The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 13, 1918, Image 2

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American Winingnesi to Give Up
Luxury Demonstrated Na
tion's War Conscience.
By Reduclnf Cenewmptlen eeBle f
. the United State Averted
rMtM at Mem at aplt
f Law tups Ilea,
Th fact that the peopl of h
rmted State war able to reduce by
mora tha eoe-hair lallUee tone their
July, Auguat, September and Ottobar
eoosumptlo t aacar erevea concln
lTly that taeir war eoaecieace waa
thorouhly awakened and that tha
country aa a whole atood ready to foJ
. I I L U mi. I llVII thill!.
1-S3lHilviilMllitlw imriNaw of nance along the same llnea, ami it fftnangri. . .
Kcuriiitfnuwbmihpitlw Amer- obeyed by the kv,-Io should da pound of H,wd,rul milk to
K-an Rod Crow and do urg that much toward stamping out in"
suHtcwmoN NAtr awry citizen join the Red Crosa epidemic. It la published elsewhere-
I laaUt In ntsmwittnfr lintuM-! In thai I i!er. at ml Will riMMaV
Leeds, Enalaad. "Send yoar ahlpa Tha Year lii 00 membership in that organization, cartful perusal.
Given under my hand thla 7th
day of December, 1018. William Kiindolph Hearst erhapa
I.h f..w friends Iff t In Germany
l, m. imiiioum, ... u i. i t
Mavor of Weaton. CWn. -hut tholr regard ran hardly to llolty la vast.
aoroaa and wa will aend tha 110,000
turn par month."
President Wilson eent thla cable
U ARK aOUD, rskllitttt ;
Six Months 1 tK)
Three .Month 0 W
nieesace to Preatler Uoyd Uwri on FWDAY, DEC. 11
March II. 1M8, In response to aa ur- ;
Commenting tiKin the way In
which whilom alackera are bcln
brought Into line, newpiicr
friend of oura put It a follow:
"Verily, the power of pillles pub-
coat O. 8." niNut from tha Urlt- ,h '' (. '
tab premier, laying bar the terribly
critical situation ot the allied armle.
At dawa that day tha Germans had
launched their euperdrlve toaarda
It waa Lloyd Qeore himself a ho. In
a speech here, disclosed tor the first
tlm thla eichange ot cableraats alth
rrastdent Wilson.
It waa an Inspiring narrative, this
bit of Inside history ot tb aravest
crisis tor tha allied causa In tha wholo
"I ahall never forget that morning
I HUll RMtttr.
AUVPH1 ItlNti HAirt
Kcgrular, cr inch ir insertion Uic
Trsnsit'iit, pvrlnrh per insertion ..
IrfKals, Hr line xr insertion
renmina to
bo af'n whether
all homo print aix-ptre papT In
,0c onler to make room for a iwirc of
- very readable and intereatinit RihJ
RED CROSS PROCLAMATION Cna publicity which it in pubtiidi-
lng of cotirw, free of chary.
Whereas. WcKMlrow Wilson, rrtsi Such publication ia by no meana
dent of tho United SUtea and hes- remarkable, but we do act a little
Attoat: J. W. lX)RTElt, Recorder, considered an Met.
M-1.JI1 1. .11 .Hill
ITS TwSilM MEET The cx-kler fell down on the th blmal of Indemnity can e
A 0WE-MAW jb of committing m.lcide- hia mmi a.,u.,ml by the Allle from the
, . . , , , .'tta!lo failure. war-ntted German turnip.
The lAader (inlay la iwumg an regrettanio laium. , w.
It ln't exactly ierfumo that ia
cominu out of Colone, Germany.
In order to do Uncle Sma work
in Sik-ria the Jaiw have broken n
act that waa beat honored In the
breach than In the ohnervance. .
ident of the American Red Cro. tore by Uie fact that It la In Itit
when I sent a cable message to Presl- has summoned every citizen of this entirety a one-man produet. Thoae
low tho lajaactlooa of tha Government, dent Wilson telling him what the facts mry t0 tnt. comradeship of UNI- who know the newapaper irame
Our normal cansamptloa of sugar la
the fonr-mont period beginning with
July has bees 400,000 tons per month,
a total ex 1.000,000 tor tha qaarter
Ia July, who ear sugar stringency
began to reach Ita height, consumption
waa reduced to 200.000 tons. In Au
gust only 825,000 toas went Into dis
tribution and In September only ST0,
000 tons. Ia October the distribution
fell to 830,000 tons.
If the general public had failed to
observe the Injunctions of the rood
Administration thla country would
have been la tha throea of a augar
famine before the end of August. Our
visible supplies ware aa low as to bring
great anxiety to those familiar with
the sugar situation. Thty feared that
It would be abaolataly tm possible to
reduce consumption to a point where
sugar wonld no longer be a mere lux
ury la tha American diet
raw accompUahmenta of tha rood
Administration will stand forth en pre
dominantly aa thla reduced consump
tion ot sugar. By It we have been able
to bridge ever tha period ot stringency
nntfl the new beet and Louisiana cane
augar crops wore la eight
Now the nation la la a position ao
that If wo choose wo may return to
our normal aesto nee of augar. and
Europe, with tho release ot ships to go
far afield, can maintain Ita recent re
stricted rations. It however, those
cations are to Increase their use of
augar very considerably It must bo by
our continued acarlsg wtttt them
through limiting oar own coaaump
ttm. .
VKKSAL MEMtiKKSHIl IN THE know that when one man trie to
Il'a enough to make an editor
blue. "Anything new?" "Yea, more
1.1'UJ . --' - -J
Hefore being brought to Uwik,
Hill Hohenz.IU'rn la writing one. fnm ,hy hnmU m fnu ()f viHr,
Greece and Serbia received
Tho Columbia Record puraphraM it
thuitly: "Count that day aaved
whoao low doiu-cmling Hun steal
iee won.'
were and how essential it waa that we
lest possible rate, and Inviting him to CROSS: and K.t out a six-page ht he baa twenty-five million h.uihI of foinl
aend 130,000 Infantry and machine Whereas, membership in the Wmu chore on his hand - and the thirty day from the Red Cro.
gunners to Europe." said rremler American Red Crots is an evidence nadcr will note that thia particular i-j- 1 " xj
Uoyd George In the course ot his 0f K-lt-: and number contain not a few newly- Thirty-two thouxaml school child-
,PThe following day." continued tho ' Wn,rva!l' T,u" American Red -t B,ivert i.-a-mcnta a well a.t con- ren in the tn-hoola of Iurl wen- re-
premier, "there came a cablegram l rass w l'n tho tni' tno greutct giderable reading mutter. In iU iviving regular lunches frm the
from President Wilson: 'Send your year' work in its history, supply- ,.ary career two editors and two Red Croea during the pant year,
ships across and we will aend the 120.- ing aid and material encoui a ;ement nrintcrs were reouircd to iret out iu l.u u.ji
to American soldiers on duty in the Weston leader- and it was A nilwmed and grateful tVance famille of aohliera, answering qui--France,
Russia, Siberia and In this ony a four-tage iwikt at that. It U l taking to ita Rrvst an tlons.
CJuntry; taking care of the depend
Tell thotlnulld nhimiU of ether
were ahiped to France by the Red
Croas, ao that our aoldicra might
have relief from ain.
i i . . ii... ,. i.i
lliirty thouMitd letteri a vmi K
are written by the RhI Croe to the
000 men.'
-America." added Mr. Lloyd George,
"sent 1.9P0.0OO men across and out of
that number 1.100.000 were carried by
the British mercantile marine."
used- to
Perhaps nothing better expream-a
"There la no royal road to
food conservation. We can only
accomplish this by the voluntary
action of our whole people, each
element in proportion to Ita
needa. It la a matter of equality
of burden."
The truth ot thla statement.
made by the United Statea Food
Administrator soon after we eo-
tered the war, baa been borne
out by the history of our ex-
porta. Autocratic food cottrol
In the landa of oar enemies has
broken down, while democratic
food abating has maintained the
health and strength of this coun-
try and of the Allien,
get the money," we art American president.
ents of so diers in this country by ..u ; fni,in.i.wi ni,,n.w.e
means of Home Service: aidine in , j.,it.r f..- .nln. It ia bednnlnir to be, demonatrat- lm melancholia of Mr. Ilohengol
the reconstruction of Europe by as- tions and one dollar per Inch per ed that even a slacker hiu a little ltrn tnM to ho ls
sistin? the repatriated citizens; as- month for tdvertising. In those P"d.
sisting returned soldiers to posi- days an advertisement waa seldom J-
st ions; providing help and encour- changed --ah, the old times were tho Tht managers of all the war
agement to wounded soldiers, and best times! and the force could drives have at different timea sent
king, remarks the St
in other ways agisting the world tnd did devote most of its attention the Leader commendatory leltcra-
to recover from the results of the to the reading content,
war; and i
Whereas. It is desired that every a laudable detail of pot-war
adult citizen become a member of economy Is not to take a Hearst
the American Red Cross, that all newspaper.
may feel they have a living part In t : 1
the work' of the society; ' At a special meeting Friday ev-
Now Therefore, I, J. M. Ranis- ening the council passed a drastic
ter, Mayor of the City of Weston, quarantine ordinance, to include
State of Oregon, do hereby pro- Spanish influenza
claim that the week of December was based on the Pendleton ordi
thia little shirt having a war ser
vice record of one hundred percent.
All faitha being humbugs, of
course, save that of Slacker Ed.
Nelson, wh makes a noise like a
Louis Star.
The discontented chap who want
to live better in America, should
reflect that under a different den
tiny ho might be dying worse in
ir; j i-iju juiimns
"Lest W Forfet"
The Central Loyalty Committcv
of the Umatilla County Patriotic.
Service League announce that rl.
ss Nelson, a Pendleton barU-r, refuse
, to contribute to the United War
t roea sent h.l.
iwim lumjEt uii nv Kfvunti' mm
The American Red
The measura three thousand tons of condensed th organizationa inctudi-d In the
milk to the children of prisoners in drive are a "religious fraud."
r . .
i 2 m
To be able fit ud before Holiday Time with such Standard Goods as we
ave always carriedf and at such a sacrifice as we will make.
No comparative prices will be published. Our reason for this "Cash
Sales" Raising Sale is this. On the first of each season we estimate our sales
and buy accordingly. This season our "Credit Sales" or "Charge Sales" are
over the mark but, our ' Cash Sales" are under the estimate! This is on ac
count of the "FJu," and as we are determined to go "Over the Top" you are
going to be able to buy Ladies' Ready-to-Wear as above mentioned for less
than you ever did before. Here are the conditions on advertised goods.
All goods are to be selected inperson and each sale is final and conclusive
and when the Cash is rung in the Register, the sale is history. We ask you
to read this ad. carefully, make your selections the same way-we will accord
you all the time you want-but remember, this is a "CASH SALES" RAIS
ING SALE and as we have paid for the goods once (and we have, too) we
will not buy them back of you.
We are going to make a lot of friends by this sale and we will not ruin
that friendship by breaking any rules that apply to all.