The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 24, 1919, Image 2

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Principal Events of H Week
Briefly Sketched for Infoi
mit!onNfj)ur Readers.
Ufluenae eoadltlon continue to Im
prove to Albany.
Members ofth Oregon State Motor
aeeectatlon aefd their annual tneetlnR
t rrila4 giluraay.
. sf the 4J$ eoMf b( reverted to the
Industrial aretdent commission for the
wek ending January 1. none wore
fatal, t f Jk.
rmetilla torAr WM tbe nr9t wn,n'
ty la the eontrlbute its quoin
An Sn y
tvttai relief cam-
fI IB JH r
rin. U ' ,
The flu afedation In Crania rasa l
now betng Jhandled with flrmnoaa.
Every house In which there ts a case
of the nu ts strictly quarantine
The farmer and dairymen of south
ern Clackamas ounty atudled prob
lem relating to. their businesa at a
school of dairying which waa held at
In a collision between a speeder
and a gaollne-d riven, passenger car,
near Biggs. John Piacumls. track
watchman on the 0.-VT.' H- N, was
fatally injured.
Melrln C Spores, formerly of Port
land, a tanner fir mile south of
Venmonth. killed Miss Lent Brown,
a yoont girl, neighbor, and fa turn
cemmttted suicide.
Flaaa are tinder consideration for
the construction of a new Elks temple
In Portland, wttk sufficient facilities
to care for the needs of the order for
the next quarter century.
The Coos county court haa adopted
a new method of handling the high
way appropriations for 1919 and haa
placed the work entirely under direc
tum of Roadmaster J. S. Sawyer.
All fuel administration regulations
as t prices and tone on coal and
tofce will be suspended February 1,
aeoordlng to a telegram from Wash
tagton receded by Fuel Administrator
Fred J. Holmes.
Captain Jamea O." Convlll of the
United Statea employment service In
Portland, declares there are approxi
mately 10,000 unemployed men now
la Oregon, most of whom have been
released from war work. " ' i
Hope of, aeeuring ofl in paying
aaantities from the well on the Whit
aker ranch, southeast of Dallas, has
Vm abandoned by the Oregon Oil ft
Pipeline company. The well was driv
en depth of 1200 feet
The Oregon' state highway commis
sion waa denied a reduced freight rate
a materials for highway construction
in a letter received by 8enator Mc
Kary from Edward Chambers, traffic
da-eater of the railroad administra
tis. '
Jeka Cyril Hard, convicted of aee-
Yellow and White
We will crush your cob corn for you, or shell and crush it;
or, if dry, grind it into corn meal.
(a beautiful line)
MM Furniture
oud ttosroc nnir.KT for lh Bfiotit'.iiu
and killing of IVpuiy Sheriff Krank
TwomMoy. was sontonced to life tw
nrlsoitmoiit lu tho stale penitentiary
In Circuit Judge CantenMn court
In Portland. '
Through an aitreemnt reached bo
tween the Coos Hay Shipbuilding com
pany officers and the carpenters' and
Joiners' union, the strike In progress
at MarshfU'ld since January T was
settled and the 652 workmen returned
to work Friday morning.
' Final computation cf figures for
Oregon's war vlnge stump campaign
for 1918 shows that the ute has ex
ceeded Its quota. Purchases through
out the state aaiounled to IIS.4S9,
9TS.S3. This Is oue halt of 1 per cent
In excess of the state quota.
At a meeting In Pendleton of repre
sentative cltltens from every com
munity In Vmatilla county and from
farmers and commercial organlia
ttons, a programme of road building
tor the next two years calling for the
expenditure of over S1.COO.000 waa In
dorsed. Constituents of Senator Colon R,
Eberhard. of Morrow, Umatilla and
Union, have protested to blra aRalnst
the conttuuauce of tho office of state
biologist, whjch they declare "is not
necessary, and the money expended
for such office could be better applied
to better purposes."
Merits of Irrigation projects along
the Deschutes river are being placed
before federal officials of the reclam
ation department by State Engineer
Cupper and Congressman N. J. Sin
nott in the hope of enlisting federal
effort to develop the Irrigable lauds
as 'part of the soldier settlement or
reconstruction program.
Approximately 9.000.000 acre of
land await reclamation In Oregon, ac
cording to the official report of Dr.
A. R Cordlcy, director of the Oregon
agricultural college experiment sta
tion, for the blennium of 1918 1918,
whtch has Just been made to Presi
dent W. J. Kerr, of the college. Al
most 8.000.000 acres csn be profitably
reclaimed by irrigation, more than 1
000.000 acres of swamp, tide and other
wet land needs drainage and 2,750.000
acres of burned-over and logged-off
lands can be converted Into jirolitabl
farm lands.
Ajreat many of the resents of
McMlnnviUe have been cuttJug down
their old maple trees and replacing
them with English walnuts. Tlier-s
are two reasons for this, as the walunt
ria a prettier tree and the roots do not
destroy the sidewalks as do the ma
ple, and there is a crop of nuts,
which is worth considering.
" Many applications for re-employment
ot sprtrce production soldiers
who worked at Marsbfleld in mills
and logging camps are being received
from men who are being mustered out
at Vancouver. The men who are ap
plying come from all sections of the
United States and say their experi
ences lead them to choose the Pacific
coast as their homes.
Lumbermen of the Pacific northwest .
Store I
nave nven called to meet In comer
rnce with the Portland district freight
committee Tuesday, January II, re
garding the proposed new ratea tor
lumber and toreat product. This will
be the hearing btfor the committee
upon protest of the Industry, from
which numerous objections have been
made to the pjopoaed revision.
Gerheard Kllever and Peter F. Fr
aen, two Polk county residents, who
before coming to America were resi
dents ot Russia, were refused natural
isation paper In the circuit court at
Dallas by Judge Harry H. Belt be
cause they were classed a "consclen-.
tlous objector to war." Both stated
that they did not believe In war and
would not fight tor thla country.
The town ot Jacksonville, Grants
Pass, Rosoburg, Eugene, Albany, Sa
lem. Oregon City. Astoria. 8t Helena,
Htllsboro, McMlnnvllle, Dallas, Cor
vallls, Tillamook. Toledo, Coqullle,
Gold Beach, Medford, Ashland and
Marshfleld are to receive German can
non taken a trophies In the late war
by the terms ot a bill Introduced In
the house by Representative Hawley.
While records at the office ot the
insurance commissioner do not yet
disclose the effect of the Influenia
epidemic upon the Insurance societies.
It la known that they have been hard
hit. Between 80 and 40 fraternal In
surance societies are licensed to op
erate In Oregon and at the office ot
the commissioner It la said that the
fraternala have been suffering severe
ly. '
To discuss the financial end ot start
ing force account Jobs to give employ-,
ment to discharged aoldiera and sail
ors, the state highway commission
met with the roads and hlghwaya
committee ot the legislature Monday.
Meanwhile, Highway Engineer Her-,
bert Nunn ha been Instructed to en
gage about 80 soldier and sailor to
work on the Three River road project
at once.
Representative McArthur haa an
nounced that he haa been nuthorlxed
by the war department to appoint two
cadets to the United Slates military
academy for the term commencing
June 13. 1919. and that a preliminary
examination will be held In Portland
on February S for the purpose ot se
lecting candidate for the final ex
amination conducted by the academy
authorities on March IT.
William F. Turner, president cf the
Spokane, Portland ft Seattle railway,
wa appointed receiver for the Pacific
ft Eastern railway, a subsidiary cor
poration of the Hill railroads, owning
S3 miles of road extending from Med
ford to Butte Fall. The hort line
railway was thrown Into receivership
on the petition of the Columbia Trust
company, of New York, trustee for
the eastern bondholder of the com
pany. It I barely possible that a final de
cision on the question of an Increase
in rates for the Pacific Telephone &
Tr.legraph company may not come
from the public service commission
until late In February, or possibly tin
tU after tbe adjournment of the legis
lature. The telephone company asked
for a hearing on Monday, to present
further data, and the commission con
template handing down its order a
few weeks afterward.
Following the arrival in The Dalles
of J. E. Peck, resident engineer repre
senting the state highway department,
preliminary work wa started on
Wasco county' 1700,000 road program
for 1919. Beside tbe road from
Mosler to Hood River, the Dufur road
will be paved from The Dalle to
Three Mile creek; the road from The
Dalles to Chenowlth will be hardsur
faced, and the ll-mlle link of the
Columbia river highway from The
Dalle to Seufert will be paved.
The first train on the Sumpter Val
ley railroad to carry paisenger ince
the strike wa called on January 1,
left Baker- Friday morning to make
the run through to Prairie City. The
train wa manned partly by official
of the road and partly by employes,
and wa taken out after a two days'
session between D. C. Eccles, presi
dent of the road, and the striker; In
which" the latter were offered their
position at the old wages. The at
tempt to open lip tbe road for traffic
Is being made by President Eccles,
who is of the opinion that the govern
ment does not intend to take any ac
tion affording the road relief, and also
because appeals are being made by
communities that the line serves,
stating that tbe closing of tbe road 1
causing suffering and distress.
House Passe Bill Shortening Period
of 'Residence In West
Washington. A senate bill modify
ing homestead laws to shorten the
period of residence required Of set'
tier In mountain region of the west
wa passed by the bouse without
The present law require even
months' residence a year for three
years, but the bill would permit land
office registers to require six months
for four years, or five months for five
years in region where climatic con
dition make tbe longer period impracticable.
Simu.MirlioN KAUN '
Strtcttv in An-wt
The Year .: M00
Sis Month I W
Three Month 0 60
ntlMY. JMt. 24
. Ill
rU t ths aeitelllc at Vftilen. Orttea
tt went-clm wall Hr.
I n :!-, T , 3--. i ---JS
Regular, per Inch per Insertion 16c
Transient, per inch per Insertion 10c
Locals, per line per Insertion 10c
We quote below a ahort excerpt
from a long editorial in Monday's
"Charges that wounded soldiers
arrive from France without money,
are not paid promptly and are not
sent to hospitals are denied by Gen
eral Lord in a letter to The Ore
Konian which la published in anoth
er column. Though General Lord
no doubt believes that the system
which he describes works accu
rately, the fact is notorious that
a great many soldiers are turned
loose, not only at debarkation points
but at cantonments in this country,
with pay months in arrears, and
many wounded are not sent to hos
pitals. Not only that, but allot
menu of soldiers' families are far
in arrears, and some are reduced to
serious straits and are relieved by
the Red Cross. The general public
is not concerned with the question
by which department these pay
menu are delayed; it knows that
the government has fallen down
in doing its duty to the soldiers
and their families."
In many respects the government
has done wonderful work in trans
forming the United State from a
practically defenceless to an armed
nation thus contributing to Autoc
racy's defeat. Yet credit for such
accomplishment will be lost sight
of if the charges set forth above
are true to any considerable extent.
The American people have both a
practical and a sentimental interest
in their soldiery. They will not
stand for any official callousness or
carelessness or negligence In dealing
with the brave young men who
wear their country's uniform. These
come from every city, town and
village in the land and arc near
and dear to the nation's heart.
The war having been won tho many
Jases in other respects the prod
lgal waste of time and money in
some departments, contrasting with
the remarkable efficiency in others
will be forgotten and forgiven.
Teople will merely laugh when they
read that the army of clerks in
Washington are stumbling over one
another and do little but draw
their pay. Yet the least mistreat
ment of soldiers by those in power
will be bitterly resented throughout
the length and breadth of the Unit
ed States. The democratic admin
istration, whether at fault or not,
will be held responsible; the demo
cratic party will be held responsi
ble, and not all of Wood row Wil
ton's indubitable prestige can save
fhe White House for a democratic
successor. The situation is well un
derstood outside of administration
circles, if not In Washington; it is
also well understood that neglect of
soldiers' families inexpHcable, In
view of the plethora of clerical help
in every Washington bureau will
not be tolerated. In brief, it is a
situation calculated to make judic
ious democrats grieve.
'. Complaining that the apportion
ments in tho Fourth Liberty Loan
drive were "out of joint and need
fixing," the esteemed Athena fress
asserts that "Athena was called
Upon to raise approximately two
and one-half , times as much as Wes
ton and Helix combined." Well,
then, Athena must have two and
one-half times the money of Weston
and Helix combined, as indicated by
its bank deposits. In fact, Ath
ena is among the richest towns
of its class in Oregon, Very likely
it is the richest ratio of popula
tion to -bank' deposits considered.
Its people should rejoice that they
were financially able to help the
government to the degree that they
(fid in buying its securities should
rejoice that they are able to own
and hold such good securities. In
the war drives bnaed on population
where it waa a question of
straight-out giving--Athena really
suffered leea financial huhlnhlp than
other towns, since her power 10
give was greater. Wo reiH'tit, then,
let her rejoice and be glad -and
join Weston In hat to Pilot
Rock, which holds the undiluted
Umatilla county war-drive champi
onship for the free heart and open
."I am In favor of hhkI ronda
but," will hardly do In thla In
stance. Do not Gutter, hesitate
nor equivocate. But us no but, as
it were. Umatilla county now has
a comprehensive road bonding plan,
as fair as may be to every section
of the county, that was unanimous
ly put forward by a large and rep
resentative gathering of level-head-cd
farmers and bu&lness men. If
you really want good roads, this is
the plan to boost for.
Carl Hapsburg, now out of an
emperor's job, has been sued for
failing to take the Auntrian govern
ment bonds for which he subscrib
ed; but wo do not blame him for
not liking the security.
Capital evidently has no rights
that tho Seattle shipyard strikers
were bound to respect.
It ia bound to strike the most
optimistic observer that the peace
conference so far has resulted in
far more oratory than action.
Although confidently declaring for
self-government, it by no means
follows that ould Ireland will not
have a fool for a ruler.
One trouble with punishing the
cx-kaiser being that no mundane
punishment can possibly be de
vised that will fit the crime.'
And still we think that congress
oughtn't to blame the president
for wanting to put the ocean be
tween it and himself for awhile.
Who knows what's the matter
with J. E. Hoon, Milton bond slack
er? Hoon knows, perhaps.
At this distance there stems to
be a superabundance of confer in
The over-subscription of new
stock in its community store mere
ly goes to show that Weston knows
when it has a good thing and is dis
posed to push it along.
We' are glad to observe that
Freewatcr is going to have a new
bank edifice, although in little old
New York it would probably be
only a building. .
Edsel Ford is getting one hun
dred and fifty thou., a year as presi
dent of his dad's company, when
the Leader very likely couldn't use
him as an oflke cub.
Uncle Sam will have to take care
of his soldiers, or in the event of
another war they will never take
care of him.
"Make Padercwski president of
Poland, to that the Germans will
have to face the music," suggests
the Indianapolis Star.
The shipyard striker is apt to
find that he is hitting himself the
hardest blow,
Italy may have to bo taught that
the world war was never fought to
enlarge her dominions.
While Bill Hohenzollcrn is saw
ing wood, we cm almost see him
grinning between sticks at the row
between the Italians and the Jugo
slavs. The Salem correspondent of the
Oregon ian hazards the prediction
that the present legislature will
enact a ten mlilion dollar toad bond
issue. t
If Oreece cannot have Constantin
ople for It own seat of government,
It want that ancient city to be set
aside as tbe permanent capital of the
league of nation. Tbl developed dur
ing discussion of Premier Venltelos'
presentation of Greece's political and
territorial aspirations, In Tan.
New International
DICTIONARIES are In use by bud
nrse men, engineer, banker,
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Are You Equipped to Win?
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If you seek efficiency and ad.
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. VanbuhuirTerm. )TM .
KM lllmlriMlun. . 4t
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Motets, Km
General Insurance
and Real Estate
n v nu . want to sell vour
property? If it is safablo
Except Saturdays
To All Kiddies
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'. or under.
R. L. Reynaud
:J Baker's Goods
! Phono your dray orders,
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