The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 17, 1919, Image 4

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If you want bfrdlcw twrloy. '
m know. Joe Hodgson.
Expert dentistry prices reasona
ble. Dr. Sponoffle, Athena.
Full Wood rat terrier pup to sell
or trade. Inquire at this office.
Mrs. Delta Winn and family left
this week for Portland to make
their home.'
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sumption left
Wednesday for their future home
at Boise. Idaho.
Tin following now books have
if luH-n rti ivitl at the Weston branch
of the Uamtilla county library;
The teachers of tho Weston school
met Thursday afternoon and ssMRn
ed lessons to such pupils as report
ed for the puriHwe. Whi.e at this
writing no otticial anouncement had
been nude that the local school
will reiHn next Monday, it
thought that in all likelihood it'
wtill A. . unlns furt hair i-ani. nf
Spanish Influenxa are reported. Anderson. Electricity for the
The patients in the L. B. Davis rarm; Avhenhurvt. Dy of the
household have tvcowml. and no Country Church; Itarrtc. Margaret
Weston houses are now under quar- Ojtilvys Itarlun. Stwy of the hed
,ntjnCi Crass; Beith, All In It; Ilowmnn,
. . . . , , iVomise of Country Life; Coulter,
J.S. Ummof Seminole. county. Cooperation Anion Farmers: Klia
Oklahoma, was in Weston dunnjr .,, First Aid in Emergencies; Fa
the week, visiting old-time friends. yftf 0f Uw Grasshopper: Farm
Mr. Lamm came out to Portland ituihlirv: Green, Short History of
to see his son.' Georjse Lamm, who thtf ajh IVople; Guerber, Myths
is in me service 01 uih.ii- ft ami Rome: CJut ersel.
Furnished and Printed nt the Leader office
Sixty (minimum) $1 00
One hundred 1 35
Two hundred : 2 00
Each additional hundred 0 60
(PoMtajfo Extraon Mail Order.)
Frank Waddiwrham is here from says he did not know the boy in his Mexican reunle: Haworth. America !VV.V.V.VAVVA.V.VV.
r. - ..!.; wliK .t-tw unif.irm. Another son. ," .. . i t ' i I t - " A.
r.nirriii int. irn-Yuti. ivi m -
parents and friends.
Miss Florence Simmons was a
guest for the week-end at the G. W.
Proebetel farm near town.
Robert Tweedy arrived this week
from Seattle for a visit with his
mother, Mrs. Mark Henderson.
'A baby daughter was. recently
born to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Piersol
at their home on the Weston up- old-fashioned la grippe.
lands. - Church services, without Sunday
The two daughters of Mr. and school, will be resumed Sunday
Mrs. W. m. uavis, residing eouui morning.
in r" i.' iii.'ii - 1 1 'i. r 1 1 juiihimw i - .v
Charles, also well known here, is t;,rirrtRtion ; Hugo's French Sim- X
Miitk hint In Oklahoma whir tliev . .. .. ti I, ... ,. .
........ piinco; jonnsione, riorw immk , i
are engaged in farming and raise LaUghini Industrial Ameriea; U-
peanuts, sweet potatoes, cotton, max . Cuwbliy jg: Putnam,
corn and oats. Southland of North America: A
Will and Roy Read were over Sm-ath, Moral Training in School A
from Athena yesterday. Will is and Home; So(Tord, Little Rook
. . .. , i ... . II' ,
Just out after a dose 01 tnc nu, una
6a-s that in his opinion it ia an en
tirely different proposition from the
oi menus; ionc, nunien nr x
Workers; Warren, Thoughts on V
Business; W'ightnian, Soul Spur;
of town, are convalescent alter an
, illness with influenza.
Hodgson's Mills are grinding
three grades of graham flour
coarse, medium and fine for use
in .making mush, pancakes or gra
ham beard.
Miss Ruby Price is reported to be
ill with Spanish influenza at her
home in the country north of town.
Her condition is regarded as prom
ising speedy recovery.
Dangerously ill with the flu,
Mrs. Cecil Hyatt was conveyed to
Walla Walla Sunday for hospital
treatment. She is reported today
Sergeant Olsea Compliments the
Leader and Weston Community.
Fiction Andrews, Three Tilings;
Bacheller, Hen Holdcn; Barbus,
Under Fire; Bingham, Heart of
Thunder Mountain; Black, Capital
Courtship; Brown, Bromley Neigh
borhood; Castle, Hope of the
House; Conrad, Typhoon; Deland,
Around Old Chester; Glaspelt,
Glory of the Conquered; Glass, Abe
and Mawruss; Lee, Green Jacket;
a lavish mmm of
rva f i mv v imiimvinir
Jim Lieuallen, Ralph Tucker and each one eagerly for all the news
P. A. McBride drove to the stub- nertaining to the civic and social
ble fields beyond Walla Walla Tues- life of Weston. It's a pleasure I
day in Mr. Tucker's car to look af- couldn't do without. Then again,
: V
LeFevre, To the Last Penny; Locke, B
framaritan Mary; Manners, ll-g o A
My Heart; MuIoN'r, Uraun oi the
In the course of an interesting Five Corners; Norris. The Pit:
letter irom France Sergeant Earl G, Pearson. Voyage of the Hopper
Olsen of the Twelfth Balloon Com- grass; Raine, Yukon Trail; Ritten
pany says: breg, Mind Reader; Tracy, Great
"The Leader has been coming in Mogul; Turnhull, Looking After
a reirular stream the last few days Sandy"; W'o's, History of Mr. Polly;
and although some of them are White, Call of the North; Winslow
Woman for Mayor.
Children's Books Andrews, Each
and. All; Baldwin, Fifty Famous
People; Bemis, P'atriotic Reader;
Bennett. Bamaby Lee; Brooks, True
ter their cattle interests. there are numerous helpful hints Story of U. Grant; Bullen,
Honrv Beamor one of the Wes- and suggestions. For instance: the Cruise of the Cachelot; Carter,
tcm loWiS France wrote in his cootie cure in the issue of October About Animals; Collins, Book of
Z. ffiSttS' hTattend! 18- I have tried numerous other Stars; Dopp. Early Cave Men; Dun
n? an army ht'! uHSL -t and freezing ton. Betty Wales Sophomore; Ew-
iJtn servimr in the heavy artillery them to dlath or turning one's mg. Jackanape; Froelicher, Swim
been serving m tfte heavy artu ery. to ru them Su,ries and Ugends; Holbrook.
Dr. McKinney was called to j. but j ,1 m an. The Cdie, Mound and Lake Dwellers;
Athena Tuesday at attend the pa- ,otie cure in the Leader seems the Horton, rYozen North; -Kelly,
tients.of Dr. Sharp, Athena's vet- m0st plausible, only I fear I won't Short Stories of Our Shy Neigh
eran physician, who was worn out abe to get enough salt. bors; Lansing, Rhymes and Stories;
through attending 75 flu calls or "Well. I've read about the crops Low,v How Girls Can Help Their
more daily. nd the harvest, civic improve- Country; Olmstead, Ned and Nan
Th annnai moptinir of the Wes- ments and the patriotic manner in in Holland; Parkman, Heroes
n Mntiip Cn. ntnrkhoWem nn. which you handle the Liberty Loans Today; Ragozin, Siegfred and Be.
nounced -for. January 15 was ad- and other war activities. I feel owulf; Richards, Five Mice in a
journed to meet again at the call of proud of the Weston community Mousetrap; Ritchie, Primer of San
the president, because of local flu and all that goes to make it what it itation; Sharp, Summer; Sneatb,
restrictions. - is. I certainly can see you are Golden Key Book: Sneath. Goldon
.i doing your bit. i Word Book; Stevenson, Children's
William Huntley, a Couse creek .Tye txen back from the Fnmt q.,, in Dramatic rorm; Steven
farmer, lost a good yearling colt ..... better than two weeks and son, Tommy Remington's Battle;
the other day Dy leuing u run nuw jn bHlet jn the town-of Tomlinson, Places Young Americans
wiui me cauiearouna a sirawsutcn
During these days between seasons you will
find time to do your spring sewing. We have
anticipated your wants and have new lines of
ginghams, devonshires, zephyrs, percales, etc.;
all new and pretty patterns. Note the windows
and store displays of these goods. We will mail
samples at yobr request.
New Pictorials are in.
Woineis stioes
of V
1 ir:ll .... r"...,r, nlv....f On b;i.. Want tn gm.ur- Tnrulla 1'lunf on1
It was hooked by a vicious cow and mtpP- wwt ftf Verdun. Our oner. Animal Children:- Warren. Little
ripped wide open. ations have -all been, in this sector Pioneers; Wood, Stories of Insect
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilks and and I have pretty thoroughly trav- Life; Winslow, Distant "Countries.
Miss Virginia Sowers of Pendleton tied the ground between St. Mihiel
and Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Storms and the Argonne -the first-named
and Josephine Cowen of Weston being our initial engagement. We
were entertained at dinner Sunday have had our ups and downs, but I
by Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Sowers. wouldn't have missed the exped
ite United ' States Civil Service enc foranythUur. -
Commission announces that an ex- We. re l.t'.n on the world
amination will be held at Pendleton now-just wmting; and we are
Februarys, 1919, at 6:30 a. m., to Jm anx,oua " impatient to
fill the position of rural mail carrier " we were 10 OTP'
at Weston and vacancies that may
occur later on other routes. The Story Of TWO Signs
Clarond Rhea and Floyd Fox, A bulletin posted Friday in the
mountain trappers, have received wjow of Goodwin's drug btore
returns from a Chicago fur house reaj: ,
for six coyote hides and two weasel , "School Monday by Order cf
kins. They get $95 for the ship School Board."
ment, which is at the rate of about fiign Waa 'ma(ie to 0
(15 each for the coyote hides. ,uty Saturday evening with the
A letter received Tuesday by S. changes indicated?
A. Barnes from Sergeant Sidney "No School Monday by Order of
Barnes says that he expected his Health Board.1'
discharge the following day at It seems that the school board
Fort Dodge, Iowa. In this event and the health, board met Saturday
h will nrobablv reach Pendleton and Jt was decided by the latter
nr y
next Sunday on his way home.
that It would be the part of wisdom
to take no chances on the spread
"Lest We Forget" ' V .
A t LJ . l 1 I 1
VTf.; n f influenza by opening the echools
Wd fomthecommun.ty,
on Weston mountain, with Mrs. Roy ,.
Hyatt as ; teacher. The Basket
tti.mnfaln cf-hnnl film alnn rpfirwtipH.
, a t o The Central Loyally
nr. aiiu jMroi oiure wi reports as follows:
Pendleton were here Monday look- nerman fchnke, Umaplne farm
ing at Weston property, and may w refUld to contribute to the
decide to locate. Mr. Sample is united War Work Fund.
employed in the wmstruction de- Nick Grosgebaurer of Umapine;
partrtient of the O-W. K. N., and who8e prune Ja(jt ycar wa8
has been a resident of Umatilla worth jn the neighborhood of $10,
county for many years. . v, 000( contributed only $5.00 to this
Mrs. Frank Woods of Oregon fund and that reluctantly.
City and Mr. Roy Kirk of Seattle, Fred Melhoff of Umapine refused
who was accompanied by Mrs., to give money to the agencies help
Kirk, were recent guests of their ing our boys in arms on the ground
sister, Mrs. J. Hodgson. Guests that he had to send money to rela
and hostess attended a family reun- lives in Germany. - .
Ion last week at Walla Walla, at William Swash of Umapine, said
which all the children of Leander to be worth $20,000, ref lined to
Kirk," and also Mr. Kirk, were contribute to the U. W. W. fund,
present. The circle included five J. E. Hoon of Milton refused to
daughters and one son. contribute to this same fund.
; 1
Ai--'T ' 7 J &
To close out, a big assortment of shoes for
women and misses at less than it costs to make
them today. This lot represents short ends of
stock, discontinued lines, etc.; all good values
and worth up to $5.00. We want to close them
out at $2.98.
This lot is made up from all short ends of -stock,
X discontinued lines, etc.: sizes from 8 1-2 to 2; excel
lent values, but we want to sell them and have
placed them on tables; values to $3.00 and more;
your choice only $1.98.
Victor L, Berger, Socialist eongr.tsi
manleet from Wlteoniln, who was
convicted under the etpionag. law,
T1i reprlxfrnnr wfio writ lisrk a
blnnk qut-KfUninulre inhmi nn oppor
tunity lo Inirn (treat doal nbont him
wlr and Ills affair. .:;; "J-1. :i
Soon we dhould hear tlie real truth
bout how thnt Iti-Iliin paper wai pub
llched o reruliirly during all the year,
of German occupation.
It will pay you to select an overcoat now. Our
winter is still ahead of us and the price will be a
f . consideration. The styles are the best for young
men and men of all ages.
, W w ill be .ome little (Line before old
condition, lire nuffielently npproxlmut
ed to penult reference to n million dol
lars a large kiiih of money. - '
Slnlxie nnd Mnme - are wondering'
how ninny of (hune reconstructed
hoiy. In France and Flanders will
have the help of a Yankee aon-ln-lnw.
in A h"i
'!''' t . : .. .