The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 22, 1918, Image 4

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Furnished and rrintcd at the Leader-office.
Sixty (minimum) H W
One hundred 1 85
Two hundred 2 00
Each additional hundred 0 CO
(Postage Extra on Mail Orders.)
Cnristnm Letters to Soldier Boys
Through the cooperation of the
Pendleton Round Up. Happy Can
yon ami the Umatilla County Patri
otic tk-rvioe Ieague, a Christmas
lot tor is to be sent to every Uma
tilla county boy in the service whose
address ia on record In the office of
the league. With the letter will
be sent several of the bct photos
taken at the last Round Up and a
sheaf of ton-buck hills of the 1918
iasue of Happy Canyon currency.
All persons having the correct ad
dress of any boy in the service U
asked to send the same Immediately
tf M. R. Chessman, secretary of,
the league. . (
t . i -in n r? n x
0 ) Yq
II "It
1 1
t?o vonr ciionlrl pyppI the Dreceding one in
I thanksgiving. This year, with the coming ; of
Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 28, we have A
f especial cause for gratitude. The speedy ana saus- y
X factory termination of the war; the small number
erous response to world-wide "need; the abundant
S harvest; the prosperous condition of our people; - the
It gratifying business outlook and the high standard
X of American efficiency all these afford occasion for
sincere thankfulness and universal rejoicing.
On a
mi I
y ' -
Every marl's eye takes on a
Y peculiar sparkle ' when he an-
Y nounces to his friends that he "is
Y going home to spend Thanksgiving
A You will enioy the visit better
& yourself, knowing that you are be
r-ominsrlv attired.
T 0 a?
We have anticipated : your
wants and shall take pleasure in
showing you Clothcraft or Ifart
ScharTner & Marx suits from .
- -$17.50 to $35.00
OVERCOATS-the comfortable
and conservative style you will en
joy wearingpriced from '
y $17.50 to $25.00 , .
' .... . '. .
J 5 fej.'li'A Y
' -!Mai" U-1
ill f
1 ?
4 I If I y
. Oorrtlil Rart Scfef ur t If ul , I
Expert dentistry prices reasona
ble. Dr. Sponogle, Athena.
Good buggy and harness for sale
at a bargain. Mrs. Anna Anderson.
Good hous, barn, chicken hou,
etc., and 4 acrea for sale. Wank
Skinner. ,
J, E. Serimaher and daughter
Maxine left Saturtlhy for Portland
for a few days' stay..
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. FiUpatrlck
and Misa Vera Tipton were viaitora
yesterday In Walla Walla.
After a vialt with his little daugh
ter in tho uplands, Hon Lee left last
week for Paac,- Wash., to work In
a garage. '
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wowla mo
tored down from Lewlaton the first
of the week for another glimpse of
good old Weeton.
R.A.Thompson of the Athena
Vulcanizing Works was here Wed
neiay,. demonstrating the hand
some Stephens car.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ijtrson and
children were here Sunday from
their Ferndale farm for a visit at
the DeGraw residence. -
Mrs. Charles Schneider ha been
elected school clerk of the Weston
Mountain district to succeed Joe
Cannon, who moved to Athena.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McRae and
daughters of Walla Walla and the
R. W. Browns of lone, Oregon,
were Sunday guest of the Richard
For Sale at a Bargain Three
shotes, weight from 60 to 80 ba.
two brood tows and five pigs all'
f ull-blbod Berkshire. I. C. Hop
kins, Weston.
The T. J, McCartys have moved
to Burbank, where Mr. McCarty
has leased a large alfalfa farm.
Mr. McCarty will continue to farm
his upland holdings. . . "
Mrs. Lizzie Lansdale and daugh
ter, Misa Mary Lansdale, were in
Weston Monday on their return to
Cayuse, where Misa Lansdale will
resume her school work.
The second payment on bonds of
the Fourth Liberty Loan wa due
November 21. Those who have
not already done no are requested
to call at the local bank and take
care of this obligation.
Harlcy Roth rock, well known
young Adams fanner, paid a fine
of $40 In Pendleton Tuesday on a
charge of killing a faun. The ani
mal is thought to have wandered
away from the Pamlirun park.
Mrs. II. J. ' Baker and children
are leaving,, tomorrow for Deer
Lodge, Montana, to join Mr.
Baker, who is clerk in the train dis
patcher's office there. They will
be met by Mr. Baker at Spokane. -
France, the younger daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Davis, was
opertcd upon for appendicitis at St.
Anthony's hospital, Pendleton, by
Drs. Parker and McKinney. She is
reported to be making favorable
progress toward recovery.
Albert James was here from Pen.
dleton Monday, greeting Weston
'friends.' He sold the fixtures of
his former barber shop here to Wil
liam Beaton. ; Mr. Beaton is estab
, lishing a shop of his own at Stan
field, where he has been employed.
Victor Toumi died at Athena EaU
urday night after a short illness
With what was pronounced to be
' pneumonia by the attending physi
cian. Touml was a native of Fin
land, about 45 years old, and had
been employed for several years
in the Athena neighborhood as a-
ranch hand. ;. . -
Recent .official advices from
Washington say that no license is
now necessary for the erection of
farm buildings, flour and feed
mills, wheat warehouses and grain
elevators, regardless of their cost.
All restrictions are removed on all
other buildings ' costing not more
than $10,000. - . ,
; Sixty of the eighty young men
who are members of the Students
Army Training Corps at Whitman
College, Walla Walla, were on the
sick list Sunday with Spanish influ
enza, according to report. - Slow in
making its appearance, the "flu"
when ' it did come (spread rapidly
through the corps. , There is no re
port as yet of any fatalities.
AH' orders' directing the move
ment of Students. Army Training
Corps men to officer taining schools
are revoked, according to a tele
gram received by Commander Al
fred C. - Sharpe at Oregon . Agri
cultural College. This1 announce
ment was received with regret by
many of the S: A. T. C" who had
been picked to train as -officers.
These included half of tha varsity
football squad.
Rev. W. R. Storms has been rath
er a worried father and grands
rent of lute, lieeauae of an unuul
amount of slekneaa among his off
spring. ' A phone message from
Freewater yesterday announced that '
two of his grandchildren, the child
ren of K. K. Klmhrell, have the
smallpox there. His daughter, Mrs.
M. Jonhson, and her husband both
are ill with Influent at Walla Wal
la, but are now getting Utter.
Another daughter, Mrs. W. R. Cow.
an, is very ill with the same dis
ease, and her daughter is alio a a
tient, but ia Improving. Four
grandchildren have had thelnflu
ensa whilo visiting at hia home
here, but are out f danger now.
Three of them are children of Mr.
and Mrs. A. P. Couch of Walluh.
Umatilla county has to date pur
chased ninety-one percent of her
War Savings Stamps quota-but
the timo liimt is close at hand and
it Is necessary Prioa
should purchase the stamps which
they pledged themselves to buy be
fore the first of the year. If the
county is again totgo over th top.
The county' quota is $440,OCO,
mftt out of this amount about $401.
000 worth ha been purchased. In
this connection the W, S. S. offi
cials point out that a person who
buy stamps and thm cashes them
in without any legitmate reason ia
in common parlance nothing less
than a "Fourflunher," and ia de
feating the purpose of . the stamp
sale. , -
Link Swaggnrt, the Leader
suburban bureau of information
who is never a missing Link, but is
always present somehow and some
wheredropped over the hill again
Tuesday. He said a certain Athrna
editor had In en wearing the same
hat for fifteen year until it helped
to make a bonfire dui Ing Athena'a
. recent peace celt hrvtfcn. He said
further that this ancient head-piece
smelted so loudly of ink, antimony,
bentine and typelicc he could hear
it burning clear out to Lamar
gulch. , (
A family dinner arty was he'd
Sunday, November 17, at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gordon mar
Wayland station In observance cf
the birthday anniverrsary of Mr,
Richard Reamer, father of the
hostess. The occasion was a very
pleasant one, and the dinner a pro-,
nounced succes. Thoe pe ent
were; Richard Beamet-and fam
ily, J. II. Reamer and family,
Emery Stagg and family, Robert
Lee and family of Milton.
Mr. and Mrs. L. 1. O'llarra have
moved into their new home on
Washington street, where they are
coiily situated. The O llarra resi
dence on Rranklln street will soon
he occupieJ by the Joseph Hods
ions, who lately purchased it.
Claud Davis, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. C, Davis of, Weston,- is
reported to be dangerously ill with
influenza at Walla Walla.
5r '
Mailing Dati (or Chrbtmas Parcels
. .Extended to November 30.
The Umatilla County Chapter of
the Red Cross has advised the We.
ton auxiliary as follows:
. The War and Pustofflco depart
ment is uied an order November IS
extending, the mailing date for
Iforistma reel through Novem
ber 30th. This mean that parcels
may be mallei up to tho time that
your iKal potsollW will receive
mail on Noenber 30th.
An individual who should have
received a label but who failed to
icive it or -who has lost or de
stroyed It. may receive a carton
not tarllcr than November 21 uiwn
signing a statement at any Red
Cr at Chirstma Pared station to
that effect.
Fre Household Bulletins .
TTio following bulh tins mny be
obtained by calling at the office of
Mis I,oreno Parker,' Home Demon
stration Agent. Room 35, Federal
Building. Pendleton, or by writing
In for them:
1. Cottage Cheese.
2. Milk.
3. .Making Cottage Cheese at
4. Dairy.
R. The School Luncheon.
C. Use of Dried Fruit and Veg
etable. 7. Emergency first Aids.
8. How to Select Food.
9. Food for the Family.
I 10. Bread and Bread Making in
the Home, .
11. Cart if Food in the Hrtme.
12. The Uie of Milk as a Food.
13. , Making Butter on the Farm.
H. " Farm Home Convenience.
15. Keeping Farm Household
; ; HIDES, PELTS, &c.
Wsctlcfcs in all Ststs .and Kotltrnl
Courts. : y
athrna; oheoon
. Ordinance No. 2S7
An Ordinance for tho Uvylng of
a General Municipal Tax for the
Year 1918.
The People of the City of Weston
do Ordain aa follows:
Section 1. Thnt .there is hereby
levied upon all taxable proptriy,
both let! andrersonal, within the
City of Weton, Oregon, a tax for
general municipal purpose of 20
mills, namely:
Light Fund, 21 mills.
Stm t Fund, 8 mills.
General Fund, 7 mills.
Sinking Fund, 2 mills.
General Sinking Fund, 1 mill.
Water Fund. m1,
Lil rary Fund, i mill.
Section 2. That this ordinance
httll Ik? in full force fr.n and af
ter it rawige by the Common
Council and rppruval by the Mayor.
Paiwed the Common Council thi
2t0h day of November, 1918.
Approved by the Mayor thin 20th
day of November, 1918.
J, M. BANISTER, Mayor.
Attest: J. W. PORTER,
Notice to the Public
1, W. L. Robblns, hate been the
owner of the Weston Milling Co.
for the past two, years, and now
desire that all parties Indebted to
said mill call at the mill and
settle their accounts at once.
" " W. L." BOBBINS.
I have still a limited supply of
Influenza vaccine for those who
wish to avail themeslves of this pro
tection. W II. McKinney, M. D.
6t tha Genuin
and Avoid
In gvry Ck
Remember; i I can' VULCAN IZR
. -your casings and tubes.
' Work Guaranteed : V -R.
A; T H O M P S O N
Opposite St. Nichols Hotel, ATHENA, OREGON