,,W 0) K K n ; : ;Yqu .do if you need in your business the ' 4 grandest little utility car in the automobile worlda genuine blessing on wheels. But you cannot get one any old time. Bet- " ter put your order in now with us. We have ".. the Ford Agency through Mr. Robert Simp-, "'"' son of Pendleton, arid will gladly take care of - : your order. However, the Fords are going out as fast as Mr. Simpson can get them. Hurry! Hurry ! That lazy thief, Procrastination, may k steal t. away your chance to get a Ford. , :r - . ALL FORD EXTRAS IN STOCK fully attend tha meetings and do he fought it in the great Roosevelt CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS nearly all the work, that the many bolt that led to Taffa defeat, he ho Bwthrw,-.Sunday may profit: but who will aay that could see no virtue in it... Heat- . . . ,ft n m iveachlng at -they do not proftY themselves In tained far greater eminence, we n t( m. o. W. 8. at :30 p.m. greater measure, If there be any think, in constructive performance Ulblt Study, Life of Christ, at 7:30 U-nertt in the mental broadening than in crltlcm. A prwMent of p.,m. Jolui UonewiU, elder, that folium unselfish public effort the United States his record was Metliwlli tliurrh-humachwl one of undoubted torvleo t. the J jWiw TRADE OF WESTON CROWS p., V lTl f&r SS The grow receipts of the Wee- ' 111 Thursday evening. S. E. Powell, ton postomee in 1918 were I28C3.87, - Carter Class began . active life mior. as against 12471.62 in li17-the " printer's devil, at the age United Hrethren Church 'reach best preceding year in the history of thirloen-and so did'wc; but ing at 11 a. m. ami 8 p. m. of the local office. While . w he is only secretary of the J-nJy Jr m. of the increase is accounted for by treasury when ho might, like us. mwllnrf ,t t p. m. Prayer meet, three cent letter postage and the hv lecn a country editor. nJt Wednesday evening. . K. V. more general use of the parcel post - 1 ' , ' " . Wriggle, pastor, privilege, tha showing as a whole is There Isn t much Indication yet B,ptBt Church-The Church with due to progress of Weston along that Germany is sorry about any. , "fal wclcon for f- ,,,, lhrri. th ng except her own defeat. whool at ten o clock, preaching at commercial lines. While there Is 1BiB1BiMBBIoaBlst . eleven. Also preaching at eight no means of comparison available. . u . o'clock In the evening. W. It. it is probable that neither 1917 nor . 7?f vour pnnw VI Storms, pastor. 1918 were ever surpassed in thcV T, "i Christian Science Soclcty-Ser. volume of business iotytransact- the lrglsl.ture-.nd now we vwa Sum, t n W ed by the best of the grc.t years in w'" knQW " "'' sre. . stm t, near Main. ( the good oW days of the stage cuach amlUhe flight warm sighcil for mMwrl by the early settler, in 'Tact, mere , , , is a strong probability that Weston Well, mebbe it's worth fifteen never did a larger business than it thoiK M , gkating pond. is doing right now. That U never n m. ' " had better store nor more prog re- the esteemed Athena IVess re- sive trade methods, the Leader edi- marks, in what we can only regard I tor is quite well advised-being M a ,pirt 0f boorish and heartless versed in Weston- history. It is levity: well to think of these things when No mM CM milkc , fx,j of (some long-faced pessimist drones himself all the time he has to that "the town is going downhilI." sleep occasionally," says' a wag4; , which leads us to surmiso that a . JL ,rtim .,, certain Weston editor seldom hits TEE SILENT AXSIY , we htyi amj whcn he docs, snoosca Better than anything else we with one fid open, have read, this from the New York So? If Colonel Wood is meant, Tribune enables one to visualise he slcci soundly at least one night the dreadful cost of the war in hu B week, after reading Kernel My, how thore Ik-rlincra lov-klll General Insiaice and Real Estate LIFE HEALTH FIRE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE to bcII your it Is salable Do you want property? If I CAN SELL IT '( Soap4s olug op. Its manufacturers iyr. Jast st the time when a general vVen-up Is begun throughout th . world. . j . . ' Glory remains with us and o do tl war tnses. ' ' " .. Boycott the food profiteers and they wilt soon corns down. 1 ' fTbS' whirligig ot tlins brings la Its revenges. The Invincibility, of the ' German Vrmy and navy is now a scrap ettfaper , --'i .Cennsny's efforts to mike a market Joe tor), would indicate som mUspellt - time that might hare been devoted to i war gardening,- ; la action yon couldn't see the tanks tor dust. And coming home.: In the - ease-of some of them, you can't sea 'em'for medals. " Now It seems tbst Getmnn efficiency wns pnlf ikln deep. v lKk at the total cost In mere money. If yon think war pay. And now'for the making of war his tories, world without end. , Some of those ball players who rusted t the steel league will find ' they did not make eufh a wiae move as they supposed. . ; Powdered augar Is on the miirket ngaln, pmlMy lu lump form aa uswsl. This war coat the world two hundred billion and Its education has Juat begun. WESTON LEADER ' CLARK WOOb, PaklUhtr , suBiCHirnoft rai ei Shidlv in Atfl-AiKt The year..!. . 12 00 Six Months ... I 00 Throe Months ., 0 60 . ' 1 ; FMPAT. JAW. 10 Fnlcrcd at tht aaitallict at Wciloa, Orga .1 MconS cl.ts mill m.lKf . ' t AUVCRIISINtt RA?- " Regular, per inch per insertion 16c Transient, per inch per insertion 20c . Locals, per line per insertion.... 10c man ilvcs: Boyd's paper. It's an excellent aed- If the British dead alone, for In- atlve. stance, were to march down any i i, .m, m j street 20 abreast and with the rows However, the mutual slaughter only three feet apart, they would it)dutgi.d jn by Berlin Huna almost pass a given point from sunrise to . . . ., . . , . sunset without a break for ten Jong 'moun,a to justifiable homicide. days. It would take another eleven ". , daj-s for tho French dead to file It's nice skating on Ice, but the down the same thoroughfare. Rus- convivial old timer mourns, .that the time of more than five weeks to pass the given point in the spec ified formation; and the dead of all Hair Outs r FBE proper skate on properly. -With the disappearance of highball how are :ller8 to play the nineteenth hole! .. . r. It must be a great relief to the comic : papers of Germany to be able at laat to work off tbelr large accumulation of "Jokea on the ex-kalser. Some of the peace new la uliiumt aa exciting ns the war reports ual to be. , . COMMERCIAL CLUB NEEDED The passing of the flu in the Weston : neighborhood-an happy two months and a half. German quarters, but it has never had a and'Austrain dead would require glackw to advertise." " ' ' another six weeks for review and . the whole total of men killed in the war on both sides of the con flict woutd march The householder who watches his steadily abreast fuel bills grow considers Observer Z WESTON BATHS. BARBER I for more than four months before -Baker's, occasional reference to X , TA,mr tuna X they could all pase by. mean temperature as well advised. n PATHiT, . WHOLE WHEAT .anil Yellow and White CORM MEAL. STEAM-ROLLED BARLEY AND WHEAT " ' CRUSHED AND CRACKED CORN t.5Ve will crush. your cob corn for you, or shell and crush it; ,., or, If dry,' grind it into corn meal, , CENTRAL FEED ROLLING AND EXCHANGE As an example of good taste it Kernel flovd n-niimln uu of to. consummation now almost in sight wjII noted that the Roosovelt day's' brand of weather, in that should be celebrated we think by amUy wi(, ncVer publish a "card he's a bit balmy. the resurrection of the Vy.ton Com- f thani,,,." The LeBtjer congratu- eg mercial Club... - jatcs jjf tl.at for five years now I'cndlcton's new flu ordinance has We do not mean by this that the jt gucceeded inkceping such resulted in a good deal of masked club is whatisslangilyknownasa meaningless banalities as "cards of Uwl. ..., "dead one." Instead. it hasmain- thanks" out of its own columns. 11 1 tained a nominal existence. But jige resolutions In memory of dc- , .. 1St W Forget" ,f becauscfof the flu and the good old parte(i brothers have also passed The Central Loyalty Committee summer time and other reasons It here Int0 t8C junkpile of obsolete reports as follows: , hasn't been meeting now for many CU8toms. Herman Behnke, Umapine farm- moons. ' . i1 1 " 1 i er, refused to contribute to the Perhaps we would better aay re. ''TroUky tuu'armted Lcnine:'' but United War Work Fund." viva!. Yes. that is it. Let the unless Lcnine can also arrest Trot- Nick Grosgvbaurer of Umapine, commercial club be revived, 2ky and each send the other up for t?T J&J1!tt7F. 99 years, the situation will not te 000. contributed only 85.00 to this fund and that reluctantly. Fred MelhofT of Umapine refused . to give money to the agencies help- intpwRt. It nrmrinod the miU? r i. n ... t .i... - . ... . . . . :r ; , urooR wumy -uunmi umi pinna mai nt nau to scna money io reia- means, oi mainiainmg tne town s fa; the Irritation of lands to the tives In Germany. -;,,. spirit of civic pride. It was a place- gouth and west of Prineville are William Swash of Umapine, said where public sentiment could worUinj- out, ind another four tObt th O.OOO. refused to be crystallized for or against any, years will see ereat activity and f V Uaa f 1 s an aJlf,a.MrA a .... w " iVs tlWII VI AUalLUIJ WV I Except Saturdays) o All Kiddie 12 years old or under. ana ihilvh jnwr R. L. Reynaud I LUNCHES The club meant much to Weston 99 years, the and could mean more. Its debates, appreciably relieved, while frank,-were free from Bcri- t 1 1, ', ' 1 n mon'y, and its meetings were full of We learn with'intcresf from ICE CREAM CX0AR3 CANDIES Baker's Goods Phone your dray orders, 93, or call at store. I Davis V. & Ellis u . ; . - ............ . ,.. : , ... . u r . .. 1 LtI KITCHEN CABINETS BUFFETS LIBRARY TABLES ' CHILDREN'S ROCKERS . (a beautiful line) - in " -''in i acc : m rn niro -1 Store g given proposition by ( tnresiiing development In that quarter. . out- Its merits. In this manner no ( j - project intended for community bet-passing over for the. nonce the termeht " would be taken up un- mooted question of the live coward less it passed the gauntlet of criti- and the dead hero, it certainly isn't ij v-iaiii. jwu-uanu u"iiliumb wmi dciut io oc a sices siacscr man a J little but the enthusiasm of their hungry patriot, r U promoters' to recommend them,,, ' g were- thus killed off before com- Paradoxically enough, Theodore $ munity effort could be frittered Roosevelt's leading characteristic Jj away. Propositions- of rea merit, in his political career was at once fc.werc endorsed and ; put through- his greatest fault, and his chiefest !j with the entire strength of the club virtue. We refer to his uncom behind them, thus promoting har- promising advocacy of any cause monious ana centralized endeavor, whlcn ne espousca. lie was a ngni- WeEtonV population er and an advocate, never a trim- judge. "This was the contribute to this same. fund. Th gnreromsnt might st (vast srnd th hall playrs hoint In tlms to opD the sesson. Th bflxehall fan wants to know ff this Lagu of Nntlnna wltl srrcs to a world arls. ,. The thrift larnd hy compulsion la ' war tltnrs ahnuld not glv way to x trsvagance In .peace. ' fallen, minor Mors of the mighty hura Th flu is no longer tven a topic of conreraatlnn. ,1 ' " ., . i ' Belgium occupies a comparatively arasll pac on tha map, but will take a big plsca Jo history.' ; WESTOII i; CASH KIARKET FRESH MEATS 'OPALL'KINpS I IHGIIEST CASH PRICES PAID ; FOR .LIVESTOCK, ; 4 HIDES. PELTS. &c. ..." HASS&SAUER! A town of WeEton s population er and an and pretensions should by all means mer nor a have a commercial club. K Without characteristic which made him such on; it is almost like a congregation '. a formidable foe to wrong when without a preacher, an army' with- he was right, -.When Jw Wrong, , fpnrt,J " "!" 1" ' wl,h out a general staff. :" Whatever Is flcjelthiijk- WWfclimcs- hap- - y mr J ' done for public weaf is done at penedXH was unfortunate, "since ne MQjfrro t ,'WrATTfl cross purposes,, with ' part W; the ' coulif sclflom wc the slightest de- 'Wll I O , ejpie pusning anu ounf a uiocKing gree jiiwiii. ni .wrc vjr1""" ( onnn;-i-i.n the wheels. When he led the republican j)arty, Vp,ellce, , n ,;. -mMe mnil ynt .To be sure, It often happens that' for Instance, he was heart and soul ? Countr- a few publicjspirilwl citizens faith- for the republican part. : Whtn !; X' . ATNKNA. OHEOON " , The Cnlted States jisvy cmergta f irmlff lunrlm l wtyrtni r no iW, Hwrtd lttwli lletHH Of tifHK'W rwf d on twterttuMlKf , Itantt ntvrot). PATtMTa OILO rOKTUV9 rr ym. OnrfrtlisjosiliAatMlllMw.wtMtiolHVtrnt jiikI Mtt f jpfm-r. Writ today. D, SVJFT h CO. LTINT UWVHI. 303 Soventh St., Waihlngtos, D. C. j fir " v..,'..--. ' ii i ),