The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 27, 1918, Image 2

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    Nothing Is easlar to txplala thaa
political victory.
Tbto U to h aw world mad on
ABMrfeaa plana.
TMrolt U uo Qannaa-AmaricaM af
ter n war, ttthar.
Making th world taf tor democ
racy ta ao mt task.
la Earopo bow tvery Uttlo nation
kaa a crUla all Ha own.
AaMBg otfcar toaaUos tht JSpanlih
luflaoau la retiring oa aU fronta.
TWa war kaa oxorclwd curative
motaoda aa tat tlxhtwad habit
Furnished and Printed at the Leader office
Sixty (minimum) $1 00
One hundred 1 35
Two hundred 2 00 -
Each additional hundred.! 0 60
(Postage Extra on Mail Orders.)
Stritlv hi AifhAnci
The Year a tKI
Six Mont ha 1 oo
Throo Month ., . o 50
n trl ; U the r?llr,tl alUiiUU: FIGHTING AND FEASTING
Now It s h rune of to h--l with the ......,, ......
IHilillc tho government lit not con
cerned with such trifles.' Our long
cherished dream of government
owned railroads in shattered."
Aisdo from which, we presume,
the railroads arc ull right.
I I J l.J. I-L ...!-. Jl
Interesting Dcerpts From Letter
ol Lieutenant Smith.
PnHitd (I tht pailollkt al WtiUn, Ortgaa
MtandclMt Nxllmtllti.
Regular, per inch per Insertion 15c
Transient, tier inch nor Iniu-rlion 20e
Local, per lint par Insertion 10c market cilitor.
TroUky a roant or t rcrnin re
vivo recollection of the celebrated
First Lieutenant Charles II.
"(loud Demand for All Kinds of Smith of tho Jtillitt Infantry had
livestock." says a headline on the Thanksgiving dinner with the olll-
Orcgoniuit's market tge. This ,vre ,,f the Second Ihittalion in
would liuvc looked a hit more np- iH-yruc, Belgium. Tor such a
propriato on tho Journal's market trii-kon land they fiuvd well- ol-
Mge, for reasons not unconnected though -geese came at $12 each,
with the given name of the Inltcr's The financial output for a dinner
of IK plutca was $43 itnd the menu
1 ffippjf to Yar
The leader has a fairly good cir
culation for a two-dollar cah-in-advance
ncwspaix-r in a limited
Held. Circulation in proportion to
population considered, it cover its
particular territory better than
does any daily acr from Portland
to $okanc, inclusive.
And yet the subscription sum
which tho community of Weston
pays for the privilege of having a
ncwpaK'r .is not excessive. For
Kit and kettle episode.
I - L.-..1 . M
The senator from Masm-huu-tta
la a distinguished statesman, no
doubt, but every now and then we
are tempted to exclaim: "Oh,
for a l.odgc in sonic vast wilder
ness!" The t'orvalli Tiuiea waxes face
tious as follows:
Celery, bouillon, roast goiwe,
chicken fricaiwe, miu-hcd hI aloes,
creamed cul'lmgc, bread and butter,
blackberry jam, bitked apple with
cream, colTw, chcei ciitura, wine,
In the courw of an interti'itik
letter to Mra. Smith deacriptive of
IlKhtinir in the Arironne the lieu
tenant aaya:
"The road entering Very lenda
almiK the aide of a hill fifteen or
twenty feet from the top urn! FriU
tried real 1ianl to jM ua there.
Shell after ahell nwiiJiwI over our
head and burnt in the bottom of
J recvipts of a H'unut atand will
j amount to aa much in two weeks.
T A big farmer will pay out from
t two to three times as much in one
year for garag bills and think
ff nothing of it.
We arc moved to these remarks
through hearing that two dollars a
year is too much money for a little
country paper. Frankly, it is,
I from the standpoint of newspaper
j vaiue. we Know or one oig
weekly of nation-wide circulation
which sells for only fifty cents a
the draw Til) vurda iiwmv. The col-
"II was only to Um'Xmh'IihI that timn wui U-ing held up while ad
woman namwl Mury Tongue would Vamv comiwnies were diotribulwl
road made a riKht-anuled turn and
Still, it is not to U- inferred His Nibs begun trying for the bend
that Secretary C.liwa will have a j' th road. Fortunately he miaaed
ly tttxiui ii jariui, uui ii wua neu
to atand Uicre while altell after
. , ,. ahell broke in a cloud of brick dual
"What a pity that the president m, n.fU!W, right jH'Mde us. All
wasn't twins!" is the way it looks night long Frit khcllwl this road
to the Columbia State. at period of from 15 minutes to
half an hour, ror about two hours
until my extreme fatigue was worn
oft I slept. Then I fro out and
had to walk to keen warm. Next
mm i t r l .a w - ----- nin v vmiiiiwiim s s v mihh a
f the newsiKTs delivered from tho H. Krantwl an 'interlocutory' decree the protected side of the
J local postotllce and rural routes wc of divorci- in San Francisco." jUlit In-fore entering the town
T iwvivv I iv. ii.iv ill vuv jtrai uihk
t railmad freight brakeman draws in
two montlis. An cx-rt riveter has
V earned as much in two days. A Ineful task.
t Gary, Indiana, steel worker will
t draw down as much or more in a
t fortnight. A busy country store
will take in more in one day. The
"The Ituss is not to have a scat
at the H Bce table." A seat at any
table would probably look good to morning about ten wo took tuition
him. on the line and heavy rvnintancc
e. , ,, i 1 was encountered. All duy long
Although world inace is in the our troop fought aainst M)lyT
air. the overtures will have to come and jnachino guns with UW enemy
t . . . ... . artillery shelling us aihstantly and
from over the hill if the great pact mo((t of mr t)W n,AVught up yet.
of amity extends to Colonel Wood What did set-mod to have dilllculty
and Kernel Hoyd. in getting the range at times fro-
1 quently dropping shells Into our
At that, Herlin is not enjoying " nd creating much con-
an eMK-cially civil war slemation. I thought my career
an tMH-ciaiiy civil war. WM WT wnt. our own
... . artillery dropped a numlier of
It is quite apparent that Wilson hhells alomr the road where I was
Ik-cause of its limited field the
Leader must have two dollars a
year and is worth a dozen country
papers. Yet it isn't worth as much knows not only what to say but driving wounded and taggingjead
to Weston, or to anyone interested whut to leave unpaid. At last the cry, 'Itaise the Artll-
in Weston, as is the Weston Leader. t 1 11 J-w 'cry!' was productive of tesulfcc.
NoUce to Subscribers much to our re ii-r. Again i ttM ar-
, . . . .. .... .r . ternoon I got into nice IjUk bar-
If this notice is marked it sigtil- mm out over frum nl a K.,.
year. At that its subscription re- fu-s that your subscription expires trt jttrjg t point blank range
ceipU do not quite meet its cash ex- with this issue. Ve would 'most upin troops advancing to tho at-
penses. It depends for its net profit Kratefu ly appreciate youtf prompt u,k. I thought sure they W my
1 r rpniwB sr . i i . it . . f i . . . ......
I .on advertising and jobwork. Sutiscription ratw j the year, Kul wllhin , um4 And so
The Leader has been and is of $2.00; six months, M.00; three Wt, wnl un fur tfght ttlf with
t Dractical value to the Weston months, 50 cents. mireuIiiiM m-u npli'!very
A A mi l . J i i. , . '
I community. Its services are too
long to recount here. In the one
respect of getting the normal
school building it was worth more
to the Weston community than it
The U-acler is invariably
tinued at expiration.
discon- iluu. Knr fciur iluva wi isnnlr-U-d
a dressing station in the woods just
back of the front lines whiluour
Have YOU Kept Tour Pled,? troops simply held, waiting forthe
Have ' you kept your pledge to rt,ry l? mUM nd for arrae
u, iin uv. nu-nU to be completed for a ft
would receive in subscription money you purchased as many of these tral advance. Our station was In t
... f 7.. . lliMiat sail tf t.rm Ktiilsilmf a.1na ak4
linhv hum h an vim ran thin vearT "
WORTH If not, do so at once. Umatilla
in one hundred years,
east and west road between the
y.Twnnor.f.ARSAYKAR to amy. county has not yet reached iU ' T
Awp wun WA wii Ta MPweDa yearly quoU and the time for mak- roH"s wu" ru"! "uoul 1UW
5 ??f .f?ZA3ra A NEWSPA ing up the deficiency is short. Ful- ,art- W 'r?'nc con
t Bear that fact in mind, frienda
all, when you receive notice ol an
ennired aubaeriDtion.
x -
A Portland firm advertises fun-
y erals for $75 each which fact su
fill your pledge today.
County W. S. S. Chairman.
f perinduccs more or less pleasing re-
Y flections as to the Low Cost of
Brother Julian and Brother
O'Neill are not in perfect'sym-
pathy with government ofieration
X of railroads, and we would suggest
Y to McAdoo or his successor that a
1 little judicious placing of passes at
Attalia and Prcscott would not bo
amiss. To be sure, this practice has
& been abolished, but an exception
A might profitably be made now and
A then in order to properly direct
tho power of the press. Wo are
A going to help out our journalistic
A brothers by giving their plaint the
A benefit of the Leader's much wider t
& circulation. This is from Brother
V Julian's paper:
"Under the present system it
A seems useless to ask any favors of
X the railroads. Chaos exists. Vex
X atlous delays and numerous short
t ages occur in freight shipments.
Buisness men assert that entire
i shipments of merchandise fail to
A reach their destination. Passenger
fares, freight and express rates,
t Via v'li raiaeA tn undue nrnnnrtinna.
.t. w - - - .
Z It frequently happens that time
V tables are changed without notice to
the public. As Charley . O'Neill
ANEW sun?
If you want one for Fall
and Winter we will be glad
to supply you. We repre
sent the best tailoring
houses in Chicago and guar
If you want to make your
old suit do we can make it'
look GOOD AS NEW by
IDEAL Coats and Suits
for ladles,
and whenever they could spot any
accumulation of men on these roads
a put-put-put sound would be
heard; and before we had time to
look for cover whang-whang shells
were bursting all around. Regu
larly all night the Hun guns start
ed on the position of our troops
and covered it thoroughly."
Lieutenant Smith writes In lighter
vein of life in the battalion billet
after the armistice. Among other
things, he says:
"As to my trunk locker with all
my white shirts and collars, pa
jamas," extra shoes, cap and sundry n
other things various misguided in
dividuals advised us to bring over
I've had as little use for it as for
the spurs Issued Bie in Camp Lewis,
never having hftd access to a horse
since landing Ii France. One thing
I'm thankful for is that I fell for
as little of that 'bull' as I did."
R. L. Reynaud jg ice cream
I Baket'fl Goods
I Phone ytur dray orders,
93, or ) call at store.
trmtfi tnnrkVNrwl mvrrtyHta oirf.irto or mi
r,-... Mai mwlrt. rkXrlw, or Mum (Ml
,l,ckm for rati aSAHOH 4 man
oil lMiillblMljr, tlask rMMWM
)im. Our In booktou tll . ht to IhwI
nl m ye mowr. WHlatwIf.
0. SWIFT h CO.
I 5-venih tit., wain
Inotos, D. C.
Davis & Ellis