The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 08, 1918, Image 2

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eaTtaeaaBa , , -
Did one of these 200
letters come to you?
A DUSTY courier slid off his motor-cycle at the big double hut
in a French town and tramped up to the canteen. ' n
"Got a note for the secretary from my commanding officer,
he said. He handed a piece of paper across the counter to a smiling
middle-aged man. p
This is the note the Secretary read:
We landed here t hree days ago- miles from anywhere.
Can you send us some supplies, especially W?8
paper? This is the first chance the
towrite home and we have no paper to give them.
The older man looked up and grinned
"Got you away off in the woods, have they ? ,
Til say they have!" .
"Can you carry anything?
. "All you'll give me!"
From the shelves the secretary took big packages of paper and
Too much?" He asked.
"It will be gone ten minutes after I get back!" said the boy.
Tonight,' the" secretary went on, "HI drive out a truck
with more supplies and a man to stay with you. And tell the boys
that if their letters are finished, 111 bring them back with me tonight,
and get them into the mails
An hour later that motor-cyclist whizzed into camp, loaded
down with writing paper, and in ten minutes letters were being
written to 200 American homes.
The United War Work organizations know what letters mean
to American soldiers. They know that fighters want to get letters
and want to write letters.
So in every hut and on every ship your boys find writing paper,
envelopes, ink, pens and pencils, and tables where they can get off by
themselves and tell the folks back home how things are going.
Millions of sheets are given away free every week to American
boys overseas. That is why the letters you get from your boy are
written on the stationery of one of these organizations. It is one of
the plans to bridge the Atlantic. Help keep the letters coming!
Your dollars will supply a whole Company for several days. Dig
deep today; help to bind together France and here. (
Why you should give twice as much
as you ever gave before!
tk. Mutator torn of 70 greater thn any gift erer eaked for ataee the
wo&l Tn 'ooWo-nVbSr;. this .m -"WO0,0O.
Bj) gMt mv, wnl"tloo all M 00c, t coet and effort of tlx ad.
o a. much aaeeer brfoc c
umj not enjoy onnof iw uwu 1
1,600 Rucraatton BalTdlng
1,000 MUet of Mow run
100 Leading Stag 8tr
2,00g Atbuue tmeexore
2,500 Ubrarle opptytaf 5,000,000 book
8S Hoetau Houae
15,000 Big-brothar "ocrtari"
MUliom of dollar of bom eoaiforta "
When oo gWedoubl, 700 m. ear. that ry lighter JbJ ?
cTth-. mv.ii organization, every t.p of th. way from bom. to e
tZod beck agn. Voo prorid. him with church, . thtr . cbrful hon,
7l ooVciab W ""W ! the folk b
hon are with him, heart and aoul I .
Yoa bv loaned jroar money to to ppty their phyeica need.
Now give to maintain the Morale that 1 winning the war I
CUHK WOOD, r.uui...
MICHirilON HAir.t
Th. K
Six Month
Three Month .
1 U0
0 60
rlitt at I, nailalllct al tola, Mil
.1 Menl tint m.ltti
AovrmitiNu HAirv
Rogular, !r Inch per Ineerlion . .. f
, Transient, per inch kt Insertion ....
LtK-alK, Hr line per Inaertion
Although the g. o. p. has cap
tured it, we trust that it will not
be a lower house than usual.
The esteemed Hee Ho's head
ing, "Hun'a Quit," we regard as
a distinctive journalistic achievement.
' There beingl some difference
of news service opinion as to
whether the war is over, it will
be observed that we arc still
backing the'.,. county agent's
"shell game
"Sounding brass and tinkling
cymbal" are all right so far as
they go, but it is now up to Wes
ton to make a noise like handing
over its shekels for United War
Work. '
It was real polite of Uncle
Sam to hand the Huns that arm
istice lemon "with assurances of
my high consideration."
Even though the war may not
be over, the Germans are under.
; "The Kaiser wants more ter
ritorylet's give him hell," re
marks a prophetic wit in a col
lege .paper.
Sad Switzerland sidestepped
the horrors of war only to be se
lected by Bill Hobenzollcrn as
his place of residence.
The Normal School bill was
defeated in Oregon by approxi
'mately nine thousand votes
which shows that the sovereign
people are going to do as they
please, despite the "educating"
they have had in four campaigns.
Two of these were lost by Ash
! land and Weston, one by Pen
dleton and this fourth and last
by virtually the combined school
' forces of Southern and Eastern
J Oregon in union with what may
, be called the official educational
machinery of the state. It's a
, mighty hard job to "put over"
: a normal school bill in Oregon
Monmouth only succeeded in do
ing it-and results show that
the state senate was not without
popular strength for its bludgeon
t in killing the schools in 1909.
Entirely without hope of getting
. back the school through the bill
just now defeated, Weston nev
ertheless supported it. The com
munity is to be congratulated,
we think, for not developing a
case of what is popularly known
as "sour grapes."
The Associated Press describes
the armistice Btory of the Unit
ed Press as a "heartless hoax"
which goes to show how these
rival news merchants do not love
one another.
admirable grasp of the essen
tials in conducting the recent
negotiations with the German
government, will live and glow
on the pages of history long af
ter his ill-advised pre-election
utterance is forgotten.
1.1 .1 i- .1
Yes. yes, we are satisfied with
the election, if Roosevelt will
only cease his Teddying.
If you see it in the Leader it's
no - meblie so. We have it by
grapevine as follows:
"Paris, Nov. 7. 11 p. m.
Germun grand headquarters re
quested allied grand headquar
ters by wireless to permit the
passage of the German delega
tion for armistice negotiations
through the lines. The order
was given to cease tiring on this
front at three o'clock in the af
ternoon until further orders."
It would seem that the United
Press has only been trying to
keep a few jumps ahead of the
Contingents of tire noted Rain
bow division and tne First divis
ion made the final whirlwind
dash into Sedan.
The war may be over, but not
so United War Work. This must
needs be kept up indefinitely, as
large forces of United States
troops will undoubtedly be
maintained in Europe until the
period of reconstruction is well
under way. Moreover, the sol
diers brought back from France
and those now in training camps
on this side will only gradually
be retired to civil life, in order
to preclude disturbance of in
dustrial conditions. So there
will be need of training camp
activities on the part of United
War Workers for a year or two
longer. Again, there will bo
millions of cold and starving
people to clothe ar.d feed in war
Bcourged Europe this coming
winter. There are still the for
lorn and homeless Belgians and
the stricken Armenians to look
after; and unless food, clothing,
fuel and medicines aro hurried
into Russia its people will die
like flies. So. good people, let
your joy over a victorious peace
loosen your purse strings. Re
member, you have suffered noth
ing from the great war and owe
much in gratitude that should
take tangible shape.
The very name of Germany
may periBh in the vast debacle
that is Beemingly about to en
gulf the Hun nation.
McNary won by 20.000 votes
and Withycombe by 16.000. .
Kaiser Wilhelm sowed to the
wind and is veritably reaping
the whirlwind.
Although defraud for the Or.
n Kov.Tnop.hlp. Waller M. IViw
Imd the wlibf.-l of .Hrrylng
UVMon which i --! wluslwwi
whenever he run for olll. e. 1
vote M.mmI I KS for Pierre and '
for Withyoon.tH.. Mr. Plerw taught
w hool here In early years and l
known to all the impulseo.
(towald Went revived lUIl Vote
to till for Senator MeNnry.
The vote for eongreannian wan
dte. and Indicated pretty well the
Handing of the community on k
litical line, (indium received 107
vote and Slnnott 0!,
Judge Heimetl did well here,
considering the fact that hi name
had t" Ik written m the l.alM.
lie wan given At vote to nucceed
the lateJuMiee Moore, aa againut
four for Olaon.
Sheriff Taylor came out of
ton with hi UMial big majority.
He had 14 vote here to 70 for
Notwithstanding the fact thai
Wcnton held no hoie of regaining
the Kantern Oregon Normal, tie
community kept it pM-avhool rec
ord clear ty giving I H votes for
the itehool measure to, H:i against it.
Voter who did nt forget that
the imjHirtant Ht of eonatahle of
Weton diatrict had to be Wiled
wrote In the names of their favor
ite as follow: Dupui ID, Kee
(incumbent) 15.
a re suit?
i If you want one for Fall
and Winter wo win Dt giau
to supply you. We repre
sent the best tailoring
houses in Chicago and guar
If you want to make your
old suit do we can mako it
look GOOD AS NEW by
IDEAL Coats and Suits
for ladies.
R. L. Reynaud
Notice of rtllng Final Account
In tlm tVmnty Court of tho 8tt of
Ori'tfim fur Umatilla County.
Jn the Matter of tho Kutnlu of Mary
K. .SH)ak, Uvraaavd.
Notice i hereby given that I, Ad-,
miniatrator of the abova named ratate,
with llio Will annexml, havo fllrd my
llnal account ami reMirl with the Chirk
of the above entitled County Court,
and ld court ha antiolnted H.ti
o'clock in the forenoon of tho Ifith day
of November. M, tho time, and
the County Court Koom In the Court
llouo of Umatilla County a tho place,
when and where any permm hnvlna any
objection to anything In aaitl final ac
count contained, or anything done by
me a Ailminilrator at any time, may
preaent the lame and they will be
heard, and at that time and place (aid
account will be finally aottled.
Thi notice la publiahed purauint to
order made In the above entitled mat
ter, on October 18, 11118.
Adminlatralor, Ac.
(M. 8.
Baker's Goods
This space contributed by
WESTON AUTO COMPANY (Chalmers Care,) C. H. Nelson, Manager, and
Partisanship is an uncertain
j yet nevertheless a powerful fac-
i tor, and the returns show that
the President doubtlessly fell
into political error in affording
r partisanship opportunity of ex
pression. Great men do not al-
1 ways exercise faultless judg
ment, which is tne best of evi
dence that they are men, not
paragons. Abraham Lincoln
perhaps furnishes the only ex
ample of an American president
whose acts and words invariably
exemplified that profound com
mon sense which is the essence
of the highest wisdom -and yet
Old Abe would have been the
, first to scout the notion that he
was in any sense a paragon.
As to Woodrow Wilson, his great
jeac pronunciamento and fail
Shrock, County Agricultural
How many readers of this naKr
have a brother, a son or relative
in the army? All have. Do you ;J
want to sec him choked to death or 4
his lungB burned out as a result jj
of aGcmanrgas attack? No not
if in your power to prevent. All 9
right, then -it is within your
The American army gas mask is !j
the most effective ga maak made.
No deaths have resulted when a
masks were promptly applied. It ! UW5 & tlllS i
is the shortage of the material with U j
which to make these gas masks AWVw.mvMVWi!Waw
that prompts this appeal ot you.
.Charcoal made from cocoanut
shells was formerly used as an ab
sorbent for the poisonous element.
But all the available supply of
cocoanut shells has been used and
other nuts and shells must be had.
Walnuts, prune pits and peach pits
are the things the Gas Defense Div
ision must have if we are to con
tiune to supply our boys the pro
tection we have promised them.
Peach pits, prune pits and walnut
shells seem unimportant thing to
us here at home, but to the Ixiya
in the trenches they are vital.
Gather all you ran and bring or
6end them to the Red Cross head
quarters at Pendleton or to your
local Red Cross headquarter.
Phone your dray orders,
93, or call at store.
By using
Made by the
We do custom milling, buy
and sell Hay, . Grain and
Mi II feed of all kinds.
Free City Delivery