The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 24, 1919, Image 1

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Prompt Organization of Both
Houses Augury of Suc
cessful Session.
Prohibiten Amendment Ratified Sol
r dler' an4 Sailers' Cmmllon
Psrmtd No Conflict Over Consoli
dation Waul Suppress Criminal
Syndicalism Stat Polio Report
msnt Proposed Cmpglory Im.
ployment of Soldier.
. Salem. If th prompt monitor In
which tb legialatiir organised and
atartod to work la an Indication of
tho manner la which Iho law making
business la going to b conducted It
augur woll tor a successful amtlon.
Ther waa no bickering In olthor
bouse over organisation. Both tho
president of tho aonato. W. T. Vinton
of Yamhill county, and tho speaker of
tho house. Seymour Jonee of Marlon
county, war elected without oppool
tlon. Tho leglolallv mill began to (rind
promptly after organisation waa com
pleted, with Jsse ueotoaa dobat than
during tha flrat wook of any eosslon
for many yeara. Wblto fowar bllle
wart Introduced than uiually appear
during tho flrat wook of a eosslon,
seldom do tho Initial wook aeo o
many Important moeaure brought for
ward. All told. 10 bills bav boon
Introduced la th bou and SI in the
The flrat Important action of th
leglalatur after organlatlon wa tha
ratification of th national prohibition
amendment Tha prohibition resolu.
tlon paaaed the hou4 with only In roe
negatlv vote. Mat by Kubll. Lew la
and McFarland, all from Multnomah
county. In th aonat th resolution
wa pissed by an unanimous tote.
Ill aaeed to Bellev Soldier, '
Th flrat bill ped provided for
the creation of a aoldlera' and aallora'
commlaalon for th relief of returning
aoldlera. appropriating 1100.000 for
that purpote. Tho bill passed both
houaea with only one dissenting vote,
raat by Senator Wood of Washington
Governor Withycombe promptly
signed the bill and announced tha ap
pointment of W. n. Ayer. chairman;
John !!. Burgerd. A. II. Cranston and
" John H. Stevenson, all of Portland, as
the personnel of the new commission.
A technical error waa discovered In
th aoldlera' relief bill by the auditing
department of th secretary of atal.
which la held to render It unconstitu
tional, and will necessitate aendlng
th bllt back to th leglalatur for
Consolidation Plana Harmonious.
For a tint 'titer were Indications
of t clash between the house and
aenat , over th consolidation pro
gram, but the differences wer
smoothed over, A practical plan Is
being worked out under which th
Joint commute will put Into form all
proposals for consolidation, elimina
tion or merger of duties of various
departmenta and commissions.
Members who hav been nor for
several sessions declare that never
befor hav they seen th leglalatur
aa a whole In such a seeming state ot
harmony on th consolidation question
as now, and it Is believed the conflict
which blocked all efforts at consoli
dation two yeara ago will be avoided.
Radicals to B Curbed.
A bill was introduced in th senate
by Senator Dlmlck and somewhat
similar bill In tb house by Air. Kubll
directed at criminal syndicalism and'
doslgned to suppress Bolshtvlkl nd
I. W. W. actlvltlss. Th measures de
fine criminal syndicalism and sabo
tag, and would curb lawlessness seek
ing Industrial revolution. They woulif
punish by fin and Imprisonment not
only actual destruction of property,
but also th distribution of Utoratura
or th teschlng of such propaganda,
I The bills aro xpecUd to meet the
desire of Governor Withycombe as
expressed In his message that a law
providing for the punishment of treas
on be enaoted.
State Police la Created By Bill.
Creation of th department of atate
police Is proposed In a bill Introduced
by 8enator Orton, of Multnomah.
The bill provldea for an appropria
tion of 160,000 for the support of the
department for a two-year period.
. A superintendent of state police, 40
be appointed by the governor at a
slsry ot 13000 a year, and the selec
tlon of U police officers by the super
intendent at aalaries ot $1500 annually
each, are Iho main provisions of the
t:ll. '
Provide for employment of Soldier.
first of th rncoMsli notion bllt to
b Introduced In th senat wa that
if Senator Huston, msklng employ
ment ot war veterans', either aoldlera
ir aallora, compulsory by the atate,
;ounth'S and municipal corporations
Iho measure wpplles to veteran of
:tie Civil, BnsnUh Amrlrsn and of th
cent war who ba achieved honor
ibl discharges. Tb bill provide
that aoldlera who have been ms'rned
In action shall b given tmptoymrnl
suitable to their physical ronillllm,
and, In ra any working force of men
Is cut down, would be the last to be
removed from tb payrolls.
Tax Limitation Repeal Proposed.
The repeal of tho per cent Uf
limitation amendment adopted by th
pnopl at the general election of 1916.
I provided for In a Joint resolution
Intrixlurrd In the houa Just U-for
adjournment by Ilrown-U of Umatilla
Tb resolution provide for tb ap
polulment of a commute of five mem
ber of the bouse u proper measure
for adoption by tb leglalatur, and
submission by It to th people at th
nest general election, of a constitu
tional provision, repealing th present
( per cent limitation amendment.
Want Road Work Started.
A Joint resolution Introduced in th
house by Mr. Uean, calling upon th
stat highway commission to Imme
diately atari work on on or more
unit of highway work to provide em
ployment for at least 1000 men waa
passed In both bouses. Tbla resolu
tion provides that preference ahall be
given to returning soldiers and aallora.
Mr. Bean also Introduced a Joint
resolution calling upon congress to
enact legislation which will remedy
bad conditions surrounding th re
turning men, becaus ot governmental
'.naction. This resolution call atten
tion to the fact that th Oregon legla
latur ha been compelled to appro
priate tlOO.OOO to grappl with a situa
tion which should hav been cared for
by congressional action.
Prevent Teaching Foreign Languages.
Itepresentatlv Dodd of Umatilla In
troduced a bill in the house, making It
unlawful for any board ot school di
rectors to permit the teaching of any
subject, other than foreign languagea,
In any of the public or private schools
of the atate except in tho English lan
guage. Any director permitting auch
a thing to be done, or any teacher vlp
latlng the terms of th act Is to be
punished by a tin of not less than
$100 nor more than 9500 for the first
offense, and not less than 1250 nor
mor than $1000 for the aecond of
fense, with the atternato punishment
cf 'mprlsotiment for not less than SO
day nor mor than on year In the
county Jail.
Market Commlaalon Is Proposed.
Standardisation of th sale or all
farm and manufacturing products and
furthering th market for .Oregon
good la proposed In a bill Introduced
by Senator Huston, ot Multnomah
county, providing for the creation ot
a atate market commission. Th bill
provide that a market director, ap
pointed by the governor, shall have
supervisory control over th eale -and
marketing of all such commodities, to
the end that Oregon products might
find a wider- market throughout th
Land Csttlsmant Act Introduced,
The aoldlera land settlement bill
recommended to the various states by
Secretary of the Interior Lao waa
Introduced in the "senate by Senator
Eddy. It provldea for th appoint
ment of a soldiers' settlemeqt board
ot three member and carries an ap
propriation of 1500,000 to meet the
state's share ot the expense ot co
operation with th United States.
Briefly, th bill provides a plan ,
whereby the state Is to furnish the
land and tho United SUtoa Is to fur
nlsh the money for. the development ;
ot home for aoldlera. The soldiers
will be given 40 yeara In which to pay
tor th land and 20 yeara in which to
pay for th Improvements.
Provision is made that the governor
shall appoint the chairman ot th sol-.
dters' settlement board, who shall be
designated as the aoldlera' settlement
commissioner and shatl receive a sal
ary of 14000 a year, "
Loglslatlv Brevities.
Governor Withycombe' veto of sen
ate bill No. 242, ot the 1917 aesston,
proposing an Increase In the aslarlea
of certain offlclala in Hood River
county, wa sustained by the senate.
A bill to license real estate brokers
wal introduced in th house by Rep
resentative Gordon.
Amendment to the Inheritance tag
laws so that they shall apply to
Washington. What army strength
Is to be maintained In Europe 1 under
discussion now by American military
officials and th allied military lead
ers. No report haa been received In
dicating tbe number ot divisions to
be supplied by the United States, but
General March waa posltlv that It
would be far leaa than th 20 division
given la unofficial report as tho prob
able American military contribution,
Tb American fore for th occu
pied ion was fixed by International
agreement at th time the armlstlc
was signed. General March aaid Mar
shal roch undoubtedly would refuse
to permit a reduction of bis total
strength to a point wber it would b
Inadequate to handle any possible dis
turbance. Demobilisation ot all army unita in
th United Statea haa been ordered
General March announced, with the
exception of the regular army regi
ments needed for camp guard pur
poses and varloua detachments neces
sary to continue the demobilization
process. Th total now Hated for de
mobilization la 1,177,000.
tate which pasa by dower and cour
tesy, or because of any deed, grant or
gift a an advancement or division ot
the decedent'a estate, along with
greatly increased ratea. are Included
In the proviaiona of a bill introduced
In the nous by Representstlv
Having procured Oregon' ratifica
tion of the national prohibition amend
ment by a total vote ot 87 to 8 In th
combined branche of the leglalatur,
th prohibition forces of the tat now
are to train their "dry" guna on th
patent medicines and so-called tonics
containing a generous portion of al
cohol. President Baker, of th Oregon
AnU-Saloon league, la authority for
th statement that bill touching on
these patent medicines will b Intro
duce! Representstlv Cross ot Clackamas
county Would bav the school certifi
cation law of 1911 so amended that
graduntos of universities and colleges
could teach In grade schools ot th
state, ' .
Will Demobilize the 13th Division.
Camp Lewis. Demobilisation ot the
entlro 13th Division, Camp Lewis, was
nmhorlied. This order Involves 10,000
Ttic Plutocrat
ft-g5cll'llirMI""'" ' iieiwsosansswssasaaawaMSai i i 11 i i-i mmmmmmm-mmmm- Wl
London. Rioting occurred In Berlin
after th Spartacan had attempted to
destroy th ballot boxes used In Sun
day's election, according to an Ex
change Telegraph dispatch.
Tb Spartacan were repulsed every
where Fighting took plac in Wil
helmatraaa and Hedemannetrasse and
at th HeJleecbe Tor. The Spartacana
lalso mad an attempt to storm th
offlc of th Vorwaerta.
"Th course ot the elections through
out th German atate." aay a German
government wireless dispatch receiv
ed her, "haa clearly proved that th
development of a republ' -n form of
government intereat tb whol Ger
man nation. Participation in th elec
tion waa strong everywhere and In
th sharpeat contradiction to the in
difference which vast classes, espe
cially the bourgeois, hav shown on
the occaaion of former elections. Es
pecially remarkable waa the strong
percentage o women among th
masses of voters and th perseverance
of both male and. female votera to
vote, despite advers weather."
There may be 500,000 German sol
dier atill under arms, according to
cstlmatee of military, expert ot th
British army.
By a vote ot 50 to 21, the senat
adopted a resolution recommended by
a majority ot the prlvllegea and elec
tlona committee, dismissing disloyalty
charges brought against Senator La
Follctte, of Wisconsin.
Karl Llebknocbt and Rosa Luxem
burg, two of the chief leaders of th
Spartacana and both active In spread
ing Bolshevik propaganda In Germany,
have been slain, it was officially an
nounced In Berlin. , -
The Ohio public utilities commis
sion formally rejected the order of
W, O, McAdoo, as federal director-general
ot railroads, providing for an in
crease of son express rates, so far
as Its operation in Ohio 1 concerned.
Senator Chamberlain Introduced a
bill In the United Statea aenat to au
thorise tha resumption of voluntary
enlistments in the regular army. Also
on which authorises th purchase of
land for a national cemetery in
Seattte-With 80,000 men involved
in the strike, every steel shipyard is
closed and wooden yards shut down.
Socialist Minority Alon I Said t Bo
Against PaderswskL
Warsaw. Tb Polish ministry form
ed by Ignsce Jan Paderewskl appar
ently meeta tb approval of all parties
except radical Socialists.
Tb now cabinet represents most of
tbe parties in German, Russian and
Austrian Poland. Banker of Posen
bav loaned It 100,000,000 marks.
M. English, a banker ot Posen, as
sumed office aa minister of finance.
M. Paderewskl will take charge of the
foreign office with tb assistance ot
five under secretaries.
Secretary Lane Eulogize Roeeovolt
Washington. A tribute to Theodore
Roosevelt by Secretary Lane waa
adopted by the house pension com
mittee aa part cf Ita favorable report
on a bllt. which already has passed
the senate, granting an annual pen
sion of $5000 to Mrs. Roosevelt
Shipyard Workers Strike.
Seattle.-Between 86,000 and 27,000
member of th metal trade union In
Seoul, Tacoma and Anacorte went
on strike, paralysing the major por
t'on ot Washington's ahlpbuUdlng In
dustry. Germans Arm te Boat Back Pole.
Berlin. Tbe German government 1
reported organizing two armies to
counteract an invasion by tbe Pole,
threatening Brandenburg. Forces tn
West Prussia will be under General
von Quaet and In Silesia under Field
Marshal Woyrsch.
De Molne Troop Riot
De Moines, Iowa. A captain and a
first lieutenant are under arrest nd
three overseas aoldlera were triet by
summary court martial as the result
of a riot which occurred when a city
traffic officer arrested a soldier for
disorderly conduct
Helmets to Boost Loan.
Coblenx. From 60,000 to 70,000 Ger
mau helmet abandoned by the with
drawing army are being loaded on
freight car for shipment to the Unit
ed Slates to be distslbuted a prise
In connection with the next loan cam
paign. King Georgo'a Youngest Son Dead.
London. Prince John, the youngest
son of King George, died at Sandring
kam. He had been 111 for some time.
Oats No. 2 white feed, $49.50 ton.
Barieysiandard feed, 248 per ton.
Corn Whole, $67 69; cracked. $3
(71. "
Hay Timothy, $3032 per ton; al
falfa. $27.60.
Butter Creamery, 63c per pound.
Eggs Ranch, 6759c per dosen.
Potatoes $1.7562 per hundred.
Poultry Hens, 30 32c; springs,
40c; roosters, 23c; ducks, 30o; geeso,
20025c; turkeys. 45a
Hay Eastern Washington timothy,
$38 per ton; nlfalfa, $.34 per ton.
Butter Creamery, 66c
Egg Ranch, 2629c
Poultry Hens, 2629c; springs,
27c; roosters, dressed, 2728c; ducks,
Sic; geese. 26c; turkeys, 44ff47a
Bolshtvlkl Got German Arma.
Warsaw. Bolshevist , troops hav
alackened their advance at the Polish
frontier. The Germans are delaying
their evacuation of Grodno tor several
days, although General Falkenhayue
haa retired to Suwalkl and General
Hoffman has gon to Koenigsberg.
Polish leaders allege Germans are
selling arms to th Bolshevist. The
latter are Issuing proclamation that
they have come to re tore order. Dla
patches state, however, that Bolshe
vist soldiers have been seen carrying
bannere Inscribed with the words
"Long Live ' the Red Terror and
"Death to Non-Workers."
Fifth Loan To B Laat
Waahlngton. Only on mor big
war loan drive 1 planned by the treas
ury department Secretary Glass stat
ed. This will be Ihe Victory liberty
loan, to be floated probably the last
three weeks In April. Tbe amount
will not be more than $6,000,000,000
and may be $5.000.000,0OV
Swedes to Fight Rusa.
Stockholm. Swedish inilitsr? mis
sions hav reported favorably regard
ing sending of a. volunteer military
expedition Into Lithuania to atom the
Bolshevik! advance.
French President Urges tits
Formation of a league ,
of Nations.
Pari. Tb peace conference wa
formally opened with speech by
President Polncare, of France.
President Wilson nominated Pre
mier Ctemenceau tor chairman of th
congress. Th nomination wa sec
onded by Premier Lloyd George la aa
earnest tribute to th French premier.
President Wilson, In nominating
Premier Clemencean for chairman cf
the conference, delivered a speech in
response to that of President Polncare
and paid tribute to Premier Clemen
ceau. President Polncare, In hi speech,
urged the establishment of a league of
nations to aafegnard humanity from
further Buffering. '
Polncare declared the nations which
mad sacrifices In def ens of right
would lay down. 0 , rule for th
league. It alma, he said, would be to
prevent wars and gain respect for th
righteous pesc th conference la to
establish. Coiling attention to th
fact that th German empire was bora
48 years ago, President Polncare said
It had ended It career In disgrace and
hod sunk into oblivion, perishing by
the aword It unsheathed.
Premier Clemenceau, who recently
declared for the old balance of power,
cam out In favor ot th leagu of na
tion In his addreaa.
Preliminary conversations over th
structure ot th league of nations are,
strictly speaking, atill in the stage of
being discussed In meeting of th
supreme council, and ar not techni
cally before th pesce congress as a
whole, but th fact that the congress
has advanced this question to th
foremost plac in Its program la taken
to Indlcste that such progress Is being
mad In th aupreme council aj to
warrant expectation that a definite
and somewhat detailed program will
be soon evolved. ,
Tbla program. It 1 believed, will
present the common thought of th
leader of the United State. Great
Britain and Franc and therefor may
furnish a starting point from which
all tb peace delegates may partici
pate. President WUson la personally
pressing forward thia one feature to
the virtual exclusion of all other.
With discussion now past th point
where it seems to be agreed there
shall be no super-sovereignty, nor a
common police) tore and that the
question of whether a nation ahall con
tribute force In carrying out th de
cision of th league will be left to
each nation Individually in each in
stance, th general plan being most
talked about embodies an enlargement
of the principles contained In the
treaUes negotiated by William Jen
nings Bryan. These provide tor a de
lay of a year before declaring war and
investigations by a special commission
ot all disputes. ; ;
All Classes of People In Europ Sand
; Gift to Wilson.
- Paris. President and Mrs. Wilson
came to Pari with a very modest col
lection of trunks and personal bag
gage, but they probably will be forced
to take home a carload. Both Mr. and
Mrs. Wilson have received so many
gifts In the course of their stay la
Paris and their visits to England and
Italy that a large quantity of them
probably will hav to b taken to
Washington on an army transport
Gifts ot all kinds and ot all values
began pouring in the day President
WUson arrived, and they still ar com
ing in a never-ending stream from all
classes of people.
Many ot the present ar priceless,
but th president values most those
having a entimental appeal. These
have come principally from children in
all parts ot Europ and from families
that hav suffered by the war.
Wire Lin' Return Sought
Salem. Prompt return of wire ays
terns to their owners ia demanded by
th Oregon public service commission
in a telegram sent to Charles E. Ehn
qulst president ot th National Asso
ciation ot Railroad and Utility Com
missioners, and Mr. Elmquist la au
thorised by th commission to appear
for It before th committee bearing
to mak decided protest against re
tention of such lines under fedorfj