The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 22, 1918, Image 1

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WESTON, OKEGON. Fill DAY, NOV. 22, 1918
tviUnda, the product selling on the mar
I rt high m 30 cent. Tb wal
lint Industry In thin section U steadily
forcing ahead as a mnTcy maker.
Totals compiled by llrnry E. Reed,
.asocial director of tha state war sav-
Prlnclptl Events of th Week- Uroo indict. u,..
...... . . . . Oregon countl.s for th most part r
Briefly Sketched for Infor n up in their war .mp pun-haa.
. (nation of Our Retdert. ZTlZ Z w. Jh" top"
Mor thin half th remaining roun-
1 ' ' " tie am In turn position to Indicate
Multnomah county propoee to pood that they wilt mail the foal on ched.
approximately on lia roada In 1 tlnia, Deeeniber tl.
Aroused over the proposed fnrreast
The annual martini of tb Oregon Id telephone rate, niaaa meeting ol
Irrigation rongre. will b hrld In bualnraa men we held at Albany and
Portland on January a, 10 and II. a roimuliu waa appointed to Inveei.-
Th atrvlr or th Pacific Telephone ' th poaalblllty of consolidating
Telegraph company haa been dla- Hi two ayairnia.
continued at Brook. Marlon county. Tha aimuitl meeting of tha pnsl-
Milliard Bailey, aon of Mayor Harry dent and facultl of th Independent
Bailey, and Una Thornton, aon of eollegee of Oregon will ba held at New-
A. U Thornton, of Lakwlew, war
drowned while fishing In Oooa Lake.
A recent ruling of tha War depart
ment prohibiting fraternities from
berg November St-30, faculty mem
ber from eight loatliullona of th
atat will be present.
Tb liogu Hlver Valley Canal com-
holding atK-lal meetings and Initialing Py. of Medford. recently enlarged It
or pledging ntw mem bar, ha bean re
scinded. Th fourth Oregon atat officer'
tratntof camp, which, waa to h.v
opened at th University of Oregon
main canal and Inn-rat In order to
cover 1008 aero mora farm land for
nt year' crop. Th Medford Irri
gation dlatrtct board, which recently
voted Il.lo0.000 for th Installation vl
1 ......v. 1 r
LZL.. f I '
W .v. - II
u - - ' V
laVvCMhUbirur -'I-,,' I I
Jr. f hjmw
Hundred and Forty
Franca I Total.
eral Pershing's Forces
Move Forward.
h .:
I Vl. :T?
i, - i .
jr .i
Malor Onral Olehman, eommandar
November IJ. ha been Indefinitely 1 Irrigation ytm to cover 20.000 t th American army which will ea.
'postponed. adjoining Medford. I proaecut- eupy crmn UrrlUry under tha arm. "ha German armittic daltgation.
Ragardlewa of tha fact that 140 con- h work of preliminary eurveyi gtle,, .
vlrt at tb tat penitentiary at Salem fre
were Inoculated for th dleaet US bcB oW'o
o( them ar ufferln from tb Bjuin- , u(5 connection with
lah Influenaa. ,B Mw w"h ot project wnlc't '
I According to th figure of th city wln t0 ' ,0' 'n"1 ''',
budget KUmatb falla may bav a drop W ort department of th Oregon
of 1.1 mill la It Uf rat. Th. adop- Agricultural wlleg. itenlon aervlc
tlon of aa oceupatlon tag by tha city Wr- baa mad arrangemenu
la eonaldnrMl w,la roriiaoa clearing nous 10
Parla, Oermany'a debt to Franc I
CHtlmaied at 140,000,000,000 franca by , -
tb Matm in an editorial The new-.Precaut!ons Are Taken As Gen
paper apportion th debt a follow:
Keturn of lha Indemnity of 1871
with InUreat, 60.000.000,000 franca; ex
,enca oi the present war, 140,000,000
000 francs; pensions, 40,000.000,000
francs; and reparation for damages,
100,000.000.000 francs.
Germany and Austria, It adds, should
re.jrn to the allies a minimum of. 1r
000.000 tone of shipping In payment
for that destroyed In the war, but they
their disposal only 1.000,000
Consequently . the delivery of
the entire German-Austrian merchant
marine would constitute only half reparation.
Government Issues Warning.
Washington. Government agent
see evidences that German propaganda
machinery in the Cnited State la be
ing put In working order again to pro
mote sentiment of leniency toward
Germany In peace terms. Consequent
ly, department of justice official have
Matthias Erxberger,' civilian leader rned that th public ahould remain
waicniui against resumption oi propa
ganda by lntereata formerly active pro
German and for th past year passive.
London. Tho rumor that William
i a . . a j . t. f In hpntol tarn, th farm Harm in mm
Storm and high tld last week r "TV 7L Z . V 7 rbr ma noaalblv return to ae ulB "f their employe at
..tti t. i.n k. hlng to- be a member of th goat M,ror' m' PO'oiy rturn to uer- .,,BHlM fc,fc h.. .",,'A .
7'A,l0!l.b. club, money wit which to m-X. .opported by th. Berlin U- ndard which , h. 'P
Head of Mormen Church la Dead.
Salt Lake City. Joseph p. Smith,
president of the Church of Jean Christ
Of Latter Day Salnta (Mormon) died
Portland. Or.-Lumber manufacture ?"'a hert TuMd' ftM either aa atraggler. or voluntary prb
; oner, but with th civilian popuIaUon.
Paris. Th American Third army
haa been designated aa "th army of
occupation." . It will be under tb
Immediate direction of General Per
shing, the commander-in-chief, who
will be In command of th American
positions in occupied territories.
The Third army will be commanded
by Majorleneral Dlckman.
With the American Forces In Franca.
Th American army began to move
toward Germany at i:30 o'clock Sun
day morning.
No chance were taken. Th en
gineers were the second unit to press
forward, and they carefully began their
work of looking out for mine and
tainted water. Every obstacle waa
tested before it waa moved. In order
to find out If it masked explosives.
It haa been impressed on officer
and men alike that this la an opera
tion under aa armistice; that war still
exist and that tha possibility remain
that at any time It may ba necessary
for them to play their part with th
same grimnea of th paat year. -
Fraternization not only with tha
Cerman aoldlera who ma be found
er of western Oregon and western
Washington ar determined to main-
an animal. - . aai Anteiger a nini mat ne wquiu not
.1... U.A wMrr I. . f Hlf blch tO PUIthaS
t . an animal.
year in principal uamaa. was i w . ! . . M be refund an entry to that Country,
luduatr ce, nc udlng aawmllla. ahlp- Tur from two lda I being
lll b held In Portland necember 111"" Tnrougn in pumic ervic -"r'.rrrr
commission, which threatena criminal mor ,oubtful counU of th ao
prosecutlon. atepa ar to be taken to 0mu propagandist in f
declare an Increased tariff Invalid. eountrle. Th fear matnly
The Portland city council I taking tormr mirror would oonr
Ing th war, despite the Industrial un
certainty of the Immediate future.
This I th substance of one of the
principal resolutions adopted at a
meeting of representative lumbermen
and" logger of the two state held
her Saturday. Reduction of wages.
Allies Will Get German Fleet
London. All of the German war
ship that must be turned over accord-
haa been sternly prohibited. Looting
and even souvenir hunting also hava
been forbidden the Americans.
The advancing American are flank
ing to the term, of tae armlatlc will. by FraMfc
be in allied bands by. Saturday, a day
earlier than stipulated by the agree
ment, it was learned on good authority.
General Pershing Decorated.
ttttk thn AmAl-fCAn Armv In anM
even abould lumber fall in value," Is distlnguUbed service med-
opposed by the operator.
al was conferred on General Pershing
Continuation of the Loyal Legion of hll headauartera bv General Tuk
draatle action which may result In the or ,B,.r hecom the center of r- logger and Lumbermen waa urged a Bllss representing Preeident, Wil
revocatlon of th eompany operating cUonary movement In Germany when " absolutely necessary part of the ,on
in present revolutionary storm na whomi vi un lumner wausiry, : . .
in resolution adopted. The meeting
The American advance began on a
front from Mouxon to Thiaucourt, tha
extending lines embracing , Luxem
burg and Briey, up th valley to th
Moselle. Beside ' Luxemburg, Xha
mora Important towns falling to tha
tot of the Americana are Longwy and
Briey. ' !
and 11 In connection with tha meet
a butter and cheese enhlblt will be
held Id which prise totaling tJSO will
be awarded the winner.
Several hundred Oregon trappera al
ready ar at work, aceordln to Carl
i .k-- .w .. license In l'ortland.
who haa Issued more than 100 licenses 1 In line) with the general letting up B,0B r-
since fh trapping season opened ths reatrlctlon following ceaaatlon of wen vn- --
IrsTof thU month . S i .11 htlU, th. capital Imuc commit- Wlltp of a plot to trick .ho a.lle. and he Meat Coast Lumbermen asjocla-
ulTSS to Provide Job. for M. of 50.000 worth of .tat. highway rewurce. lb former era of the Industry from all part of
d'dlSgSLt -Sf w W Already $1.1,0.000 worth of ". 9M , v
Statea army upon demobilisation, th hond out of the H.000.000 Issue ha twi ,hl ,ormer wPr la back
tat nignway commission to previa " - ....... .......u , ... - ... k.,.i . nA i umi. . . -.n nubile- orflcials here see a hutoom
.k ..,, , v. the a u eat Ion of Whether or ftot the i""r"n nmuronuri, i n wwns rnrra Kpioemis exesao v-as- ..... ..i - 0 -
lib Information a to how many :" question oi wuemer or nov ine r iim,Mr. m m.n th. .vi. ,, to excite the avmnathies of a laree
The Dally Express see the possl- conducted under the susplces of BOARD CALLS VOLUNTEERS IffF UmNcGESSaHY
S0O0 Men Needed to Man Ship Carry.
Ing Troop.
Washington. Arrangements for
' Washington. In the almost hysteri-
cal appeal of the German provisional
bringing home the troops in France government for aupplle of food and
are being worked out rapidly from a for permission to address Itself direct-
shipping point of view, the ahipplng ly through a commission to the Amerlr
It with
.. . V . ,n mA . . M.i. k. omphasl upon th fact that th em ualtles of Yankee In War.
men can m proviuea who jod. in , mgt , ...... J. . ... win h ned for that mimosa: ' element of the American population
neiu in roniann rnuay. iurrmwr . aau.ii. uu. n itvtm sviut-uiw
nrS asiRMdt is-jaas rs.j s.
nair-noiiday ana quit wor at noon, mieny i-aciuo ninif u u. - - - - - - , ....
II th men bav been doing for a eountlf of Dougla. Jowphln and. direction of plot to trap tne am, by th9 census bureau was based on
month or mort. Jackaon, and tb Columbia ltlr EP" declare. unofficial estimate of the total cds-
Fourth-cl poimatr hav been highway In Hood River and W
appointed In Oregon aa follow: Col- counties, with th exception or the
ton." Clackama tounty, Charle P. lection of th Columbia River high-
Hunter Crytal. JKlamath eounty. C y between Hood River and Moit'or
O. Broni Odessa, Klamath county, moat of th work wilt not be under-
Mist May Klnkald; Redne, Marlon taken until next prlng.
county. Mi Marl E. Parker: Thr- A mlxtur of barley and eottonaeed
Iplne. Joseph 1 0 county, Mr. Flora X meal Is an excellent substitute for
'Corliss, bran and shorts mill run ao exten-
! Sheriff Cbrlsman and Deputy Bher slvcly used a tock feed and now dlt-
jlff Jarvla mads an Important arrest at ftcult to obtain, points out B. Fltta,
jTho Pallet when they captured thre extension specialist la dairying t the
eonvlcU who escaped from th She- Oregon Agricultural colleg. "Thl
'shone. Idaho. Jail November 6. Th mlxtureT cost more than th wheat
ualtles among the overseas fprcesnd
report from 46 cities having a com
bined population of 23,000,000, which
showed 82,306 death from influent
special training. Opportunity will b entente power have Indorsed this at-
afforded those who enlist in this aerv- Utud.
lc to remain permanently In the mor- It i known officially that ther la
chant jnarln after peace has been sufficient food In Germany to meet
signed and the'entlra -army returned immediate needs. The supreme war
Oats No. I whit feed, $54 per ton. and pneumonia from September 8 to
Barley Standard feed, 50,25 ton. November 9.
Corn Whole, ?3r77;' cracked. 75 ' "Total casualUes in the American
' . i . expeditionary forces," said the anr
tf the sUtes.
. Deputy Sheriff Killed By Robber. .
Portland, Or. Frank W. Twombley,
deputy sheriff, was shot and almost
u.ll-tMnthf ltl Inn. . ... . .... . . Inaf antlv VtttA ftt 1 1 1 0 IL m TtlAJut A V
tAl" ;nouncemen nave recently oeen un- """ "pl.a.,. I C'TL eral public misunderstanding on th
28- , officially estimated at 100,000." , at Union avenue and Portland boule- . antioritaHvaiw
Butter-Creamery. 60o per pound. vard by a robber who had held up ubjeft,1K" mT . " , !r" vT
. Eaas-Ranch. 68c per doien. B , r...!L... - C. O. Herman, bridge tender on the that none r his food t0. H
council la planning to supply food In
the future and before the present
stocks are exhausted, aasumlng the
exercise of economy in food diatribu-.
tion.- -"- ', : ;
To correct what appear to be a gen-
Potatoes $1.7502 per hundred.
Kiev Taken By General Deniklne,
Copenhagen. The Ukrainian gov-
Oregon end of the Interstate bridge.
r..i.u .linn. VttgtVRK' inrini. T . ' . . nH rnhheit him of 1123. -and waa
.none, iaano. juii wovemocr . ,in mixture costs more mau um t. , ' ernment has been overturned and K ev ----- --- -- . b governmenU of tho
'convict ar C. W. Darcy. Frank Sul- fed. but lw feeding value, pound for 30c; rooster. 18c; dock. 2730c; hM Deon caplured bjr troopi tr0M speeding away In an automobil with g ernm6 w or uiM6
sent from America to Germany or Aus
tria will be given away. It must be
' and Kdward Miller. They ar nound. I lt dw cent greater." aay geese, iuc; turaej. auwaio.
- said to b thr of th most dangerous Professor Fltta. H also provide ?
criminal! In th country. - greater certainty of ecuring tinirorm
Astrakhan, according to Kiev dis
patches to Swedish newspapers. The
Ukrainian nation! assembly haa fled
.,..... .m - --j ' ' - ...i. nt whttA flnn. anil fltlnKfl v.i..,ii ...vwm Bw.muy Ufa udu
Power extended to the auprem court value than th mixture of bran and -and a provl.lonal government has been
to eall to it assistance three circuit ahort .old by th-flouring mill as tut I ncelled. established by th captor of the city.
. . .c. ....... .i. ....... .( .nt....H , , , now permiueu 10 mane meir fureuui - . -
that eourt. when It Is deemed neee- , Flnl. u written to th. part that the handicap of aubstitute.
.ary and alw power extended to th. gpruc. and fir fore.t. of th Pacific The .ugar order provide, for an add
chief just!, of th .uprem. court to orthwe.t 'hav. played In th. war. tional pound In th. per capita allot
Jlreet Circuit Judge, to sit In any ,hen order, were lu.d bjf the spruce went, or four pound, per perm. each
counly of th Ut will be production division to ceaae at once f"tn' ' . ...
"committee on law reform created UUr all actlvltlc In a.rcr.ft "ZTZ
by th. last legislature. work among tt camps ana mill, ah -;r"', r : ,7
srss OiT-r. srr -s z sshjs
who apparently are commanded by
General Deniklne, leader of th antl
Bolshevist force.
. S ..' ' '
' Canadian Soldiers to Hav Farm.-'
Winnipeg, Mau. Thousands of acres
of farm lauds in th Canadian north
west are belug set aside for returning
understood that score
soldier who hav married
a woman companion. Twombley, who -countries.
had been assigned to chaso apeeder. . .
pursued the robUr because tha auto- GERMAN MISSION PROPOSED
mobile wa. exceeding the ped ltmlt
The deputy knew nothing of the hold- Solf Trie to Enllt Pereonal Interest
up and waa ahot by tha robber when of Wllaon.
topped for speeding. Berlin, by Wireless to London. A
- direct appeal haa been made to Presl-
Oregon State Engineer Resigns. dent Wilson, by Foreign Secretary Solt
' Salem. Or. John H. Lewis, atate tor permission to send a German corn-
engineer.. Tuesday submitted hi res- miaiion to the United States at once.
ignatlon to Governor Withycombe to
become effective immediately. He
has held the office for nearly 14 year.
Mr. Lewis resigns to become chief
applied for homesteads and that a
movement Is on foot to establish "sol- pea near., -' ' e.. Baldwin. Knappa. logging; dlera' colonies" throughout th w.t-
road. ar. glve livery .Xl A, Brooks. Astoria, iron eru : provinces. . !
.cessions now, consiuuriua v "- .""' ----- , Wmrlr..' Ba Nortoif Comillle. losslne'
ily own no car. .nd what car. , ttaj , Houw.vej J JJ-jJ 5' wWS
use ar. turned over to them by the and .ugar 12 K. berlng: Benjamin L. . Ward, Astoria,
Springs irrigation project In eastern
Crown Prince Interned In Holland.
Amsterdam. Frederioh Wllhelm Ho.
chang lead, n better me wneu neMoUern former German crown
The object of the proposed mission I.
personally to lay before the American
government the conditions existing
here and to assure the taking of stepa
to produce foodstuffs. In his message
to Secretary of State Lansing, Dr.
Solf, after appealing to him to inter
cede with President Wilson to send '
peace delegates to The Hague a sooa
is possible, "In order to save the Ger
man people from perishing by starva
tion and anarchy," he suggested that
The death resulting
u at an unexpected moment.
larger roaa. - . w ' 'ZIZ: m .diet. ..aln.t shipbuilding.'
cording to a c.n.u. mad. by County practically to ta .... oeor..BMaglil.-Ukesldo.
Fruit Inspector Van Trump, ami iu ,jr r o - ,umborlng: Luther Schumaker. Placer, to put aside their summer furs,
wr cent of the ar eithr yielding atety, while the new sugsr regulations wrttnnrt inmherin,, - - -
prince, has been interned at Swaelmen ,N . , . , .
Of course, the profiteer always hits C8116- near Kuremonao. ; idm,nBtrator a(,gigned to Usk
jf assisting the German people.
It's getting cold enough tor the girls
a. 1I..I. aaa..r. k-a.tll V. Iff. FnNA I.Wflmnfir 1. UnUBT " ' --- .i .....
.or paying big return v "..r p, r - . ------- - w w: . Cart,n.. Portland, steel waria. '""f r"'
ktan, tree! tbtfl wif " llMWJe VtM-lW ffff-.'Plwf .raBnnMi . " - - "--.u j Qsxmua througluthe. ahaU holes,-
' France has become a great admirer "- .
of the "Jaxs bend." This fact may not " To have hanging In closets discarded
show great musical taste, but It Is an clothing that might protect needy Bel-
unquestionable" evidence of affection gians against the winds of winter Is to
lor America." - misplace oms generous instincts. ,
w-asaj , vas, u'-i-n. . - t ---. t j .