The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 10, 1919, Image 4

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Saturday, Jan. 18
Which is positively the last
day of this Great Event.
The Stock is Still Large
and Comprehensive
and the prices are all reduced.
Do not overlook this opportunity.
buy now!
A. . . 1
Walla Walla, Washington
Export dentistry prie reasona
ble. Df Sponogle, Athena.
Nr. nil Mr. George Badgvtt ar
herefrom the Umatilla river fr a
visit 'with the parent of Mr.
Mr. and Mm. A. Larson arrived
today from their home near the
itate line for a visit at the DvGraw
residence. .',
Mr. Maud Stanfieltl, local librar.
an, announce that the Weston
branch of the Umatilla county li
brary will be opened again to the
public next Wednesday, December
15, if .no further spread of flu i
reported. y
The Athena lres report that
the supreme court ha ustaintxl
the decision of the circuit court in
the Cartano case, wherein the
plaintiff was! awarded $7000 dam
ages for alleged injuries sustained
through a defective sidewalk, to
gether with $300 costs.
E. W. Fchr has. relinquished the
lea-.e on the Nelson garage shop to
Mr. Nelson, and expect to devote
hi time to overhauling combine
and other farm .machinery 'ami
cines. Hi brother. J. W
. in I ....:... I ...t.k
will uc Bssuemuu iui nun wm
they will have a complete portable X
outfit for the purpose. '
- The local weather observer, Mef- I
ritt A. Baker, report that the low-
est temperature during the present y
cold wave, December 81 to date, y
was four degree above itero on the A
morning of the 5th of January, &
On the 5th tho maximum for the
day was 40 above, highest reach- t
ed since Dejember 81.. The aver-. V
age mean temperature has been 17
degree above. Last Wednesday A
morning the reading was six above. X
It has been the sort of weather all Y
along to take coal and- wood piles J
down the line. (Later Whoopee I
It's chinooking today.)
EeeUn of Stockholders
Notice is hereby given that I
annual meeting of stockholder
the Weston Mercantile Company
will be held Wednesday, January 15,
at 2 p. m.. in the Masonic hall,
.Weston, Oregon.
J. H. WILLIAMS, Secretary.
- burnished and Printed at the Lcaderoflke .
" iiiiuuituiu; ....,
. One hundred.... 1 85
Two hundred..............;..... 2 00
. Each additional hundred.;... 0 CO
. V - (Potag Extra on Mail Orders.) .
d en- a
Fehr. A
. - -m w jr m it ft. i w tl. m j&
, 4
.--Jr. ,""4
I eiwhs
During their recent visit here
Mr. and Mrs. H. Hessel and ;their
little daughter were guests of the
Chris Thoenys at the Thoeny farm
X above town. Their son Fred,. who
win be remember ea as a utile cnap
whpn thp familv lived in Weston, is
- Arthur Gould and family return- geing in a light artillery regi
ed this week from a visit with ment in France, and saw active
friends at Umapme. , fighting prior to the armistice.
Dr.' and Mrs. , W. H. McKinney They haven't heard from him since
were Portland visitors ' for" several October 20 and are becoming some
days during the week. ' what alarmed, as prior, to that time
' t . ry nA. he wrote home regularly. Another
LA- R' tl of the Hessel boys, Frnest. conducts
Weston passed away merchandiBe store at Con-
Fnday at his home In Walla Walla, netj, where Mr. Hessel himiclf is
For .sale cheap vStump puller engaged in the hotel business.
tJ ZZjt&Z Feed cost of poor producing cows
150 feet of rope. George Schmtzer. . J . . .
Eldon King has gone back to Cor- that of high producing cows, says
vallis, where he will take a short an 0. A. C. bulletin. The differ
course in tractors at Oregon Agri- cnce in the total feed cost between
cultural College. cows producing 200 pounds of butj
Leonard Blomgren has been heard ter fat and 400 pounds was only
from, after a considerable lapse be- Vet the value of the.r
tweenlettew. He was in Luxem- product, which cost but little less
burg November 28. than the Product of the good pro-
' ... j l ' ' ' i!f ducers, was only about half as
Mrs. M. Moore and her two chij- much mtire difference in
dren left Sunday for Portland. cost 0f feed, for cows producing
They were accompanied by Mrs. 100 and 400 of fat
Moore s sister, Miss Ada Beamer. was $30.00. v -
Weston Lodge No. 68, 1. 0. 0. F., - nyo,, 0f the various towns
will meet next Thursday evening, jn the county are to head commit
December 16. Installation l of ' tiffi- to wecome home-coming sol
ccrs. By order of H. L. Hedrick, dje and This Is in keep-
Noble Grand. ' ina wu. .tptwiHn nlana which
G. W. Staggs and R. E. English
hallow graves at a lonely spot amonc
have been outlined by a commitfes the tree. ' .
rMnmoA thl wwli fmrn PonHlntnn. nnnnlntpcl hv Governor WithvcombG ' The discovery . ae aner tne
where they served on the grand and of which Mayor Baker of Port- searcher had come across a child's
jury until it finished its work and land is chairman. The Patriot'c straw hat 10 feet from the rude rre
was discharged. Service League has pledged itself ' ner the body of a woman wa found
t u ; W.' to arrange a county demonstration on Wednesday. - , j
t5f'.HK f ! LSS at wme future "tate when the ma- N. E. Burnett, who . .rrested for
farmer, ha added to hi extensive jorltv of the bov. have returned. the alleged crime, denle. any recog-
lana noiaing oy vne purcwue oi
the Henry Waddingham quarter Jim Kirkpatrick is still in St.
south of town. This is a choice Nazalre, France, where he will
piece of land and brought $24,- probably remain despite his recent
injury according to last reports.
Jim has been promoted to be mas
ter engineer of the senior grade.
and Mrs. C. H. Sumption
nltion or knowledge of the hat and
' clothing found with the skeletons, and
identified a Belonging to Burnett's
wife and children. In accounting for
tbelr absence be bu gives several con
flicting vnrilons, and evidence i ac
cumulating tbat convince the officers
tbey are close 'to a solution of the
UI..L i , tu ...... crimo. .
iu fvmui lie t ivo. aiiv VDI WD -
$96 per month and the holder there- t,..Ui-. .k. ...
i, ,t, - When one rowemplstim the new wr:
Loyalty Committee missioned officer, in tin respect dlfflcolt .0 contt to leave th
public that Joseph that his iJothing and chow are fur- ...kaUer to the etlnge of his own con-
..!in .t it.. ler engineer vi uie seiuui kibuc,
tt&'tmb of nonmmis-
i.: S m jLiih 4v,uj, 'oned officer in the army t ranch
Mi 9 Ae MJ. t Jliiv wa hjvii
way from Astoria to Boise, Idaho,
which will be their home in future.
The Central
informs the public that
Kremcr of Hcrmiston, who has been nished him free
Work funds, has now contributed uinf at hcF home on ater
to the United War Work campaign areeu '
a sum equalling his combined Red Milk customers wanted. Mrs.
Cross and U. W. W, quotas. . -. . Artie Beathe.
lfarr" i' J" i-....-
Crown Prince Alexander m aervia, '
who was appointed regent of th new
Jugo-tlav state. ,
: . : A
Olympls, WMb.Thre penoni, la
stead of one, as at first thought, were . X
murdered and their bodies burled In JT
th woods on Hawk Prairie, It was,
disclosed, when Coroner Mills and V
Chief of Police Cusack of Olyropla on-' O
covered the bodies of two. bors, 4 and
t years otd respectively, burled In A
? '
If mny more down-end-outers mi
grate to Sft-ltwi-tend we may expect
that thrifty conniry to be charging
toiirlt an dmlflnn fee to see th
royal boo. . ,
it the Y
r of V
Complying with the wishes of the Health
Board and in order to further the well-being
of the Weston community, we called off
our Mammoth -Unloading Sale. In order
not to disappoint our friends and patrons,
however, and because we need the rnoney
while they need the goods, we are contin
uing our v
The fact is, wc arc overstocked. Con
ditions this season have retarded sale of
seasonable ijoods which now we must A.
dispose of at prices that ring with econ
omy. To cite a few features:
s ' a t e i air g
the regular.,
Thousands of Shoes for less than
the cost of manufacture.
. 1 .',. .:' , . ' ' -;
The entire store is a Carnival of Bargains V
fi if aflk