! Irtg nten recruited from the United MQSC TUIU I MHIIQH Static, who restored tho allied ...,- nAn niin mor.!olnthonickoftl,n.. - IN COUNTY ROAD BONDS A Job Is a small thins tommy .-, uch a service, and th community ' An bSU6 0( $1,050,000 Planned it Hilda Study, Life of Christ, at 7:!I0 should by all means provide it. The , Bli MmUm In Pendleton. P m Jhn IknwwlU, vWvr. ... .. 7 . ., . w MihmllHt Church- Sunday school CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Church of tho Brethren-Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 n m. C. W. 8. at fl:H0 p. m. Yoij do if you need in your business the grandest little utility car in the automobile -N world a genuine blessing on wheels. - . p a But you cannot get one any old time. Bet-. ter put your order in now with us. -We have the Ford Agency through Mr. Robert Simp-: son of Pendleton, and will gladly take care of .; t your order. : However, the Fords, are going out as fast as Mr. Simpson can get them. Hurry! Hurry ! That lazy thief, Procrastination, may steal away your chance to get a Ford. . 4 ' w ALL FORD EXTRAS IN STOCK n Auto go. - m msm Mthodlat Church - Sunday school at 10 a. m." Preaching services at it m nl i:a n. m. Euworth. ever held In Umatilla county . ' ffl,3n wr meeting s. ti, rowen, most Important roud meet- government Itself is treating Its returning aoldiera with incredible The acabbiness, discharging them with- ing out their pay and often without took place in Pendleton yesterday Thursday evening. a dollar in their' pockets. If their and resulted in preliminary steps pastor. homo communities are equally cal- for a Sl.ORO.OOO bond Issue. United Brethren Church--Preach- oua, Ihcy will be jiutifWd in the The county court was authorised jng t 11 a. m. - wmI I V- '! Inference that they have offered to prepare and send out the pt-tl- Jjjjy jj t ;w fj; u B'Cf K their, lives to ave a land of selfish tions for a special bonding elec- nuH.tlut ,t 7 p, m,' I'rayer meet, oafs, " , tlon. These petitions, signed, ara ntr Wednesday evening. E. P. 1 ' " 1 1 "' expected to bo back in the' court Wriggle, pastor. TEE EOSEKZOLLDUf SALE room ready for action at tho next Baptist ChurehThe Churehwith A reader hands us the following, meeting of the court. February 5. cordial we leo.ne for ISJ which he says he clipped from a The amount o be spent In each jft ff .fcTff'Sit Canadian paper. In order to help district of the county will bo desig. 0.cIofk , th CVcning. W. it. the poor kaiser the Leader has for nated in tho bonding act. The ap- Storms, psstor. , once decided to break its own mle portionment will be based on the Christian Science Society A r free advertise tax roll, and every section will thus vices Sunday kt II a. m., water deal. The money street, near wain. , printing against mcnta: ' - get -a square . As I am quitting the king busi- iwnt .e state highway will be ness I will sell at public auction at matched, dollar for 'dollar, by ap- the Potsdam palace some day In portionment made by the state the near future when buyers are ,j,,,WBy commission. T'tylTl'.' The meeting was called by tho ter. alt badly worn: one king's di- county court and was attended by vine right to rule, 18H model; one delegates from every section of the crown prince, as good as new, very county. County Judge C. H. insolent, would make a good floor Margh prM. Wwton's dele- class pet, who will do anything; I. WatU. G. IX-Craw and Ceo. W. miscellaneous lot of princes, gener- Staggs. The action taken at the sis, admirals and other flunkioa, meeting was inanimous. mKe line recruiu lor gunmen or A.W.LUilDLL , T General Insurance and Real Estate lifk Health kike "automobile INSURANCE I IVESTO burglar gang, experienced. Terms, cash I need the money, as I soon expect to Icavo on a long tour of inspection of another country and a sojourn with der Satan. BILL HOHLNZOLLERN. U, S.' Yanks, Auctioneers. The world has st last beta mod afe for church ami hospital. . - And h-o the txy get home nolti Ing will I tor goott for them imt even their old Jobs." WESTON LEADER CLARK WOOD, rakltelMr ' Grave problems confront the Ore gon legislature, according to the esteemed Oregonian, and we would Staggv, It BUaisterial Association Organized A meeting was held at the Bap tist church at which the Weston Ministerial Association was duly or ganized with tho following mem bers: " Rev. W. R. Storms, Rev. John Bonewite, Rev. S. E. Powell, Rev, E. F. Wriggle, J. R. Adkins, John Beamer. J. W. Porter, G. W. C. Beamer, to soil your it Is salable t Do you want property? If I CAN SELL IT - Every little new nation seems to bars a bolsherlkl problem of its own. ' A MDMge is aow valued ninch more highly than an Iron cross. - An Increase In- war- pinU-ns next summer will help brinf almut a de creaM In the high prices. Before next July the water wagon will look like an army transport col Hlndenburp sny he will not dewrt the German people there being no place to which he can desert. . SUBSCWMION RATE J Strict! in AJyne The Year..... .4....: ... Six Mouths ...... Three Months suggest taker. that . it call in an under. '..12 00 Our w. k. litr friend,' Dean CoU 1 00 tins, is now brightening the editor- ,. o OO Price raising has reached the plnne where aa excuse is no longer bothered with. f. : . PnnS clerks are wondering If the end of the-war. means another t holiday, to be obRorrcd Svery year. , !al page of the Portland Telegram FUDaT, Jan. 17 - . ' . ii with his gems of verse and humor. -' 11 " Wo always like to read Dean s col FnUitd at tht pntvlllct at Wulea. Ort(. nj ; m Mcen-laM4all mint. The following officers were elected: W. R,' Storms, prwsident; S. E. Powell, vice president; E. F. Wrig gle, secretary and treasurer. The president apointed E. F. Wriggle, S. E. Powell and John Boncwiu as a committee to draft a conntitiution and by laws. " -The Christmas drum for' the generally conies from - outside family. . 4 ' : '. boy. the - Now that all onr women have ream ed to knit will the home folk have warmer feet than usual this winter J ADVERTISING RAT El , Regular, per inch per insertion ,......lSc Transient, per inch per insertion. ....2o Locals, ptr line per insertion...".. ......loc yum -. the Tekgram is tho Orcgonian's loss. ',But who will wish to wear glnphnm now that It will not be so difficult to obtain? , v v It Is to b Impefl.our boys are nt, zss thlnklnir of bringing home a thrmm or two aa a wiuvenlr of the great war. On lta recent visit to the cosmic bar ber the .world had an .uncommonly close sbave. - American soldier when they left fur fiennnn.v were wt only oil dressei up ; they knew where they were go ing. ' PATENT, WHOLE WHEAT and GRAIIAIil O u R Yellow and Whiter . STEAM-ROLLED BARLEY AND WHEAT , v .'' ' CRUSHED AND CRACKED CORN : ; We will crush your cob corn for you, or "shell and crush it; . or, if dry, grind it into corn meal.. , GENERAL FEED ROLLING AND EXCHANGE joe iBGSon - m mm ;a good pleege to keep One of the features of the wel come which the coirmunity of Wet ton will extend .to all returning sol diers and sailors takes the form of a testimonial. This is. signed by a committee consisting of J, M. Ban ister, mayor, S. A. Barnes and J. H. Price, and attested by J. W. Porter, recorder. It is neatly framed. The text follows:. "We deem it fitting to express to you the appreciation and grati tude of tho community of Weston. "This community is proud of the 9 11 ait w ivftu o wi- rhe association has in view a X are inclined to think that f"0WBhip between the differ- 1 TO All KiddlCS t im's gain in thte instance ent churches of Weston. Also "it - rt lit united and progressive effort for i IZ yealS Old the buitidng up of the Kingdom of Z -i ur unuer. WESTON BATHS. BARBER t and TAILOR SHOP I R. L. Reynaud Speaking, of flu masks. Kernel Boyd could wear oncall the time without especial detriment to his physiognomy. Chicago has a hen that laid SOU eggs in ono year, a game cock 3G inches high and err err a few chickens. God in this community and the ad vance of moral righteousness along all lines of good government." The Orman propaganda Is sflll with us, and It behooves ieopl to exnmlne Into harrowing or disturbing reMirts before putting too much credence In , them. ,.' .-.. .. .. I Except Saturdays in I '3 KITCHEN CABINETS BUFFETS LIBRARY TABLES CHILDREN'S ROCKERS (a beautiful line) We note that .Oregon's senators are to be inoculated ; but after the session , the voters may want the flu to go as far as it likes. ' We haven't heard of a Umatilla county editor having the flue, which may mean that editors are such vat- gallant young men who have rep-' uable members of society an all- resented it while serving ; under the wiw Providence has them under Stars and Stripes, on land or sea, in Sf. ..!i ,,i the great war for world freedom. ita P"'' Protection. , In the full flower and glory of ' , ," . their young manhood they hava at enate minority at Salem is all times been ready to give their small, to be sure; .but sharp lives so full of promke-if such enough, we trust, to Pierce the sacrifice were needed- to save tough majority hide. , their beloved - land from the t . peril now so happily averted. ' "We love them end we admire One million, dollars spent on them, for they are ours to a nearer Umatilla county roads will be worth and dearer degree than they are far m0re than the annual cost In the nation's; and when each and all fntere8t charge8. return to us, we greet them with rejoicing hearts and open arms. , ' ".-- "We further extend to you the ' The vote of the Nebraska legis assurance of our aid and support in lature has put the final nail in the securing such employment as you coffin of old John Barleycorn, may now wish to enter, - v. , . t The' closing paragraph 'of this testimonial is a pledge of 'practical service which should be regarded as binding , and carried out by the jt hag" finay kvA upon the entire community. "Three rousing 0f . Umatilla county cheers" are all right in. their way, 'Umt way to good mj8 Is but they are not as negotiable as a to jnj an(j build 'em. ; -pay checks Most of the ' soldiers " ' " ' Having avoided troubla with their neighbors during more than four years of sr. It Is poor tints for tht 8wls to begin fighting among them VViV.V.V.VVVAVVWil 1 LUNCHES I Food prices. Washington says, went np. 10 per rent during the lust year.a Doss Washington Imagine thai Infor mation comes under the bead of news to tha people? ,-.. Ont Is concerned now not so much about a rise In wages ss a restoration of the value of the old-faihlonsd dollar that would buy J00 cents' worth of anvthlnar. It's better . to be dry all over than to be dry in spots. and it is up to the that jobs see are BefM Fnnitare IsfiVlU will want jobs, community to ready for them. : . If a majority of our young men had refused to volunteer or had re- ' sisted the draft, Uncle Sam could t have landed . no army in France, fj the allies would have lost heart and Germany would have won the war; i Eventually the United States would have become a Hun province. It is U hardly too much to say that the sal it .. l . U . Isn't it about time to resume the commercal 'club meetings, before summer comes -again and the club will want to lay off? After July 1 a drink" will mesn we- JwHaSjucceU,? Htm li foot opportunity u faMUft tjvordfc KiMttesMMsiAf crfpUig wtf ttttMm IncrMM rouf AolaUMy Wiaicti IMUltl lO pOWtf ABi lUOOtflk ; 107 iiiTESIflATIOslAL DICTIONARY is aa all-know, ing teaohar, a vnivsrstu question aaswerer, made to meat your needs. It it la daily tus by faundreda of thotissnds of sua twlul nwa aod wotnn Um wofld orr, w.MWord. sroePMM. Mflii- liuinrtona. 1 J,SM Bloaniphlr) Kn trtM. S,eucosniplikaJSubJwta, an rnn. muw Awu4) atoms m nnutim tmm. rmf, rata n (bMpaesf. WKITB turn niHiiinaimux i A Ot MEKRtAM COm liptlasaeld. Mm, V. S. A. ICE CREAM CIGARS CANDIES Baker's Goods Phone your dray orders, 93, or call at store. Davis & Ellis I I CASH ftlAEHET A German Is still he Is beaten. a German even yilii.iiiiliiiM riJi ) mmm W If ' ILi--" i i i ii ' i ' j ij'i'i'i'i inimial FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAD) FOR LIVESTOCK, HIDES, PELTS,' &c. , HASS & SAUER I . There la no longer any such thing as "no man's Isnd." - 1 , ' 8 WavwaVSOTV.r. rule was due to the splendid flght- . There's nothing like a suitcase to aruu auNPlclon nowadays. HOMER I. WATTS .Attorney-aMiw ( ' Hraetlces In all 8tat and Kudnnl , Courts. - - ATHENA. OR COON . trniln uinrki mkI i-u.,mfi,i, oMain. nr im f.v. hmia mMlH, ,kirlMn or rfitrti and mihkhi for raSI aCARCH ml twon Ml Hlrfb4IWP. IWllk n(mi PATSNTS autLO rORTUWtt tor OartrtnokwutMlitrw. vlMltvhmnl Kl M, you mmwf Wrtl, twlajr. D. SWIFT a CO. - PATSNT LAWYtaS, 303 Seventh St., Wsthlnaton. D. C.