EM - .mmavvwv Th Au .ltuatbn In Weaton in irwwswrc ' ' clearing airaln, with but Iwo raswa m . , " Saturday Morning - . Jan. 11 ' - Saturday Kornlnf Davis-Kaser's this great sale will open .Saturday morning, Jan. 11. It will mean moru to our customers than any salo wo have put on in a long time. Price re ductions will be more gcneral-everything except "contract goods"-and in no case less than 10 per cent; then up to GO -half-price. Remember, please, that every sale reduction at Davis-Kaser's means a real saving of amount indicated, for our prices .are never deviated from between sales. Our stocks arc practically complete in spite of the shortage of goods in many lines. , While not true of all things, the bulk of our stock cost us about 20 percent less than present market prices. All will need goods soon, therefore should take ad vantage of this salo. Those who should know, claim there will be more price advances than de clines this year. Remember too, please, it's to be a' regular Davis-Koser Sale-straight goods; plain figures; re ductions in Yellow Tags; Satisfaction or Your Mon ey Back. If you don't know us, ask your neighbors. Come. Read the the Yellow Tags. Sec the goods. Bring your check book -you'll neeq it. Davis-Kaser Co. Walla Walla, Washington. BREVITIES Saturday Horalni Jan. 11 Saturday Koralnf The Prudent Man will fill his coal bin when the fill ing is good. Better order your coal now, when I can supply you. P. T. HARBOUR, Weston, Oregon a ' n Tbe Fanners Bank of Veston Established 1891 320 or 640 acres grain land; 145 acres now in wheat and 145 ac be summer fallowed on each half section. Call for particulars. Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. Established 1865 Athena. Oregon WalUbur j. Wh. American Beauty Pure White ; Made of selected bluestem in one of the best' equipped mills in the Northwest.- , Sold In Weston by , ; ; 1 . . Weston! Mercantile;- Company Joe Lleuallen wu here this week from Kicih for vwtit with hia family. . J. E. Walden and family have moved Into their cottage realdcnca on Normal Height. Conrad C. Cocker line of KatacatW Ort'gon, a former Wcnton loy, I mentioned aa miming in action, irt Thursday'! raaualty list. t Bern-ant Sid Barm wired hi paf renta recently that he had arrived aafcly from overavaa. He expect to be tent to Camp Lcwln. Hie neighborhowl report "that' C. M. Schneider' family were flu eufferm ia incorrect. They have bo far been fortunate enough to ea-. capo visitation. Tom DIgglna has gone to the, stubble flelds beyond Walla Walla, to look after his cattle herds, Ho lately disiKwed of 40 head pf etcersj, at nine centa er pound.t . Mrs. Delia Winn returned this week from Portland accompanied by her son, Lynn Neild. who is con valescing from typhoid fever. Lynn expects soon to go back to the me tropolis. Clarond Khea has gone to Win ona, Wash., to trap coyotes. His father, who Uvea at v inona, wrote him to come saying that the crit-jt ten are thick In that neighborhood' Trapping coyotes la Clarond'a long suit. After sailing the ocean blue on U..S. S. Wyoming, Ruford Price ia again with kindred and friends in the Weston neighborhood. He witnessed the surrender of the Ger man fleet. Seaman Price has a month's furlough. Miss Grace Eny art, a prominent senior of the University of Wash ington, Seattle, and Ensign J. J. Lungcnback, U. S. N. R. F., were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Carmlchael. Miss Enyart and Mrs. Carmlchael are sisters. Lost Red and 'white spotted muley cow, both ears cropped, cir cle cleaver on right hip, accompan ied by red and white spotted calf; also 9-months calf, branded circle L on left side, one ear cropped, other split; color red and white. Reward. Leave word at Leader office. In a letter to a Weston friend "Sarge" Ernie Blomgren writes that he has never seen No Man's Land, but has sure done his bit In the war. The Sarge has long been working nights in Service of Supply at St. Nazalre, France and incidentally kicking himself because he wasn't permitted to go the front. Edwin Simpson, well known Ore iron pioneer and for many years a Weston resident, is serioutly ill at his home in Tacoma. Mrs. J. E. Scrlmsher, one of his daughters, left for Tacoma Tuesday to be at his bedside, and the other children are cither there or will be summon ed should he grow worse. Mr. Simpson is now 87 years old. , That Weston goes In strongly for sport is shown by the number of licenses issued from the store of Watts & Rogers. To hunters 118 of these permits were issued for $177, and to anglers 189 for $208.50 a total of $388.60. Pop ulation considered, this showing of receipts Is regarded as better than that of any other town in the county. ' After stealing a Mitchell Six from the C. L. Whitney ranch near Walla Walla Charles, Greene, 22, and Lynn Ayers, 21, were pursued by Sheriff Lee Barnes and a posse, with whom they had a rifle fight. Greene was , killed and Ayers is in jail. Greene fired three shots at Barnes. One of the bullets blist ered, the sheriff's left cheek and epun him around. , While out on his route the other day Mail Carrier Jim Jones casual ly touched up one of his govern ment mulea with the whip. The an imal Immediately resented this at tention as superfluous. It kicked itself a-straddle of the tongue and broke one line. Then both mulea ran away. Jones sidetracked them into a rail fence and after repair ing damages went on his way, with a resolution to make a more careful study of mule character. Mrs. Minnie R. Hessel, motJier of Herman Hessel, died January 8, 1919, of acute Indigestion, at her home in Connell, Washington. The remains were brought to Weston for burial beside the grave of her late husband in I. O. O. F. ceme tery, Sunday. Services wore. con ducted at the grave by Rev. S. E. Powell. . Mrs. Hessel w born 89 years- ago- In Jermany. She was the", mother of fiva children, of whom only onc, ,IIerman Hessel, is now living. - ,; The flu situation In Weston ia clearing again, with but Iwo cawa reported. These patients are the (laughters, Pearl and Francis, of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Davis, who came down yesterday with th pre vailing dlMWM. in light form. Mr. Davis hlnwelf kept away fr m the house until the nature of the ail ment coujd be determined think ing he would thus be In better ;o aition to aid his family and is not under Quarantine. All the patients reported last week, Including Super intendent Fitzpatrlck of the Wenton wbools, are now convalescent. How vr a rurrrtit rrnort that the schools will oiwn next Monday hu .not been officially confirmed. It amort, makes the owanhr envious to hear the uplander talk about mountain weather. On Wes ton mountain the temperature hua been ranging from 30 dt-irrws above at night to 65 and 68 above at midday. The daya are bright with sunshine, and W. L. Raybom, who waa In town yesterday, says that the lucky mountaineer looks down upon a vast sea of smoky cloud. Upon going down the mountain and entering this cloud he plungea at once into the temera ture which congeals the lowland blood. Miss Colvin has returned from Haines and Miss Hollenbeck from Portland to be in readiww to re sume their school work. They are keeping house in the NorDean cot tage on the Heights. ' R. G. Sating expects to leave for Porttand on thia evening'a train for a few days visit with his family. SOUVENIR POST CARDS : PERFUMES TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY EASTMAN'S KODAKS AND SUPPLIES ' PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES ' FINE CANDIES CIGARS PAINTS. OILS, CLASS RUBBER GOODS AND SPONGES ' JEWELRY 1 Herman Goodwin Prescription Druggist ' ; :1 ! We Appreciate Your Patronage. Call Again. J ChM. II. Carter Dan P. Smyth Carter & Smy the UWTEM f'andktun Oregon Butter Wrap orders prompt ly filled at the Leader shop. W. M. ftttrfM ' G. II. Bulwa Peterson & Bishop LAWYERS ptnJIeton, Or. FrwaUr. Or. Dr. s. L mm Veterinary Smieca Hospital at corner of Main andyBroad streets. ' Phone Llaln 253 o o o tare. Lest a Pluck the Jewel at Thy traimer 1 p ee Q (A fine farm near our city for Bale much of the time durim? the past Btx,or seven years. One man has been "thinking about" buying it all this time. . v Another man has had nightmares over it for three years. Joe Key goes and - buys it on the first visit to the owner after he learns of the opportunity.) ; AU, GOOD, I'M fill -m m trade vrni vahs & Rogers o o o - Our inventory just taken shows we have the most complete and best stock ever a stock full of jewels m the respective lines, from a left-hand monkey wrench to a side-hill plow or a Four-wheel Wagon Two-spool sewing machines, singer style rotary and vibrators. Tl VT:, mnninno fVQ VQcf T" H WP UpPD XLltJCLllC WilSHiiJg iiiav;iiiuco wiv kj,jv - " c t a sample for trial purposes; try it and then decide. ) Heating stoves galore---and bargains. Kash Kounts Come, and See