The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 20, 1918, Image 3

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Jfoin ui9
See Us For
Car Storage
Ford Extras
Weston Garage
for that Christmas Gift
(a beautiful line)
I Moss Mime Store
3 a
tv J
The FaPers Bank of Weston
, tauislitd 1891
Although tv, war nay Ite practically over in
sofar as ham anting aid heavy sacrifice of
hie are concerned, suu j.uc
great; and the tanks have already been asked
to subscribe heavily to Treasury Certificates
in anticipation of the next liberty loan. It
will therefore be nVcessary for all to conserve
their credit, and repare for the next loan.
The Prudent Man
will fill his coal bin when the fill
ing is good. Better order your
coal now, when(I can supply you.
p. T. HARBOUR, Weston, Oregon
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon . Waitsburij, Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold In Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company
Mrs. J. It. Key has been guilt
ill during the punt week.
Ten acres timlMT near lilue
Mountain cawmill for wile. F. !.
Four young work horma and one
saddler for nail'. Hie Newt O'Har
ra, Weston, Or.
CoriMjral J. V. Stephens of Pilot
KiK-k wus riHrU'd in yesterday's
casualty lit uit having been killed
in action.
Cuithtanrv Hyatt of Weston is
among tin- wxteen teacher who
are taking the examination thia
week at I'endleton.
Loot On Weston mountain road,
one middle, initialed D. K. S. and
contained in gunny sack. J. M.
Wroe, phone ItiFH.
. Mr. L. II. Dowd returned Wed
nesday from MeMinnville, -where
nhe has been nursing her daughter
through the influenza.
iWmarter Van Winkle is wear
ing the "ismile that wem't come
off" ai the Yuletide draw nearer.
He thoroughly enjoy playing the
role of first assistant to Santa
Itert Ferguson, a jwpular young
man of the uplands who was laU-ly
in Uie army at Camp Lewi, wa
united In marriage to the, girl of
hi choice while on his recent visit
to Iowa.
In the recent Red Cross member
ship drive Normal Height terri
tory wa covered by Mis Dori
Barnes and Mrs. Herman Goodwin.
They report a hearty co-operation
in the work from the homes visited.
George Schnitzer is back from
Seattle, and commend it warmly as
a busy burg. Everybody, young
and old, ia working, he says. He
was compelled to leave his own
job and return because of an in
jured hand. ,
Ernest Ross secured a Red Cross
membership for himself and wife
and each of their three little gilrs.
"Thi Is a fine example, worthy of
emulation," says the Red Cross
worker who enrolled the Ross
Herman Staggs and Frank Lav
ender arrived home yesterday from
Corvallis, where Uicy were enrolled
in the S. A. T. C. The other Wes
ton boys who were in the same or
ganization are expected home in a
few days.
J. A. Stolp, formerly of Weston,
has ordered the address of his Lead
er changed from Worley, Idaho, to
Rockford, Wash. Mr. Stolp has
leased 480 acres of land seven miles
southeast of Rockford, and writes
that plenty of rain has fallen therej
Winter wheat is looking fine, he
The Rocky Ford vicinity above
town is being visited these days by
numbers of Weston folk who are
eagerly gathering Christmas green
ery and felling shapely trees. They
say It is certainly a privilege to
have woods so close to town from
which such beautiful decorations
can be secured.
A quartet of kindly-disposed
Weston ladies assembled recently at
the home of Mr. Mary Lkuallen
and made two quilts for Mrs. Dan
Sowers, who has influenza in her
household. The quilting party In
cluded Mrs. Hattie Wilsey, Mrs.
Ella Lavender, Mrs. Grace Lieuallen
and Mrs. Mary Lieuallen.
Crop conditions are reported as
very favorable in the Weston coun
try, following an almost Ideal seed
ing. Winter wheat is looking well,
although not so far advanced nere
as is usual at this season. Decem
ber outlook for fall-sown wheat is
reported to be 100 percent in Uma
tilla county. The state acreage is
the largest on record, being 693,
000 acres.
Mrs. J. W." Jones of Missoula,
Montana, is visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Beathe. Flu
conditions in Montana are reported
by Mrs. Jones to be quite desper
ate, entire families being wiped out
in some instances. She herself
nursed the railroad construction
crew of Mr. Jones through a siege
of the epidemic. There were twelve
patients quarantined in three box
cars, and two of the men died.
A modernized Santa Claus makes
an attractive figure in the show
room of the Kelson garage. He
sits at the wheel of a handsome car
and smokes a cigar with a glowing
tip. On either side of the car is
a large Christmas tree, most beau
tifully embellished. The display is
more striking at night, when scores
of green, blue, red and white in
candecscnts gleam through the fol
iage. Seldom has a,-holiday win
dow . here attracted so much atten
tion and admiration.
will sora
E Mmm
who has one or two sons ali full of vinegar and
pep and who would
UKE a FDIEy LARGE, SAFE field lor Action
tackle Watts & Rogers to buy,-sell or exchange for
their Hardware, Lumber and Im
plement Business?
A BOHAHZA-and we have the goods to show
o o o
For 3tas"Dn it, I'MIl 1 Get?"
A Stove, Graphaphone or a Horse Collar?
Here's the Price :
O. V. B. Carving Sets. $5.25 to f 9.00 Beauties-take off one-fifth.
Jack knives, 60c to 12.75 deduct one-quarter the price.
Manicure sets-satin-lined lu!us-4.25 to $5.25 twenty percent off.
Baby spoon, ?5c; six soup spoons. $3.25; one-half dozen orange spoons, 13.00. Subtract
' one-fifth the price.
Nobby Stork scissors, 85c; choice sewing scissors, more, and tailor shears, 11.90. And
forget to pay twenty percent we won't kick. ; -
Four-wheel Weber wagons, set of harness, or a Kentucky drill that will sow wheat
Makes the Cayuse go
o o o
Bud Nelson and Ralph Saling have good fillingequipments, but we've got the best cans
for holding and preserving Oregon air
Goodyear Tires More Corning.
Mrs. S. J. Culley entertained on
Thursday afternoon in honor of
Mrs. W. L. Robbins, who expects
to leave Monday for a visit with
her mother in Missoula prior to
moving to a Montana farm. The
other guests were Mrs. G. DeGraw,
Mrs. Allen Richal, Mrs. L. S. Wood,
Mrs. Jack Calder and daughetrs,
Ada and Margaret. Mrs. Robbins
was presented with a pocket edition
in morocco of Science and Health
in appreciation of her services as
first reader of the local C. S. soci
ety. Excellent refreshments were
served by the hostess, assisted by
her daughter, Miss Maxine Culley.
Continued complaint of farmers
about the damage done to crops by
rMno nhpiunnts has caused George
Tonkin, game warden for Umatilla
county, to undertake to determine
what the birds feed on during each
month of the winter and spring, It
is hoped by examination of the
craw at intervals during these
months to find the bird does some
thing to offset the damage done to
fruit and vegetables during the
remainder of the year.
The Red Cross Christmas drive
went over the top in short order
on Weston mountain, where W. L.
Rayborn and W. H. Hall had charge
of the membership campaign.
Strayed Holstein bull, nearly
white, with a few black spots;
branded J L connected on right hip.
Liberal reward. L. L. Lieuallen,
Adams, Or.
That Ford Roadster now going
at $533, and on Goodyear, tires.
Watts & Rogers. .
Chus. H. Carter Dhji P. SmyUie
Dr. S. L KGiilARD
Veterinary Sugeca j
Hospital at corner of Main
and Broad streets. .', t
Phone Main 253
Freewater. Or.
1 m
Carter & Smythe
Pendleton - - Oregon
Butter Wrap orders pnjjnpt
ly filled at the Leader shop.
W. M. PtUrso ' C. H. Blrtiop
Peterson & Bishop
Pendleton. Or.'
Gill Suggestions
Christmas Cards, Booklets,
Ivory Goods, Jewelry,
Stationery, Perfumes,
Candy, Kodaks.
Goodvin's Drug Store