The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 31, 1919, Image 1

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VI UUlUlfta. 111 I UILaJI
Principal Ev?nts of ths Wiek
Briefly Sketched fof Infor
mation ol Our Readers.
Thirty-eight daatbi. due to Influen
aa. occurred la Pendleton up to Jan
uary 1.
Paclflo college at Newberi reaumad
work Monday, after being cloaed be-
rauee of tba Influenia epidemic
Hardy llolman, a pioneer of Oregon
and one of tha early eherlffe of Pol a
eounty. died ti bla borne In Delia.
Tha Marahfleld ecboola, after bring
eloaed on account of Influent for
nearly four months, raopened Monday,
John n. Crlffln, a ploner mining
man of Ilakar county, died In 81 Wis,
beta a hospital Is Baker. ad 10
A large number of delegates from
Lea. Douglaa and Coon counties at-
tended tha annual Baptist convention
la Bngeaa.
Fire at Pendleton did damage estlm-
alad at 1100.000 to tba Peoples' ware-
bouae and the otflcaa of 11. W. Collins
and C. E. Nelson.
During tha year 1911 a tout of 15.-
Ill accident ware reported to tha
Industrial accident coromlsalon. Of
thla total. 112 were fatal.
Of tha 15 high schools of Oregon
that entered the High School Debate
league last fall, 11 have withdrawn,
bringing the number to 14.
Influenia and Ha complications,
principally pneumonia, causnd Port
land's death rate In 1918 to Increase
to 111 per 1000 In comparison with
the 1017 record of 14 par 1000.
R. W. DeWltt. who pleaded guilty
to robbing the Doswell gold mine of
,u """ """""
i. im ih n.nllonllirv
. r--
One thousand delegatea and rein-
Uvea are expected In Portland on Feb-
ruary JO and 21 to attend the annual
northwest conference of Rotary clube
U'..hln.lnn nA npltUh
Bl WK-ftUU,
The Oregon-West Colonliatlon com-
pany will open up 10.000 acrea In the gresslonal committee framing the 1918 whl0 u impossible to tell Just t- excPl mu"'c,P"; '"J
Malheur valley, from Ontario to Vale, tax bill against the proposed 10 per what the road construction program faderal property, would oe taxeo, jne
April 1. and la waging a campaign to
"secure settlors, including stock and
The high augo of water In the Wll-
lamette river forced the Crown-Wll-
lamette Paper company to close It
pulp and wood mill at Oregon City,
tbua throwing 100 men out of employ
ment temporarily.
Freshets In the Hood river the paat
week have eaten away a bank near
the ateel bridge of the O.-W. RAN.
Co. until the county road connecting
the city with the Columbia river boat
Undlng la menaced.
The Dallas publlo school waa closed
Thuraday bacauae the high water
which followed the hoavy ralna filled
the basement of the school building ao
that lt waa impoaalble to build flrea
to heat the structure.
The national convention of the
Greater of America, the largest aa-
aoctatlon of hotel men In this country,
will be held In Portland on Tuesday,
Wedneaday, Thursday and
June 24. 25. 28 and 27.
In th death of Max A. Vogt, which
occurred In The Dallca, Waaco county
lost one of lta leading cltlxeua. He
waa prealdent of the Flrat National
bank of Th Dalles and held control
of larg business and property lnto
..1. ih.r.
' Coming unexpectedly and wholly
without warning, the neavieai rain
itorm which Astoria ever experienced
truck that oity Wednesday. The reo-
ords ahow that the precipitation for
84 hour! waa 8.8 inches, th greatest
.... i.n
Cove probably has the only aviator
l aaai aifaifit riMrvrtrt All A KM ft GAmiail
111 VWIH w . v 0 w - -
airplane. A letter from Will Motley
to hie brother, Lee Motley, dated from
France, January 17. aaya he brought
Cown a German airplane Just befor
the armistice waa signed. . ,
Nesrly 200 persona have Joined the
new Klamath Good Roada aasoclatlon,
which wa formed at Klamath Falls,
and which ha urged upon th leglsla-
ture an amendment which would per-
Hilt tbe bonding of the county up to
10 per cent of It valuation.
Extermination or aigger aquirrei
and other rodent pests In Dougla
county la the object of a bill drafted
by District Attorney George Neuner
at the requaat of farmers. The bill
will be sent to Salem and presented
for legislative consideration.
A provision for the survey of tha
r'annnl of Yaqulna bay from Toledo
io Yq was Inserted In tbe river
ml harlmra kill ai th Instance of
Pator MiNary. who a'o urged to
appropriation of IIOO.OOO In the hm
bill for lb Umpqua river Jetty.
Tbe publlo service oommlssloa doee
not assent to in order of W. F. Turn
er, receiver of tbe Pacific Eastern
railway, operating between Meitford
nil Butt Falls, to mu operations
of that road January iO. I'atrona of
lha road protected atrongly agalnat
Iba proposed cloaing ordar.
Enrollment of new students In Iba
University of Oregon at fcugrni tat
t,rm rrmliad ilia bUhnut mark In the
history of tha Institution. Btudenta
etirollnd for the first time numbered
, a eomiared with 380 for tha
9I7 IB16 term, a tain of it pr cent
Enthusiastic and unanlmoua Indorse-
wont for tha proposed 81O.O00.OP0
atate mad bonding measure and for
the proponed 11,000,000 bonding meaa-
lire In Umatilla county waa given uy
tha Umatilla County Good Koea esso-
elation, composed principally of farm-
Orders from Washington reached
Portland ateel shipbuilders to suspend
work on alt ateel ahlpa that cannot be
turned out during tha first half of
1919. About 15 steamers are expected
to ba affected that represent a total
contract valuation of approximately
Formal protest to the Interstate
commerce commission and director-
general of railroad aaalnst ratea on
grain and grain product not Used on
water grade and low cost haul to tide-
water, waa eouiorlxed at. a mooting re
Pendleton for permanent organization
or the Inland Empire Shlppere"
Belief from the prospect of a com
plete shutdown of the Eugene and
Bprlngflold flour mills In tha near fu-
ture because of an accumulated stock
of tbelr finished product In the ware-
r "" "..mvtA
rlnnr niarkftt. which took
greater part of the aurplus etoc.
Contending that restriction on the
free aalo of fruit Juices will kill the
fruit Juice Industry, now becoming
anlnhllhlt In thO north
- - - - m
west slatea, the Eugene chamber oi
commerce baa protested to the con-
cent tax on the aale price of all fruit
Work for aeveral hundred returned
soltllcra will bo available at llend If
construction of an additional two Dana
mill I started by the Brooks Scanion
Lumber company. J. P., Keyea, man
agor of the company at llend. an
nounced tint the second plant la now
under considorstlon, and that plana
and apecUlcaUons have boon ordered
drawn. -
Ralna. approaching the torrential,
accompanied by atrong winds, over
western Oregon luat week cauaea
streams to rise and lowlanda In many
sections were flooded. Railway com-
munlcation to point on Puget Bound
waa completely suspended, owing to
slides near Centralis, Wash. Tele-
graphic and telephone communication
..... .a
in hll dlrectlona waa badly Interrupted,
Prospecta that the atunted Juniper
tree, growing in Immense number on
the unwatered landa of central Ore-
gon, may assume real Importance aa a
substitute for cedar in ine manuiao-
ture of penella, were extenaoa m a
letter received by the Bend oommor-
Clal olub from the Dolkena Lumber
company. Practically unlimited quan-
titles of the wood can ba used for tbir
purpose, it waa elated. .,'
Tha strike of the employes of th
Sumpter Valley Railroad company wj
settled whan the managomem anu mo
employes signed a contract where -y
the employee are to continue to draw
the old wage ecale of 41 cent per
hour for brakeman, 49 cent for con-
rfnrtnra. R2 centa for enslneer and
60 centi for shopmen, and In addition
thikrAtrt IncrOftBA DI 1U CBBli Pr
.w ... - VlIulwlCU WUUIU UJ 1 Vej B44IUV tvi wvw.w
hour for a day of 10 hour. ? aW iirln!f the next two year,
, permit from tbe war department for Tha MXt heavlMt reduction la that
the conatructlon of the necessary o th6 staw falri $30,000 being pruned
dams fr the reclamation of Multn0,.rrom the ratlmataa of that Institution,
man Drainage District No. 1 has boon Tha Normal u snaved off 824.441.66 to
received. The project, lt is expected, brlnJ. (, down t0 the 874.288.44, or
wm be completed during the present mlUaga tax haais. Ths forestry, board
ypar. it will afford employment to a lg hu by a ucUon of 818,000. while
urge number of men. Involving an ea- tjw ngtltuton for the feeble minded
timated expenditure of 8300,000. Th hag g0 ar iogt 0nly 812.200 of the
project will add to the Intensive pro- $345 T00 appropriation Bought in the
duclng area of Multnomah county 8100 budget Mumate.
acre. Tne district exienas irom u
0n avenue to Falrvlew, a distance of
about 14 miles; and adjolna the city
limits of Portland on tbe north.
Portland -Henry L. Pittock, pub
lisher of the Oreg-onian, Is dead.
Road Legislation b
jUlem. While consldnrsble leglsl
lion of minor Importance received t
tendon In a h bouae during tba aoo
ond week of tba evasion, tha big Con.
atructlva meaaurei, In which tba peo
ple of tha elate at large ara Interested,
uch aa tboaa relating to highway,
finance and eonaolldatlon of manage
ment of elate institution;, were etlll
Incubating when tha legislature ad
journed for the week end. Beveral
bills on thesa vital subjects ara ached,
tiled for Introduction this week, but
It will douhtleaa be eome time before
tfley ara passed.
The Joint consolidation committee
baa agreed upon several bills designed
to merge various state bureaus. They
seek to errata aeveral departmenta.
via., a department of labor, a depart
ment of agriculture, a department of
health, a department of atate Institu
tions and buildings and poaalbly one
or two otber department. Paasag
of these bill would result In the mer
ger of a doxen or more boarda and
Some members of the Joint consoli
dation committee seem to tblnk that
their program will not meet with ery
strong opposition, but others believe
opposition will develop when the bills
are reached on the calendar, and It
would not ba surprising if they are
held up and awamped In the conges
tion usual during the cloaing daya of
the session.
Road legislation Is uppermost -la
the mlnda of member In both bouses,
ml all concede that a comprehenalve
highway program ahould be paased at
the preaent aeaalon. but the trouble la
that petty Jealousy, politico and per-
sonal arabttlon are hampering any
prompt action. The aenate and house
,ommi..,ea are 'jealous of each other
... ..,. t,l.l,,.v
we w
. Road Billa Appear , ,
A number of road bills have beon
,llr0duced, some of which have morlt
...w hit Itia iw-flllxil (lav.
D""""' " '
,ng truit ,nd pw-mU open compeUUoa
wUj (,S lt Mema cerUIn that a $10,
000,000 bond Issue will be provided
fon t0 oa financed by funda derived
frcm n increase In tbe motor vehicle
u, and , Ux on iaollna.
Reconstruction baa received alight
consideration, but thua far no definite
plan ha been formulated.
During the flrat two weeka of the
aesslon 80 bills were Introduced In the
Mnate and 191 in the house, and la
addition a number of resolutlona and
roemorlaIa have been preaented. Eight
houM tm were pending In the een-
e tnd 2i aenate bills in the house.
A fl()0a 0f tills to Increase salaries
htv0 appeared. So far 14 countiea
tre reported to have offered bllla to
tncreie aalarlea of county offlcera,
tnd bill are In to Increase the salary
of the Juattcea of the supreme court,
- . .
superintendent of publlo instruction.
insurance commissioner and dairy
commissioner. According to lobby
Ulk more aalary bills are coming.
1342,311 la Cut From Budget Figure.
h . , t wtyi .d e,n commit-
t6 auring Its first two weeks of
wreatUng wltn the financial problems,
hM UnUUTely allowed 82,002,863.44 of
the g45 178 0l the budget requlre-
, b at y,, taw makera,
having lopped off ismiue ao fa.
navng lopped oft 8842.811.66 ao far.
1.... . nti. mnr
thM $400 000 moM to b, cub off to
meftt th, pjoviaion, 0f the 6 per cent
Umltation amendment and there la
0very !naCation that tha commute
wm mak. J00(J 0B thlt
Tn4 mt)n Mducti0n made ha been
... , . ,v. tesnnnn nkixh
the !ndUBtrU1 iCCldent eommlseion ea-
J LA t. .f.A fM (.tofg.
Senate Favor Dairy Investigation.
Senator Pierce's proposal for the ap
pointment of a leglalative commission
to make an immediate and thorough
Investigation of the dairy industry In
Oregon, met with the unanlmou ap
proval of the senate and resulted la
Uppermost at Salem
tba adoption of bla resolution by on-
animous vote. President Vinton named
Senator Pietoe, of Union county, ai d
Patterson, of Polk county, aa the two
senate member of this commission.
The masure provides for three mem
ber to be appointed from the lower
branch. This commission la expected
o recommend needed legislation on
'tehatf of the dairy industry.
House BUI Protect Cattle Shipper.
The Gallagher bill, preventing a
combination of bidden for livestock,
received an unanlmoua vote In the
bouae. Tbia bill makea It a misde
meanor to enter Into an agreement
or arrangement preventing competi
tive bidding for livestock shipped to
a wholesale or central stockyards mar
ket Pines for violation of the act
range from $200 to 85000.
' Tba bill la dealgnod to prevent collu
sive agreements between the stock-
buyers, aaid to exist in the Portland
marketa, from bearing the price, of
livestock, or splitting the purchasea
among buyer for their benefit and
against tbe best Interest of the stock
men who have to enter the marketa
tot tha I of their stock.
Would Simplify Court Proceedings.
Five bills. Intended to simplify and
expedite court procedure in Oregon,
have been prepared for Introduction
by Representative Hare of Weaning-
ton county.
The chief reform proposed la to con-
for upon the supreme court power to
prescribe rules governing the modee
of pleading and procedure in the clr-
cult courts, and not bind the circuit
courta with hard and feat lawa aa to
procedure wbtch are used by the tech-
nlcal lawyer to obatrucU delay and
flivert justice.
Another one of the bills amende the
tried In the county in which tbe do-
fendant resides or where the cause of
action arose. '
, w V. rn..n,.tlr.
' luo " - (
,orai m 1UUB"""-
resolution pro poses aubmlasion of a
constitutional amendment to the peo
ple so to amend the constitution.
Provision also la made In the pro
posed amendment for a personal prop
erty exemption of 300. This amend
ment, if enacted, would remove tax
exemption oh all church, lodge and
0,nr Property of a similar nature now
enjoying immunity.
Antl-Truat Bill orrarea.
A general antl-truat bill which, lt ii
declared, la aimed mainly at the ao-
called paving trust, but la applicable
w "u" tu. , "
rally, wa Introduced in the aenate
by Senators Thomas and Lachmund.
The bill is designed to punish those
ho uld aeek to prevent fair com-
petition and likewise applies to those
wno enueavor i
A limit ika WastniV it a(I AH I1F 1 Vl) anm
way limit the production of any com
Producer of horticultural and agri
cultural commodities do not come
within th provisions of the act
TaK en Gasoline Proposed.
A Din provming ior 1
. .... . .. . . . . .
a gallon on gasoline ana uiniuuua waa
Introduced In the house by the houae
committee on roada and highways.
Th bill defines what ahall const!-
..... .... t th. .n v ahall
tlHt9' "berty fuel and such other
volatile and inflammable liquids pro
, . ' , .k.
uuceu or -I . vv of unemployed discharged .oldiera. the aatlon entered the war. Only 8170.
operating motor vehicle, except kero- nrAarA lh.t . ,.llftnnft hM Wn Mld .. .meA
sene oil. . . . .
All peraon, dealing In the liquid
fuels are to be known as dealer,
ngasel bolesale of
All dealers are re
ivtau wuoiuwn.
quired to register their names with
ihe secretary of state whether It he a
person, firm or corporation name.
Leglalative Brevities.
Organization of the Joint house and
senate consolidation committee waa
perfected with the election of Senator
Dlmlck, of Clackamas, as chairman of
the committee.
An annual appropriation of 816.000
to be used by the Oregon Agricultural
college In the investigation of crop
pests was introduced in the house by
the Joint committee on horticulture.
The house passed Senator Thomas'
Joint memorial urging congress to
eliminate the 10 per cent tax which
the conference committee in congresa
proposes to impose on loganberry and
sddI iulcea.
Tba senate Judiciary committee In
troduced a eubstltute bill for two oth
er to withdraw auta aid from tba
Industrial accident commission.
Tba bouae by unanlmoua vote paee
ad tha Dodd bill prohibiting any
school, public or private, within tha
. a I - A
atate of Oregon, from being conducted
in otber language but English. The
bill doea not prohibit tba teaching of
foreign languagea, but forblda the en
tire school being conducted la a for
eign tongue.
Two resolution Introduced by Rep
resentative Kubll and Smith, of Mult
nomah, ask congress to permit Oregon
shlpyarda, to take contracU on foreign
account, and a sweeping leglalative
investigation of why the government
la blocking the shipbuilding program.
Two aoldlera out of every tbouaand
who fought with the American army
overaeaa lost an arm or a leg.
Lea than SO enemy alien women
were Interned during tbe war. It waa
disclosed by the department of Justice.
Tbe body of Rosa Luxemburg, the
gpartacan leader who waa killed by a
moi) recently, waa found In the Land-
webr canal, according to a report from
Berlin. Tbe body waa terribly mu
tilated. Wounded American men or aoldlera
remaining In bospttala overaeaa num
ber approximately 104,000, Colonel W.
H. Smith, of the surgeon-generals of
fice, told the aenate committee con
ducting an inquiry.
Secretary Baker ordered the releaee
of 113 conscientious objector held at
Fort Leavenworth, the remlaalon of
the unexecuted portion of their sen-
fences, their "honorable restoration to
duty" and Immediate dlacharge from
the amy. '
Led by Prealdent Wilson, the au
preme council of the great power
aaopieu a propouuoa oruucm
by Prealdent Wllaon aaicmg au tns
elated governments at Prince's islands,
in the sea of Marmora, on February 15.
miK price is problem
Reason Given for Not uroinj. rarmsra
to Plant Larger Acreage.
8t Louia.-David F. Houston, sec-
retary of agriculture. In explaining
why the government la not urging
farmers to plant larger crops of wheat
next spring, pointed out that crops
planted In the spring will not be avail
able for the market until next fall,
when food conditions will be changed.
"The question is," he eald, "can the
crop be disposed of at the guaranteed
WJJ M Na x wln.
ter wheat?
The progpecta ,re that the yield
wW be at ,eftgt 10oo,000.000 bushela.
of whlcn aroount about 650,000,000 wIU
bs needed at home- wul Europe take
the aurplua after a season of produc-
m he(, Qwn account Md witn Aut.
tfmiu gnd Argentlna m the market?
Augtralla has been guaranteed 11.18
fof JU output and, of course, the Eu-
ropwm ationa wUl seek their supply
wj,ere they can get It at the loweat.
Work en Steel Ship Ordered Stopped
Portland, Ore. Order from Wash
ington reached Portland ateel ship
builders Sunday night to suspend
worfc on ftU gteel shlp$ ttat fcannot
be turned out during the first half
of 1919. About 25 steamers are ex-
pected to he affected that represent
a total contract valuation of approxl-
mately 838,000.000.
Soldier Need Not Quit Army Jobless,
Washington. To solve the problem
maQ be discharged from the army
mtQ uch Um- aa
, wn n.
QB (,dU VUMI1U ClUJiVJ aaavM as vmi taWVUUU V uaaa awa sawaw j vvv vvvv v
. a month. The reduction la caused
Farm Loan Total 1167,020,000. principally by the curtailment of ship
Washington. Under the farm loan menta of food, for payment of which
system 8167,020,000 haa been lent to American credits had been largely
67.888 farmers up to January 1, -the used. Total credits extended by the
federal farm loan board reported.
Portland -Oats
No. 2 white feed. 842 per ton.
Barley Standard teed, 846 per ton.
Corn Whole, 867 69; cracked. 869
Hay Timothy. 830 32 per ton; al
falfa, 826.60. . " ' . .
Butter Creamery, 50c per pound. ' .
Eggs Ranch, 66 S 57c per doxen.
Potatoes 81.60 1.75 per hundred. '
Poultry Hens,
28c; rooster. 18c.
28S0c; springs,
Representatives Of Nation 8t
Peace Meeting Unanimous
ly For Plan.
Pari. The peace conference ananl
piously adopted the league of nation
project. Preaidert Wllaon and Col
onel House are tbe American member
of the eommiaalon thereon.
Tba preliminary draft for a league
of nations aaya that the league ahould
have a permanent organisation to car
ry on tbe buelaeae between meetings
of International conference of all the
Tbe draft call for the appointment
of a eommiaalon eompoaed of two rep
resentative of tbe five great power
and five representative of the other
power to inquire and report en tbe
responsibility of tbe author ef tbe
Thla commission shall also inquire
Into breachea of lava and cut tome of
war committed by Germany and alilrs
ea the land and aea and tat the air
during the war. a well aa the degree
of responsibility for thee affenaee at
taching to particular member of the
enemy force "Including member of
the general, staff and other, how
ever highly placed."
President Wllaon rose a the reading
of the resolution by Premier Clemen
ceau cloaed. and In cairn, rather low,
earn eat tone, epok in support of the
league, with which hi naave ha bees
Identified. ,
Premier Lloyd George followed Pre-
Mnt mUoa ,B a brlef ,upport.
lug the general ?r!neipl of the league,
Th- JulUjj premier, Vittorlo Or-
MeDy tt
lutlon for the league, epeaking et the
high ideal it represented.
The former French premier, Leon
Bourgeois, made the moat extended
speech of tha day in eupport of the
"la there any objection to the reso
lution?" asked M. Clemeneeaa.
There waa no response, and be de-
, .j. .w- 1 t
ciareu mo iouuoii ";,
M. Oetnenceatt then announced the
composite committee ana tne oraer or
the names aa announced makea Preal
dent Wllaon chairman.
Land-Grabbing by Armed Force Or
dered to End.
Parta The annrrma war 1 council
te(ae4 m ,oi,,mB nlng to the world
that the possession of territory gained
by force will seriously prejudice the
claims of those who use such meana
and set up aoverelgnty by coercion. -
This declaration was framed by Preal-
dent Wilson.
jj, solemn warning with re-
gsrd to the gaining of territory by
force specified no countries, it covered
broadly the warring elemenU in th
TJkralne and those around Vllaa and
Lemburg, where bombardmenta have
occurred, and also In the Caucasus,
where the hew Georgian republic is
fighting the new Armenian republic;
also Serbian Inroads on Montenegro
as well as territorial occupation along
the eastern Adriatic, in Thrace and
In Poland.; :,t t ' V
- 1 1 1 . '
January Credit Reported Smallest
Since Nation Entered War,
Washington. - America's Job a
banker tor the allies has been lighter
this month than at any Urn since the
loan alnceUanuary 1. tha treasury
a althougn payffienta oa
. w ..,t tinn nnn nnn
treasury now amount to 88,688,772,000,
but only 87.854,818,000 haa been actu
ally paid out under these credit.
Great Falls, Mont The board of dl-;
rector of the Montana Union, Ameri
can Society of Equity, have signed a
contract for a site upon which they;
Intend to erect a 2,000,000-busbel ter-.
minal grain elevator, conatructlon.
work on .the flrat 5Q0.000-busb.el unit;
to commence within six montha. The!
site was contracted for with the'
Young's Bay Land Improvement com-
pany and the Montana-Warrectoa De-!
veiopBent company and i situated at
the port of Astoria, Or.