The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 06, 1918, Image 1

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U. S. Public Health Service Warns
Publio Against Tuberculosis.
One Million Cases Tubercu
losis In United StatesEach a
Source of Danger.
Influente Convalescent Should Hve
Lungt Immlntd Cold Which Hna
On OHn Beginning of Tubreulol.
No Ciuii (or Alarm If Tuberculosa
lo Roeognlttd Early Ptnt Modi
clnoo Nol to Bo Truiltd.
Heware tuberculosis after In
flumsa. No need to worry If
you tnko precautions In tlmo.
iKin'l dingnos your own cod
dlilun. llno your doctor exam-
In your lungs several times at
monthly Interval. Hulld up your
etrcnglh with right living, good
fiMid and plenty of fren
lx.n't waste money on patent
medicine advertised to euro W-
Iiecome a fresh-air crank and
enjoy Ufa.
Washington. D. C. (Special.) Ac
cording to a report made to tho 1'nlted
Htnte Public Health Service, tbe epi
demic of InltunuM In Spain haa al
ready caused an Increase lo tho prevs
lenco and deaths from pulmonary tu
berculosis. A almllar association be
l run Influents and tuberculoma waa
recently tnado by Sir Arthur News
holme, tho chief medical omcer of tho
Kugllah public health service. In hla
auaiysls of tho tuberculoma death rat
lo England.
In order that th people of tho Unit
ed States may profit by the experience
of other count rlee Surgeon General
Hupert Blue of tho United Ststes I'uu
llc Health Service baa Just liuued
warning empbsslxlng tho need of pe
clol precaution at the present time,
"Experience seems to Indicate, so
the Surgeon Oenernl, "that persons
whoso resistance ha been weakened
by an attack of lnflucnn ro peculiar
ly susceptible to tuberculosis. With
million of Ita people recently affected
with Influcuza thla country now of
fera condltlona favoring tho aprend of
One Million Comumptlvoa In tho
United Statea.
Then you consider thla a aertoua
menacar waa asked. "In my opinion
It la, though 1 haaten to add It la dls
tinctly one against which tho people
can guard. So far aa ono can eatlmata
there ar at preaent about one million
raaea of tuberculoata In tho United
States. There la unfortunately no
complete cenaua available to ahow ex
actly ttie number of tuberculoua per
sons In each atato despite tho fuct that
moat of the atatea have made tho die
ease reportable. In New York city,
where reporting baa been In force for
many years, over 80.000 cases of tu
bercnloala are registered with the te
pertinent of Health. Thoae fiimlllor
Iwlth tho situation believe thnt the ad
dition of unrecognised aud unreported
eases would nmko tho number nearer
BO.OOO. The vory careful Health sur
vey conducted during tho pint two
yenra la Framlngham, Mass., revealed
200 cases of tuberculoma In a popula
tion of approximately 19,000. If Uieao
, proportlona hold true for tho United
Statea aa a whole they would Indicate
that about ono Id every hundred per
ion la tuberculoua. Each of these
commute a oourco of danger to be
guarded agalnat"
What to Do.
lo hla statement to tho public Sur
geon General Blue point out how
thoae who have had innuenia anouiu
protect themaelvea agalnat tuberculo
id "All who have recovered from In
fluenza," aay th Surgeon General,
"ahould have their lunga carefully ex
amined by competent phyalclan. lo
fHct, It li dealrabla to have eeveral x
arolnatlooa raada a month apart Such
examination cannot bo made through
trie clothing nor can they bo carried
out In two or three minute. If tho
lunga are found to bo free from tuber-
culoal every effort ahould b made to
keep them so. Thla can bo done by
right living, good food and plenty of
freab air."
Danger Sign,
The Surgeon General warned espe
clnlly agalnat certnln danger signs,
uch a "decline" and "cold which
hang on." -
These, he explained, were often'the
beginning of tuberculoma. "If you do
not get well promptly, If your cold
, aeema to hang on or your health and
trength decline, remember that theaa
are orien the early signs of tuherculo
' I'lnro yourself at once under ilia
mi- r it rninHteot pbyilclnn. Tuber
i'UIimim l cm able In the early stages.
Patent Medlelnee Dsngereus In Tuber,
"Above all do not truat In the mis
leading aiateinenla of unacrupuloua
patent medlclno fnkera. There la no
Hpcclilc uicdlcino for the cure of tuber
culoma. The money inl on such
medicines I thrown away: It ahould
be apent Inatead for good food aud do
cent living."
I'oat master General llurlreon advls
rd the public service commission by
telegraph that ho ho made effective
aa of November IS an Increase of
aea for trlephono-operatlng em
ploye of the Pacific Telephone Tele
graph company and auk the commls
Ion to make Ita furthcoming order
Increasing the telephone rates i -tro-active
ao that the reus will alao apply
a of that date to cover the Increase
In '. It waa pointed out that
under the statute the commission ha
no power to make rates retroactive
under the public utilities law and that
part of the postmaster general's re
quest apparently cannot bo granted.
It wt alao pointed out that the post-master-general
apparently la laboring
under the assumption that the commis
sion's hearing on the Increases will
he nurelv nerfunrtory In character.
SAVE 16,000,000 BUSHELS
farmer. Urged by food Admlnlrtrs
tlon, Provide Seven Kitra loavte
of Bread for Ivory American.
fly adopting cleaner threshing meth
oda and by literally combing harveat
Odds to gather grain formerly wast
ed, thrrshermen and farmer of tho
United Statea thla year saved fully
10.000,000 bushel of wheat, estimated
aa equivalent to about eeven one-pound
loavea of bread for every person lo
the country. Thla result, accoutpnnled
by corresponding savings of barley,
oata, rye and other groins, la ahown by
reports from S3 grain tatea to the O.
S. Food Administration. Other atatea,
although not prepared to furnish defi
nite figure of conservation In tho
grain fields, report greatly reduced
harvest losses.
Thla rural food eaving achievement,
accomplished In scarcely six months'
time, we In direct response to re
quests by the food Administration,
which asked farmer and threshermen
to reduce harvest looses from about
8U per rent tho estimated average
In normal time to tho lowest possi
ble minimum. Country grain thrash
ing commltteeo carried Into every
grain growing community the official
recommendation for accomplishing
th resulta desired.
In numerous Instances driver of
rack with lenky bottom were sent
from tho field to repair tholr equip
ment and frequently bad order thresh
Ing mnchlno wore stopped until tho
cause of waste was removed. Rut In
proportion to th number of person
engaged In gathering the nation' grain
crop, case of compulsion were com
paratively rare. Tho Food Adminis
tration freely attributes the success of
tho grain threshing campaign to pa
triotic aervleo by farmers, thrcahor
men and their crews. Incidentally
grain growers of tho United State are
many millions of dollars "In pocket"
ss a result of th grain saved.
The marvel of our voluntary food
saving, now that we are "getting re
sults," Is that no ono over actually
suffered any hardship from It; that
we all are better In healtn sod spirit
snd better satisfied with ourselves be
cause of our friendly aelf-denlal.
Food control In America bold the
price of breadatuffs steady, proven ted
vicious speculation and extorUpn and
preserved trauquilllty at borne.
In no oUier nation Is there ao willing
sense of voluutory self-sacrifice a
lb America that wa shown In th
abstinence from wheat
Find more wheat It ettme; more
pork, It came; save sugar. It waa don.
So Americana answered the challenge
of Goruian starvation.
Good will rules the new world as
fear governed the old world. Through
hating food America belpa make the
whole world kin.
Food control made sufficiency from
shortage, kept the rein on food prices,
gave the nation's full stteugtb exer
cise. Starvation by Germany challenged
all the world; food conservation in
America answered the challenge.
Food conservation In America has
been the triumph of Individual devo
tion to the uatlouul vuuaot
More thsn $1!.000 was realized from
the tag sale held In Portland In the
interest, of the W.verly baby home.
Petlilone are being circulated aky.
Ing that Glen ft Metaker, district at
torney for Columbia county, be rc-
c""' , , , . Hood Ulver Apple Growers' associa
te 33d. annual meeting of the Ore- toB gent o ch,cago refrlgerator Mr
gon State Horticultural society will w((h m of fruU mt
bo held In Roaeburg December 6, by UmA Rlw rf,ldt,ntl t0 tHenii
n(J and relatlvca In that city and polnta
Work of demobilizing member of of ,he MlMlM,pp vaiey,
section B. of the 8. A. T. C. at the At hlt own requcgt warden Murphy.
Oregon Agricultural college, began of ,hc gla(e peni,eutary, TeliT4 Sat
Monday. urday and was released from his bond.
The Oregon tlnptlet state convention, Jn the interm before Robert U Stcv
which was scheduled to meet In Port- eB tne prospective appointee, takea
land last month, bos been postponed cnargei Deputy Warden Burns will
until' October. 1919. j,aVe control st the Institution.
Demobilization of the Students' After a conference between Chair
Army Training corps unit In the Unl- mttn Miller, of the public service com
verslty of Oregon Wednesday. mSBon, ana- officials of the Spokane,
and the university will return to Its Portland Seattle Railroad company,
pre-war status. the road has decided to suspend Its
A second wave of the Spanish In- order for a reduction In the passenger
fluenta, which surpasses the first, Is eervlce schedules between Astoria and
weeping over Klamath Falls. In spite Portland.
of the fact that the restriction bad jjuch uncertainty prevail at Marsh
not been removed. field regarding the lumbering business
The Solssons. last of a fleet of 20 an(j the closing down of several Indus
auxiliary powered vessels built at triw indicates that operators are going
Portland for the French government carefully until new bearings sre estab
by the Foundation compauy, waa u(0ed. These retrenchments have
launched Thursday. thrown between 800 and 400 men out
J. D. Farrcll, president of the O.-W. 0f employment
R. A N. railroad, has been appointed Oregon deatera buy fish, delivered,
by Governor Wlthycombe as a member 8( an gveyige price of ll.T cents a
of the atate fair board to succeed Mra. pound, retail It at 17.8 cents a pound
Edith Toiler Weathered. . Bn(j make an average profit of 34.8
Nineteen horea were burned to pgr C(?nt, according to a urvey of fish
death when fire destroyed a barn at. market conditions of all states, re
the Chemawa Indian school. Several cently compiled by the United States
set of harness and 1000 bushels of f00( administration,
grain and SO tons of bay added to the Railroad telegraphers snd agents of
lose. the O.-W. R. 4 N. lines, through action
In one check for $80,837.33, benefl- of their general ccmmlttee convened
clarlea under the estate of the late in Portland," rejected the wage and
Theodore B. Wilcox, of Portland, paid working award announced November
the Inheritance tax for that estate, u Dy Director-General McAdoo and
The total valuation of the estate was authorised the calling of a nation
82.892,484. wide strike vote, it necessary, to ob-
Total bank deposits in the state as- tain their demands. In general, the
gregated $228,381,703.44 November -1, demands are tor wage Increases.
according to a atatement Issued by
Superintendent of Banks Bennett v One million reports received from
This It an Increase from August 81, army camp surgeons by Surgeon-Gen-1918.
of $29,455,285.24. cral Rupert Blue show that Oregon,
The death of John Olson, contractor, represented by Its men who were
of Portland, waa the only fatality re- sent to army camps, had a cleaner bill
ported to the Industrial accident com- 0f health than any other state In the
mission out of 430 acctdents, reported union. Only .59 of. 1 per cent pf the
for the week ending November 28, in- men going Into the army from this
elusive. " state were afflicted with social dis-
The woman's dormitory at the Eu- ease,
gene Bible university was destroyed District No 11, aa the Oregon dls
by fire and the matron and 13 girls trCt tne wooden Bhip division of
escaped 1n their night clothes by cut- tnB Emergency Fleet corporation Is
ting the screens on the sleeping porch officially designated, la to remain In
and passing through them to safety. dependent of the North Pacific dlv-
Life Insurance compares will be lglon or w'ashlngton district, accord
called upon to pay out something HkOj Ing (0 official word received to that
$200,000,000 In extraordinary losses effect. The district Is to continue nn
because of the lnfluenxa epidemic, ac- disturbed until the termination of
cording to a statement Issued by In- wooden ship construction for the gov
aurance Commissioner Harvey Wells. ornment.
The newly completed $48,000 con-
'"'V ,cr0" Ho?d
e at.te highway commUv
SlOa, urn ucrn miu-u vpvu iw vituv.
The bridge is approximately BOO feet
long. It replaces an old steel bridge.
Following the - usual custom, the
' The gas-defense dlvlnlon of the
chemical war service has Informed O.
I), ('(-titer, director of college extension
at the Oregon Agricultural college,
that the collection of nut shells for gas
masks should be discontinued at once.
Hhlpments of less than 10 tons at
shipping points should not be forward
ed. In a telegram pointing out that the
action of the Emergency Fleet corpor
ation In suddenly cancelling s large
number of shipbuilding contracts baa
created a dcld'-dly serious situation
In Oregon, Governor Wlthycombe haa
appealed to President Wilson, asking
that he Intervene and that the con
tracts be reinstated.
Kredsport, the city of sawmills,
claims to have received the first com
mercial lumber order following the
closing of government work In spruce,
white cedar and fir tin's. ' The order
cotnn to thn C. McC. Johneon mill. The
mill is ask'-d by a Seattle lumber com
pany to hurry out an ordr of 2,000,
000 feet of fir, to be shipped by rail.
This co-operation and aervtee
I ask of all In full confidence
tiiut America will render more
for fins and freedom than king
ridden people surrender at com
pulsion. Herbert Hoover. Ad
SUM 10. VJ17.
Voluntary Basis of Food Saving
Showed Heart of America
Beat True for Freedom.
To the voluntary service and sacri
fice of the American people must be
attributed the continued health,
streniftb and morale of the Allied ar
mies and the civil populace.
I'pon this spirit of sen-ice snd sac
rifice will depend Europe's fate In the
months to come. In the past year we
have carried out on export program,
the magnitude of which Is almost be
yond comprehension. But with the
new demands that have come,- with
the liberation of nations freed from
German oppression, our exports must
be slmost doubled. Instead of 11,820,
000 tons, we must ship twenty million
tons of food to Europe In the coming
year as much as can be pushed
throned our porta.
If the Allies bad sot been fed by
America, It would have been Impos
sible for them to maintain their de
fense against Germany.
Meeting this world need, on purely
voluntary basis, the American people
have conclusively proved that democ
racy Is a success ana that In time of
need it will rise to Its own defense.
If there were no other accomplish
ment to its credit the very fact that It
has shown the strength of democracy
has In Itself more than Justified the
existence of the Food Administration
In the eyes of the world.
Less than foor months after the
TJnlted States declared wor the United
States Food Administrator expressed
his determination to meet America's
food problem on s basis of voluntary
action snd reiterated bis confidence
that awakened democracy would prove
"Mtmy thinking Americans," said
Mr. Hoover, "and the whole world
have been watching anxiously the last
four months In the fear that demo
cratic America could not organize to
meet autocratic Germany. Germany
haa been confident that It could not be
done. Contrary proof la Immediately
at onr door, and our people have al
ready demonstrated their abHity to
mobilize, organize, endure and prepare
voluntarily and efficiently In many di
rections and upon the mere word ot
Inspiration aside from the remarkable
assemblage of ou,r Army and finances." '
The history of the Food Administra
tion has clearly shown that the trust
of those who put their faith In demoe-'
racy has not been misplaced.
b e pud
to be
s-w 2t
American Nation Maintained AN
lied Loaf Through Self
Denial at Home Table.
With Military Demands Upon Ocean
Shipping Relieved, World lo Able
' to Return to Normal White
Wheat Broad.
Since the advent of the latest whem
crop the only limitstlon upon Ameri
can exports to Europe has been the
shortage of shipping. Between July t
snd October 10 we shipped G5,t0.30"i
bushels. If this rate should continue
until the end of the fiscal year we will
have furnished the Allies with more
than 237100,000 bushels of wheat and
flour in terms of wheat.
The result of Increased production
end conservation efforts In the United
States has been thst with the cessa
tion of hostilities we sre able to re
turn to s normal wheat diet. Suppllen
that have accumulated In Australia.
Argentine snd other hitherto tnsccesv
slble markets may be tapped by ships
released from transport service, snd
European demand for American wheat
probably will not exceed oar normal
surplus. There Is whest enough avail
able to bave white loaf at tbe com
mon table.
But lost year tbe tale wss different
Only by the greatest possible saving
and sacrifice were we able to keep
steady stream of wheat snd floor mov.
Ing across tbe sea. We found our
selves at the beginning of the harvest
year with sn unusually short crop.
Even the most optimistic statisticians
figured that we had a bare surplus of
20,000,000 bushels. And yet Europe
was facing the probability of i bread
famine and In Europe bread Is by far
me most important article m the diet.
All of thla surplus hsd left the
country early In the faU. By the first
of the year we bed managed to ship a
little more thsn 60,000,000 bushels by
practicing the utmost economy at
uvuir uj wiieauesa ukjb, wneaiiess
meals, besvy substitution of other
cereals snd by sacrifice at almost
every meal throughout the country.
In January the late Lord Rhondda.
then British Food Controller, cabled
that only If we sent an additional "5,
000,000 bushels before July 1 could he
take the responsibility of assuring bis
people that tbey would be fed.
Tbe response of the American peo
ple waa 83,000,000 bushels safely deliv
ered overseas between January 1 and
July L Out of harvest which gave
us only 20,000,000 bushels surplus we
actually shipped 141,000.000 bushels.
Thus did America fulfill her pledge
that the Allied bread rations could he
maintained, and already the American
people are demonstrating thst, with
an awakened war conscience. last
year's figures will be bettered.
-r-r -r-i--r--r
Our exports since uls country
entered the war have Justified
statement made by the Food Ad-
ministration shortly after Its con-
ceptlon, outlining the principles
and policies thst would govern
the solution of this country's ,
"The whole foundation of de-
mocracy," declared the Food Ad-
ministration, "lies In the Indl- s
vldual Initiative of Its peopi 4
snd their willingness to serve the
Interests of tha nation with mm.
plete self effacement In the time. . .
of emergency. Democracy can
yield to discipline, and we can
solve this food problem for, our
X- vu ywym iuu tut guv Ajues la T
T iuis waj. in uave uuae so will T
hsve been s greater service than
our Immediate objective, for we
have demonstrated tbe rightful-
ness of our faith and our ability
to defend ourselves without be
Ing Prussianised.'
Sending to Europe 141,000,000 bush
els of wheat from a surplus of sppar
ently nothing was the outstanding ex
ploit of the American food army In tbe
critical year ot the war.
It was given to tbe women of this
country to perform the greatest serv
ice in the winning of tbe war vouch
safed to any women In tbe history ot
the wars of the world to feed the
warriors and the war sufferers. By
the arts ot peace, the practice ot sim
ple, homely virtues the womanhood of
a whole nation served humanity In Its
profoundest struggle for peace ami
freedom. '
President Wilson and party have
sailed' for Europe on the steamer
George Washington. ' " .'