Weston Li EADEI VOLUME 41 WESTON, OREGON". FRIDAY. JAN. 17. 1919 NUMBER S3 OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST 1 Mnclptl Event! of thi Wee Briefly Sketched for Infor mation of Our Reader. Albany motion pletura thesUrt have closed voluntarily to remain closed until all Influenia danger It JBd. The Warm Springe Irrigation prel ect whirs li already on a fair war to development. It taualng a big boom at Vat. - Approximately US men employed at the St. Helena Shipbuilding eom pany a yard at 0L Helena arc out oo a etrlk.,,,' Portland will open Ita flrt open air achnol on Janurry !7. It will be tha only school of U kind la Oregon and la Washington. Joseph McCord, a well known Baker county man, who had been living on hit ranch neer Rock creek, committed suicide by taking strychnine.' Tha ministers or Albany adopted a resolution voluntarily closing all o( tha ehurchea of Albany to all meet Inga until dsnger from Influent la pest Tha J. H. Cbambara mill at Cottaga OroTt la now getting out tevtral cart of Kill timbers to ba shipped to Italy. Tha Umber art 10 to 0 feet In length. , Delegate from Oregon. Washington tad California will attend tha Oregon Stat Motel Men" association conven tion which will open In Portland Mon day. January 10. Another Influent ware haa hit )lamath Fatla. Tba ban which wet placed on tha city early In October haa been raised only a abort time, but the dlaeaeo again la tpreadlng. Tha Columbia river between Tha Dalit and Hood River was complete ly cloeed loot week with lea which atretched front abort to shore. Auto mobile crowed In safety over too froien aurface. . . Work on tha Eugene Lorane road, which la one of the big road project planned y the Lane county court for lfl. baa been started and a crew of men haa begun to clear the right of way at the Eugene end. Mrs. Emmallne Elizabeth Galloway, wife of former Circuit Judge William Galloway, died at bar borne In Salem after an Illness of several months. Mrs. Oaltoway waa long Identified with public Ufa la Oregon. fraternities tad sororities of tha Oregon Agricultural college bare formed corporation for tha purpose of purchasing foods and other aup pllea and for syttemsflilng operation of the varloua chapter houses. District Attorney R. W. Swaglef was shot three times, but not seriously wounded, by John Hanlon, of Jordan Valley, aa ha wat ascending the stair way In tba courthouse In Vale. Han lon Is In Jail charged with assault with Intent to kill. Iia n report to tha atata land board, Attorney-Oenaral Brown goes at length Into the land fraud situation In tba ttata and declare that he will seek 15000 from tha legislature to further prosecute the Paclflo Livestock case, but will attempt no other prosecutions, Matilda Whittle, an Indian woman, who became famous during the Modoc war In 1173, when she was the trusted messenger of tba -peace commission and carried messages to and from the linn witn tne )trai government in ('lerklna the predatory animal pent by iimteliliiK the appropriation of the 'lilted States for Ui'o purpose. 1 The death house st the stale peni tentiary at Salem, where more Ihsn a score of men have been ehot through the traps Into eternity, Is to be chang ed Into a kitchen, and fully 100 con victs will bo served tbeir food cafe teria style, Instead of the present "reach and grab" system which pre vails, according to plana being worked out now by Warden Stevens. " Seven Hood River valley mills, headed by the Mltrhrll Point Lum ber company, with a cut of 3.500,000, last year turned out 11.675.000 foot of lumber. With tba 24.060,000 feet pro duced by the Oregon Lumber com pany's mill at e, the valley's total lumber output for 1911 reached !. 147.000 feet. The Crooked River road, for tha construction of which tha state and Crook county each appropriated $96. 000 recently. Is now being surveyed and construction will probably begin within 0 days. This thoroughfare will bo ona of tha most Important post roods as well aa ona of Uta best ecenlo roads In tha county. Tha Astoria aanltary and reclama tion commission haa aold 1200,000 In bonds to Morris Bros., of Portland. Tba money la to be used for tht con struction of a bulkhead along tba third reclamation district, from tha Clatsop mill to Thirty seventh street, and tha entire district la to be filled with sand pumped from tht river. Merger of tba Homo telephone sys tem la Portland with that of the Pa clflo States system waa authorised la th federal court when a decree modi fying the decree of March 26. 114. was filed, Tba Pacific States com pany la permitted to acquire tha Homo exchanges In Portland. Albany, Cor vall's and Oregon City. " Beven atandard Russell road graders with scarifying attachmenta wert last week ordered by th Lane county court and after their arrival will be distributed about the county for, road maintenance work. , These are con sidered to bo valuable addittona to tba already extensive road building equipment of Lena county. At a conference between Portland city officials and members of tha school board a tightening of quaran tine regulation against Spanish In fluent waa decreed. Reports at the meeting showed a considerable In crease of new esses, and It waa said that since October 13 Isst 11.636 esse and (II deaths have been reported. Judge Anderson, of Baker county circuit court, haa ruled that th city authorities of La Grande were within their legal rights when they ordered tha moving pictures to closo during the Influenia epidemic. Tha city or fared them closed, and tba theater manager determined to take tha mat tor to the courts for a test decision. About 10 members of th Oregon military police who now are on duty are taking a ohsnca at securing their salary, It has developed. Tha defi ciency appropriation made by tha emergency board to cover tha as-. pensea of that organisation lapsed on January 1, and consequently tha mem bers of the force are at tha mercy of tha leglslntur. . ' 7,T " Tha Dalles undertaken report that there wer 65 deaths from Influenia In that city during the last three months of 1918. A heavy toll haa been taken by tha aecond wave of the epidemic. Schools, libraries, pool halls, theater, churches, lodges and libraries have been closed; publlo D One Way of Making Hint Safe n nnreinruT ijiv tamo if e Urtlfrflf? I irilT 1 i f?f ffl rnr.iiurni ana aa iiiin it . z i.i i y akf f : - aa r a a l - uuitniuauu ihmJ III EEF.UII FIC!!Tlu3 r i reeay tigoi tea may oe drawn even tighter unless radical steps art taken to preserve th regulstlons. It la even possible that th prohibitory measures may be extended to apply to all but absolutely essential business, such as meat markets, groceries and drug stores, and that other merchand ising establishment will be ordered cloeed. It Is estimated there are fully 1000 esses of the disease la th city. Jackson county won the 150 prise la th thrift campaign conducted by th school children of the atata during' last year under th auspice of the Oregon Bankers' association, the Or- BRIEF GENERAL KEWS Would Inform Country by Personal Centact of Proceedings In franco. Pari. President Wilson Is consid ering a speaking tour of the United State when be returns bom. It la said thst this trip will take him Into many of the principal cities, and It la possible be may touch tbo Paclflo coast, With congress out of the wsy early In March, Mr. Wilson would have aa opportunity for such a tour before re turning to Europe should be follow bis original plan, and If bis return should be necessary. He would also have time for bis proposed trip before the convening of aa extraordinary ses sion of congress, should bo decide to 'call one. I The object of bis proposed speaking tour would b to Inform th country by personal contact of the proceedings at Parts and at tha aame time sound out and encourage public sentiment la support of tbo peace principle he has enunciated and which he feela have been acclaimed by th masse la Europe Spartacan Reported to Km a . AaVA 4 a L0SI 1333 Kiuefl in Baffles. ,i American force operating la Si beria and northern Russia total 12J41 officers and men, the war department announced. In raid on th United Kingdom by th Germans during th war 1511 per sona were killed or Injured, of whom 4750 were civilian. V A tout of 64.000,000 marks baa been turned over to tha American authori ties for th currant expenses of th occupying forces la Germany. ' - Former President William Howard Attorney-General Gregory Resign. Washington Thomas Watt Greg ory, attorney-general of the United States sine 1914. baa resigned be cause of "pecuniary responsibilities," and will return to tbo practice of law. British Occupy Ousselderf Copenhagen. British troops hare occupied Dusseldorft which has been Is tbo hand of the Spartacana, ac cording to a report from Berlin. T.M III Kb tha nrn4nl iMk t f" T I?' Jt "! Oregonldaho-WMhlnW-Xesgu United Statea department of agricul ture and the Oregon Agricultural col lege through the boys' and girls' club work department The work has prov ed ao successful that tha Oregon Bank ers' association will not only again offer f 50 In cash to tba tounty making the beat ahowlng. but haa voted f ZOO for th printing of pupils' rtrd books, . .... REPUBLICAN LEADERS MEET. tsaalon of National Commlttse It Hsld In Chlcsgo. Chicago. Party leadera from nearly every, atat attended the meeting of tbo Republican National Committee. Denunciation of Bolshevism and in sidious Socialistic doctrlnea marked numeroua addresaea at the meeting. Th name of possible candidatea for president most persistently men tioned In Informal gossip wer Gener al John J. Pershing. General Leonard Wood, Governor Prank O. Lowden, of Illinois; Benator Warren O. Harding of Ohio, and Senator Hiram Johnson, of California. The membera of tba commute de clared It waa too early to dtscusa th elalma of candidatea. Two women occupying atata In tht committee were admitted to the Inner , councils of' the parley of proxies. They were Mrs. Josephine Corlls Preeton, of Waablngton. who held th proxy of S. A. Perkins, national com mitteeman from that state, and Misa Marjr Garrett Hay, of New York, who ' held the proxy of Herbert Persona. of Natlona" rally la Portland. Febru ary 16. Thirty nine billion cigarette wer produced In the United Bute last year. Thla represents four time aa many cigarettes aa were produced tevea year ago. Twenty-one person were killed and three wer seriously Injured In a rear end colllalon on the New York Cen tral railroad at South Byron, lx mllea east of Batavia, N. T. Five leaders of the Socialist party. Including Victor L. Berger. repreeen-tatlve-elect from Milwaukee, wer found guilty In Federal Judge Land la' court in Chicago of conspiracy to vio late the espionage law. With the additions of Indiana, Ar kansas. North Carolina, Illinois, Kan saa and Alabama to the list of states which hsve ratified the constitutional amendment ' suppressing the liquor traffic, tha total now stsnds at 30. The number required to make tha amend ment effective la 36..' , Roosevelt Leaves $88,000 Insurance New Tors. .Colonel Theodore Roosevelt carried 188,000 Ufa Insur ance, according to a statement la the Weekly Underwriter. Waablngton Ratlfiea Dry Amendment. Olympla. Wash. In an hour and five minute after th Washington legislature convened both bouse had ratified the prohibition amendment to th federal constitution by unanlmoua rot. - THE MARKETS Portland Oats No. S white teed, $53 par ton. Barley Standard teed, 341 per ton. Corn Whole, 369 S 73; cracked. 371 075.' ., ?": Hay Timothy, $30933 per ton; al falfa. $37.60. . Butter Creamery, 67c per pound. - Eggs Ranch. 71e per doxen. Potatoes II per hundred. Poultry Hena, 28 30c; aprings, 30c; roosters, 23c; ducks, 30c; gee, 20 25c; turkeys, 40c. Seattle Hay Eastern Washington timothy. $33 per ton; alfalfa. $34 per ton. Butter Creamery, 66c. Eggs Rarfch, 75c per doxen. Poultry Hens, 302 33c; sprinirs; 82c; roosters, 23c; ducks. 30c; geese. J6c; turkeys. 44 47o. Berlin. Covers men t forces bsve captured th police headquarters after a abort bombardment Whea the fighting begaa th troop fired a few shell aed tbes waited t see what effect had been made npoa the Sparta cans. When th letter failed te show sign of yielding two men were s-tit forward with a whit flag; demand lag surrender. They were fired npoa and killed. No- goverataeat troop wer killed. The Bolshevist are believed to have suffered th loss or tl killed aad maay wooaded. ' Rosa Luxemburg; associated with Dr. Karl Llebkaecbt la the leadership of th rebellions Spartacaa force la Berlla, has bee arrested by gov era aunt soldiers, according to a report Th counter rerolutlo of th 8pr taeoa group ( Bolshevik ) is colls peing rapidly In Berlin and tha provinces. , Karl Llebknecht, Robert Emll EicB horn and Rosa Luxemburg, th tire chief leaders of tht Reds, hav fled. Duaseldorf, ; th ' most dangerous Spartacaa stronghold outside of Ber lin, has fallea into the hands of gov ernment forces. British troops' era preserving order there. Th Berlla government It disarm ing tba Rods, who hav bees plunder ing in the eastern suburbs, where they aelxed 300,000 marks worth of Jewelry. Th German war minister. Rata hardt waa quoted aa saying that h expected some further rioting la pro vincial towns, but th government haa decided to suppress disorders- sternly In order to assure the national assem bly elections. At Munich th eleotlon wer eamea out nunng noting. The Spartacana are still distribut ing propaganda among tha Germsa troop. IMMEDIATE AID FOR SOLDIERS IS URGED 10 Transports Sail From French Porta. Washington. Bringing home 7500 men, ten transport, the battleship Louisiana and New Hampshlr and tht hospital ship Mercy have tailed from French porta, t tuprema Court Upholds Rsed Meatur Washington. The Supreme Court leld that tha Reed "bone dry" prohi bition amendment prohibits Interstate transportation Into dry statea of in toxicating liquor for beverage pur- hostil Indiana la tht lava bads, died .funeral art' forbidden, and all bouses boss tvta if Intended for personal at Klamath Falls. Bbt waa $0 years where the disease exists are quaran- Is. Many Killed In Bueno Aires Rlott. Buenot Aires. The commanders of tha government troops officially re- port 260 dead and 700 wounded as a result of tha atrlka riots In thia city. of gg. That Indian from Umatilla rater ration have dona their part In serving tha country In tht war is shown by tht rtcord of mort than 50 who havt been doing their duty in Franca and In tha training camps. Tha Indians responded willingly when called to tha aervlce.. . The Petrograd garrison haa renounc ed Trotxky'a authority. tlned. " : . A deal of considerable msgnltudt waa closed at Sutharlln laat eck, . when tba Sutharlln Inn, of which Frank B. Waltt It tht principal owner, was told to the 8eventh Day Adven tlst people of southern Oregon. Tha hotel waa built four year ago at a cost of : $30,000. The object of tht Back Home After tilting for several day In Adventist people Is to establish an front of a house at Dillon, east of Tht aoademy In tha building and move Dalles, apparently watching passing . their tohool at Lorana to Sutherlin. trains, tht froten body of an aged Secretary of tha Interior Lane Indi pegro, believed to be Joseph Mullen, f cated Id a speech before membera of w as found. It it believed ha started the house recently that h bad adopt- . to" walk to Tha Dalles when he washed Representative Slnnott'a auggea overcome by tht cold. Hon of having hi requested appro- V Early extension of tht Strahorn priatlon of $100,000,000 for reclama railroad from Its prssent terminal at tlon purposes Incorporated In the sun- Dairy, 20 miles esst of Klsmtth Falls, dry civil bill to Insure ctton In this to Boninia, wss indicsted at a meet ing of the residents of thst section. Between $10,000 and $12,000 of the $16,000 necessary to assure this con struction wt pledged. Stockmen of , Wasco county have agreed to support th effort to be made at this session of the legislature to enact a law providing for co-opera- congress.' If this appropriation la , granted Representative Btnnott will seek to hsve two new irrlgstion proj ects Initiated in Oregon, . With even nurses snd asslstsnts at some of the hopitlt becoming 111 from lnfluenxa, the situation at Salem hat become ao serious thst city au thorities have intimated that tha al- u inti m i , rers-xz77Tmrrn nr -SrKt"w 1 - uwKOur " rr-TTT ( ' 111 . , fcl tKuy J I Washington. Immediate conaldera - tlon of the Interior department's re quest for $100,000,000 for the reclama tion and. occupation of 215,000,000 seres of tillable soil in thla country by returned soldier waa asked by Secre tary Lane at an informal meeting of membera of congress held In the house chamber. .- The plan of the department not only would provide labor for thousands of men discharged from military service, Secretary Lane said, but would greatly Increase the resources of the nation. Briefly the programme contemplate the employment of discharged soldiers at current wage on vast reclamation, schemes In many states, who would be permitted later to select sections of the reclaimed land for farming pur poses, the government, furnishing Seattle, Wash. Openly breieninf -money to pay for the coat of develop- sedition and defying tha police when COAST TROOPS' . REACH NEW YORK New .York. The United Statea cruiser St. Louis, bringing the 846th field artillery, 45 officers and 12SS men. arrived Wednesday from Brest. Twenty-six of these wer sick and wounded. The regiment, consisting; of 1 per cent regulars and 99 per cent conscripted saen, wer trained at' Camp Lewfe,. Wash. It saw service In Belgium with the 91st division, and4 returned under command of Colonel Samuel Frankenberger. - Th 346th artillery It officered and manned by recruite from the Pacific coast states. Although magnificent artillery support waa given at all times during the hard fighting through which the Pitt ha passed, it waa not tht good fortune of th artillery regV menta of tha division to give thi up- port, according to Lieutenant John Clark Burgard, of tha Hat, Juat re turned. Th artillery branch of th Plat waa embodied la three rgtmntt according to Lieutenant Burgard, and : none of them participated In the fight lng or had Bent over a hoatll shell up to the time of th signing of th armlstic. : r. BOLSHEVIK! START RIOT AT SEATTLE ment. Thla money, together with the full cost of the land and interest, would later be returned to the gov , ernment. ' it' " : . Necessity for haste In making the appropriation waa emphasised by Sec retary Lane. Soldier are being dis charged from the service at the rate of thousands a day, he aaid. and pre vision for employing them ihould be made aoon. Russian misfortune has served it useful purimse in showing the world jreclsely what Imlshevlsra means. A celebration Is expected that will make "gay Paree" wonder whether It ever knew before what real gayety is. In spite of nit kinds of publicity tal vnt in all sections. Paris continues to be the best advertised town on the map, " ordered to disperse, 2000 men, at open air Bolshevik meeting at Fourth . gvenue ind Virginia street. preeipltaU ' ed a riot at 1: 80 Sunday afternoon that required mort than 100 police men, soldiers and sailor to quell. Thirteen wer arrested and many more were aeen leaving tha seen of ' the trouble with minor wounds from ? policemen's clubt and soldiers' fists. Th meeting waa closed by tha pa-; lice when tha speakers urged a gen eral strike t all industries and the-; tying up of shipping to prevent th-; shipment of supplies t 8iberi for th maintenance of the United States and other armies in th field there. Leaflets wer passed out among the audience urging men in the uniform of the United Statea to refus to rv. their eountry In th event they were- ordered to Siberia or Russia, to inter, fere with the Bolshevik movement