The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 13, 1918, Image 4

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    pavwavw ORDINANCE NO. 258
New Rugs
ANEW SUIT? (lunches j
If you want one for Fall f $ ICE CREAM g
and Winter we will be glad rTrAT?Q 8
i It vnn irant nn for Fall
and Winter we will be glad
I to supply you. We repre-
sent the best tailoring
J houses in Chicago and jruar
- antee A PERFECT FIT.
i it vnn xx.-ant tn make vour
y : . ,
old suit do we can maice n
look GOOD
Baker's Goods
to make your ; ; J
iSnNEw'by ;: ? Phone your dray orders,
j; p 93, or call at store,
IDEAL Coats and Suits
for lames.
R. L. Reynaud
Prectlcee in all Stmt and Federal
Tfae Farmers Bank of Weston
Established 1S91
Although the war may be practically over in
sofar as hard fighting and heavy sacrifice of
life are concerned, still the need of funds is
great; and the banks have already been asked
to subscribe heavily to Treasury Certificates
in anticipation of the next liberty loan. It
will therefore be necessary for all to conserve
their credit, and prepare for the next loan.
The Prudent Man
will fill his coal bin when the fill
ing is good. Better order your
coal now, when I can supply you.
P. T. HARBOUR, Weston, Oregon
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon . Waitsburg. Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
be3t equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold In Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company
An Ordinance to Irtect the Wihlio
Health and to Prevent th Spread
of Infectious and Cuntagioua Pit-
Tho IVoplu of the City of WVs
ton do Ordain as follows:
Section 1. There is hereby estab
lished a hoard of henlth consisting
of the mayor, the active members
of the committee on health and
police and the city physician, which
last named officer shall by virtue of
said office be the health officer of
said city.
Sec. 2. The. board of health
may, whenever it shall be deemed
necessary, employ any physician of
ski.l and experience other than the
city physician, temporarily, to visit
and examine any person sick of any
contagious, epidemic or infectious
disease, or to certify to the cause
of the death of any person, and to
advise said board in any manner re
lating to the health of the city.
Such physician shall receive such
compensation for said service as
the common council of the city may
consider reasonable.
Sec. 3. The city physician shall
examine or cause to be examined
II cases of Spanish influenza, Asi
atic cholera, smallpox, variola, lep
rosy, diphtheria, scarlet fever, ty
phoid fever, puerperal fever, mea
sles and other Infectious or contag
ious diseases brought to his notice
and report the result of this exam
ination to the board of health; and
the mayor shall call a special meet
ing of said board for the consider
ation of said report whenever In the
opinion of the city physician Imme
diate action should be taken there
on to prevent the spread of disease.
The city physician shall be vigilant
and active in causing the removal
of all causes of disease within the
corporate limits of the city, and he
and the city marshal and police
shall see that all persons violating
any of the provisions of this ordi
nance are duly prosecuted.
1 Fvppv m-setlcintr bhvtU
clan in this city shall immediately.
report to the city physician in writ
ing every patient he may have
known to be sick with Spanish in
fluenza, Asiatic cholera, smallpox,
variola, leprosy, puerperal fever,
typhoid fever, diphtheria, scarlet
fever, measles or other dangerous,
infectious or contagious diseases,
and shall also make a like report of
every case of death from any such
disease immediately after it shall
have occurred.
Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of
every householder In the city to
immediately report In writing to
the city physician the name of ev
ery person boarding or living at his
or her house whom he or she shall
have reason to believe to be sick of
Spanish Influenza, cholera, smallpox,
variola, puerperal fever, scarlet fe
ver, measles, leprosy, diphtheria,
typhoid fever or other dangerous,
Infectious or contagious diseases,
and to Immediately report any
death occurring at his or her house,
from any cause, to the city physi
cian. Sec. 6. It shall be and is hereby
made the duty of the owner or oc
cupant of every house, store, build
ing or tenement in the city, when
any person therein may be sick with
any of the Infectious or contagious
diseases mentioned in this ordin
ance, to give immediate notice to
the proper authorities, and the city
marshal at the request of the city
health officer shall post In a con
spicuous place on the premises such
placard as he may direct, the let
ters upon such placard not to be
less than three inches in height;
such placard to remain upon said
premises in a conspicuous place un
til removed at the request of the
health officer in charge.
Sec. 7. No person having any
Infectious or contagious disease as
enumerated in this ordinance shall
go out In public, or pass from
house to house, or building to
building, or appear in any street,
alley or other public place in this
city until he or she shall have first
obtained a written permit of the
city physician to the effect that he
or she has so far recovered from
such disease as to preclude all dan
ger of infection or contagion from
such person. And If the city mar
shal shall see or be Informed of any
person who Is then violating this
section it shall be his duty to at
once cause such person to he taken
to his or her place of residence, if
within this city, and if such resi
dence is not within this city, to
such place as the city physician or
board of health may direct.
8ec. 8. The occupant of any
house, store, building or tenement
in Baid city wherein any per
son may have been sick with
any Infectious or contagious dis
ease mentioned in this ordinance
shall, upon the death or recov
ery of such person, disinfect or de
stroy by burning the clothes worn
by such person during such sick
ness, and shall cleanse and purify
Say, friend! You are thinking of getting a car
in the spring; but why wait until you really need a
car until you order? Now is the proper time to put
in your order. Let me show you my line of cars. I
have twenty-eight different models to select from. Remember, it takes from
four to six weeks to got cars from tho factory. There will be no change in
price for the next year to come. Why hesitate any longer? Put in your or
der now and have your car when you need it.
I have on hand now for immediate delivery a Knight Four, n Knight
Eight and a Ninety touring. Duy one of theso and give it to your family for
a Christmas present. I also have a Studebaker Six-has been used some-at
a bargain.
DR. S. L. KENNARD, Overland Dealer
the room and house, store, tene
ment or building in which such sick
person was confined, under the di
rection and supervision of the city
physician or such person as the
board of health may appoint
Sec. 9. No person attending up
on or otherwise coming in eonta t
with any patient in this city nick
with any of the infectious or contag
ious diseases mentioned in this ordi
nance, or any occupant of such
ni.fn nr nlnro aa miv be infected
with luch diseases, in such manner
or to such an extent as to render
him liable to communicate the dis
ease, shall go upon any public street
or In any manner mingle 'th the
people of Ihe city except by the
permission of the health officer.
Sec. 10. It shall be the duty of
the city marshal and the police of
this city to at once report any
known violation of this ordinance
to the mayor and the city physi
cian. Sec. 11. Any person who shall
violate any of the provisions of this
ordinance, shall on conviction be
fore the city recorder, except as
herein provided, be fined not lew
than 126. nor more than $100, and
In addition to said fine may be im
prisoned in the city jail not more
than twenty days for each orTem-e,
In tho discretion of the city re
corder. Sec. 12. In case any fine im
posed by the recorder for the vio
lation of any provision of this ordi
nance shall not be promptly paid,
the person so fined shall be impris
oned In the city jail one day for
every two dollars of such fine; but
In no case shall such imprisonment
exceed twenty days.
Sec. 13. All ordinances or parts
of ordinances In conflict herewith
are hereby repealed.
Sec. 14. An emergency is de
clared existing, and this ordinance
shall take effect and be in force
from and after its passage by the
common council and approval by
the mayor.
Passed the common council this
6th day of December, 1918.
Approved this 6th day of Dec
ember, 1918.
J. M. BANISTER, Mayor.
J. W, PORTER, Recorder.
Whntever Is necessary America will
send. That was America's pledge to
the Interallied food council. And be
cause the American food srroy bad
hitherto made good they took heart
nd went forward.
Farm enterprise and much soft corn
increased pork supplies, food conser
vation increased exports total ship
menu doubled.
;; HIDES, PELTS, &c.
Surgeon-General Blue Wires
Fact Is Disclosed In First
1 1,000,000 Camp Reports.
Only Fifty nlnt Hundredths ef One Per
Cent Found to Have Venereal Dis
ease on Arrival at Cantonments.
4 BurgeortOeneral't Official 4
4 Telegram 4
4 Oregon Boelal Hygiene Society, 4
4 T!0 Selling nidg., Portland. 4
4 A tabulation of one million 4
4 r porta flret received from 4
4 camp surgeons throughout lb 4
4 country ahowa that Oregon 4
4 leade the country with a rate 4
4 of fifty nine hundredth of on 4
4 per cent found to hare a venor- 4
4 sal- disease on arriving In 4
4 camp. It la hoped that Oregon 4
4 can continue vigorous measure 4
4 In combating venereal dlf 4
4 during the period ot domoMIl- 4
satloa and theraftor. 4
4 RUPERT Dl.L'n. 4
Oregon men, railed to the colore
during the greatest of all wars, were
phyatralty the cleenet In the entire
United Btatee Army.
Such la not tho mere boast of any
cttlten ot this state, barked only by
a high eena of local pride, but It la
the established record of the United
Btatea Army, communicated to the
Oregon Social Hygiene Society by
Rupert Blue, Burgeon General, thus
giving It the greatest posalbla weight.
As will be seen by porusal of the
foregoing telegram from Burgeon
General Dlue, a tabulation of 1.000,000
of ths first reports received from
camp surgeons places Oregon In ths
lead with a rata ot fltty-nlne hun
dredths of one per cent (which means
less than six men to the thousand),
or, compared with another wire from
him, this state's standing Is but a
fraction lower than It times ahead of
the stats with ths highest per cent ot
Infection, which was eight and nine
tenths per cent (eighty-nine men to
ths thousand).
This constitutes on ot ths grandest
and proudest records of the whole war
period and, great aa has been this
state's part In all patriotic sndosvors,
nothing could fill ths hearts ot Its
people with a higher degree of pride
than the official acknowledgment from
the National Capital that Oregon's
men stood far and away above all
others in olsan manhood.
"That ths work of ths Oregon So
cial Hyglsna Sootety, carried forward
for but seven years, should produos
luch magnificent results, Is a subject
ot th moat gratifying kind to the
entire Board." aald Executive Secre
tary Cummins. "Every one of the
men who have worked so hard to
bring about ths result regard this of
ficial notification from ths Burgeon
General as a complete vindication of
ths program sought to be carried for
ward In this state. That the publlo
will respond to sans, clear facts, right
ly presented, la alao demonstrated
beyond doubt Educators, who bare
mlated greatly In ths work, may well
feel that young men under their tute
lage will absorb the benefit to bs de
rived from Information along physio
logical Unas, rightly administered.
Parents must now sea plainly that
their children should have the truth
as to their phyelcal beings and that,
' bavin this, untold good will reault"
'Futur generations, following, are
bound to ilrmanstrate Ihe benefit of
Oregon's rlan manhood, as set forth
officially," commented A. F. n"gl.
pretldwnt of the Society. "Tbla rec
ord raunot be overestimated. It la a
glorious achievement"
' "The full aigniflcanc of the official
announcement from Dr. Blue la dif
ficult to graap." aald Adolpho Wolfe,
treaaurer of the Bnclnjy. "ftoallng aa
It doe with human Ufa and moral. It
la. In a larger aenae. more Important
than many other achievement, not to
detract on whit from any ot tbm.
At the outaet many good people
doubted the ability of the Oregon B.v
clal Hygiene Society to ccomplili
worthwhile results. I think now,
however, no further comment ned
be hsd. Burgeon General Blue's Isle
gram la sufficient"
tleutehsnt Colonel P. C Field, di
vision autgeon of the slat Dlvieion at
Camp Lewis, hss officially credited
the splendid record mad by Oregon
men to the educational work that ha
been and I being done by lb Oregon
Boclal Hygiene Society. I
,-i, I. msi seanoH 4 nwt
iul mn m wwr. Writa
I firvont!) St,
Ington, D. 0.
In the Circuit Court of th Stste of
Oregon fur Umatilla County.
Addie A. Bono, Plaintiff, vs. Joseph
(Joe) lieuo, Defendant.
To Joeih (Joe) Bno, defendant above
nil mod t
In the Name of the Stat of Oregon.
You ar hereby required to appear ami
aimwer the complaint of tht plaint
iff filed agalnit you In the above
entitled court and cause within aix of th date of th flrnt
publication of thia summons, name
ly, on or bufor the 87th day of
Uecember, A. I). 1018; and you
will take nolle that If you
fail to appear and anawer aald
complaint or otherwise plead thereto
within aald tlm. the plaintiff, for
want thereof, will apply to th above
entitled court for the relief prayed fur
and demanded In her said complaint,
namely, for a decrt forever diiiolv
ing the bonds of matrimony now and
heretofore existing between the plain
tiff and defendant, and for other equit
able relief. - .
Thia summons Is published pursuant
to an order made and hied herein th
8th day of November, ll18, by Honor
able Gilbert W. l'helpe, Judge of th
Sixlh JuiIicIkI Dlatrict of the State of
Oregon. The flret publication will b
made In th Weston Leader newspaper
on Kriday, th 16th day of November,
1918, and the lnet publication will be
made on Friday, th said 27th day of
December, 1B1,
Dated thii Kth day of November, A.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Iteaidence and 1'oi.tnliice address;
Pendleton, Ongon.