contract," la a memorial passed
provided for In a propoaad conatltu- br boUl to"-
llonal amendment Introduced In the
aenate by Senator Dim Irk.
No alternative penalty la provided,
so if the amendment ahould ba passed
by the legislature and approved by
tba voter It would mean that all per
aon convicted of murder in the first
degree must be aentenced to death.
The amendment, If adopted, would
bo aelf executing.
Governor eigne Eight Measure.
Eight bill bav been signed by
Senator Dimlck'a bill making It A
crime to teach the German language
In the publlo schools and college of
Oregon, waa passed by tb aenate by
a vote of 18 to 1L
compare clearly their own aspiration
and tboae of all their allied friends,
and to see tbe difference that muat
be reconciled. , "
Prance want, first of all, Alsace
Lorraine unconditionally, and the
right to discuss and ultimately to fix
tbe French frontier In their relation
to tbo Rhine.
, The French bill for reparation 1
not yet complete, but It baa been an
nounced In tbe chamber of deputies '
that it will be about S,000,000.000
la cburcj0 and theatre, and schools th Salam Fruit union. Tb total acre- kindred radical movement. Tbe bill Governor Witbycombe and filed with
to reopen.
Because vral small chool chil
dren bav been run over and serious
ly bart by automobllea of late, tb
L Grand Par.VTacher association
baa launch f campaign agalnat car
Us driving.
Representative of a party of French
Canadians, who dealra to secure fann
ing land and local In tb Willamette
valley, have been la tbe Albany sec-
age In prune la this state la sstlra
ated at 30.112, of which 16.016 ar
bearing and 14.166 acrea not yet In
bearing but due to bear within lh
next five year.
Rancher living on the branches of
Coos river, the east aid of Coo bay.
on Catching inlet and Daniel creek,
and In small community village. In
cluding Cooston, Sumner and Alle
gany, bav started a movement for.
tlon tb pst few dy looking for do- highway giving them access to tb
carried aa emergency clause to make
It effective Immediately when lgad
by tb governor. v,
. Tb house by a very large vote
passed tb Gordon red flag biU, which
forblda tbo dlaplay of tb red flag,
tb mblm of anarchy and Bolshe
vism. Tbla bill win undoubtedly meet
with approval in tbe senat.
Senate Peases Anti-Trust Bill.
Tba anti trust bill passed tb aenate
Secretary of State Olcott. They are:
Soldiers' ' and Bailor' commission
bill, appropriating 1100,000 and carry
ing aa emergency clause. Now effec
tive. Measure appropriating 1552,385 to
meet deficiency appropriation of tb
emergency board. Emergency clan
attached. , .,
Meaauro appropriating 325,000 bo
Nat C. Goodwin, tbe actor, died at a
hotel In New York after a brief Illness.
Csech troops have occupied Austrian franca.
Silesia, having defeated tbe Pole, ao- Great Britain's delegation believes
cording to Information from Vienna, that a society of nation la desirable
Austin Dowllng, blsbop of De and obtainable, and that it muat be
Moines, baa been named archbishop of established by tbe present peace con
st. Paul, succeeding tb late John ferenco. Britain will Uke mandatory
Ireland. power over the German island south
It U estimated that nearly 200,000 ct tbe equator for Australia and over
men and women are Idle In the United southwest Africa for too Colon of
Kingdom and Ireland because of South Africa. She will also have the
strikes In various trades. mandate of German East Africa and
Mis Margaret Wilson, daughter of some parts of Arabia and she" ba par
President Wilson, according to the tlculnr claim In thi respect over
Etolle Beige, Is suffering from an at- MeaopoUmla. Groat Britain will en-
drabla tract.
Tb Oregon Congress of Mother
and Parent-Teachef association will
' hold a child welfare drive In Portland
February It for tb purpose of financ
ing tb work of tb parent' educa
tional bureau.
Aa offer or I270.OOO ba been mad
by A. L Hill and other business men.
of Medford for th purchase of th
Pacific it Eastern railroad property.
Tbe offer I now under consideration
by tb bondholder.
On ectlon of th McKenil river
'. ; wagon road, construction of which
waa halted by tbe declaration of war,
will be built tbla aummer, according
to word received by Clyde R. Sells,
district foreat aupervltor.
Captain J. L. Wood, of Albany, I
on of 30 officer selected from th
Engineer corps of th American Ex
! pedltfbtisry fore to appraise the prop
erty damage cauaed by the German
army In It operation In Belgium and
. Franc. .
Tb eoata and bow conferee on
th revenue bill bav been asked by
Senator McNaf? to place a per gallon
tal of 10 centa on loganberry and
other fruit Juice Instead of tb 20
, per cent gross sale tag a approved
by tb bouse.
Tbe taxpayer of Umatilla county
are getting behind th movement to
indue tb county court to call for a '
special oiaciio" for submitting to th
voter tb plan of Issuing aerial bonda
providing for permanent road con
traction In th county.
Construction on tb depot for tb
, Piinevlll railroad, on at th Junc
tion and th other at the tormlnus In
the city of Prlnevill. ha been start
ed, and on tb completion of the
tructurei, regular passenger traffic
over tb road will begin.
Motor vehlcl registration for Jan
vary, 1313, exceeded those of January,
1913, by nearly 12,000, according to
tabulation for th month made publlo
at tb office of Secretary of State 01
oott. There were 43,062 motor v
blcl registration for th past month.
pay per diem and traveling expense
them access to th wB0Ut 0ppo,moII( bul ,t UMy ,0 of member of tb legialatuxe and al- ot ,nnuenl, Jn Bruaaela. She la tcr a pool wltb the other aJlle in tbe
bay. To construction ' c,u aiacusslon In th bouae and will 1 of clerk and t.nogrepbera. ntm to ber room in th American matter of Indemnities eipeclsUy rep
aration for air raid damage and ahlp-
cities on Coo
of theae highway would neceasltat
about 25 mile of new rued.
Lumber eblpment by water from
tb Columbia river during th month
of January were exceptionally light
Record a compiled abow that 18 veasel
loaded at lower river mill In that
month, their rargoea totaling I2.313.
2 feet. During tb aama period
aeven vessel loaded 4.390,735 feet of
lumber t upriver mills, making a
grand total of 17.709.861 feet (hipped.
A bonding election for tbe' new
Sparta Irrigation project near Baker
took place Monday and carried by a
larg majority. Thia ejection mark
th transition of a on ttm famous
mining camp from a region of desert
bllla to a promlalng'asricultural com
munity. Th plan l to reclaim 12,000
acre by bringing water from Eagl
creek through , the Sparta mining
ditch. V
All restrictions, save tboae on prof
iteering, have been removed by tbe
Oregon food administration and tbe
suite of office formerly occupied by
th administration la Portland hav
been closed. W. K. Newell, federal
food administrator , for Oregon, will
bold hi office until the signing of
peace, when the I'nltsd State food
administration automatically lose ail
Charles L. Houston, of Astoria, well
known contracting builder of the low.
r Columbia river district, was almost
Instantly killed near Clataop station,
Ho was directing the construction of
a new plledrlver and had climbed Into
the donkey engine to examine lb As
h grasped a pip to balanoe himself,
it gave way and he fell to lh ground,
a distance of about 15 feet, striking
bis bead on a railroad tlo and frac
turing hi kulL . - , .
A perceptible Impetus was given to
Marlon county' ever growing fruit In
dustry when the machinery of the new
8100,000 plant of tb Northwest Fruit
Products company waa set In motion
for tb manufacture of Jellies, Junis
and preserves from the fruit and bor-
vw amvnavu or Yuiea boyd, . f
At this Mm no on can tell Just
what may be expected In tbe way of
road legtalatlon. Ther 1 lack of
harmony about many feature, but th
310.000.000 road bonding bill I being
whipped Into ahape and la ached uled
to appear tbla week. It will provide
that 75 per cent of the fund given
th highway commission shall be
pent on the primary road outlined
In th road building program of 1917,
while the remaining 25 percent 1. fe
be used la tb discretion of th com
mission on any roads which It may
decide ara necessary of Improvement.
It will provide that the rate or Interest
Is not to be more than 4H Pr cent
and that the bonda sba'l be retired
. at tbe end or $5 year.
Non Psrtlssn Judiciary Sought
A bill introduced by Senator Nor
blad, of Clataop county, provide for
a non political Judicial system In Ore
gon. . Tbla meaaure la one which ha
for many year been advocated
throughout tbe atate, and the present
aaaembly 1 expected io enact tbla bill '
into a law.
It Is provided In tb bill that all
candidate for the office ehall b
placed on a aeparate ballot at pri
mary election and thl ballot shall
be officially designated a th "official
primary nominating non-political Ju
dicial ballot"
Anti-Lobby BUI Prepared.
Complying with President Vinton'
request that legislation be Introduced
curbing the activities of tbe huge
Emergency clause attached.
' Bill empowering elite and town,
without consent of property owner
affected, to annex property that ba
been or will be surrounded by th city
limit. Meaaure baa particular' appli
cation to Portland.
Two bllla by Senator Baldwin plac
ing atat bank member ot tb federal
reserve ytem on th same footing as
national bank membera.
legation. '
Official table of major battle can- ping lomea.'
ualtlea of the American forces In
France, made public by General March,
chief of etaff, abow that approximately
10,000 men , remained wholly unac
counted for nearly three month after
the ending of hostilities.
An army of 500.000 men waa unani
mously decided on by tb house mili
tary committee as the basis for deter-
Meaaure empowering the tate high- mng tna appropriation for army pay Jcuu problem.
Italy ask for tha Trentlno aa far
as the Brenner Pas, including tb
whole of southern Tyrol; Trieste. Is
tria. Flume, Zara, Sebenko, tbe larger
part of the Dalmatian Islands, Avion
and it hinterland, and a protectorate
over Albania.
Territorial connection in tbo Bal
kan ar complicated and present dif
fer th year beginning next July. Com
mittee member said the number was
expected to be the average force dur
ing the year.
way commission to aell obsolete or
worn out machinery. - -
Meaauro extending , tbe power of
eminent domain for county courta and
the highway commission ao that uae
may be made of property before com
pletion of condemnation proceedings.
Bill Provides For New State Prison.
Authority to construct a new peni
tentiary building at a coat of 3500,000
I sought in a bill Introduced by Sena
tor Rltner. Tbe bill provides that the support ot 25.000 striking metal trades
question be referred to a vote of tbe workmen, who left the shipyards and
people at the next general, regular or contract ahopa here January 21 after
special election. their demanda tor higher pay than
If tbe bill become a law, th board that given In the Macy federal wag
of control will bav authority to uao adjustment award had been refused.
8125,000 annually for four consecutive
All Seattle Industry I Threatened.
Seattle. A city-wide strike ot tbe
majority ot 152 labor organisations.
Involving tbe greater part of 70,000
worker, was scheduled to begin on a hi iiaktii
Thursday morning t 10 o'clock, la V Tl AT jlJl If J 0119
Belgium ask that her reparation ,
for damages wrought by Germany
a hail be tba first lien upon German
assets to the extent of at least 15,000,
000,000 franca or up to a much larger
sum it Germany does not return tb
machinery and tbe matexlala taken
from Belgium.
year to pay for th cost of th new
building. It I not required that tbla
amount shall conform to tbe C per
cent statutory limitation.
May Abollah Parol Officer.
Senator LaFollett, of Marlon coun
ty, ha Introduced a bill for the aboli
tion ot the office ot state parole of
ficer. Th bill, which would amend
th present law. would make It the
Red Propaganda Target of Probe.
Washington. Sweeping .investiga
tion of Bolshevikl, L W. W. and other
propaganda wa ordered by th senat
after a tempestuona discussion, in
which several senator declared or
ganisation were plotting to over
throw the American government by
violence. The, senate Judiciary aub
commlttea. which for more than a
paving lobby that descended on tbo aUt of 0,rcult JadM wnen P-ltag year ha been Investigating pro-Ger-
Portland bad th lowest monthly, riea ot th Willamstt valley. Th
tiro loss during January sine May,
1910, with th single exception of on
month, December, 1917. Tb exact
fir lots ha not yet been tabulated,
, but Fir Marshal Grenfell estimates
th January loss at approximately
. Th fruit orop in Douglas oounty re
turned over 31.000,000 to grower In
1918, and a labor and weather condi
tion wer unfavorable fruit men Ar
highly pleaseu. " "
Through deals closed last week at
Hood River, J. R. Nunamaker and
ions, Don, Floyd and Neal Nunamsker,
slresdy owner of 75 acrea of full
bearing orchard, bav increased their
holding by 73 acres. Th aggregate
f the turn paid will reach 350,000, It
I ld.
A total ot 314,270.66 wa collected
tor tb Oregon soldier' and sailors'
fund, raised In Portland by various
sntertalnment for th benefit of Ore
ion men overaea and of thl amount
I total of 35425.09 ha been disbursed,
leaving a balanc of 38845.47 Intact In
the fund.
Th attendsnc at tb publlo school
It 'otl, 33 miles west of Eugene on
management ot the new plant hope
to manufacture 115,000 case of Jel
lies, Jam and preserve within tUe
next 60 to 80 day.
That th proposed great loop high
way around Mount Hood nay become
an accomplished fact as soon a pot-
legislature laat week to lobby agalnat
measure striking at the paving trust,
Senator Dimlck drafted k drastto
meaaure prohibiting lobbying.
Under the term of the bill all lob
byists must register with the secre
tary ot state, giving their name and
Ihe natur ot their business. Lobby
ing with members either in or out ot
the statehous Is absolutely forbidden,
the meaaure providing that If tbe lob
byists have an argument to advanco
for or against a measure, it must b
made befor committees, in 'th press
or in printed statement delivered to
th member on their desks,
Phon Regulation Urged.
persons to mak written condition of man and brewers' propaganda, was
th parol order, to be forwarded to authorised by the aenate resolution to
the warden of tbe state penitentiary, conduct the new Inquiry.
Instead ot to the parole officer, and
provide that the person paroled re
port to th warden Instead ot the par
ole officer.
Liquor Law Ar Tightening.
Two bllla aimed at bootlegging were
'Produced in the- senate by Senator
berhard. One provides that munlo
Introduced in the senate by Senator
court and the other gives a municipal
Judge th right to Issue search war
rants In seeking to suppress the liquor
traffic. Under' the present state law
' these powers ar delegated only to
German Troops Attack Pole.
Zurich. German troops have at
tacked the Poles at several points
along the eastern frontier, capturing
Crunthal, Wunshein and Grossamokli,
Washington. The situation in tb
Anchangel district is regarded by mili
tary officers In northern Russia aa ex
tremely critical
Reporta that -the Bolshevik force
were using ga shell were taken ber
by some officer to mean that tbla
equipment had been supplied through
German source, notwithstanding th
term of the armistice, and If this waa
established a a fact It wa intimated
that drastic action against the Ger
mane would be taken by Marshal Foch.
Available figure obtained by war
department officii show that the
British force In the region of the north
la approximately 6000, American 4600,
French 1500, loyal Rubs la na under
British officers 1200 and 1000 other
oldler of one of th (mailer allied
countries. - -
Butter Export Now Allowed.
Washington. Exportation of but
ter, prohibited during vtb war, will
is permitted under an order iasued
by the war trade board.
Alleged failure of th publlo ervrce tta ottMt-
commission to take any aotlon In curb-
alble, Rufu C. Holman. president of tag th telephone companle ot th
th Oregon v Association ot County In lmptg rate and charge
Judges and Commissioners, has called contrary to the statutes of Oregon
a meeting to be held in Portland Sat- " violation of th right ot th'
urday. February 8.. To thi meeting People, Representative Graham, of
Leglslstlv Brevities. -
Representative Scbuebel's bill pro
viding for creation of a board of con
ciliation and arbitration in labor dis
putes met defeat In the house.
Representative Thrift offered a Joint
Oat No. t whit feed, 345 per ton.
Barley Standard feed, 340 per ton.
Corn Whole, 3S7&69; cracked, 369
American Soldier . Not ResponslbJ
For Crim Wav in Parla.
Washington. Reporta that Ameri
can soldiers ar responsible for a
crime wave in Pari ar flatly denied
by General Pershing in a cablegram tot
Secretary ot War Baker. "Full refu-j
tat ion of the charges cannot be put,
too strongly before the American peo
ple," the American commander stated.
General Pershing's cablegram was
Sent in response to inquiries by thai
war department following sensational
charges, published in the Pari Mstin,
hav ben Invited tbe oounty court ot Lane, Introduced In tb house a Joint memorial asking congress to retain
Hood River, Wasco, Jefferson, Clacka
maa and Multnomah counties, United
State forestry official and Interested
resolution calling upon th commis
sion to take aucb steps as may be
necessary to suspend th enforcement
ot said telephone' 'toll ehsrgss or to
In a report mad by the chief of aecur th annulment thereof as may
engineers to the senate committee on M necessary.
, Tb resolution recites that the
rites charged should be reasonable
rates and based on the elements usu
ally considered In determining the
reasonableness of a rate.
Memorial Planned for Soldier,'
Every county In Oregon will be au
thorised to expend at least 35000 in
constructing suitable memorials or
arches in memory of the soldier and
sailor who took part in tha receat
oommerco, the following available bal
ance for Oregon river and harbor
Improvement on December 31, 1913,
are shown: Columbia, river a th
mouth, 894.642; Columbia river and,
lower Wlllamett below Vancouver,
Wash., and Portland, 3218.071; Clat
skanl river, 3880; Willamette river
above Portland and the Yamhill river,
37461; Wlllamett river at Wlllam
ett falls. 311,821. '
the United States employment service.
The house passed the Joint resolu
tion of Representative Smith, of Mult
nomah, providing for a committee to
Investigate tbe wood shipbuilding in
dustry and enlarged It to cover the
steel shipyards as well.
. Curfew shall ring each night for the
canines It a bill Introduced by Repre
sentative Dennla becomea a law. All
dogs must be safely tucked into bed
by 8 o'clock each night and remain
there until o'clock th next morn
ing, under this bill.
Representative Bean has Introduced
a bill providing tor a 350,000 appro
priation to create . a revolving fund
71. .
Hay-Timothy. 33082 per ton; . al- Amvrien ,oWlw, wer4 mpoMt.
ble tor an appalling number ot mur-
ders and robberies In the French cap!-:
falfa. 326.60.
Butter Creamery, 46c per pound.
Eggs Ranch, 41c per dosen.
Poultry Hens, 30 32c; roosters,
18c; turkey, 42c
Hay Eastern Washington timothy.
338 per ton; alfalfa, 334 per ton.
Butter Creamery, 60c
Eggs Ranch, 64c '. . '
Poulfr" Hens. 26 29o; spring,
2"c; roosters, dressed, 2728c; ducks,
Sic; gets, 26c; turkey. 44 47c,
tai. Pre dispatches sine that Urn
hav stated that these depredations
were committed by Apaches wearing
American uniforms, '
Portland J. Henry Albera
found guilty on two counts.
Government Insurance Convertible
Washington. .Conditions under
which aoldlers or sailors now holding
government life Insurance may coa-.
vert these policiea within five years
into other forms were announced by
Colonel Henry D. Lindsley, ot the war,
risk Insurance bureau. Ratea will ,b,
mad publlo soon. j