BREVITIES in room TABLES A new and attractive line. BIoss Fumitoe ' I CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS ! BLACKSKG ; HORSESHOEING ! REPAMi'G Wo aim to make our work its best advertisement. TIUE-SETTING A SPECIALTY hop Church of the Hn-thrvn-SumUy school at 10 a. rn. i'n-arhing at 111, m. C. W. S. at 6:30 p. m. Ilible Study. Life of Christ, at 7:30 p. m. John Boncwitz, elder. Methodist Church Sunday school J at 10 a. ni. Preaching wrvicvt at U a. m. and 7:30 p. m. hpworth lngue at 6:30. Wayer meeting Thursday evening. S. E. Powell, pastor. United Brethren Church Preach- X Ing at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. t Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. I t..i r v i .OA m f V tfUnllT V. t m iDV ill. V. -M meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer meet ing Wednesday evening. E. F. Wriggle, pastor. lAck1 tr t Baptist Church The Church with Oil I UC r 5 a cordial welcome for all. Sunday school at ten o clock, preaching at eleven. Also preaching at eight o'clock In the evening. W. R. Storms, pastor. Christian Science Society Ser- HOMER I. WATTS vice. Sunday at 11 a. m., Water Attorney-at-Law street, near Main. i'rexe In all 8i and Klrl Episcopal Church-Services ev t'ourt. ery second Sunday in each month ATHI'.NA. OMIiUUN at 3 p. in. :! TOE GMGES L. K. WiKd has Uen quite rioiiKly ill during the week at his home on Water street. Mr. and Mrs. Robert ProudfU entertained relative from Walla Walla Sunday afternoon. Mrs. W. E. Driskell returned Frl day evening from an extended visit with relatives in Montana. Weston people nwd go no far ther than Athena for satisfactory : dental work. Dr. Sjxmogle. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Fetter and family have moved to Fret-water, Oregon, where they will reside in the future. T. J. McCarty returned Monday from a visit to J. II. Rockhill, his former upland neighbor, in the Two Rivers country. James Killgore has returned from the Puget Sound country near Everett, where he has been engaged in sawmill work. Owing to health regulations re garding Spanish influenza, the Sat urday Afternoon Club meeting scheduled for October 19 will not be held. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Payne "and their guest. Mrs. J. A. Kennedy of Seattle, motored Monday to me J. B. Kennedy farm near Pendleton for a day 'a visit. Some alight improvement is not ed this week in the condition of Mark Henderson, which has been very serious following an accident at Blue Mountain sawmill. Attention, Rebekahs! Owing to the epidemic of influenza, the con vention at Weston of the Rebekahs called for October 29 is indefinitely postponed. Maud Stanfield, chair man. A crew of men from Pendleton are building a new county bridge near the Wyatt place above town. It is being substantially constructed with concrete abutmenta, and will have a 38-foot span. Miss Colvin of the local school faculty welcomed her mother to Weston last Saturday afternoon. They will make their home .during the school year in the NorDean cot tage on Normal Heights. Fred Greer and Charles Wilson will return in a few days to Spok ane to resume their studies at the gaa engine school which they were attending there when it was closed because of the "flu" epidemic. The United Brethren Church will hold their annual Harvest Homo Festival on Friday evening, Octo ber 26. ' Announcement is made that "all members and friends of tho Church are invited. Come one, come all, and let us have a good time." The first quarterly conference of the Methodist Chruch will be held at the church Sunday evening, af ter the regular services. The rea son for the early , date is because the elder is unable to hold meet ings, elsewhere on account' of quar antine. S. E. Powell, pastor. ThA annual meetlntr of the Wes- WTAWAV.WVViW ton Red Cross auxiliary will be held at the local headquarters on Monday afternoon, October 21, at i .an nVlnek. This meetinsr is call ed for the purpose of electing offi cers and amending the by-laws of the Chapter. A full attendance is . earnestly requested. The last crop of barley on Reed and Hiwley mountain was threshed Monday night with a McCormick combine. It belonged to Selmer Tknmmmn and work was rushed in order to avoid the threatened rain which followed next day. The job was begun at seven o'clock Monday evening and finished at seven o'clock Tuesday morning, with Tom McCarty. running the engine, Ray Jones and Norval Ferguson pitch ing and Selmer Thompson sewing sacks a good and faithful crew. The night's run totaled 175 sacks. While- making his rounds Tues day Mail Carrier J. E. Jonea was confronted by a bobcat at a place in the road near the William Sing er farm. ' The animal was lying on a Btump and instead of running like a Hun, switched its tail, show ed its teeth and growled. Consid ering this as downright impudence, Mr. Jones peppered th.e animal with a twenty-two, but it refused to budge. Pretty soon a lady cat walked out of the brush, and not liking the odds Mr, Jones went to the Singer place after a larger rifle. Returning with a Savage, he found both bobcats still in the vicinity and while Mr. Singer held the team he commenced a bombard ment of the cats. He killed the male and brought the pelt, a large one, to town. Badly wounded, the female escaped. o o o n m HEM YE!! ctober Over Half HOIV ABOUT THAT UTfAID BILL? By! October 27, 1918. Set your clocks back one hour, and buy A GOOD WATCH at our store for only $1.65 GOODWIN'S The Prudent Man will fill his coal bin when the fill ing is good. Better order your coal now, when I can supply you. , P. T. HARBOUR, Weston, Oregon Did you ever Stop, Think and Consider the fact that on and after October 1st that amount of mon ey due us belongs to us? It is not yours to keep, nor to invest, nor to spend not a cent of it. We have borrowed, stinted and pledged our selves to help you through this month. "Man is Made of Dust Dust Settles Be a Man!" O O O ' We have Lumber, Hardware and Implements We are Farm Outfitters Come arid See Walts ii Rogers Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. Established 1865 Athena, Oregon . Wait$bur, Wash. , ; American Beauty oand-o Pure White Made .of selected bluestem in one of the best equipped" mills in the Northwest. Sold In Weston by y r; Weston Mercantile Company A band of 1600 fine sheep be longing to Smythe Bros, passed through town today .en route for winter feeding grounds near Uma pine. We noticed that one black sheep in the flock had facial charac teristics a good deal resembling Kernel Boyd's although, of course, the poor sheep never did us any harm. ' Mr. and Mrs. Seth Hyatt, accom panied by Mrs. Tom Gould of Mil ton, left Sunday for Portland, where Mrs; Gould was operated upon Monday by Dr. Coffey for the removal of cancer. Weston Lodge No. 58, I. O. O. F., decided last evening to discon tinue its sessions until all danger of an influensa epidemic is over. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rhone of Col fait, Wash., are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Cecil Hyatt, at her upland home. " A son was born Wednesday even ing to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Snider at their home on the Heights. , Miss Ruby Price is leaving Mon day to take a position as bookkeep er with a Walla. Walla firm. Dan Hopkins was in town Wed nesday from La Crosse on a busi ness visit. ' ; Fall rains have been descending of late quite abundantly. Roy Hyatt made a business trip to Pendleton Monday. A. B. Woods was over today from Walk wall,- The Weston Leader is on a Cash Basis Subscriptions, Jobwork and Advertising 0SSM Tb6 Fanners BanK of Weston EstalMed 1891 Subscription to Fourth Liber ty Loan closes October 19. Be sure you have a bond of this loan. Buy W. S. S. fl 1 i