The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 18, 1918, Image 2

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CURK WOOD, rssNther
suBscmrrioN ratcs
Strtiltv to Aftct .
The Yw MOO
Six Month 1 00
Thres Month 0 to
nUDiT. OCT. 11 . , w
Ealwt s at the ssttsfnta at Witt. One
t msse-clau null iMtttr.
Regular, psr inch per insertion ....... ,15c
Transient, perinea psr insertion. .....20c
Locals, pr Una per insertion........... lOe
1 00
As it has lived. Autocracy ' dies
It is a matter of alight import-
k.. .w. n
ance but the Democrats and Re
publicans are evidently under the
impression that they are engaged
in a political battle Somewhere in
These be sorry times for thote
trplet monstrosities, Hunland, the
I. W. W. and the Non-Partizsn
The wonder is that so many pco-
pie have to be persistently wheedled
into buying war bonds, when in
times like these the Government
ought only to have to ask in order
to receive.
County Judge Marsh, who is at-
tending a training camp for civil
fans at one of the big state schools,
has been made a corporal. We al
ways did think that some day Char
ley would amount to something.
We fancy that current opinion in
ttn!.n ih -Ta th. r t.
essential to adequate state develop.
ment is undergoing at least a slight
We are beginning to wonder if
the great Unwashed and Unterrified
really have 'a state "and county
The Prussian Guard dies, but
other Huns surrender.
Ttie nnmiaoie aanypapers nave
it that Izzet Pasha is both pro-Ally
and pro-German. Well, Izzet, is it
While it is the Allies' inning, the
uernuuis are irauiing an ioe runs.
"The war is ending in a manner
that no man in Germany desires."
Berlin Vorwarts.
Well, send a marked copy to
Foch and perhaps he will desist.
For years the bitter foe of what
it styled the "grafting Normals,"
the esteemed Oregon ian is support
ing the present Normal School bill.
Paradoxically enough, its Normal
attitude is not its normal attitude.
Orders to cease devastation have
been issued to the German armies
more than four years too laic.
Being conveniently elsewhere at
the time, the Leader man had no
part in the grand cleaning cam
paign at the City park conducted
Saturday by the ladies of the Satur
day Afternoon Club and their mas-
culine satellites. As it was not his
handiwork in any sense, he cannot
be accused of braggadocio in giv-
endorsement. He trusts the ladies
will appreciate this tribute to their
enterprise from so disinterested a
The Leader is warmly commend
ed in a letter from the Umatilla
County Patriotic Service League,
for its co-operation in limelighting
the bond slackers.
Kaiser Bill is so near the end of
his rope that be shudders at the
If you want to help save
boy from German gas, save
peach stones and nut shells,
is the word received by the
Food Administration from the div
ision of Home Conservction. It is
pointed out that one of the essen
tials of the masks needed to protect
our soldiers against poison gases
la arbon and that excellent carbon-'
can be made of material which daily
gw into the garbage can and is
wasted. Specified among these ma
terials are peach stones, apricot
pits, prune pits, olive piu, date
" w
plum piU and the shells of hickory
nuts, walnuts and butter nuts. All
housewives, hotels, restaurants,
, it
canneries and grocers are asked to
conserve these pits and shells and
to turn them over to the Red Cross
auxiliary in their community.
There is a big shortage in carbon
and the co-operation of the public
is imperative.
"I will tear your ramshackle em-
ptre limb from limb! wrote Oar
Nicholas 10 CJnperor rram-ie iiw
cph soon after the beginning of the
d now
and the Dual Monarchy still sur
vives. Yet it is doomed if the
Allies carry out their policy of self
determination of peoples as . set
forth bv President Wilson. When
Poles, the Czechoslovaks and
the Jugo-Slavs are released from
Teutonic and Magyar domination,
nothing will be left of the "ram-
shackle empire" save a bad odor
in history,
The west end of the county has
two Republican candidates for the
Legislature, but perhai that is
u a .i.;..i. n,,..!.).
its thinking.
' . I have no favorites, no hobby and artful ths necessity of government
Compared to tht war the Oregon no pjgeon purchase of Oregon flour as a means
election is about as exciting for the "i believe in the progressive but f relieving ths dslry situation In Ore
average citizen as would be a magic sound development of all resources ren. lie urged purchases by ths gov
Untern how to a movie fan of county and state. irnment such as to permit ths mills
lantern snow to a moMe fan. M fa rf w as "the dairy herds
, ,. n ,. the Industrial, agricultural and. ire suffering and rapidly diminishing
The resurrection of the Iendle- , . ... . h . . inriianeiwa. account of ths shortsgs of mill
ton Bulldogger from its malodorous
tomb we ran on,y 8& M ra'e
For U. S. Senator, Short Term "Present war conditions demand from ths northwrst. which baa created
13 FRED W. MULKEY of of the next legislature mature -neral dlssatlsfsctlon In other sen
Multnomah county. judgment and a high sense of patri- )ions: that while barley feeda are 30
For United States Senator otlc d"1 which I fully appreciate' r cent less In pries this year than
14 CHARLES L. McNARY of 8n 1 e rj"?
Marion county.
For Congressman
18-N. J. SINNOTT of
For Governor
ti Mnrinn pnnntv
Mult no-
For gtate Trea8urer
23-0. P. HOFF of
mah county.
For Supreme Court Justice
wT. u JUHb 01
juuiuiuiuau vuuutjr.
For Attorney General
Douglas county.
For State Superintendent
Baker county.
For Commissioner of Labor
S2-a H. GRAM of Multno
mah county.
For Public Service Commissioner
sKtfRFn A Wtl.T.TAMS f
Josephine county.
For Water Superintendent
of Union county.
For Circuit Judge
38-G. W. PHELPS of Pen
For State Senator,
of Union county.
For State Senator, Twentieth
41-ROY W. RITNER of Uma
tilla county.
For Representative, 22d District
4Z V. . WUUUiUIN OI Aior-
row county.
For Representative,
noj t:-ii-.
Umatilla. -
44 E. P. DODD, Hermiston.
For Sheriff
For County Clerk
49-R. T, BROWN, Pendleton,
your For Recorder
your 6()B, S BURROUGHS, Pen
This dleton.
local For Treasurer
Pilot Rock.
For Coroner
62- J. T. BROWN,. Pendleton.
For County Commissioner
W GL. Dunning, Stanfleld.
Republican Candidate (or Legislature
Is t Community Builder.
E. P. Dodd, Republican nominee
for rcprvsvntativc from Umatilla
county, is among the most progree-
rf w eMwm of ,h( pn)rrwBlive
neighborhood of llormlston, where
his public spirit is recognised and
A resilient for 20 years of Uma
tilla county, Mr. IMd has spent
twelve years of that period at ller
miston, with whose growth he has
been closely identified. In helping'
to develop a new country, he has
of BWri wh-e abilty
nronounced value to this
county in the lower house.
Mrf IXkJ(, wm in the
public schools and in Indiana State
University, of which he is a gradu
ate, lie is married and has two
children. He deals in and owns
land and raises alfalfa, cattle and "
fruit. lie
has for five times been
prwiiu.nt o u.r .... w.-
ing on the city council and Hbrary
board. He was lately elected pres.
ident of the Umatilla River Irriga-
tion League, whiih embraces all
the west end towns. Mr. - Dodd
declares in his platform:
"I will give careful attention to
any legislative matters affecting
the resources, industries and busi-
ness of Umatilla county. Any re-
fiuent or need of - any citizen or
community oi mis county win oe
ma ,rh.rfnll nl fairlv.
h t , war nolicv. and this
should be the keynote of the next
legislative session. The BDDroach-
ing reconstruction period already -!lon to the mlllfeed problem. Mr.
needs our attention and the legisla- Hoover claimed that twice as much
ture must pledge the state to wide "wheat has been milled In the north
awake and progressive action fol- west as last year and that mors than
Irwin? the close of the war. SO oer cent of the flour exports ara
" t .k. Dli,an
The Saturday Afternoon Club,
mirsnnnt to a cal I of the Civic Com-
mjttee, gathered en masse at "the
City Park last Saturday afternoon,
and armed with tools ,of various
description proceeded to enact
Maud Muller roles raking the
meadow littered with papers,
the work progressed many pilhy
k,, clever J()kes were reatcdt
which served to give zest to the
afternoon's labors.
From time to time, several gen
tlemen came voluntarily to the park
and rendered valuable assistance in
running lawn mowers and speaking
words of encouragement to the
At six o'clock the hubbands of
the Club ladies were summoned
from hither and
greeted with a
yon and were
cheery bonfire,
around which succulent weinies
were . toasted. Accompanied by
sandwiches, salad, pie and coffee
which the fair Club members had
provided, these afforded an open
air banquet that will linger long
in the memories of all present.
Great credit is due Mrs. F. D.
Watts, chairman of the Civic Com
mittee, for a successful Civic Im-
provement as well as social affair.
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of the Stats of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Eatats of Ran-
som Lieuallen, Deceased.
To All Whom it May Concern:
Notice is hereby given that J. H.
Padberg is the duly appointed, quBli-
GaA mnn mttinir krlminiaf rmtnw nf thm
estate of Ransom Lieuallen, deceased,
and all persons having claims against
Said estate are hereby required to ore-
mailt thm anfflA. vilh nmtiAF VMlpher
attached thereto, to said adminiatrator
at the office of James A. Fee in Pen
dleton, Oregon, within six months from
the 18th day of October, 1918,
Administrator of the Estate of
Ranaom Lieuallen, Deceased. murk rwl fviyrHrlrt tlm4 or m
I t. KriMI ffMMl' i. HiMHtM m He ftftrf ds
srHmioH for Mil SAItCtf Md npari
pti fattrntbtlttf', lUnh rrritiwb
fnm. (mr fr bovkUiU (vi) Ko. wiuu W iHrvrK
o4 f Ml momtf. writ tndmy,
',03 6-venih 61., Waihlprjtos, 0. C
! .. -. , ., j
I. GUWIil Klif IVoiIt
Mr. Car Owner!
This means that all work turned
out by me must bo satisfactory, or
I will make it so.
' I have taken sole charge under lease of the mo
tor shop of thb Weston Auto Co., and will be very
glad to have a share of your patronage. I am a
garage mechanic of experience, and have repaired
nearly all makes of cars.
The Ions! fire fiahtlni period ever
encountered sines the Baalism nation
al forest was eatabllehed rnurti wun
ths recent heavy rains. C. C. Hall,
supervisor of ths forest, eys that ths
dry weather began on Juns 7. and ths
forests were In danger until October I.
No official estimate has been made yet
of the amount of dsmaat caused by
the fires. Most of ths fires wers la
old burns and wers not destructive,
Ths recent blf fir aloes th railroad
and North Santlam 11 river, between
"Gates and Detroit, kiuea millions oi
feet of green timber.
wnraw mwnifn
Federal Food Administrator Hoover
feed." . Mr. Hoover wired Governor
tv'lthycombe that ths cows of ths
aotlhwest must eat barley as a sol
,UIU1m MvWWV ............ . I
4wer mlllfeed pries. Ths low Uel of
vii-irwa hmt caiixK thiilr mnirh enlarted
t - -
lie by ths farmers at ths expense of
lie dairymen.
Oats No. I white feed, $54 per ton.
Barley Standard feed. tit.l( ton.
Corn Whole, $75; cracked, 171.
Hay Timothy, 130 per ton; alfalfa,
Butter Creamery. 63c per pouad.
Egia Ranch, 69c per doien.
Potatoes $1.7501126 per hundred.
' Poultry Hens, 23 0 25c; springs. 2$
026c; roosters, 18c; ducks, 31034c;
geese, 16018c; turkeys, 28 0 30c, .
' Ssattls.
Butter Qreamery, 64c per pound. '
Eggs Ranch, 64c per doien
' poultry Hens. 26;&c; spring, t$
032c; roosters, dressed, 2728c
docks. 26c; geese, 21c; turkeys, 104.
Notice of Finn Final Account
In the County Court of ths Stats of
Orsgon for Umatilla County,
In ths Matter of ths Estate of Mary
E. Speaks, Deceaasd.
Notice Is hereby given that I. as Ad
ministrator of ths above named estate,
with the Will annexed, have filed my
final account and report with ths Clerk
of the above sntitled County Court,
and said court has appointed 11:00
o'clock in the forenoon of ths 16th day
of November, 1918, as ths time, snd
the fVHintv Court Room in the Court
Hnuna of Umatilla County as the place.
when and where any person having any
objection to snytning in aaio nnai ac-
count contained, or anything dons by
me as Administrator at any time, may
present ths sams and they will he
heard, and at that time snd place said
account will be finally settled.
This- notice is publinhed norsusnt to
order made in the above entitled mat-
ter, on October 16, 1918,
Adminlstrstor, &e.
In the County Court of the Stste
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Marths
A. Read, deceased.
Nntira a herehv o-ivnn to tha cred
itors that the above entitled Court has
appointed the undersigned, adminis
trator of the estate of Marths A.
Read, deceased. All persons having
claims against said estate srs notified
to present them to mi st Athena, Or
egon, or to my attorney, Homer I.
Watts, at his office in Athena,' Oregon,
duly verified as by law required, ths
earns to be presented within six months
from the date of the first publication
of this notice. "
Dated at Weston, Oregon, this 27tb
day of September, 1918.
, W.O. READ,
Notice of Sale of Real Property
In the County Court of ths Stats of
Oretfun for the County of Umatilla.
In ths Matter of the Katat of Jacob
Fvderer, Deceaeetl.
NOTICE is hereby given that In pur
auancs of an order uf the lion, tiillwrt
W. I'heli. Circuit Juilice fr Umatilla
County, Oregon, acting In the aheenc)
of ths Honorable Charles II. Marnh,
J mine of the aiov entitled court,
from Umatilla County, mads on ths
loth day of October, 1918, In ths mat
tor of the eslats of Jacob Kedcrer, de
epened, ths uiulvreiRiird Administra
trix of said eetate will from and after
ths 18th day f November. Itfls, pro
ceed to veil and sell at privets sals at
ths law offlce of Will M. Peterson, in
ths Smith-Crawford Building, In ths
City of I'emllvtoii, Umatilla County.
Oregon, upon ths terms hereinafter
etated andauhject to confirmation by
aid above entitled court, all f the es
tate, right, title and intrvat of the
estate of Jacob Kedtrer. decvasd, In
and to the following deecribvd real
property situated in ths County of
Umatilla, State of Oregon, to-wit:
An undivided ene-Bfth of ths
Northweat quarter (N W) f
tion Thirty (30,1 Towuahlp KWs
(5) North, Hangs Thirty-four (34)
East of ths Willaineits Meridian.
. 1.11. i
ty will be sold by aaid Adminiatralrix
-are as follows, tj-wit: Cash upon ths
confirmation of ths sals of said real
property by the above entitled court
L..V ,.t...n .,ulrfnhv.rnf.
. m.ZA .-i ... (.... aa- nmni.1rf.
that aaid rsal propsrtv may
ipon terms providing for ths
of ons-half or mors of ths
be sold upon
........ .. ,
. . "...l .u
purcnaits pnes inerooi in run at ns
I.. .. i iK- n,.nu k.liiliafnn
provided in caas of a cash sals with
payment of the balance of aaid pur
chase pries to be secured by a drat
mortgage on ths real property
In uch sals.
For further Information call upon or
write to said Adminiairatris at the law
olnro of Will M. Peterson, In ths
Smith Crawford building in Pendleton,
Dated this 15th day of Octnlxrr, 1918.
Administratrix of ths fcjitate of
1-1 l. L'.l .. .4. ......... ...I
WM. 8. NASH.
Attorneys for Administratrix.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Notice of Sale of Real Property
In the County Court of ths State of
Oregon for ths County of Umatilla.
In ths Matter of the Eatats of Jos.
Anton Fbdekkr, Deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that In pur
suance of an order of ths Honorable
Gilbert W. Phulp, Circuit Judgs for
Umatilla County, Oregon, acting in ths
aiisence of ths Honorable Charles H.
Marsh, Judge of ths above sntitled
conrt, from Umatilla County, mads on
ths 15th day of October, UU8, in ths
matter of the estate of Jos. Anton
Federer, deceased, ths undersigned
,nd afte- tn- iflth day of Novsmbsr.
Administratrix of said eatats will from
1918, proceed to sell and aell at private
aals at ths lw office of Will M. Peter
son, in the Smith-Crawford Building,
in ths City of Pendleton, Umatilla
County, Oretfon, upon the terms here
inafter slated and subject to confirma
tion by said above entitled court, all of
the estate, right, titls and Interest of
ths sstats of Jos. Anton Fedsrsr, de
ceased, in and to ths following de
scribed real property situsted in. ths
County of Umatilla, State of Oregcn.
An undivided one-fifth of ths
Northwest Quarter (NWJ4) of Sso
. tion Thirty (30.) Township Five (5)
North, Rungs Thirty-four (34) East
of ths Willamette Meridian. .
Ths terms upon which said real prop-
arty will bs sold by said Administratrix
ars as follows, to-wlti Cash upon ths
confirmation of ths sale of said real
property by ths above sntitlsd court
and upon ths execution and delivery of
a good and sufficient dued; provided,
however, that said ml proerty may
be sold upon terms providing for ths
payment of ons-half or more of ths
purchase price thereof in cash at the
time and in the manner hereinbefore
Provided in case of a cash sals with
he payment of ths balanes of said
pnrchase pries to bs sscured by a first X
mortiraKe on the rsal property Includ
ed in such sals.
For further information csll upon or
writs to said Administratrix at ths law
office of Will M. Peterson, In the
Smith-Crawford Building, In Pendle
ton, Oregon,
Dated thia 15th day of October, 1918,
Administratrix of ths Eatats of
Jos, Anton Federer, deceased,
Wm. S. NASH,
Attorneys for Administratrix.
, Pstidliton, Oregon.
If yon want ont for Fall
and Winter wo will Ih glrnl
to supply you. Wo repro
wnt 4lio I fat tailurinir
hoimea In Chicago and ruar
If you want to mako your
old suit do we ran niuko it
IDEAL Cata and Sulta
for ladiea. :
R. L. Reynaud
Huttf r Wrap order prompt
ly tilled at tin Leader ahop.
Veterinary Surgeon
lloftpitsl at corner of Main
and Broad streets.
Phone Main 253
In ths Circuit Court of ths Stats of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
I'rankis Carr, Plaintiff, vs. Ola 0.
Carr, Defendant.
To Ota D. Carr, ths above named de
fendant: In the Name of the Stats of Oregon,
V;u arc u'vi l apossr and
anawer ths complaint filed against you
in Iks above
ths above entttiea tun ana court
within six weeks from ths data of ths
Ant nuhllcatlon of this aummona. tw
wit: on or before fh
bsr. i18; and you will take notice that
if you fall to appear and anawer wid
complaint or. otherwUs plead thsreto
wit tun ll time, the plaintiff, for
want thvreof will apply to ths above
entitled court for the relief prayed for
I" her said complaint, to-wil:
, Kor a deews of said court forever
iU...lyla Ida kniull f nilriltulDV IHI
.... ..... - i "ij',u-
and herstofors ssialintf between the
olaintlfT simI defendant, and forsver
divorcing ths plainlilT from ths ds
fsmlanL .
Thia aomwwine f tabfehed pursuant
to ths order of Hon. Gilbsrt W. Phelps,
Circuit Judge of the Sixth Judicial Dis
trict of the titato of Oregon, duly made
and entered on ths Hd day of Krittem
foer. 1B18. The firat publication of thia
aummona will bs made on rrmay, ins
6th day of September. 181H, and ths
laat publication thereof will be made
on Friday, ths 18th day of October,
1918. and It will bs published six con
soculive weeks in the Weeton Lssder
newspaper. 8. t. -PETERSON,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
(Woffles address; Milton, Oregon,
Baker's Goods
Phone your dray orders,
93, or call at store.
Davis & Ellis 1
W. M. Pauraea .. , G. II. Blihep
Peterson & Bishop
Pendleton, Or. Freewater. Or.
Chas. II. Cartsr Dsn P. Smyths
Carter & Smythe
t ,
By using :
Made by the "
We do custom milling, buy
and sell Hay, Grain and
Mlllfeed of all kinds. .
Free City Delivery