The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 01, 1918, Image 2

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    ,i(M)iI JS Off Lit
Why pay high prices for staple
merchandise when you can come
just .over the hill and save from 10
to 25 percent on all kinds of wear
ing apparel for men, women and children? In buy
ing for one hundred ninety-seven busy J. C. Fenney
stores we are able to quote you prices in many in
stances cheaper than the one-man store can buy.
Our stocks are now complete with all kinds of New
Fall Merchandise, and with prices that will please
the most careful buyers.
Men's Cotton-ribbed Union Suits $1-69
Men's Fleeced Union Suits $1-89
Men's Half-Wool Union Suits 2.93
Men's 90 percent Wool Union Suits $3.93
Men's Silk and Wool Union Suits 4-50
Boys' Union Suits 89c to M. 19
Leather-faced Canvas Gloves 25c
Canvas Gloves 10c, 15c and 2 for 25c
Leather Gloves, short 98c to $1.98
Leather Gloves, gauntlets 1.39 to 2.25
Moleskin Vests. Leather Sleeves 7.90
Duck Coats W-50 to 6.90
Ladies' Cotton-ribbed Union Suits $1-49
Ladies Fleeced Union Suits S1.49
Ladies' Wool Union Suits $2.49
Ladies Silk and Wool Union Suits $3.25
Girls' Union Suits b9c to $1.39
Ladies Outing Gowns 89c to $1.93
Girls' Outing Gowns 69c to 98c
Outing Flannel, per yard 25c
Hope Muslin, per yard .' 25c
Berkeley 60 Cambric, yard 27ic
Berkeley 100 Cambric, yard 35c
Canton Flannel, yard 25c and 27 Jc
Pay Day Overalls, our every
day price, $1.89
hi oIlW have also been well admin
istered. To replace this tried and
true officer with another man for,
the alleged reason that he "has
hold office long enough," would be
in the nature of foolish and short
sighted experiment.
Kxpert dentistry prices reason
able. Dr. Sponngle, Athena.
If you would see ten tire bar
pains, go to Watta A Rogers.
C. P. Strain, county asiewtor, wan
We fear the President has only
succeeded in peeving the g. o. p.
without making many votes for
Democratic congressional
. , . .. a until the Inllucmca epidemic sub'
As the iXMUocrat cannot winides.
much of anything without the Mrs. W. H. Ileal he is refuted to
aid of Republicans, our view is that 1 much improved, after quite
it is better to try and catch them
i .. a w 1 II I m
canul- m town i uiwiny irom ivim
The City library will lie closed
with molasses
rather than with
Since the Kaiser "will not desert
his poor people," it's about ip to
them to desert the Kaiser.
A genuine critic has his uses, but
serious illness,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Warren left
this week for Pendleton, where
Hurry will engage in garage work.
Mrs. Fannie Mcliride left Mon
day for a visit with her sons on the
McBride Itrns. farm south of town.
The last piece of Urloy remain
ing on the Basket uplands belong
t. KniMl Mureh - was threshed
Koosevelt qualifies principally as a (Hj.t Wtvk.
8l"IJ' ' We have ten new tins of stan-
T" dard makes, all guaranteed, we w ill
After all. we may just as well for cash at one-quarter off .'."
expect corned beef without cabbage icrcent discodnt. tome early,
as a campaign without partisan- Watts & Rogers,
ship. Glenn, the younger son of Mr.
and Mr. U. W. Staggs. is ill at
We look for a pronounced im- their home on Washington street,
provement in this week's Athena For a time his fever was as high as
tL.. ... v. i i....j i... I.-.., .i 105, but he is now improving.
I o rvviiivl in.'ju
Mr. Car Owner!
This means that all work turned
out by me must be satisfactory, or
I will make it so.
I have taken solo cluirgt' under lease of the mo
tor shop of the Wes'ton Auto C o., and wi
, hnv. a share of your patronage,
jranijje nKi'hanicof e.H'rienoe, ami Dave
nearly all makes of cars.
be very
I am a
sent on a hunting trip.
The T. J. MeCarty are moving
soon to Hurhank for the winter.
.... , , . Mr. MeCarty having secured a con-
U nether or not he has spi ung a tnu.t thm, for clearing sagebrush
political faux pas. Woodrow Wil- Hm He lately invested in a Kuick
son is destined to live in history car.
as a great war president and a
world statesman.
The first snow of the season fell
last week in the Blues and covered
the summit with the customary
"mantle of white." A slight pre
cipitation took place at Blue Moun
tain sawmill. .
Mrs. Marty I.uekenbill, who is
among the influenza patients in the
Aore and Cheaper Fish
Do You
307 X Ho
O LAna
Pleasure Seekers
,s" 306 X YES
Notice of Sale ol Real Property
In tht County Court of the Statu of
Oregon for the County of Umatilla
In the Matter of the Estate of Jacob
Kederer, Deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that in pur
suanceof en order of th Hon. Gilbert
Strictl in Annct
The Year 00
Six Months
Three Months 0 60
nUDAT.WOV. 1 - " 1M
is unopposed what we may describe
as the geographical amenities will be
well preserved and the county will
be assured of an able and hard
working delegation.
EnHred at tht peiteffict at Weden. Ortgea
tt Kcaad-claf i nail matter.
In optimistic mood after some
how managing to collect enough
simoleons to pay the printer, Bro.
MacLeod of Up-to-The-Times Maga
zine cheerfully spills the following:
Stick around and live until "af-
ftMralfti ner inch oer insertion 15c
O I kJblVR nswaai'
Transient, per inch per insertion 20c ter tne war;" it is going to be
Locals, per line per insertion 10c worth it. Vou are going to see
all kinds of good times throughout
FOR THE LEGISLATURE inter-mounain country, "after
svn inn w ., i, y i, town and
country real estate come back; you
will see much building and indus
trial activity; you will .see an im
Literally by the million, the Rus
sian people are facing death this
winter from freezing, famine and
pestilence. The Prussian war-mak
ers indeed have much to .answer , s Harrj!l household, is reported
for. today to be in an alarming condl-
tion. Mr. Luckenbill's mother sue
Any excuse that may remain for ceeded yesterday in getting a nurse
Kaiser Bill's existence is rapidly tar her from Walla Walla,
evaporating. For some reason "eats" are out
of favor this season in seeding op
Mitteleuropa has lost it middle eratione. It is reported that a
i . ,i c. t .u 'i number of large Athena farmers
and is throwing a fit at both ends. discwdcd these machines and
rone back to the trood old reliable w finuit J.iHira .,r itmxiiia
The war having been won which horee and mule power while wed- County, Oregon, acting in tho ioiieo
is all that matters nohow-the ing. ' ..f th Homirable Clmrle. II. Marh.
, Jndg of the atiove entitled court,
L?ader is willing to admit that the Mrs. Sidney Tucker arrived Sun- from Umatilla County. mad on the
clumsy old elephant worked pretty d.y from Amethyst, Alberta, for a 15th day of October. I 18. in the mat-
... , L. L -.u .v .,;.. har namnta Mr and ter of the eatate of Jacob iKlerer, de-
well in double harness with the visit with her parents, Mr. and th Ult(iarali:ne AdminUtra.
Mrs. W. 11. Oould. Mr. lucner loi- trjx f .tate wiil from and after
lowed later, having been held up at the lHth day of November, 1B18, pro-
the border to comply with a for- chI to sell and sell at private at
out !;, ,,rH i,i hU imiwm.rt tho law otllce of W ill M. I'ltcrson, In
mahty y,uh regard to his passport. ,hu Smi,h.t r.wfur( iuii(illfl ln th
The visitors say that all passengers ,;ily v Pendleton. Umatilla County,
on Canadian trains now wi-ar masks Oruiron, utwn the terms hereinafter
as a protection against influenjta. stated and subject to ronflrmalion by
Maid above entitled court, all of the tra
it is reported that the Winder tat, right, title and Interest of the
potato crop on the Reed and IUw- estate of Jacob Kcdrer. decca.ed. In
i ua .r Innt w.V hw nd to the following described rea
PrnKulpnt . """""" , , . . , property situated In the County of
rresiutm neichbors. who vountwred tn force ii 'tiiu u m.. .,ir
iit , m lllfi-Hia 'fi w oi vi
"" ror this Kindly service, twoma-
, "If President Wilson were my chines dug the spuds, it is said,
bitterest enemy I would beg the and 15 men picked them up the
America voters to support him at job being finished in short order,
this critical moment." Ambassa- Mr. Winder and six others in his
household have been sick with Span
ish influenza.
Keep the price of fish down. Help production of fish.
Read Argument in Slate Election Pamphlet
Clackamas County Fishermen's Union, Andrew Naterlln, Secretary,
Oregon City, Oregon, (Paid Adv.)
nimble jackass.
Von Ludendurf has resigned.
without resignation.
"The return of a Republican ma
jority to either house of the Con
gress would, moreover, be inter
preted on the other side as a repudi
ation of my leadership.
An undivided one-fifth of the
Northwest Quarter (NW4) of Sec-
dor Gerard.
The Leader is inclined to favor
tho ixrinn nf Ljmi Hodcren and
E. P. Dodd to the Legislature proved order ol larming ana live-
and this entirely without disparage- r dNjLjJ
ment of their respective running building started and maintained
mates, of whom it hears excellent that will be the real thing. Don't
report. Mr. Hodgen has a record neglect and grow careless of your
of good service to recommend him, mental and physical possibilities;
j u- i i, t. j stick around and keep as busy on
and his personal character and job M you know how; keep ev-
qualifications are beyond criticism. ery ve8tjge 0f hookworm out of
With his re-election the East End your system. After the war and l j:..i onrmontnl Mr for inrnf vears after the war
win ire uiidbt v.i.wv.M. - 1 ,
. . . .. ... . . A.ii i.u. thorn will he much oointr in this normal
JJodd is luiiy representative oi wie - .
intarlnv nnfthnrnatcrn rnnntrv and
the opportunities for half-way up-and-doing
and wide-awake folk are
going to be many.
tion Thirty (,) Townahlp Five
(5) North. Kango Thirty-four (34)
East of the Willamette Meridian.
The terms on which ald real proper
ty will be sold by said Administratrix
are aa follow, to-wit: Cah Uiii the
confirmation of the sale of said real
property by tho above entitled court
and upon the execution and delivery ol
a good and autllclont deed; providud.
If you want onw for Fall
and Winter we will be glad
to supply you. We repre
sent the beat tailoring
houses in Chicago and guar
If you want to make your
old suit do we can make it
look GOOD AS NEW by
IDEAL Out nnd Suits
for Indies.
R. L. Reynaud
Thn Vt-ttaill,- war pimnril nddtlt..
, , - . : The Chautauqua program an-
ed Wilson's fourteen peace nounced for bc 9.14 at Wes
pies, but may not have heard from ,. h hn tvmtnnm.H In commm
Colonel Roosevelt and certain ob- with other sessions throughout this jfiViwi.1 tIJrm.'VrovidUTforThe
streperous Itepublican senators. section, because of the "flu" cpl- payment of one-half or more of the
' demic. The Ellison-White people say purchaae price thereof in cash at the
in a l,.ttr tn tho lender thnt thia lime and III
The pronounced distaste toward ,u 4 t .,. u., provided In
the manner hereinbefore
case of a cash sale with
V ,V . Lat. . Hlln we nm lime in wn years tney ent of lh, b,,,ncc of M,d ,,ur.
each other of Austria and Hun- nave been compelled to change the chaae price to be secured by a first
gary is wholly explicable. schedule of their attractions lor any mortgage on tho real property included
An entirely new supply
in such sale.
i Veterinary Surgeoo
tSrf f.. . .
u:;t.. ...ill !,., t l.o ror lurmor iniormanon can u ion or
uur idea oi tne uuermost limit, vj - write to aaid Administratrix at the law
is a Bolshevik Hun.
gotten out when tne now dates are fflM 0f will M. Peterson, In the
Smith Crawford Building In Pendleton,
decided upon.
We rather think that Weston will J. M. Banister, mayor of Weston,
Hospital at corner of Main J
and Broad streets.
Phone Main 263
Notice o( Filing Final Account
growing irrigation districts of the
West End and their logical candi
date, as he is president of the irri
gation league organized by the re
spective towns In that country. At one time Colonel Rooeevelt
The central part of the county will admired Taft as little as he now
have Roy Ritner in the upper house admires Wilson which is rather
and perhaps Norborne Berkeley, better evidence than not that both
who is a popular, well Informed and men are really admirable,
able Democrat, a pioneer resident
of Eastern Oregon, and may possi- A record of long and faithful
bly beat Eberhard for the joint sen- service is never a handicap to an
atorehip of the Nineteenth district, employe of a successful business
In these circumstances It is our enterprise. Corporations and cap
view that Ella Terpening, although tains of industry never dismiss a
described as a woman of unusual member of their working forces
ability, is rather handicapped by simply for the purpose of "making
her place of residence. So also Is a change Nor do we think Uma
Brownell of Umatilla, although for tilla county will dismiss Sheriff
different reasons. He lives in the Taylor on such a flimsy pretext,
extreme west end, and unlike Dodd, Brave, active and resourceful, he
In a sparsely settled locality. In has a record as a cuplrit-taker sec
brief, with the election of Hodgen, ond to that of no other sheriff In
Podd, Berkeley and Ritner Ritner the state, and the clerical affair
give a substantial majority to the has been letting his adminstrative
bill, but with no au"CB ""i" Cttre U1 ;
hope or expectation that the East- JJJ thc BaniBter farm. To hear
em Oregon Normal will be restored Mayor John tell it, he never enjoys
to this community. Although a himself so much as while gazing at
BUte plant is already here to house the rear elevation of an eight-
the school the cards are stacked mule team and bllthe'y putting in
the school, the cards are stacked crop whjle fo,lowinjr them
against us ' around the field. ' Even making
speeches at the pioneers' reunion is
We will venture to suggest to a joyless experience in comparison
Hindy that white would be a most "and we all know that the mayor
advantageous color just now for his to make a BPeech
regimental flags. . Joe Henderson came home Satur- J
Dated this 15th day of October, 1918.
Administratrix of the Estate of
Jacob Kederer, deceaaed.
Attorneys for Administratrix.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Butter Wrap orders prompt
ly filled at the Leader shop.
day from Erie, Pennsylvania, to !
The route of the Austrian army viist his mother, who is seriously ill
is largely determined by-err, err; hfr home J th.e IuPhndfl; .Joe 4
m , a . a ,i lids 1 1 1 1 fVI VJ VU uv vin iv-ui r
forgive us, please-the rout of the HpnaPfmpnt o . hlir turbine fac. A
Austrian army. ory at Erie. With 100,000 peo-
Baker's Goods
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Mary
E. Kpeaks, Deceased.
ftotlce is hereby given that I, aa Ad
ministrator of the above named estate,
with the Will annexed, have filed my
final account and report with the Clerk
of the above entitled County Court,
and said court has appointed 11:00
o'clock in the forenoon of the 16th day
of November, 1918, as tho time, and
th County Court Room In th Court
Houa of Umatilla County as the place,
when and where any person having any
objection to anything in aaid final ac
count contained, or anything done by
iltU as Administrator at any time, may
H present the same and they will ne
J heard, and at that time and place said
5 account will be finally aottled.
y This notice Is published pursuant to
n order made in the above entitled mat
ter, oil October IB, 1918.
Administrator, Ac.
pie, that bustling city contains no
low then 400 manufacturing enter- V,
The news that the Turkish and less than 400 manufacturing enter
Austrian armies are surrendering, prises, and
It seems to Us, is worth
I.lnr how Wacrpa
m ..nA v.M mfJ "
!-"--, n Dl -J
HI C llub uuuauMi hiivi
one skilled
worker drew down $134 in a week U
,, "... , of active Industry. Girls are mak- $
We are stilt vainly waiting and from 88 to ,8 daIiVi never B
hoping for news of a violent death before have the workihg classes
in the Hohenzollem family. fared so well.
W, M. Pittrtoa G. H. Blihop
00 manuiactunng enter. j phono vnur rlrav orrlprq $ rBWBU"
many of the workers get j rnone yur aray oraers UWVCRS
Yages or l ift per weeit 93 or can at store. .! Pendleton. Or. Freewater. Or.
uttiiiDi nnn nnp HKiiiiri.
Davis & Ellis i
Chaa. II. Carter Dan I'. Smyths
Carter & Smythe
Pandlston . Oregon