The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 01, 1918, Image 1

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    t -.V-i v..:"".'--. ' 'V.
ton- Lead
Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
nitlon of Our Readers.
Tbe city of St. Helens will build
municipal dork.
Portland banks made a new record
TrUUf, when clearings totaled III,
110.111. Th annual meeting of the Oregon
Duller and t'heeecmakere' association
will be held In Portland December 11-11
Thomas K. I'ailon. city editor of ,t itork show this year.
lime should apply It aa early aa pos
kllilo, ln r"l the full benefit of Its ac
tion on licit season's crops, advises
V'n A. II. Cordley. ilialtmsn of the
slats lAmrd. Unless llir lima Is put
on before l hi around brnunra too toft
thin full II may not be possible to ap
ply It until well Into next spring. Karly
orders am necessary to keep th state
Unto plant running. Money for oper
ating eiprnses must come from lira"
sslcs, and lai'k of bunker farllltle
makes It niMimmry tint ssles keep up
with th manufacture.
Tlii Parlfle International Livestock
bow la Portland this year will bo
hi'ld at the Ire Palace arena, Twentieth
and Marshall atresia, November 1813,
according to an announcement made
by Secretary A. II. !ra, of the stats
fair Ixwnl. ho also Is uiauaglug lbs
py' igaJHaw. Misp?.'""""HgBainMsi
' JililA4JL
Kirn falat accidents out of total
of (IS Industrial casualties were re
ported to the state accident commis
sion for Die week ending October 24.
They are: W. J I. Davy, Ilrooklngs,
lumbering; Albert Patterson, Portland,
fuel eompsny; John II. Kreeburg. Port- PrinCCSS SOphll, With All Oil
law, pmpuuiiuiug. .uanr j. iua.
the liaker Morning IN-mocrat, tiled at
lisker of pneumonia, following Influ
ensa. A wind storm at Hood Itlvrr took
large part of the valleyV unplrked
apples, estimated at 30 per cent of lbs
million tmx crop.
Henry F. Ulasser, a young farmer
living three miles north of Ixbannn.
committed aulrldn at his home by
hooting himself with a rifle.
The new T foot concrete bridge at
Tygh valley baa been completed and
III be ready for traffic aa soon aa
the approaches to lbs bridge ars com
pleted. John A. Muldrlck. a well known
Crant county capitalist, passed away
at hla horns In Canyon City ot pneu
monia, following aa attack of Influ
ents. December 16 to SI are tbe datea aet
for tbs annual meeting of the Oregon
Stale Teachers' assoclstlon In Port
land. An attendance of between 1200
and 1500 persons Is expected.
Fraternity activities, with the ex
ceptlon ot meetings of purely busi
ness character, will be auspended at
tbs Oregon Agricultural college on ac
count of n ruling by tbe war depart
ment. A committee of the Oregon Dairy
council baa reported that then baa
been a decrease of 6J.000 dairy eowa
In Oregon sine January 1, 1911. This
report la based upon a census ot milk
cows September 1.
. Lady-bugs will be collected by forest
service men and freed In wheat fields
of Oregon, according to District For
ester Cecil. This decision follows a
pica made by wheat growers wbo last
year lost heavily through aphides.
The federal administration has ad
Vised that the Oregon public service
commission raise rates for tbe Sump
ter Valley railroad, thus providing
funda with which to pay the Increased
wsges demanded by the striking em
Kugeite wuoli-ssln houses dealing In
grains and grain produrla canceled all
orders placed with tlm A I hers Urol hers
Milling company of Portland, for un
delivered quantities of ceit-als and
other produrts, aa a result of the ar
rest of Henry Albert, president ot tbe
company, on espionage charges.
As one of the features of tbe forth
coming united war work campaign
11.000 or more grammar and high
school students of Oregon will be en
rolled aa victory girls and victory boys,
pledging sod soliciting funds and do
log what they ran for the good of the
big brothers called to fight for liberty.
Charles II. Green. United States wool
administrator and distributor, hss val
ued a lot ot close to l.& pounds
of northwestern wools In Portland
warehouses and within tbs next few
days will pass upon about 750.000
pounds mors. This will leave some
4,000,000 pounds of tbs 1911 clip still
to be valued.
An Increased number ot students at
the state school for tbe blind makes
mors room necessary, according to tbo
biennial report of Mrs. May Moore,
superintendent, to tbs state board of
control. Attendance at tbs Institution
last year waa 33. Por tbla year 40
pupils sre already enrolled and mora
ars to be received later.
Through a deal Involving between
185.000 and 1100.000. Elmer D. Paine.
vt Eugene, became tbs aole owner and
manager of the Eugeoo and Spring
field flouring mills of tbs Eugene Mill
A Elevator company. Mr. Paine, who
has been a bait owner In the company,
took over the Intereat ot Charles 8.
Williams, also of Eugene.
1 1 W& 1 1 i
This space contributed by THE WESTON GARAGE,
R. G. Saling. Manager.
Philadelphia. History bat repeated
Itself. More tbsn 50.0U0.000 people of
the subject rsces ot Europe bavs
through their representsttves, cast
aside their Teuton shscklus and, in
the same room In Independence ball
where America's thirteen original col
onies proclaimed their independence,
twelve nations united In a solemn pact
ot unity and a sscred pledge to "phice
our all peoples and resources at the
disposal of our allies."
Dr. Tbomss Masaryk, leader of the
new Czecho slovak republic, aeatcd In
the same cbalr nsed by John Hancock
141 years sgo. waa the first signer ot
the declaration of common aims of
the Independent mid-European nations.
The signers of the declaration
Waahlngton. Details of the achieve
ment of tbe navy department In mak
ing available for use on the western
front of grest 16-Inch naval guns,
which press dispstcbes have reported
to be hammering the German railway
centers bark of the Oise-Serre front,
were made public by Secretary Dan
iels. The naval guns which have been
In operation since September 16, are
Portland, shipbuilding; Jamea Wilson,
Aatorla, paper mill.
The highest wsges awarded to street
railway employes anywhere In the
United States were awarded by tbe
war labor board to the employes ot
the Portland Hallway. Light A Power
company. Tbe new scale for motor
men and conductors Is 46 cents per
hour for tbe first three months; 48
cents for the next nine months, and
CO cents per bour thereafter.
Senator McXary has msde sn ex
tended srgument before the senate fi
nance commlttr-e In support of tbe
petition of Oregon loganberry growers
for a reduction in tbe proposed Inter
nal revenue tax on loganberry juice.
Tbe bill ss pasaid by tbe bouse pro
vides a tax ot 20 per cent of tbe value,
which, It is asserted and is agreed by
the Food administration, would ruin
the Industry.
In a letter to It. H. Alahton, regional
director for tbe railroad administra
tion. Public Service Commissioner
Corey asks relief for minor roads In
the matter ot Interchange of cars, urg
ing that Mr. Alsbton take the matter
tip with the larger roads. Mr. Corey
.reports considerable complaint against
the order of tbe director-general abol-'
ishing the 24-hour free (witching time
allowed the minor rjiads.
Board, Lost In Alaskan
. Waters.
Seattle, Wash. Three hundred aad
forty-three persona, most of them out
bound Alsskasa and residents ef the
Yukon territory, lost tbslr Uvea when
tbe Canadian Steamship company's
passenger steamer Princess Sophia
waa picked up by storming winds and
waters, dragged across Vandsrbift
rssf and dropped to tbo bottom of
Lynn canal, aa arm ot tbe Inside pas
sage not far south of Sksgwsy, Alaska.
"No survivors," resd wireless from
Juneau, Alaska, telling of the loss.
Tbe loss of life Is tbe largest In
volved In any ot tbs many marine dis
asters of tbe north Pacific and the
greatest number of persons that ever
perished In any shipwreck off the
Alaskan coast.
Tbe vessel went to her doom In a
storm, carrying with her all those
aboard, both passengers and crew.
According to reports received by local
Canadian Pacific officials, there were
268 passengers and 7S member of the
Those perishing undoubtedly Include
nnniber of Alaska operators of prom-'
Inence especially from Fairbanks.
Ruby, Iditarod and other lower Yukon
districts; also presumably a large num
ber of Klondike operator and resi
dents of Dawson and other towns
along the Canadian Yukon.
For U. S. Serfator, Short Term
Multnomah county.
manned and operated by officers and For United States Senator
Marion county.
men or the United States navy, under
the command ot Rear Admiral Plun-
Vntt Av.i)lrtirlnr nt thit nfftf-tt of eun.
nery exercise and engineering per- For Congressman.
The guns are of 50 caliber, 66 feet
long, weigh about 100 tons without
their carriages, and are said to throw
For United States Senator
16 -OSWALD WEST of Mult
nomah county.
Multnomah county has been denied por Congressman
permission by the public service com
mission to construct a rrosstng at
grade over the O-W. R. N. tracks at
Osborn avenue, In Portland, the com
mission holding tbe crossing too has
ardous. Through efforts ot the business men
ef Albany and Salem and the Portland
chamber of commerce development bu
reau, steps aro being taken to organ
ise an Oregon chamber of commerce,
composed of til the state's commercial
An order baa been received from
army headquarters at San Francisco
requiring dally nose and throat spray
treatment for employes In the ship
yards and aawmllls of North Bend aa
a means of checking the spread ot
Spanish Inluenia.
Sines December 10, 1116, 117 wooden
ships have been launched In Oregon
yard and those at Vancouver, Wash.,
which ar In the territory, having a
capacity of 413,300 tons, according to
statement compiled by the Portland
chamber of commerce.
HAM of Baker county.
For Governor
Union county.
For State Treasurer
Linn county.
For Supreme Court Justice
A. S. BENNETT of Wasco
( Write In nam of A. S. Bennett
and mark an X before it.)
For Attorney General
Douglas county.
For State Superintendent
Baker county.
For Commissioner of Labor
32-C. H. GRAM of Multno
. mah county.
For Public Service Commissioner
Josephine county.
pledged themselves on bchslf of their a hosvler projectile snd have a great-
respective nations to unitedly strive
to the end that these wronns shall be
righted, that the suffering ot the
world war shall not have been in vain.
Recommendations for the settlement
of the ancient wrongs of the people of
middle Kurope will be laid before the
peace council. It is hoped by that
time that they will have been indorsed
by all the people here represented.
Tbe people represented constitute a
chain of nations lying between the Bal
tic, Adriatic and tbo Black seas, com
prising Ciecho-Slovsks. Polos, Jugo
Slavs, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Ruma
nians. Italian Irredentists. Greeks. Al
banians, Zionists and Armenians.
er muzzle velocity than any weapon
ever placed on a mobile land mount
ing. The weight of the explosive used
with each projectile is many times
greater than that used in tbe freak
German long range guns, and in point
of their destructive force they are in
comparable. The organization to man one gun re
quires an entire train, including tbe
gun car Itself, ammunition cars, a
crane car, and construction, sand, tim
ber, kitchen, fuel, workshop, berthing
and staff radio cars.
18 N. J. SINNOTT of Wasco
For Governor
of Marion county.
For State Treasurer
23- 0. P. HOFF of Multno
mah county.
For Supreme Court Justice
Multnomah county.
For Attorney General
Douglas county.
For State Superintendent
Baker county,
Declaring that he is the rightful For Commissioner of Labor
Copenhagen. Germany answer to
President Wilson's latest commanicar
"Ooifur-; t "'"?, t,,:.;'';
"The German government has taken
cognizance of the answer of the presi
dent of the United States. The presi
dent U aware ot the far-reaching
changes which have been carried out
and are being carried out in the Ger
man constitutional structure, and that
peace negotiations are being conduct
ed by a people's government In whose
hands rests, both actually and consti
tutionally, the power to make the de
ciding conclusions.
"The military powers are also sub
ject to It
"The German government now
awaits proposals for an armistice,
which shall be the first step toward a
just peace, as the president has de
scribed, it in his proclamation.
(Signed) . "SOLF."
Roumanla Entered by French Patrols.
Paris. French patrols have crossed
the Danube river . and entered Rou
manla near Palanka. defeated Gcrtuan
detachments and taken prisoners, says
the official report from tbe war office.
owner of a large tract of timber held
by the defendants on the lower Sius
law river and valuable property in
Portland, N. B. Holler has filed suit
In the circuit court at Eugene asking
that the property be sold and proceeds
32-C. H. GRAM of Multno
mah county.
For Public Service Commissioner
Josephine county.
to the extent of 3121,478 be turned over For Water Superintendent
Reported Ludendorff Hss Resigned.
Copenhagen. General Ludeudorf.
first Quartermaster general ot the Oar
man army, has resigned.
to him. Tbe defendants in the case
are the Mapleton Timber company, the
Astorla-Warrenton Land company, the
Stuart Ferguson, Timber company,
Josephine B. Ferguson, executrix of
the estate of E. Z. Ferguson, and John
son Porter.
Mrs. Laura A. Beck, of Portland, a
widow, (6 years of age, la the oldest For Water Superintendent
vatudent enrolled In the University ot 36-GEO. T; COCHRAN
Oregon at Eugene this year. She do- Union county.
clare she does not beiiev in years,
mA ,,. In n,ni it aha has hSlin
working toward a degre In the us For Circuit Judge
38-G. W. PHELPS of Pen
For State Senator. Nineteenth
of Pendleton.
With a mayor, five counctlmen,
treasurer, recorder and two water
commissioners to be elected November
5 at Rainier, so little Interest has been
taken that nominating petitions have
one each for recorder, treasurer and For Representetive. 23d District
councilman. - 45 LOU HODGEN, Umapine.
School teachers are entitled to their 46 ELLA TERPENING of
pay for the time the school are closed Pendleton,
during the Influenza epidemic, Super- por Sheriff
intendent Churchill aay.. basing hla 4?x D TAYLOR of Pendle-
etntement on an opinion ot Attorney- to
General Crawford In 1906, when lml- J,' ' . . .. . .
rur lAJUuty vjuuiinissiuner
lar condition arose during a scarlet
fever epidemic.
. nm4
54-L J. McINTYRE, Milton
Freewater. (Paid Adv.)
Democratic Candidate (or tbe
I have served one term in the
Legislature. . If I am re-elected,
the best interests of the State of
Oregon and the County of Uma
tilla will, . in the future as in the
past, have my support, regard
less of party. . , V PaidAdv.)
of Union county.
For Circuit Judge
38-G. W. PHELPS of Pen
dleton. For State Senator, Nineteenth
of Union county.
For State Senator, Twentieth
41- ROY W. RITNER of Uma
tilla county.
For Representative, 22d District
42- C. E. WOODSON of Mor
row county.
Problem Facing Allied Diplomats Ar
Called Complex by Col. House.
Paris. Tbe American delegation
has arrived In Paris to attend the in
terallied diplomatic council which
opened its aesaiona Tuesday Is Ver
sailles. The party Included Colonel E. M.
House, Admiral Benson, Frank Cobb
of New York, Joseph G. Grew of the
state department and Benson' aids.
Commander Carter and Lieutenant
Commander Russell.
"We are now confronted with dif
ferent and more complex problems
than we considered 11 months ago,"
said Colonel House. "I feel confident
they will be met with the high cour
age and wisdom that comes from lofty
motives and unselfish hearts."
Llebknecht Gets Ovation.
Paris. An enormous crowd assem
bled before the Reichstag building in
ri r. . no j w i. Berlin, calling for the abdication of
For Representative, 23d District Emper0r WllUam and the form.tloa
d C. U BKUWW,t.ii 01 of a republic, according to a special
Umatilla. i dispatch from Zurich to L'lnforma
44 E. Pv. DODD, Hermiston. tton.
For Sheriff Dr. Carl Llebknecht, the socialist
48 GEORGE TONKIN of leadar' wn0 bM Just Deea MleMed
Pendleton from prison, was applauded fraati-
For County berk - tZ wrm
iv. i. oftutTA, renuieiwn.
For Recorder
50- B. S. BURROUGHS, Pen
dleton. For Treasurer
Pilot Rock.
For Coroner
. 52-J. T. BROWN. Pendleton.
For County Commissioner
. 53-G. L DUNNING of Stan
field. (Psid Adv.)
which he msde a speech declaring that
the time of the people had arrived.
Auatria Accepta Wilson' View.
Amsterdam. Austria in her reply
to President Wilson accepts all the
views expressed by the president la
his note ot October 18.
Austria says she is ready and will
ing, without awaiting the result of
other negotiations, to negotiate peac
and an Immediate armistice on all
Austro-Hungarlaa Jrtg.,