The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 29, 1918, Image 3

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New Rus
Ten acres timU-r near Wuc
Mountain wiwmill for wile. V. D.
Mrs. M. A. lleuberger is here
from Portland, looking after her
farm lnUr'U.
I urn compelled to conduct my
Inwini'w on a rash baitis only. Joe
HodKson, the millrr. 5
Mr. and Mm. Kalph Kinmar
wm Tlmnknglvlnjt day visitors
with Winton Mativin.
Mrs. J. K. Marsh of Km-kland,
Idaho, is visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mn. J. M. Compton.
Joe Llfunllen was here this week
from Kicth, where he ha charge of.
the government railroad blacksmith
jnanKSgiving vimi irvw
college, Walla Walla, where he is
a member of the?. A. T. C.
John Young, an Echo farmer,
rained a squssh weighing 118
pounds which is now on exhibition
in a store In that proud bailiwick.
A new SUIT?
If you want one for Fall
and Winter wo will Imi glad
to supply $ou. We repre
sent the bent tailoring
houses in Chicago and guar
antee A l'KUFKCT FIT.
If you want to make your
old suit do we can make it
look GOOD AS NEW by
IDEAL Coata and Suits
for ladies.
R. L. Reynaud f f
Terms Cash
or 30 Days
i After 30 Days
Tbe Farmers Bank of Weston
Established 1891
Alii I DOING IilY BIT? ,
Save your Country by Serving
"Over There," or Serve your
Country by Saving over here.
' i
s a
The Prudent Man
will fill his coal bin when the fill
ing is good! Better order your
coal now, when can supply you.
P. T. HARBOUR, Weiton, Oregon
For Sale at a Bargain Three
ahotea, wight from 50 to 80 lbs.;
two brood sows and five pigs all
full-blood Berkshire. I. C. Hop
kins, Weston.
Allan Garnett, former Weston
shoemaker, was here this week on
a business visit from Astoria, Ore
gon, where he is making his home
with his sister while her son is in
the army.
Bob Blomgren, whose goose crop
in the foothills was by no meaaa a
failure, shipped a truckload of
T eeese to the Walla Walla market
Monday, receiving 15 cents per
pound for the lot.
A union Thanksiving service was
held at the Methodist church.
Tko anmiMt urmnn was breached
by the pastor, Rev. S. E. Powell,
' after a few preliminary remarks by
8 Rev. E. F. Wriggle.
James Kirkpatrlck and Sylvan
Kennard, Weston soldiers stationed
t St. Nazaire, France, have been
promoted to be sergeants of the
first class with an advance in pay
to tel. 20 per month.
W. D. Chamberlain, formerly
county clerk of Umatilla county,
was here Saturday on an official
visit. Mr. Chamberlain is now con
nected with the field force of the in
ternal revenue service.
Mrs. W. R. Cowan of Walla Wal--la,
daughter of Rev. and Mrs. W.
K, Storms, died Monday evening of
pneumonia following Spanish influ
enza. Mrs. Cowan is survived by a
husband and daughter.
J. P. Lieuallen and the firm of
McBride Bros, each turned off a
carload of beeves the other day
on a basis of ten cents for top
steers. The shipment was made to
J. W. Toner of Walla Walla.
Mrs. R. G. Saling leaves tomor
row for Portland to resume her
voice study under Taglierl. She
will be accompanied by Mrs. I. E.
Saling and Mies Lois Saling. The
latter will attend school In Port
land. A. J. Barnctt is a patient in St.
Anthony's hospital, Pendleton. Fol
lowing an attack of Influenza he
was afflicted with gall stones, and
an operation for their removal may
be necessary. Mrs, Barnett and
Andy and Earl Barnett were visit
ing him yesterday.
The Milton Eagle relates that
probably the largest yield of pop
corn recorded in this section of the
northwest was grown near Lowden,
Washington, by A. J. Burt, who
had ten acres of the White Pearl
variety which yielded 25 tons in the
ear with the husk off. Mr. Burt
will realize a net income of better
than (3000 from the ten acres this
With but little more than a
month to go It may be necessary
to put on special campaigns in
some counties of the state to order
to put Oregon' War Savings Stamps
In the clear, accordihg to Henry E.
Reed, .associate state director.
Eight counties are over the top, but
others are lagging behind. Uma
tilla county has taken 91.5 percent
of Its quota. .
T, Hastings, former Weston
citizen, was here this week for a
visit with old friends after a long
absence. . He has been engaged in
farming near Culdesac, Idaho, but
sold his holdings there about a year
ago and has since been leisurely
touring the country In search of a
new location., He is not particular
ly anxious to' find one, however, as
he is Interested in a placer claim
on the Salmon river which supplies
him with the yellon ' metal when-
ycj U chwsci to dig for it.
Watts Rogers
Ha lib re
No Camouflage It's True
0 0 0
Kash Kounts What of These?
A $100 fine full cabinet graphaphone for $72
A $47.50 high grade, oak, excellent tone, for $35
A $17.50 graphaphone, light on loud, for $12.50
X-mas is Near!
0 0 0
Just a Feeler on Stoves
A $32 Howard heater fori ; .''X: A . . X $26.85
A $29.75 Wilson coal heater for $18.00;
A $16.50 Nobby fireplace heater for $12.50
A $2.50 jack knife a dandy for your soldier friend for '. .31.65
A $1.75 jack knife make any boy love Dad or Uncle for : f L35
A $1.00 jack knife you can lose it just as easily as a 12.00 one for $0.65
and we have on exhibition a ROTARY ELECTRIC the. latest use on any table, take
under arm and join the Red Cross sewing circle.
The FORI) ROADSTER going at $5U-and on Goodyear tires.
Three or four tires yet at something over half tbe real value.
tor It these figures mean nothing to some of you four-corner dude wheat farmers
just come in and we'll trade you our whole business for that sour
dough land "not worth the income tax."
Interesting Farm Statistic cnas. h. carter
Preston-Shaffer Milling Go.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon WalUbur. Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of . selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped .mills in-the Northwest. -
Sold In Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company; $
Much valuable Information for
farmers Is being brought to light
through the filing of threshing re
ports with the Umatilla county
agent, M. S. Shrock, under the
federal requirement for such re
ports. These cover investigations
as to loss of wheat owing to poor
work of threshers, as well as to
quantity of grain and acreage
"threshed. All farmers recognize
the fact that it is impossible to get
a separator that will save all the
grain, but all are keen to make the
highest possible percentage of sav
Ing, says a Pendleton dispatch to
the Oregon Journal.
Of 85 farmers reporting on the
use of two-men pony combines last
year, 20 announce that they intend
to use them again next year. Elev
en will not and three are doubtful.
Twenty-two owners reported that
the combine wasted grain, seven
that it did not, five that it wasted
grain on hills and one that it wast
ed grain on light barley. This cov
ers a total of 10,201 acres cut, with
10 farmers reporting heavy grain,
16 light, two medium and seven
both heavy and light. Those who
consider the combine worked satis
factoriy number 16; those who do
not, 10. Nine gave qualifying an
swers. Twenty-one men thought it
cleaned the grain well; eight did
not, while five considered that it
cleaned the grain fairly well.
Dan P. Smythe
Carter & Smythe J - - . tinr;
uwras lir a. L ACIiliAIUl t
Butter Wrap orders prompt
ly filled at the Leader shop.
: ; Veterinary Sirgeia-: ;
; ; Hospital at corner of Main ; ;
w. h. Pttenon c H. Biihop and Broad streets.
Peterson & Bishop , :: "v . '
- lawyers '' H;; Phone - Main 253
Pendleton, Or. Freewater. Or. '
Two desk telephones to sell or
.trti, . Inquire it tbia 'officii-
Gift Suggestions
Christmas Cards, Booklets;
' Ivory Goods, J ewelry,
Stationery, Perfumes, ;
Candy, Kodaks.
Goodwin's Drug Store