The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 25, 1918, Image 2

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19 '19 B BV B nWTSSSTJKf BO '
022.50 and $35.00
.Garments whiph are attracting no end of attention
The styles were most carefully selected and therefore are correct to the
minute, and also because of the very reasonable prices.
Many of the Suits are fur trimmed, others are plain. Some of the Suits
are finished with silk braid. Come in practically all the popular Autumn and
Winter material and in all sizes for Women and Misses.
$22.50 - $22.50 -- $22.50
New Models in Satin, Serge, Georgette and Crepe de Chene.
The new braided effects so much desired, the fringe trimming with panel
and tunics skirts are shown in varied styles.
Every dress in the assortment is worthy of honorable mention for the
values, as the heading indicates, are not ordinary'. H
Heavy Georgette Waists
Exquisite Companions to Fall Suits
The new Fall Blouse in all its beauty featuring rounded, square and high
collars with frills, jabots, plaited fronts, slip-over and side-button effects.
Fur Trimmed or Plain
f ..... ""
; Exhibiting large new "Snuggle-in" collars, distinctive ideas in pockets,
smart belts; Rich Meltons, Velours, Kerseys, Broadcloths in newest Autumn
shades $29.75.
H f3cKlI-l PTrtM
" Slrktt in AJhstK
The Yew ......
Six Month .. ................
Three Months -
Entered at tht peitolfice at Wtslen, Oregon
t MceM-clMi mil gutter.
TlfiimlaT twr inrh ner inaertlon ISc
Transient, per inch per insertion 20c Father, and whose faith
Locals, per line per insertion.... ...10c are love.
united in a common cause.
And as they worked they came to
know each other, and were ashamed
that for so many years they had
been strangers side by side.
"Surely this is one of the com
pensations of war," they said;
"that in our deeper love for our
WW boys we have learned a new re
spect for one another."
So a new 6pirit was bom into
that city. As though in its heart it
had discovered something of the
greater religion whose God
The Snlh influenza now has
tiuite a grip on the Weston com
munity, although none of the )
tionta are in a condition regarded
as eopccinlly serious.
Thre is nevertheless no telling
when the ban placed last week
on public gatherings by- Dr. W.
H. McKinney, city hoatlh officer,
will be lifted. School has been
closed for two weeks, and is like
ly to remain closed indefinitely.
Churches and lodge halls arc
empty and silent. The local Chau
tauqua committee is seeking to
call off the Kllison-Whit attrac
tions booked to apMar here Nov
ember 9 to 14. '
Joe Licuallcn came home a sick
man from Kieth a few days ago
and his ailment has since bevn
pronounced as "flu." His wife
and little daughter also are patients.
Dick Harris, who came home lant
Monday from Montana with I-evi
Killgore, has the di:cae at the
home of his father, J. S. Harris.
His little son and Mr. and Mrs.
Marty Luckenbill are patients in
the same household.
While her casw was in doubt for
several days, Mrs. Andy T. Bar
nett is now reported by her physi
cian to have he influenza.
Levi Killgore is sick at the
Louis Killgore farm catt of town.
Mrs. Henry Luckenbill is also ill
in the same neighborhood, and
there are several other patients in
her household.
No . less than seven persons are
sufferers from "flu" at the Winder
home on Reed and Hawley moun
tain. As there are no well people
to wait on the sick, the plight of
this family is serious.
On Dry creek north of town Mr.
and Mrs. Jess York Junior and
Ethel Cameron, a girl in their
household, have had pneumonia fol
lowing the prevailing epidemic, and
have been under the care of a
trained nurse. While for a time
(heir condition was alarming, they
re now said to be out of danger.
, Dr. McKinney, Weston's only
physician, has been on duty almost
night and day caring for his numer
ous patients.
i npynu if wont
Mr. Car Owner I
This means that all work turned
out by me must be satisfactory, or
I will make it so.
I have taken solo cliargo under leaso of tho mo
tor shop of tho Weston Auto Co., and will bo very
glad to have n share of your patronage I am a
garage mechanic of experience, and have repaired
nearly all makes of cars.
Do You
More and Cheaper Fish
07 X HO
Pleasure Seekers
306 X YES
Keep tho price of fish down. Help production of fish.
Read Argument in State Election Pamphlet.
Clackamas County FUhsrmen'a Union, Andrew Naterlln, Secretary,
Oregon City, Oregon.
(Paid Adv.)
Notice of Sale of Real Property
Notice of Sale of Real Property
In the County Court of the Stat of
,. Oregon for the County of Umatilla.
In the Matter of the Estate of Jos.
Auton Fkdexbr, Deceased.
..$2 00
.. 1 00
. 0 50
I - lL - 1
employ uie some commiiievs anu . 0f
the same methods in the coming Gilbert W
campaign as in past campaigns and
will insist upon each "potential con
tributor subscribing according to
his or her ability.
NOTICE is hereby given that in pur-
an order or
The fact that
has been made
Woodrow Wilson
honorary citi-
Phelps, Circuit Judge fur
Umatilla County. Oresron. acting in the
absence of the Honorable Charles II.
ilarah, Judge of the above entitled
eonrt, from Umatilla County, made on
the 15th day of October, 191H, in the
matter of the estate of Jo. Anton
Federer, deceased, the undcraigned
Administratrix of aaid estate will from
and after the 18th day of November,
1918. proceed to sell and toll at private
ale at the law office of Will M. Peter-
of Barcelona, Spain, is chiefly ton, in the Smith-Crawford Building, ';L T,
table to Barcelona in th Citv ot fndlUn. Umatilla jZf. &l
taDle to Barcelona. County, Oregon, upon the terms here- Un,t""'
Germania .may have peace when
is her fangs are drawn this being
creed the sum and substance of Wilson's
latest note and the gist of allied
(By Bruce Barton.)
In a certain city dwelt three
men. And by accident of birth one
of them is a Catholic and one is a
Protestant and one is a Jew. "
For thirty years they have en
gaged in business side by side, and
the Catholic has not dealt with the
Protestant; and the Catholic, aiid
the Protestant have had no dealings
with the Jew.
"What is ha to me?" each man
has said. "He is not of my faith;
I will avoid him."
So for thirty years they have
dwelt' together, strangers in a
friendly world.
Then came the shadow of a fear
ful war. And out of those three
homes three boys went forth alone.
Three fathers waited heart-worn
for the letters from over there.
"There are Soldiers of Friendli
ness over here," the boys wrote
home. "They bring us chocolate,
In the United War Drive we
trust that none of our readers will
insist upon being driven.
We arc rather anxious for the
eternally disrupting Dual Monarchy
to disrupt.
With much pertinence Newark
News points out that there is still
a big difference between an uncon
ditional and a Hunconditional
It remains to convince Germany
that the under dog loses the, bone.
We have never envied John D.
Rockefeller, but confess to some
such feeling toward thp colored
Georgian who has eleven sons in
the . army and three more ready to
Berlin's manner of receiving Wil
son's notes has been changed from
ridicule to dismay.
insfter stated and subject to con firm a-
uon oy aaia bdovo eniiuea court, an oi
the estate, right, title and intereat of
the estate ox Jos. Anton Federer, de
coded, in and to the following de
scribed real property situated in the
County of Umatilla, State of Oregcn.
An undivided one-flfth of the
Northwest Quarter (N W) of Sec-
t ion Thirty (30.) Township Five (6)
North, Range Thirty-four (34) East
of the Willamette
The terms
ertr will
are aa follows, to-wit: Cash upon the
confirmation of the sale of aaid real
property by the above entitled court
and upon the execution and delivery of
a good and sufficient deed; provided,
however, that aaid real property may
be sold upon terms providing for the
payment of one-half or more of the
purchase price thereof in cash at the
time and in the manner hereinbefore
provided in case of a cash sale with
"The Huns seem to be running the payment of the balance of aaid
, . .. pnrchase price to be secured by a first
short of
remarks the
except the
mortgage on the real property includ
ed in such sale.
For further Information call upon or
; at the law
Umatilla county's quota in the
United War Work drive now begin-
Even at this distance we are in a
position to advise Prince Max that
the armistice terms will not be
In the
!!in40;200,Which8JUoin.:ludC8 based upon any particular respect
ouuv lur Armenian wiu cynan re
lief. Weston's quota is about
$1700, and will undoubtedly be
raised, as usual, on schedule time
this being the sort of charity to
which any and all may contribute
without stint or scruple unless they
for Germany's honor.
Our general objection to dictators
will not, under the circumstances,
extend to Marshal Foch.
write to aaid Administratrix
office of Will M. Peterson,
Smitn-crswfora Building, in
ton, Oregon.
Dated this ISth day of October, 1018.
Administratrix of the Estate of
Jos. Anton Federer, deceased.
Wm. S. NASH,
(, Attorneys for Administratrix.
Pendleton, Oregon.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Umatilla.
In the Matter of the Estate of Jacob
Federer, Deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that in pur-'
auance of an order of the Hon. Gilbert
W. Phelps, Circuit Judge for Umatilla
County, Oregon, acting in the aheenee
of the Honorable Charles H. Mmh.
Jndge of the above entitled court,
from Umatilla County, made on the
16th day of October, Mrt, in the mat-
i SIS T! ceaaed. the undersigned Adminiatra-
trix of aaid estate will from end after
the 18th day of November, 1918, pro
ceed to aell and sell at private sale at
the law olllce of Will M. Peterson, tn
the Smith-Crawford Hullding, in the
City of Pendlutoti, Umatilla County,
Oregon, upon the terms hereinafter
stated andaubject to confirmation by
aid above entitled court, all of the ee
tate, right, title and interest of the
eatate of Jacob Fedorer, deceaaed, In
and to the following described real
situated In the County of
State of Oregon, to-wit:
An undivided cne-fifth of the
Northwest Quarter (NW) of Sec
tion Thirty (30,) Township Five
(6) North. Range Thirtv-four (34)
Eaat of tho Willamette Meridian.
The terms on which said real proper
ty will be aold by aaid Adminiatratrix
are aa follows, to-wit: Cah upon the
confirmation of the tale of aaid real
property by the above entitled court
and upon the execution and delivery of
a good and sufficient deed; providud,
however, that aaid real property may
purchaae price thereof In caah at the
time and in the manner hereinbefore
provided in case of a caah aale with
payment or the balance of said pur
chaae price to be nam red by a first
mortgage on the real property Included
in auch aale.
For further Information call upon or
write to said Adminiatratrix at the law
office of Will M. Peterson, in the
Smith Crawford Building (n Pendleton,
Dated this 16th day of October, 1918,
Adminiatratrix of the Eitate of
Jacob Federer, deceaaed.
Attorneys for Adminiatratrix.
rcnaieton, orngon.
If you want one for Fall
and Winter we will be glad
to supply you. Wo repre
sent tho best tailoring
houses in Chicago and guar
If you want to make your
old suit do we ran make it
look GOOD AS NEW by
IDEAL Coats and Suits
for ladies.
R. L. Reynaud f
Willamette Meridian. however, that aaid real property n
me upon which said real prop- ltvntUT IKtlVZ
be sold b, ?.t ??J? ?!
Dr. S. L KEfillARD
Veterinary SKgeon
Hospital at corner of Main
and Broad streets.
Phone t Main 253
Notice ol Filing Final Account
In the County Court of the State ot
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of
E. Speaks, Deceased.
Butter Wrap orders prompt
ly filled at the Leader shop.
Notice to Creditors
and motion pictures, and baseball, are seeking a chance to escape
and good lectures; and the memory their share of the war burden. The
of mother and of God." Umatilla County Patriotic Service
"Help those friendly agencies League announces that it will not
when you have the chance," each allow the peace talk to interfere
boy wrote home. with the campaign. Even though
, So it happened that the three peace were declared today it would
fathers found themselves working be A year or two years before the
shoulder to shoulder in a great American Army would be brought
campaign for funds. , home and during tlit time the
Not as a Catholic, a Protestant welfare work among the so.diers
and a Jewbut as good citizens must continue. The league will
In the County Court of
Umatilla County.
Wilson's fourteen peace princi
ples are pleasing neither, to the
Kaiser nor to Colonel Roosevelt,
who can see nothing good come out
of the White House untl he occu
pies it again.
After all, the poor Kair hadn't VZxu Z
much show against an army made
Up largely of "Dumpy" Blomgrens.
Expert dentistry prices .reason
able. Dr. Sponogle, Athcpa. ,
the State
Oregon for
In the Matter of the Estate of Ran-
som Lleuallen, Deceased.
To All Whom it Mat Concern:
Notice is hereby given that J. H.
Pad berg ia the duly appointed, au li
fted and acting sdnflniatrator of the
eatate of Ransom Lieuallen, deceaaed,
and all persons havina claima airainat
aaid eatate are hereby required to pre
sent the aame, with proper vouchers
at the office of James A. Fee in Pen
dleton, Oregon, within six month from
the 18th day of October, 1918.
Administrator of the Estate of
Ransom Lleualltni Deceased,
Baker's Goods
Phone your dray orders,
93, or call at store.
& Ellis
I Davis
v. .
Notice is hereby given that I, a Ad
ministrator of the above named estate, .
with the Will annexed, have filed my
final account and report with the Cleric
of the above entitled County Court,
and aaid court ha. appointed 11:00
o'clock in the forenoon of the 10th day
of November, 1018, aa the time, and
the County Court Room in the Court
Hou.e of Umatilla County aa the place,
when and where any peraon having any
objection to anything in aaid final ac
count contained, or anything done by
me a. Admlniatrator at any time, may
preaent the same and they will lie
heard, and at that time and place aaid
account will be finally settled.
Thii notice la published pursuant to
order trad tn the above entitled mat
ter, on October 15, 1918.
Administrator, c.
W. M, Purio. G. H. Blihop
Peterson & Bishop
Pendleton, Or. ' Freewster. Or.
Cha. H. Cartar ' Dsn P. Smyth
Carter & Smythe
4i2SS31itfiS3&S!t Psndltton