The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 15, 1918, Image 1

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Mnclpil Events of the Wirt
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Ruder.
Portland will appropriate 11,155.478
for lit public th timil In 1919.
The Western Walnut association
convened at MrMliinvllle Wednesday.
MIm Irls Hawyer liaa become
tester for the l.lim county Co Test
ing association.
Farmers' and homemakers'v week
Kill nul b held at the Oregon Agrl
cultural college thta winter.
Plan ar being mada for holding
Ihe annual Pork eounty corn ahow In
Independence) December 13 and 14.
In th city election an
Initiated measure rdwlnf motion pic
ture theatsrs on Sunday wti defeated,
J73 to 144.
Thre hundred and eevsntecn boxce
of pear shipped lo the Karl Fruit
company In Chicago by Dugald Camp
bell, or Eugene, aold for 11144.19.
Officials of ths big oil eompanle
repreaenled In Oregon bavs announc
ed that aervlca stations and garages
will reaumo Sunday gssolln sales l
' Multnomah count's road pro
gramme for 1919 cell for an expeodi
tura of I725.467 60. according to Ihe
testatlv estlinsi of contemplated
Tba Mrhfleld eliy council bag
adopted on of Iba moat draatle dsne
ordinance In tho taU. requiring II
cent and restriction that ar very
It I feared that influents may
wipe out Hood River vlley s few re
maining Indians. The epidemic bs
strurk a village north of tbs eliy of
Hood River.
Tb public service commission baa
suspended the action of the American
Hallway Kxpr company In discon
tinuing office at Bumpier, Whitney
and Trslrle.
Robbers entered tb Cltlsens' Stat
bsnk at Craea Valley, dynamited tb
vault and escaped with a number or
canceled check, aoms valuable securi
ties and a email sum or money.
Women officials In the town of
V mat Ills, elected two years, ago. hen
they went out and made a spirited
campaign against the men. wer re
turned to ohV In tba late election.
Oregon soldiers to tbs number of
159. of which 10 ar from Multnomah
county, bav been returned to their
boms uu from tbs vsrlous camps
and cantonments on account of tuber
I Miss Pearl Snedeker has tb dis
tinction of being th first womsn to
taks up cow testing assoclstton work
In Oregon. The assoclstlon, listing
71 cows, of which sba has charge,
Is In Tlltsmook.
Tbs big prune pscklng plant of tb
California, Packing corporation' lo
cated tn Dallas baa Just received an
order from th United States govern
ment for about 8.500.000 pounds of
processed prunes.
Linn county wilt bav an experi
enced delegation In th coming ses
sion of th legislature, for ovary man
elected to s legislative flic from
that county has bad prvlus servlc
In th Oregon legislature I
Th postofflc department ha no
tified Representative McArtbur that
alncs no on will tsks tbs poslntsstsr
hip St Pleasant Home, Multnomah
county, the department Is consider
ing the discontinuance of the office. 1
Th heaviest Cratsr Lake travel In
the history of tbs national park Is
reorted for tbe season of Mil by
Assistant 8uperlntsndsnt H. & Mom
yer, He rsporu 15.040 visitors regis
ters! on the psrk books up to Novem
ber 1. L .
1 Coos county has established a tu
berculosis department at the county
farm near Coqutlle for the purpoae
of furnishing attention to people af
fllcted with that disease during the
time the state Institution at Salem la
The Cooo a Curry Telephone com
"pany has applied to tbe public serv
ije commission to be granted author
ity to impose a toll rate between Co
qullle and Myrtle Point! also to be
granted Increase on certain rentals
and service charges. ' -
Professor H. D. Scudder. of the Ore
gon Agricultural college has been en
gaged In field tnveetlgatlons In the
vicinity of Amity, and from that vl
clnlty south to Independence, the post
ten dsys, in connection with plans for
a practical demonstration farm.y "M
l"e will be incree1 in Wregon ro-
ml 'r 11, eccnrdlng to clalma made
before Ihe niMIe 'ryr commission.
Irrespective of whether Ihe proposed
advance Is approvrd by the cnmuils.
slon. This unusual sltustlon Is d
rlsred to be due to the fart that the
telephone servloe Is under th control
of tbe posUifflra department, which
bss exercised the power of the federal
government to ensbl the company to
make an advancs which tbs company
ssserts Is necesssry to enable Im
provement of service.
Tbst 608 persons tn Tolk county
ranurd 101.107 quarts of home pre
serves, fruits, vegetable and weals
In 1UU. valued at $33,(12 97. Is shown
In a r-rt by Mia Anna M. Turliy.
state leader of hoot" demonstration
agents at His Oregon Agrlcultursl col
lege. Apples ere moving stesdlly through
rereivlng plants at Hood lllver and
along the line of the Mount Hood
railway and mora than 40 per cent or
this year's crop bss been routed to
eastern polnta. Tbe Apple Growers'
aesorlstlon baa ahlpped t6 rars or
Two ratal aecldenta were reported
to tbe etate Industrtsi accident com
mission ror tbe week, out or a total
or 161 Industrial casualties In tbs
stats. The fatalities were: Oscar VII
kins. Grants Psss, construction work,
and H. F. Larson. Portlsnd, steel
fishermen on the lower Coqullle
river bovs been enjoying unususl
prosperity during the sllverslde run
and soms hsve mad a year'e wages
lo one month. During the heaviest
run on seining crew took 3300 fish
la one dsy. amounting to about 33,000
Western I'nlon trlegrsph business
en Coos bay ie under criticism, com
plaint hsvlug beeq entered by tb
Marshfleld chamber or commerce to
the authorities at Washington. Tbe
telegraph service bss been very un
certain and aggravating delays have
been reported.
Construction work on the Columbia
river hlghwsy between Hood River
and Cascsde Locks bss been shut
down on sccount of weather condi
tions and will not be resumed until
next spring, according to C. A. Dunn,
construction engineer of th stat
highway department.
The spruce production work of es
tsbllshlng logging csmps In the Bou
tin epruoe area near Reaver Hill in
Cooe county Is progressing fast and
the force of soldiers now on the
ground numbere over 600. They are
engaged In building rellroada, con
atrucilng csmps and opening coal
A. J. Partan. manager; Frani Nle
ml. president; Jacob Kluvala and W.
M. Relvo, dlrectore of the Weatern
Workmen' Publishing coropsny. a
Finnish socialist concern, of Astoria,
were arreeted en charge of sedition.
The men are accused 'of .circulating
seditious llterstur and trying to dls
courage enlistment In ths army and
. Tb city of Astoria baa applied to
th state wster board ror appropria
tion of watsr from Big creek to sup
ply an additional municipal water
aupply at an estimated coet of 1600,
000. The plan Is to build a pipeline
14 mllee long. Th present popula
tion of Aetorta Is placed at 30.000.
with an estimated population or 50,000
In the next rew yeare.
The tunnel of tbe Homestead
branoh or tbe Oregon Short Une,
which rune between Huntington and
Homestead, caught fir from a pas
senger train passing through It. The
tunnel Is located weet of Homeetead
and la a half-mile long. It will be
many days before tbe tunnel can be
cleared, timbered and retracked and
made aafe for trattlo.
Judge A. S. Bennett, democrat, of
The Dalle, evidently baa been eleoted
associate Justice ot the Oregon su
preme ceurt over Circuit Judg Coke,
f Marahfleld, by a plurality of be
tween 250 and 400. Official or com
plot unofficial returns from 32 coun
ties aad ths Incomplete count of
Curry, Grant and Haraey give The
Dalles Jurist a lssd of 400 over Cok.
' Though be Is only 35 years old,
Charles Child, or Brownsville, prob
ably will be "dean" of the Oregon
house or rprssntatlvs at th com
ing esslon of th' legislature. He
was re-elscted a representative from
Linn county for a fourth consecutive
term and there will probably e no
other house member at the 1319 ses
sion with hie record for contlnuou
Following a long conference be
tween city and county officials, city
state health-officers, medical of-
ricere from .Vancouver barrack! and
ivy , , .j'
Marshsl reeh, allied eommandsr In
ehlsf, whose mlllUry lesdsrshlp vse
whslmsd the Cermsns and UrmlnaUd
th world war.
Lon,,o;1Einperor Wllllsm signed a
letter of sbdlcatlon Saturday morning
at lb Gorman grand headquarters b
th presence of Crown Prince Fred
erlck Wllllsm and Field Marshal Hln
denburg. according to a dispatch from
Tb German crown prince elgned bis
renunciation to tho throne ahortly af
terward. It la believed that King Ludwig of
Bavaria and King Frederick Auguet
of Baiony also have abdicated.
Before placing bta signature, to
document, an urgent message from
Pblllpp Scheldemann. who waa a 80
clUt member without portfolio in
the Imperial cabinet, was bsnded to
the emperor. . He read it with a shiver.
Then he signed the psper, ssylng: "It
way b for the good of Germany."
The emperor waa deeply moved. He
consented lo sign tho document only
when he received the news of the
latest events In the empire.
Berloue food difficulties are expect
ed in Germany owing to tbe atoppage
of trains.
', Oata No. 2 white feed, 253.50 ton.
Barley Standard feed, 147.60 ton.
! Corn Whole, 7S77; cracked, $78
!79. ,
j Hay Timothy, ISS per ton; alfalfa,
I Butter Creamery, 0c per pound,
i Eggs Ranch, 88c per doson.
' Potatoes I1.50CI2 per hundred.
I Poultry Hens, 21028c; springs, 27
IffSOo; roosters, 18c; ducks, 2730c;
' SA.
geese, 17c; turaeys, sue.
Hsv-Esstern Washington timothy,
. . -1.-1,- B1 maw nM '
l3B per ton; auuu, to wu.
! Butter Creamery, 62o per lb,
i Eggs Ranch, 8O0 per dosen.
i Poultry Hens, 26c; springs, 25ef;
'roostererdressed, 27028c; ducke, 25c;
geese, 21c; turkeys, 80c.
the Spanish Influent epidemic In
Portlsnd, Mayor Baker lsaued an or
der that the closing ban which haa
been In effect In that city for nearly
. month will be lifted Sunday, No
vember 17.
Tbe elate military police, now num
bering about 180 men,-wlll be reduced
to a force ot 25 men, including of
ficers, and Adjutant General Beebe
will cut down hie office force and take
other steps to trim the expense of th
military organization in this state,
a a result of a conference between
Governor Wlthycombe, Major Delch
of the military police and Adjutant
General Beebe.
Quietly marshaling their forces and
picking every voter with carer the
women of Sandy sprung one of the
biggest surprises of the dsy on No
vember 5 when they elected Blanche
It Shelley mayor and Edna Esson
and Alice Scales for couneUmen.
Their nsmes were not printed on the
ballot, and outside of the onee voting
lor them, It wss aot known until thi
counting ot U vote ssyg.
'' ""'T'T Tr-p ,ir J
f. V :
i Ax ft'. - . v
William Hohcnxcllern, ex-emperor
of Germany, who abdicated hie throne
and fled to Holland.
London. William Hobenzollern, tb
ex German empeor, has fled with bis
family to Holland.
Holland will permit William Hohen
tollern to remain on Dutch aoll on tho
same terms of Internment as other
high officers of tbe German army. Ho
has taken the name of Count William
Hohensollern and ia expected to buy
tn estate and remain in Holland, ac
cording to an Amsterdam dispatch to
tbe Exchange TelegrapS company.
The Telegraaf or Amsterdam esye
that he was allowed to take only bis
personal property rrom his train, the
non personal property which was
brouBht to Holland being conflwsted
as is usual In Internment cases. Re
cent dispatches have stated that tho
former emperor had Uken a carload
or archlvee with him into Holland.
Amsrlesn and Allied Govsrnments to
Relieve Civilians.
Wsshlngton. Immediate arrange
ments are to be made by the Ameri
can and allied governments for sup
plying the food necessary for the re
habilitation of the people of northern.
France and Belgium and the demoral
ised civilian population In aouthern
America's part tn the programme Is
to be under the direction of Food Ad
ministrator Hoover, who organised
the commission for relief in Belgium
nd of which he is still chairman.
The etate department announced
that President Wilson bad requested
Mr. Hoover to take charge for the
American sovernment In co-operation
with the various governments con
cerned in organixaUon of measure
for the projected food relief and to
proceed at once to Europe to begin bis
' '"
Dni if.11 Rcpiioi IC FORMED
Sovrlgnty Over Galicla la Assumsd
By Polsnd.
Amsterdam. A message from Cra
cow announces the formation of a
Polish republlo under the presidency
of Deputy Dasxynsky.
Professor Lammssch, the Austrian
premier has received official notifi
cation, says a dispatch from Vienna,
that Poland has assumed sovereignty
over Galicla.
Galicla t a crown land of Austria
Hungary, north of the Carpathians. It
has an area or 30,307 square miles and
in normal times bad a population of
some seven millions.
Psclfle Coast Men In Flanders.
Washington General March, chief
of staff, announced that tho Ninety
first division, Pacifio coast national
army men, has been fighting with tho
British in Fianders from October. 21
to November 4. recently operating on
the heights along the Scheldt river,
the Forty-first division, Pacifio nation
al guard, la still being used as a re
placement division.
, Amstordam Field Marshal von Htn
dtmburg Is not in Holland, according
to a telegram from the Wolff bureau.
He remain at main headquarters and
adhere to th new government
O. O. P. Will Have Votee Sufficient
to Orjjsnlj Both Houses.
Washington. A republican majori
ty in the next congress or at least two
In the senate and or not less thsn 43
In the bouse was assured from returns
from the scattering doubtful district.
Word from Detroit or election In
Micblgsn on slmost complete official
returns or Coojmsnder Newberry ror
the senate over Henry Ford Increased
the republican senate roll to 49, a bare
The democrats bav 46, with the
Idaho contest between Senator Nugent,
democrat, snd former Governor Good
Inx still In doubt.
On' the face of almost complete of
ficial returns Nugent leads by 500,
but Gooding bss demanded an official
count, which will be made November
The political lineup of the next
hou Is ss follows, based on returns
up to the present:
Itepubllcans. 239; democrats, 194;
independent. 1; socialist. 1.
Prospect of holding not less than
49 aeata in the senate, regardless oi
the outcome of the Idaho contest,
place the republlcane la a position to
take control of the eenate from the
'democrats and reorganise.
All Outstanding Drsft Cslls Cancsllsd.
Washington. By order of President
Wilson. Provost Marshal General
Crowder directed the cancellation ol
all outstanding draft calla, stopping
!th movement ot 252.000 men and set
ting aside ell November calls for over
'800.000 men.
With the American Army on the
Sedan Front Thousands of American
heavy guns fired the psrting shot to
the Germans at exactly 11 o'clock: Mon
day morning. , -
Tho Germans burled a few shells In
to Verdun Jnst before U o'clock.
On the entire American front from
the Moselle to the region or Sedan
there was artillery activity in the
morning, all the batteries preparing
for tbe final salvos.
At many batteries the artillerists
Joined hands, forming a long line as
the lanyard of the final shot There
were a few seconds of silence as the
shells shot through the heavy mist.
Then the gunners cheered.
American flags were raised by tbe
soldiers over their dugouts and guns
and at the various headquarters.
' Along the American front the elev
enth hour waa like waiting for a new
The gunners continued to fire, count
ing th shells as the time approached.
The infantry were advancing, glancing
at their watches. Tbe men holding at
other places organised their positions
to make themselves more secure.
Then the individual groups unfurled
the Stars and Stripes, shook hands
nd cheered.
Enforcement of ArmUtlc Trm Will
Msan Starvation.
London. Dr. Solf. th German for
eign secretary, has addressed a mes
sage to Secretary of State Lansing,
requesting that President Wilson in
tervene to mitigate the "fearful con
ditions" existing in Germany.
Dr. Solf says, according to a Ger
man wireless dispatch received here,
that he reels it his duty to draw Presi
dent Wilson' attention to the ract
that the enrorcement of the conditions
or th armistice, especially the sur
render or transport, means th tarv
Ing of millions and request that the
president's influence b directed to
ward overcoming this danger.
American Army Numbers 3,764,677
; Washington. The American army
had reached a total strength of 3,764,
677 when hostilities ceased, aocordlng
to official figures at the war depart
ment Of that number. 2.200.000 had
been sent to Frsnce, Italy or Russia.
The remainder were under arms at
camps In this country.
London. -Crown rrince Frederick
William ot Germany was shot and
killed on Monday morning by German
soldier when trying to cross the
DutcTi frontier, according to reports.
Austrian Emperor Abdicates Throne.
Copenhagen. The abdication of Em
peror Charles, ot Austria, ia orficially
mnounced at Vienna.
President Announces to Con
rjress the Cessation of
sued a formal proclamation at 10
o'clpek Monday morning announcing
tbat the armistice with Germany bad
been signed.
Tbe world wsr ended Mondsy morn
ing at o'clock Waahington time, 11 -o'clock
Pari time.' Tbe armistice
was signed by tbe German represen
tatives at midnight
Tbe terms of tho armistice with
Germany were read " to congress by
President Wilson at 1 o'clock Monday
afternoon. Assembled In tbe bail of
tbe bouse, where 19 months ago aen
ators and representatives beard th
President ask for th declaration of
war, they today beard blm apeak tb
word which herald tb coming ' of
Evacuation, reparation and restitu
tion are tbe keynote of the armistice.
Term of Armlstlc.
Her ar tb principal things Ger
many must do, or, towerless befor
tbe victorious allied armies, will bar
done ror her: '
Immediate evacuation or Alsace-Lorraine,
Belgium, Luxemburg, Rnssia and
Ros mania without further destruction
or barm to Inhabitants..
Then occupation by American and
allied troop ot all the countries on
the west bank ot tb Rbin.
Then, farther creation of a neutral
lone In a strip of territory on tbe east
bank or tb Rhine 30 kilometer (about
20 miles) wide, extending from Hol
land hair way down to tb Swiss bor
der and 20 kilometer wide for th
remainder. -
Meanwhile as a guaranty ot good
faith, th occupation by American and
aUUd troop ol Ikrwes. . CakOmtx.
and Cologne.- th principal crossings
of the Rhine within a 30-kilometer ra
dius ot the bridge-heads.
On the eastern front all German
troops ar to bo withdrawn from ter
ritory which before the war belonged
to Russia. Roumania or Turkey.
Then, the German war machine must
disarm. The principal portions of it
navy must be bsnded over; arms, mu
nitions snd engines of war numbered
by the thousands are to be taken from
the army.
American and allied prisoner ar
to at one be repatriated, without re
ciprocal action by th associated gov
ernments, and the thousands ot
wretched civilians dragged off Into
slavery from the Invaded territories
are to be returned.
Compensation for Devastated Country.
The provision for compensating tb
occupied territories for 'the havoc
wrought by the invaders Is contained
In a simple sentence reparation for
damage don.
As a step to restoring the map lines,
the treaties of Brest Li tOTsk, which
laid Russia prone, and of Bucharest,
which plundered Roumania, must b
Moneys, securities, precious metals
and otbsr valuables looted from th
Invaded countries must b returned
in trust to the allies until tbe conclu
sion of peace.
. In th west the railway of Alsace
Lorraine, th valuabl atore or Iron
and coal, all th tor and supplies
In Belgium with arm and armament
must be banded over.
In the east tba Black Sea ports must
b evacuated, the warships taken by
Germany from the Russians must ba
surrendered; In the BalUo tort and
detenses barring th way at th Cat
tegat must be delivered, and there,
must b tre aocss to th sea for th
Allied Blockade Remain Unchanged.
Th allied blockade la to remain nit
changed. Meanwhile German mer
chant ships are to be delivered for
missions of mercy in carrying food to
the starving; allied" shipping held by
the Germans Is to be released without
any obligation to restore to Germany
her ships , now In tho bands of th
associated government
Germany is to notify tho ncutrala
they are free to trade with the asso
ciated governments without molest-,
tion. -
Oklahoma Favor Suff rag.
Oklahoma City. Complete official
tn the state election board In
dicates beyond doubt sdoption of th
woman suffrage amendment to ta
oonaUtuUon. 1.. .j