NOT fflUIY MORE DAYS OF Davis-Eraser's Y SfiL Our big sale will Ur over before you hardly realize it, so don't delay filling your wants now while the Yellow Tag offers you a big saving on your every house-furnishing need. Even at the sale prices everything is guaranteed to give you perfect satisfaction or your money will be cheerfully re funded, and we .also prepay the freight. Come now while our stocks are all in good condition and the as sortments are at their best. The Davis-Kaser Co. - COMPLETE HOME FUKNISHEKS WALLA WALLA, WASH. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Church of the Brethren-Sunday ?houl at 10 s. m. I'rcwhing at 11 a. m. C. W. S. at 6:30 p. m. ritble Study, Life of Christ, at 7:30 p. m. John Ikmewiu, elder. Methodist Church- Sunday school at 10 a. in. 1'rc-aching services at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Kpworth League at 6:30. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. S. E. Powell, pastor. United Brethren Church Preach- inn at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Junior C. K. nt 2:30 p. m. C. E. meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer meet Ing Wednesday evening. K. F. Wriggle, pastor. fiaptlat Church The Church with a cordial welcome for all. Sunday school at ten o'clock, preaching at eleven. Also preaching at eight o'clock in the evening. W. K. Storms, pastor. Christian Science Society Ser vices Sunday at 11 a. m., Water street, near Main. I : The Farmers Bank of Weston Established 1891 320 or 640 acres grain land; 145 acres now in wheat arid 145 ao be summer fallowed on each half section. Call for particulars. , Prcston-Shaffcr Milling Co. Established 1865 Athena, Oregon . Waitsburg, Wash. American Beauty Pure White J bio Made of selected bluestem in one of the best equipped mills ' in the Northwest. r - Sold In Westdn by Weston Mercantile Company BREVITIES Loom ulfulfa liny, first-fluns qual ity, for Mile. W. M.Davis. See ine fur alfalfa liay, cirir mah, poultry food or calf meal. Hodgson the Miller. Will traile $100 Liberty Bond for good young milch cow, just frenh or coining fresh. Inquire at this olHee. Lieutenant and Mrs. Curran Mc-Fadtlt-n left tfaturduy for Corvallis to visit the mother of Lieutenant McFaddun. The MiftM-s Rosaline and Jose phine Uohde and Minn Lillian Hsgen of Pendleton were guest lant week of Dr. and Mrs. Kenrmrd. A letter from the D. R. Wood farm near Montour,. Iduho, nays that its occupants have so fur es ruMfd the flu, although it is raging all around them. Jumet Johnson, in curly years a Weston resident, was her this week from liis home in Idaho, accompan ied by Mrs. Johnson, for a visit with old-time friends. While the Weston schools, until Hned Monday, had been closed since October 14. tho attendance yesterday had already reached 80 IH-rcent of the normal and is con stantly growing K. G. Failng returned Tuesday night from Portland, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. I. E. Saling, and daugther Lois. Mrs. R. G. Bal ing will continue her voice studies in Portland until the first of Feb ruary. The Weston Concert Band re sumed its rehearsals last Monday evening, with a good attendance. With its ranks strengthened by the return of several of its members from Corvallis, the band renews its work with excellent prospects. A good roads meeting will be held in Pendleton tomorrow after noon at two o'clock. A number of Weston citizens are planning to at tend in order to learn more about the proposed county bond issue. E. C. Rogers has direction of securing signers in the Weston district for the special bond election petitions. Through the courtesy of Senator Ritner and Representative Dodd the Leader is enabled to supply its readers with the text of any bill pending in either house of the Oregon legislature. A file of the bills introduced in either house, to gether' with the senate and house calendars, is kept at this office and may be consulted by any reader in terested. , ' Sergeant Sidney Barnes, who was expected home last Sunday, was as signed to Camp Lewis instead. It seems that Sergeant Barnes 'was discharged at Fort Dodge and had his -papers in due form, but was wound around with red tape in some inexplicable manner and or dered to report at Camp Lewis. He passed through Pendleton last Sat urday night. The residenco pr6perty on Wash ington street of . the O. T. Douglas estate has been sold through A. W. Lundell to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sam ple of Pendleton, who will come here .to make, their home. The property is among the most attrac tive in town. The ground em braces ten lota and haa a frontage of 20 feet, faced with a concrete retaining wall, Pursuant to call of its president, E. C. Rogers, the Weston Commer cial Club will meet at Masonic hall next Tuesday evening at seven thirty oclock. There will be offi cers . to elect, road matters to dis cuss and other important business. Rivalry over the several posts with in the 'gift of the club, especially the secretaryship, Is expected to lend especial interest to this gath ering. Be on hand end support your favorite. The unusual lack of winter pre cipitiation was made up for Satur day and Sunday, when a heavy rain fell throughout this section. Fol lowing a prolonged thaw it soaked the ground thoroughly and is ex pected to do a world of good. It was followed Monday by a light fall of snow, which soon disappeared. Snow at Blue Mountain sawmill is reported to have reached a depth of 22 inches, 10 inches having freshly fallen. A', perfect little gem of a lake, beautifully photographed, makes a pretty picture in the window of the DeMoss store. It is framed with bark from a tree on its shores, and its calculated to make the most prosaic stay-at-home long to hear the call of the wlid. It is known as Heart lake, , and is located 25 miles from the wonderful Lake Chelan. It was visited by the De Graws and the Culleys while on their outing last summer. The entire new iiwue of rupital Mock of the WciUn Mercantile Company, $10,000, has Ixvn taken, Increaxlng the concern's paid up capital to 130,000. In fact, tie new Imuv was over-f-uUribed, pi in eipally by stockholders Mho have Un in tho company since iu or-Ionization- no general is the ratis factlon on their part over the pros perous condition and gratifying progress of Weston's popular com munity enterprise. The increased capital will enable the- company to carry a larger stock of merchan dise and meet Its bills in cah this conducing to the advantage of its customers. Athena Press: Word has been received by cable from Lieutenant James Sturgis, by his wife, that he will arrive in the United uu by the end of January. Since the ar mistice was signed Lieutenant Stur gis has been appointed aide de camp to General Walsh, who is comman der of the Port of Bordeaux. From July 8 to November 11 he was on the firing line northwest of Ver dun. Mrs. Sturgis, who has been lerving the American Red Cross at national headquarters in Wash ington during the past year, will await her husband there and tc company him home. ' C. L. Pinkerton, assistant cash ier of The Farmers Bank of Wes ton, was kept at home during the week by a revere cold. Frank Price was similarly inuisposea dui is down town ajain. er Hodgson has been confined to his home during the week by an attack of rheumatism. ;J SOUVENIR POSTCARDS i PERFUMES TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY j EASTMAN'S KODAKS AND SUPPLIES PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES 't FINE CANDIES CIGARS PAINTS. OILS, GLASS I RUBBER GOODS AND SPONGES JEWELRY Herman Goodwin Prescription Druggist MMSaSMSHMMSSSBBHSMSSSISSSHSaaSI I We Appreciate Vour Patronage. Call Again. Chas. II. Crtr Dan P. Smythe Carter & Smythe uwrra Pendleton - - - Oregon Butter Wrap orders prompt ly filled at the Leader shop. Peterson & Bishop LAWYERS PsndWum. Or. Frewtr. Or. Dr. S. L KEIwIAED j Veterinary Surgeon j Hospital at corner of Main and Broad Streets. ' j Phone Main 253 J 1 !, f .0 0 o lenare, Lest a Stranger ! hy Feet! Pluck the Jewel at (Eleven hundred acrea good timber and farming lands, sawmill and box fac tory complete for operation; estimated over ten million feet of saw timber -and over 80,000 cords of cordwood; choice, deep soil-grow anything from strawberries to four-foot timothy; all fairly level, no encumbrance and all .or $15,000. Gee whiz, gentlemen. WAKE UP If! You'll kick yourselves sore when a stranger buys it and turns it at 25,000 the next week.) - y HOW ABOUT PLOWS? We have John Deere with curved mould boards PRICES RIGHT. Flying Dutchman with bent steel beams and bothjn pairs or triplets, side by each-PRICES RIGHT. Kentucky and Van Brunt drills one better, the. other, best. Weber and John Deere wagons we challenge com parison. O O O Two-spool sewing machines, singer style rotary and vibrators. Electric washing machines the best and we keep a sample for trial purposes; try it and then decide. Heating stoves galore and bargains. Kaslr Kounts ROGERS