The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 06, 1918, Image 4

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Furnished and Printed at the Leader office
Sixty (minimum) , $1 00
One hundred 1 35
Two hundred 2 (X)
Each additional hundred 0 CO
(Postage Extra on Mail Orders.)
faith jumritD
' I do Dot boIUT that draitlo
fore nJ ba applied to main,
tain economic dlitributlon' and
mm ate of tippttea lh
groat majority of American peo
pie, and I nava learned a deep
and abiding faith In tha tntetU
gvoce of the areraga American
butlneaa man, whose aid wa an
ticipate and depend oo to reme
dy the evlla dereloped by tha
war. Herbert nooTer, Auguat
10, 101T.
Kxpert dentistry prices reason,
bio. Dr. Swmogle, Athena.
0) !
Weston has the two tallest rural
mull carrier, father ami m,
any community In the United
States. With the utmt wnfliloiuts
tho I-eader challenges all would-be
rival towns to produce anything
loftior In thia particular. J. r..
Jones, carrier on route one, towers
six feet and four Inchea Into tho
That Ford Roadster going at $543 sky. Hia aon Kay, carrier on rou e
$5.00 less each week. Watta & two, I only one men nnrr.
R.,mr, you drew to this pair, you ought
' , . . . . to get the Washington monument.
Good houve, barn, chicken house, Uy,,.y urmded Herbert Haker
etc., and 4 acres for sale. Frank 'j,,,. um i,uu,t Herbert's
Skinner. mitfl( jj,, w tuke the civil m r-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith have vice examination for a H-rmnnent
both been among the Walla Walla job.
patient on the influenxa lit. jt rt,Ht',H tlttat a prominent
Mra. Clarence Wright and child- citizen in the upper end of town
ren arrived Sunday from Alberta wan considerably peeved on going
for a visit with her father, M. A. home the other night to find a cow
linker. in his yard. Unwilling to afford
Wh.t m.,r i.l.-asinir crift for the graaing privileges to the
graphT See the bargains at Watta MS!hta ir!
& Rogers. ,,,,, and drove it afar. Next day he
The entire family of II. r. Al- ,., .,,.th t nail hi own cow. and
... .l ftl - . i
iiorninn. w in me rxcriHiun ui mi.
TTnlMnv Timp is )ipi-p. Let this he a real holi-
X day season. Never in history was there occasion for X
Vso much happiness. The real Christmas spirit is
flm liiinHvpHc; nf i
e$ licit;. VlOlU UU1 ailU CAdlilUiC Uiv- iiuuuivuw y
t suitable gifts practical, pretty, appropriate. Ev-
ery effort has been put forth to make your Christ-
X mas shopping a pleasure. f
i Wliy not an Overcoat loi Christmas? i
A J Y Jonea
X ehiaov
O a
Alderman, have been Influenxa a-
tienta at their home on Dry creek.
Roy Tompkins and family have
moved to Walla Walla to reside
during the winter, having leased
their Dry creek holdings to Erncat
The air tank in the Athena gar
age blew up Monday and went
through the roof. The roof caught
it ngain. and no one was hurt In
the accident.
Tom Diggins, upland cattleman,
is driving his largo herd of stock
to winter pasture beyond Walla
Walla. He paid $1100 rent for
1200 acre of stubble containing 30
stacks of straw.
'l tsSL I J
Vctoih7 v
Ah- " Mw
' m . . i
Itrhold. it was nowhere in the im
metliate locality of it usual where
nUmts! Sulequent Investigation
showwl that it was Indeed his own
cow he had driven forth into a cold
and cruel world.
The regular meeting of the Sat
urday Afternoon Club was held at
the home of Mrs. K. M. Smith Nov
ember 30 at 2:30 p. m. The fol
lowing program was given: The
Tumpkin (Whittier) Mra. Alien
Price; Thanksgiving reading, Mr.
J. II. Williams; vocal solo, Mrs.
E. M. Smith. An interesting col
lection of war trophies forwarded
from France by Dr. C. It. Smith
was exhibited and received much
attention from all present. At the
close of the study hour dainty re-
inly and often trying to get freshment were served by the
enough to a deer to Dring it hostess, assisted iy Mrs. r.. u. i
during the open season, J. E. Moss.
mw thn-e the other day on . .
his own place in the up ands. With yrf ut wetk frtm Mr fBrm in
orolouna sign no tci mem ue- ..,ku. aii.i- in
part in peace. ppen(, ,he wntcr jn Weston's mild-
Mrs. J. W. Hyatt, Will Hall and rr climate. Mr. Tucker expresses
family, Roy May and John Hyatt, confidence that the section of Alber
who have been preparing to move ta in which he is located has great
from the uplands to Oregon City to possibilities, and is glad that he it
reside during the winter, have post- cured a "toehold" there. He has
poned their journey until the sub- half section of land, and says that
sidence of the influenza epidemic. Alberta land values are constantly
r. . ,,,, ., trending upward, so that he would
thfPto .-I AtheS -Hy like to own more land
Sundv for the first time since hi. llator8 are discourage,! bj Un
recovery from the "flu." Mr. and ' in "C,U81
Mrs. Arthur Coppock and their chil- -f hom hc om?-
dren,. who were 111 with the epl- 'Judge Lowell, the county chair
demic at the same time, are also man, has appointed Mrs. J. It.
convalescent. Price as chairman for Weston of
In a letter received by Mrs. Ira Christmas Roll Call Red Croee
HcndcrJn from Mrs. O. O. Eckley drive; E. C. Roger, i wai . chosen
of Enterprise. Oregon, the death of Jimiw and J. It. Irice and S. A.
her wn. John kk-y. is announced. vi managera of the local
He was killed in action September campaign.
'28 in Franee. Weston friends of Mrs', Fred Rhone of Colfax,
the family sympathize deeply with Wash., is visiting her daughter,
Mrs. vtxu uyau.
Ethel Miller sp.-nt Tlumksgiving
with her sister, Mrs. R. E. English.
them in their bereavement
George Carmiehael. former well
known farmer of the Weston coun
try, has been very ill with Spanish
influenxa at his home in Walla Wal
la. He was seized with the disease
on Thanksgiving day and has had
an exceedingly hard pull, but the
fever broke Monday and he is
French Class Honors a Member
Mrs. Rjilnh G. Pulinir fea the
now honorce at one of the most delight
ful social functions for which tho
i . u. i in:..- l...,i..
ft nii'iniHTX ill ill I n. ijuiinu i I lui I
V. C. r itzpatncK, suirmunaeni
icks' class in French have been
A of the Weston schools, has been ap- 8wnaor. Mrs. J. H. Williams en
t pointed by County Jsuperintendent tcrUinc,i thc cu, mcmbt-rs at her
f W. W. Green as one of the dele- hofnc Fridgy with g
V irates from this county to thc State
Kfiint Pnrlv nimtilimi-ntarv to
Teachers Association, which con- Mr8 Saung who left Saturday for
e venes December 26 at Portland. iortBnd, where she will continue
Mr. Fitzpatrick expects to attend hcr vocal Btutiiw, prizt for thc
T the meeting. most novel stunts were awarded to
X The first war relics from the Mrs. Lillian Fredericks and Miss
western front to reach Weston were Esther Williams. The tea table
I shown here a few days ago and was bedecked with white "carna-
V were objects of great interest, tions and ferns, and delicious re
ej They were two Hun helmets sent freshments were served by thc host-
home by First Lieutenant C. H. ess. Those present were: Mrs.
Jt Slmth and Sergeant Elmer Tucker. Ralph G. Baling, Mrs. Lillian Fred
X Lieutenant Smith also sent a vjer- ericks, Mrs. Robert Proudfit, Mrs.
V man cigarette case. Herman Goodwin, Mrs. J. H. WIN
? The StudenU' Army Training ,iam and Miss Esther Williams.
V Corps' at Oregon Agricultural Col-
V lege is Deing aemooinzea, ana an vcaui ui uus. i, nyawu
L... S.tlnna A anA R lui It
I11CIIIUCIO V USMitfiw ' v. fc. .
mustered out by December 21.
To the Public: -
Once again the Central loyalty
Committee of the Umatilla ttunty
Patriotic Service league fwls It a
duty to publish to the county that
lllgby Hurrla, wealthy Milton real
dent, has refused to contribute to
a patriotic fund urn! to express the
opinion that this freh refusal,
when eonsiileiiMl with his past ree
old in war work umleitukings, Jus
tifles that he Ih held In sfom and
nmtejnpt by every patriotic man,
woman and child.
Mr. Harris, as was stated at the
time he was published for delin
quency in the Fourth LlUrty Ixmn
campaign, Is one of Umatilla coun
ty 'a most wealthy citixens and has
made the major part of his riches
In this county. The a-wsned valua
tion of properly In thia county held
in his own name is approximately
$sr.,mo, but his total wealth is esti
mated variously from S175,Omi to
So far as our records show his
contributions tu wr relief funds
have been nil. although we have
leen informed that a year aro he
gave one dollar to the Red from.
He subscribed 12500 to the Third
Uberty Loan and $1000 to the
Fourth Loan, although both sub
scriptions were made under pres
sure. His refusals to give even a
pittance in supirt of the organisa
tions caring for our soldiers ami
sailors and for suffering humanity
have been mi consistent and inex
cusable that, in the absence of any
evidence that he is disloyal at
heart, the committee can only re
lieve that his attitude l dictated
by a callous indifference to every
thing but his own superlative sel
fishness. Further patiunce in dealing with
such a notorious slacker as Mr. Har
ris would be indefensible and jus
tice itself, we feel, Is only half
served in the pubile exposure of
his shortcomings as an American
ctiUen. Nor does the committee
consider It duty ended with thc
publication of this statement.
Mr. Harris is not the only per
son In the county who ha failed
or refused to contribute to the
United War Work Fund without
good excuse, and the secretary has
lieen instructed to summon eleven
other delinquent to appear Dec
ember Cth and show cause why
they should not bo published also.
MITTEE, Umatilla County Patriotic Service
or trade A fine, modem, 7 or
8 room house, hard wood floors,
French doors, shower bath, den,
two fireplace, steeping porch, mir
rors in tiedroum eloors, and cement
garage in terrace front, in Laurel
hurst, Portland; value $8500.
Also a nearly modern 5 room
cottage with fireplace, bath, re.
ment cellar, mar Montavilla line,
Portland; value $2500.
Also a nearly modern 5 room
cottage, cement cellar, bath, elec
tric lights, on corner lot. near Un
ion line to Vancouver, Portland;
value $2000.
F. D. WATTS, Weston, Oregon.
UViof .mild ho mitre nractical? Anticioatine your wants, we have bought heav
1 VWUl w r t M
of the season's best modelsstylish, atteactive coats ior young men ana men oi more
mature years the snappy military cut, the practical ulster with big warm collars, and all
reduced as a special inducement to Christmas shoppers.
$25.00 coats now $19.00
$22.00 coats now $17.50
$20.00 coats now $16.00 '
Many at less prices and all reduced
e mt
e be
oe musuereu uuv uf Mrs. i.yaia Ann uyau, wue oi
In making this announcement to geth F. Hyatt, passed away Sunday
the student President w. J. Kerr night at the Thompson residence on
said the college .would do all It can y,e Umatilla river, after a long ill-
in assisting men mustered out to ncii8 from cancer.
continua college work. Special env Mrs. Hyatt was. born In Illinois
nhnnUwlll he laid on vocational sec- Tiii. ir iscr .! mm. tn n..
reduced as a oycciai iuuutuicifc w v.uw"- w ---- --- u, w
f A tions which will permit studenu to gon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
f (Mnn with their wnrk ven though ur:n:Am r',...i.i :M qua tr..M
lacking the necessary credits for atcr her marriage to Mr. Hyatt
degree courses. was solemnized. She is survived
On Wednesday, December 12, at h h"8band' thre0 chiIdren and
two o'clock in the afternoon, a spec- two brothers.
& Many at less prices and all reduced .! "ti--; Ati SlSlTKJ
" m,", -' .r in the famllv'a sorrow. She u. .
Joe WUrzer, wno is now resiuinn in r . - , . . , ,
roiifnmli,. The meetlmr last Fri- member of Hiawatha Rebekah lodge
day afternoon, when a ten mill tax of Jlty' . . . , ,
was voted in accordance with the The funeral was held Tuesday
budget submitted by Clerk Frank htT' lc w7 n.luct-
Pricl., Was slimly attended, and it is f grf !. O. K ccme
hoped by the board that more poo- Kcv. W, R. Storms,
pie will signify their interest In ,
: ? school affairs by their presence it ivasn fcounts watts & Rogers'
Iri'li.i - ' nir niiirnwiiimw,.ti
' ml murks mti tti'yiiiit wKin4 ur no
I v, tH'tHl ntwM, alteitclM or fthHn mvA 4m
rUm fur mVI SBAROH nad niwrl
im tuiitiibillgr, UroIi rvftrranH-Mk
ym, OurfrwtMoklNUltfHhow, lmluliivtmt
add mv yam moiwy. Wrltai to4ay.
Hrscllees In all Hute and Keilarsl