The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 08, 1918, Image 3

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I Mr. Car Owner !
This means that all work turned
out by mo must be satisfactory, or
I will make it so.
I have taken nolo charm' uiuli r k' of I he mo
tor tihopof tlie Weston Auto Co., and will he very
glud to have a nhare of your patronage. 1 am a
Karate mechanic of cxjierience, anl have repaired
nearly all makes of cars.
New Rugs
The Fanners Bank of Weston
Established 1891
Save your Country by Serving
"Over There," or Serve your
Country by Saving oyer here.
Buy W. 5. S.
The Prudent Man
will fill his coal bin when the fill
ing is good. Better order your
coal now, when I can supply you.
p. T. HARBOUR, Weston, Oregon
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
-.;, ' Athena, Oregon V Waitsbur, Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold in Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company
If y.u would we ten tire bar
gains, K" to Watts & Kgers.
Kiiw mountain turnip, while
Hinl yellow, for sale Carl lliutwh.
I 8. WimmI hut no much im
proved mm to m iilik to take an oc
casional walk in thn oH-n air.
S. J. Culley finished seeding this
wii'k with his caterpillar outfit,
having put in alMut 1200 am.
If you haven't paid your account
you are earnestly rtntl to do
ho. I need the mom-y. II. Good
win, druggist.
Andrew .arson and family arc
moving frotn Walla Walla to their
Oregon fruit farm a mile and a
nunrter from Ferndale.
Charley Tower, a lad residing on
the Wild Monte, bus temiorarily
nuitH'nded hiit various activities,,
having split hi foot open with nn
Tlie first offer of t'T,H enxh for
our Ford Kunaltoul lloadster,
iuipH with shock absorbers and
winhbone, taken it. Practically new.
Walts & Rogers.
Hill Power ha brought the
Uail. r man aome iiweet iMitato
grown on the 1'owers truck farm
below town, concerning which we
will soon paw gastronomic opinion.
Mr. M. C. Eagleton is moving
to town next week and will -reside
here while Mr. Kagleton is employ,
cd in operating the county's steam
roller. She has taken the Turner
cottage on north Water street.
Matt Erb, who lived in Weston
during his boyhood, is sick with
Spanish influenza at his home in
Greer, Idaho, and several mem
bers of his family also have the
disease. They have been unable
to secure the set vices of either a
doctor or nurse.
Mrs. C. H. Smith and her assist
ants will be at' the DeMoss Furni
ture store on Friday and Saturday
afternoons of this week and on
Tuesday, Friday and Saturday af
ternoons of next week, to inspect
Christmas parcels to be forwarded
to the men overseas.
Clarence Avery is wearing a nice
gift from Camp McDougal in the
shape of a knitted sweater. It was
given him by the camp populace
in appreciation of his kindnesses
during the summer,' and is the work
of Aunt Sarah McDougal. This
was the nineteenth sweater Aunt
Sarah has knitted, the others hav
ing gone to soldier boys.
Mrs. Allie Luckenbil!, wife of
Martin Luckenbil!, died Friday of
complications following Spanish in
fluenza at the J. S. Harris resi
dence. Burial services were eon
ducted at the cemetery Saturday by,
Rev. S. E. Powell. Mrs. Luckenbill
was a daughter of Louis Killgore,
well known Weston pioneer, and
had lived in this neighborhood
from childhood.
Joe Hodgson is reported to have
nearly completed a deal with W. L.
Robbina for the purchase of the
Weston Milling company's plant.
A section of Montana land is said
to figure in the transaction, ana
will drss from Mr. Hodgson to Mr.
Robbins. Another pending deal is
the sale by Lester O'Harra to Mr.
Hodgson of his residence property
on Franklin street. If all goes
through as scheduled, Weston will
be certain of holding Joe as a per
manent citizen whereat the town
will of a verity be "tickled stiff."
Monday morning will see the
opening of the United War Work
campaign in Umatilla conuty as
well as,in all other parts of the na
tion, for raising the biggest gift
fund in the history of the world.
The goal set for the nation is $170,
500,000, and Umatilla county is
asked to contribute $45,000. The
quota set for Weston is $2150.
The coming of peace does not les
sen the need for this fund. Even
though peace is accomplished today
it will take fifteen months to get
our army out of France, and dur
ing that time the work of the va
rious war relief agencies would
be most necessary.
, Hugh A. Taylor of Battery E,
146th regiment of field artillery,
writes the Leader that he appre
ciates getting this paper more than
words can tell. He is acting cor
poral on an ammunition train of
white trucks, and is on the road
most of the time, especially at
night. He says: "We go up to
the front- every night and some
times we get rather a warm wel
come from the Huns for they do
like to shell the roads and get all
the trains they can. I have been
luckynot yet getting a scratch
but they' did get one of my
trucks the other night and both
driver and helper," - ,
David Harum said: "Do the other fellow
what he would do to you and .
The above is, figuratively speaking, the status of;
our dealings with the manufacturers and jobbers.
o o o
We now are making plans for the coming year.
Wp wnnt tn rlo the best business possible for all
parties interested, and if we can show you that your '
money will earn you a great Dig percent 01 gain uy
making settlement with us every 30 or 60 days, we
are sure you will feel good and help us push the deal along; and all the time
we will all feel better, eat better and sleep better.
Our Goods are Right, our Prices are Right and
our Terms are Just and Fair to All.
From this date and hereafter, all bills paid in
30 days 5 off.
AH bills net 60 days and positively due for
settlement AT THAT TIME.
o o o
Considering that our patrons will have the benefit of prices based on
cash business, interest will be charged after 60 days until settlement is made.
Any other terms only by arrangement on certain purchases.
Relying upon the report sent out
by the United Press and phoned
from the East Oregonian office that
the great war was over at 2 p. m.
Thursday, Weston celebrated in
glorious and uproarious fashion.
In the afternoon church bells and
fire bell were rung; a monster bon
fire was lit on Main street square;
anvils were fired with deafening
report, and the entire populace
assembled on the street, yelling
itself hoarse and waving the Stars
and Stripes. -
Another public jubilee was held
on ' Main street in the evening,
despite the fact that the report of
German submission to the armis
tice terms had meanwhile been de
nied by the Associated Press. An
other huge bonfire, constantly fed
with oil, blazed merrily aloft, and
an effigy of Kaiser Bill was hanged
and burned. This had been manu
factured for the occasion by Ralph
Saling, and was a very clever imi
tation of the despised war lord.
Athena also celebrated, introduc
ing ttunts of its own. For one
thing, no man could appear on the
streets of Athena without losing
his hat. Several Weston citizens
who tried to get through our neigh
boring town in automobiles had
the hats torn from their heads by
cheering patriots. It is even re
ported that one man's pantaloons
were sacrificed to make a sub
urban holiday. .
Chss. H. Carter Dan P. Smythe
Carter & Smythe
Butter Wrap orders prompt
ly filled at the Leader shop.
W. M. Pttero G. H. Biihop
Peterson & Bishop
Pendleton, Or. Freewater. Or.
Dr. S. L EEfOi
Veterinary Surgeon
Hospital at corner of Main
and Broad streets.
Phone - Main 253
jZe Pyrol
Antiseptic Mouth Wash
Prevents and Relieves
Pyorrhoea of the Teeth
Kills the Germs of
Spanish Influenza
Goodwin's Drug Store