The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 06, 1918, Image 3

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    u u
New Rugs I J!
Ten am tiniU-r near Hlue
Mountain sawmill fur nale. Y. D.
If you want one for Foil
and Winter we will he glad
to supply you. Wo repre
sent the oeHt tailoring
houHca in Chicago and guar
If you want to muke your
old suit do we can make it
look GOOD AS NEW by
IDEAL Coata and Suits
for ladies.
R. L. Reynaud
Terms Cash
or 30 Days
! After 30 Days
Tbe Farmers Bank of Weston
Established 1891
Although the war may be practically over in
sofar as hard fighting and heavy sacrifice of
life are concerned, still the need of funds is
great; and the banks have already been asked
to .subscribe heavily to Treasury Certificates
in anticipation of the nex liberty loan. It
will therefore be necessary for all to conserve
their credit, and prepare for the next loan.
I am coinM'lli- to conduct my
liuoini'M on a ruth huln only. Jow
Hodgson, tin inilliT.
Ia-1 u change tlr- and you may
take that dandy Ford roadster at
20 IfM. WatU & Rogers.
Mrs. L II. I)owd was railed to
MrMinnvillc Wedmwlay morning
by the illncnM of her daughu?
Stevens liodge No. 4S, KnigtiU of
Pythias, will hold election of offi-
JJ cera next Wednesday evening, anu
Jj a full attendance i deitired.
Tlie residence of Mayor H. I.
I WatU of Athena waa raided Wed
nesday ty county and government
officers and more than 125 quarts
of liquor seized.
P. A. McKride and Mrs. T. L.
' McKride are influenza patients at
! the Mcliride Bros, farm south of
town, but the condition of neither
1 is regarded as serious.
; P. T. Harbour and Clark Wood
are leaving Sunday for Portland to
', attend the Pythian grand lodge un-
; less the flu lid is again clamped
1 down on Oregon's metropolis.
Of the Weston young men en
rolled in the S. A. T. C. at Corval
' lis, Leon Lundell is serving as first
! sergeant of Company C, and Virgil
Lundell Is an orderly sergeant.
It is reported that H. F. Alder
man has bought the Ben Walden
fruit and truck farm on Dry creek.
Bert Boylen, who has been occupy
ing the place, has moved with his
family to the Sam Phillips farm.
Mrs. A. P. Couch and three chil
dren have returned to Wallula, af
ter a three weeks' siege of influ
enza at the home of her parents
here. All three children were
.afflicted, and were sucessfully at
tended by Dr. McKlnncy.
The bear that has been making
its home In the Will Burkhardt or
chard and living on apples met
death last week. It was treed by
the bear dogs of Henry Sams and
brought down by shots from Carl
Brutscher s and Mr. Sams' rifles.
The first Weston soldier reported
in the casualty list to have been
killed in action wss Robert Brack
en, whose name was published Sat
urday. Private Bracken was a
brother of Mrs. Charles Marsh
all, who is now residing at Stan
field, Oregon.
Miss Wave! O'Harra and Miss
Hazel Duncan are both ill with
Spanish influenza at the home of
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Iven
O'Harra, south of town. Miss
Duncan was attacked with the dis
ease upon going home from high
school last Friday evening, but so
far as yet reported no other high
school students are afflicted.
While Braden Gerking and John
ny Rothrock were indulging recent
ly in the time-honored pastime of
painting Athena red, young" Roth
rock was shot in the foot by Coun
cilman N. A. Miller, who attempt
ed his arrest. Several men were
Boners Hardware
No Camouflage It's True
RASH KOUNTS Scores of our patrons are congratulating us and
themselves for the bargains and savings secured by our new way of doing
business. Up to date only two of our old friends have criticised our new plan.
A $100 fine full cabinet graphaphone for $72
A $47.50 high grade, oak, excellent tone, for $35
A $17.50 graphaphone, light and loud, for $12.50
X-mas is Near !
0 0.0
Just a Feeler on Stoves
A $32 Howard heater for .$26.85
A $29.75 Wilson coal heater for $18.00
A $16.50 Nobby fireplace heater for $12.50
A $2.50 jack knife a dandy for your soldier friend for -...'.11.65
A $1.75 jack knife make any boy love Dad or Uncle for. tl.35 t
A f 1.00 jack knife you can lose it just as easily as a J2.00 one for $0.65
and we have on exhibition a ROTARY ELECTRIC-the latest-use on any table, take
under arm and join the Red Cross sewing circle.
The FORD ROADSTER going at $543 -and on Goodyear tires.
Three or four tires yet at something over half the real value.
VS" It these figures mean nothing to some of .you four-corner dude wheat farmers
just come in and we'll trade you our whole business for that sour.
dough land "not worth the income tax."
tLvwVViW. required to overpower Gerking
and land mm in jan. com young
The Prudent Man
will fill his coal bin when the fill
ing is good. Better order your
coal now, when can supply you.
P. T. HARBOUR, Weston, Oregon
Prominent Farmer Called by Death chas. h. carter
Carter &
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 18S6
Athena, Oregon Waltsburg, Wath.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold 'In Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company
men were mounted and riding reck
Mrs. George Waddingham and Louis C. Harder, one of the most
five cihldren have been ill with in- prominent and popular farmers in
fluenza at their home In Walla this section of the county and a na
Walla, and Mrs. Delia Marsh, sister tive born citizen of Oregon, was
of Mrs. Waddingham, was seize called by death December 1 at his
with the disease after going over to home on Dry creek. . He succumbed
attend them. Some of the patienta to pneumonia following an attack of
are in quite a serious condition, Spanish influenza. Mr. Harder was
their illness having been aggravated a devoted husband and father, a
by exposure during a fire in the kindly neighbor and an upright
household caused by a defective citizen and his passing is mourned
flue. by all who knew him. He Is sur
vived by his widow, formerly Miss
Dora Stamper, and two children, a
Dan P. Smyths
Butter Wrap orders prompt
ly filled at the Leader shop.
W. M. Pttcrso 1 C. H. Biihop
Peterson & Bishop
Pendleton, Or.
Veterinary Surgeon
Hospital at corner of Main
and Broad streets.
T reewacer. vr. t
Mrs. Sabina Morton has leased
her farm holdings for a term of
four years to Tilgman Beckner and
leaves shortly for Washington, D.
C., to visit her sister, Mrs. Miles
Polndexter, wife of Senator Poln
dexter. She will afterward go to
Europe to follow relief work in
boy of thirteen and a girl nine
years of age. He is also survived
by his father, an honored pioneer of
the county; three brothers and
three sisters. Funeral services were
held Monday at the home, and the
ramD ni wow tnpn parnrrpn in
Belgium and Prance. Mr. Beckner, fnn hv thp Milton Mm of Masons. 8
lessee of the Morton farm, came of whJch Mr Harder was a mem- K
from West Virginia about two ber He wa8 ald to rest in the
years ago. and had since been asso- Masonic cemetery herej with the
with L. A. Dudley in rarm jmpre8Slve rites of- that order.
Members of the local lodge of Ma-
Roy Beck, his wife and seven of met he Procession at the
their nine children are sick with In- grave.
fluenza at their home In Walla ....
Walla. Until tho arrival of the , As high as 500 percent increases
mother of Mr. Beck, they had re- have been obtained in some crops
ceived no attention except such from the use of sulphur as fertil-
bs uuuiu uo given vy uic iu - -- ' . " - y
children who escaped the contag- tendent of the O. A. C. branch ex- J
ion, one of them eight years old periment station at Talent, Oregon, 8
and the other only four. These No injurious effects have been ob-
little ones bravely did what they served from jwtwy sulphur appli
could, and some food was supplied cations in that district.
by neighbors through the win- .
dows. Mr. Beck is a brother of See big ad how our new way
N8i 9: Q Nek?". ?J this city. helps, Watte & Rogers,
Gift Suggestions
Christmas Cards, Booklets, 1
Ivory Goods, Jewelry,
Stationery, Perfumes,
Candy, Kodaks.
Goodwin's Drug Store