The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 18, 1918, Image 1

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Appetl For Peace Is Quickly
tnd Decisively Refused
by Wilson.
Washlagton. President Wllion bis
answered Garmany'a pesos proposal
with a decision which not only fulfill
Ihe expectations or supporters of his
diplomacy, but also dispels the fosrs
of thoee who predlrled (bat ha would
offset victories at arma with dofoats
t diplomacy.
Th full text of America's message
to Germany la aa follow:
"Th unqualified acceptance by Iba
praaaot German government and by a
Una majority or tha relrhstag of ihe
tarma laid down by tha prealdent or
tba Vnlttd Statee or Am or lea In bla
address to tha congress or tha United
Biataa on tba eighth or January, 1911,
and in bla subsequent addreaaaa Jus-
titles tba praaldent In making a 'rank
and direct atataroant or hi declalon
with regard to tba communfcallona or
tba Carman government or tba algbtb
and 12th or October. 1911.
"It Diuit be clearly underttood that
tba process or evacuation and the con
ditions or an armistice are matters
which muet be left to tha Judgment
and advice of the military advisers of
tha government of tha United 8tatea
and tha allied governments, and the
prealdent reela It bla duty to aay that
no arrangement can be accepted by
the government of the United 8tatee
which doea not provide absolutely sat
Uractory safeguard and guarantees
of the maintenance or tha present mili
tary supremacy or tba armlee or the
United Statee and tha alllea In tha
field. H reela 'confident that be can .
ssfely assuma that this will aleo be
tha judgment and decision of tba allied
No Armistice Until Atrooltlea Cease.
"Tna prealdent feels that It la also
his duty to add that neither tha gov
eminent or tba United Statea nor. ha
la quite aura, tba governments with
which tha government or tha United
States Is associated as belligerents,
will consent to consider an armistice
to long aa tba armed forces of Ger
many continue tha Illegal and Inhuman
practices which they atlll persist In.
"At tba very time that tha German
government approachea tha govern
ment of the United Statea with pro
posala of peace, Its submarlnaa are
engaged In sinking psssenger ships at
sea, and not the ahlpa alone, but the
very boata In which their paasengers
and craws aaek to make their way to
safety; and in their present enforced
withdrawal from Flandara and France
the German armlea are puraulng a
course or wanton destruction which
has always been regarded as In direct
violation or tha rules and practices or
civilised warfare. Cities and vlllagea,
If not deatroyed, are being stripped of
all they contain not only, but often, or
their vary inhabitants. -
"Tba nations associated sgalnat Oer
many cannot ba expected to agree to
a cessation of arma while acta of In
humanity, apoliatlon and desolation
are being conUnued which they justly
look upon with horror and with burs
tng hearts, J
Autooratlo Government Muat Ge.
"It la necessary also, in order that
thara may ba no poaalblllty of mis
understanding, that 'the president
should very solemnly call tha atten
tion of the government of Germany
to tha language and plain Intent or on
of tha terms of peace which tha Qer
man government has now accepted,
tt II contained in tha address of tha
president delivered at Mount Varnon
on the Fourth of July laat tt is aa
followi! ,
Tha deatructlon of every arbitrary 1
power anywhere that can separately,
secretly and of Us single choice dis
turb tha peace of the world; or if it
candot ba presently destroyed, at least
It reduction to virtual Impoteney.'
"Tha power which baa hitherto eon
trolled the German nation la of th!
sort here described. It la within tha
choice of tha German nation to alter It
" "Tb president's words Just quoted
naturally eonatltuta a condition pre
cedent to peace, If peace la to coma
by the action of the Oeraan people
"The president feels bound to aay
that the whole process of peace will,
tn hla Judgment, depend upon tha def
Inlteness and Ihe eatlafactory charao
tp Of the guarantees which can be
given In this fundamental matter. It
la Indispensable that tha governments
associated agalnat Germany should
know bayond a gsradvantura with.
v nom tny are uremia.
"Thi resident will make a srpsrsta
"lly to tha royal and Imperial govern
munt or Austrls llunifsry.
Italian Treepe Capture Duraste.
Washington. Italian troops hsve
occupied Dursiso. the Atbsnlsn port
vhlcb British and Italian naval rorcee
recently relded and deatroyed the Im
portant Auatrlan -naval baae, accord
ing to a dispatch to tba Italian em
hsssy from Roma.
Noted Japaneee Scholar, Author and
Lecturer en Japsneae-Amer
lean Relstlena.
Pr. Tamamoto was educated In tbe
nnlvrrslllce of both Japsa and the
United Stoles, ban written several an
tborltatlve book on the relations or
the two countries, and la perhsps bet
ter fitted than any other man on the
platform to bring tbta vital subject to
American audiences.
Few subjects are mora Important la
tbe public mind at tbe present time
then tba one concerning1 cur relations
Or. Mlnoeaku Toehl Yamamote.
with Japan. And perhaps few subjects
are lesa understood. It w ill be a pleas
ure at Chautauqua to bear Dr. Mluo
esfcu Toshl Yntnmnoio, Japanese schol
ar, author and lecturer, discuss these
problems from sn Impartial stand
point (Sacond evening's attraction, Was
ton'a Annual Chautauqua, Nov. 9 14.)
Frantic trlccrame have been receiv
ed by Senator Chamberlain from rep
resentatives or prune growere In tha
vicinity or Salem aaying that notwith
standing the announccmente that the
food admlnlntratlon baa given ordera
for the purchase of 38,000.000 pounds
or Oregon prunes, the orders have not
been received by Oregon packere and
the packing houses are attll Idle.
Tbe new circular road around tba
rim or Crater Lake has been complet
ed. The road later probably will ba
hard surfaced, but the dirt grade cir
cling tbe lake at an average height
of about 7000 feet la entirely finished,
tt la 38 miles long and completes TS
miles Of road work now In Crater Lake
national park. The road around tha
rim haa been under construction for
three yeara.
Oregon draftees are being rejected at
army camps and cantonmenta in eaceaa
of the national average, reporta Just
given out from Washington indicate.
In recent montha, under new stand
ards, the average percontage of rejeo
tlona of Inducted men baa Jumped from
4.83 per cent to 7. per cent, tor th
nation at large. Oregon's percentage
of Unfit is I aa agalnat Washington
atate'a record of J per cent.
Oregon lumber, manufacturer have
been asked by the navy to furnish 600,
000 feet of decking to be used aboard
mine sweepers under construction on
the Atlantic coast This la tha aecond
order for decking of tha new alse, 4M
by 4tt inches, to ba placed with tha
Fir Production board, tbe first having
been tor 600.000 feet for steel freight
ers under way at the plant of the New
port News Shipbuilding company.'
Public Service Commissioner H. H.
Corey hss returned from eastern Ore
gon where he effeoted an agreement
between the East Oregon Logging com
pany and farmera of Wallowa county
by which the ranchers will be allowed
to transport their wheat to market
over the logging road of tha former.
The coat will be about 9 cents a hun
dred pounds. Heretofore, It has been
necessary for the farmera to haul their
grain by team for distance! of from
10 to 40 miles, the cost in many cases
amounting to more than SO cents a
hundred. The road extends from En
terprise to Flora.- There la In the
neighborhood of .160,000 bushels of
vhtat to be taken to market i
tpv' leaMakAa.vsA ei nw-i mm
ft tef AaartaMntfa.
Paris. French troops continue to
to keep In contact with the retiring
Germane, the French war office an
nounced. Tba French report aald tha
remaining enemy troop wera showing
resistance on the north bank of the
Aleno canal south of Chateau Porclen.
Sixty-five hundred clvlllana wera
liberated when tha French troops en
tered the city of Laon. The statement
Issued at tba war otflca aaya that the
French have passed far beyond he
town on tha whole front between the
Oisa and the Allette rivers.
Newspapers here believe that aa a
result or the continuous advance or
the allies the Germans will be forced
hastily to retreat to tha Lllle-Meileres-lleta
Tha German retreat la being carried
out with difficulty owing to the bom
bardment or railroads by airplanes.
British troops are reported to have
outflanked Bouchaln and to be ad
vancing on Oenaln, from which town
they are only three mllea distant
American forces are advancing in
the direction or Dun-Sur-Meuse, In tha
Argonna sector, according to the In
The battle Una In Franca contlnuea
to bend under the attacka ot the en
tente allies, and the enemy almost ev
erywhere is retreating toward new
positions. But his retreat la orderly
and the British. French and Ameri
can are being compelled to right their
way forward alowly In the face of en
emy machine gun detachmenta acting
as rear guards.
To tha south the French have blot
ted out bath La Fere and Laon and
the greater portion ot the St Gobaln
massif standing in the elbow where
the Una runs eastward toward the
Swiss frontier, -
Tha Cbemln dea Dames no longer
stand aa a bulwark for Laon In the
Alane region and to the east In the
Champagne the French, by a awift ad
vance, have entered Voustera and car
ried their line ao far north that the
communicatlona between the German
northern armies and those east Of the
Champagne bid fair to be cut
On tha extreme allied right in tha
active battle area the American First
army la keeping up 1U hammering
tactic and dally gaining more of the
moat valuable ground remaining to tbe
Germane in northern - France that
protecting their communicating ltnea
from tha home aoll through tha Met
and Montmedy regions.
Both In the Macedonian theater and
In Palestine th allied forces are press
ing the enemy hard. Albania la fast
being cleared ot the Auatro-Hungarlan
troops, whils In Serbia Niah, the capi
tal ot the little kingdom, after the ln
vaaton by the Austro-Hungarlana, haa
been recaptured and the enemy driven
to the hilla north ot tt
Prune growera of the Forest Grove
locality have practically finished pick
ing the crop. The season haa been un
usually favorable tor work and tha
arcs, wseadi jtonnsx. Board
.Duluth, Minn. Information from
fire-swept northeastern Minnesota
tended to confirm reporta that nearly
1000 persons lost their lives in the
forest fires of Saturday and Sunday in
this section. ,
Twelve thousand homeless and pen
ntleea refugees, afl in need more or
loss ot medical attention, are quartered
In hospitals, churches, schools, private
homes and in the armory here.
- Cloquet Brookston, Brerator, Coro
na, Adolph. Thompson, Arnold, Moose
Lake and Wright have been wiped out
according to refugees.
Scores or hamlets and hundreds or
aettlera' homes hsve been destroyed.
The property and timber loss will total
many millions ot dollars. -
Fatal Collision of Troopships Occurs
In North Channel,
An Irish Port Revised figures In
dicate that 335 American soldiers per
ished in the Otranto disaster in the
North Channel
Three hundred American soldiers
and 30 French sailors and 2S6 mem
bers ot the crew of the Otranto have
been landed at a port tn northern Ire
land. Sixteen other survlvora have
been picked up at Islay.
Tha Otranto la a total wreck on tha
island ot Islay. The Kashmir landed
ita troopa at a Scottish port without
loss of life.
The troopships collided while a
heavy storm waa raging and the Ot
ranto, with a gaping hole In her aide,
then drifted helplessly toward tha
rocky coast
480 Lest When Lelnster la Sunk.
London. The number ot Uvea lost
when a U-boat sunk the passenger li
ner Lelnster in the Irish sea is now
placed at 480. The vessel csrried 687
passenger and had a crew ot 70.
Survlvora aald that the submarine
fired the two torpedoea without warn
ing from a range ot about ISO yards.
Second U. 8. Field Army in Franc!.
With the American Armies in
France. America now haa two armlea
In the field.
Tha aecond field army began opera
tiona under the command of General
Robert L. Bullard, while General Hun
ter Liggett haa been assigned to the
command of the first field army.
Influenza Increases at Camp Lewie.
Camp .Lewie, Wash. There wera
437 new cases of influenxa here last
week, aa opposed to only 123 casea
tha previous week, according to tha
weekly health report. Tha number ot
deaths, despite this Increase In in
fluenia, decreased.
The cruising and appraising of privately-owned
land In the Bull Run
watershed district by the government
foresters la under way. tt la expected
that the owners will exchange their
righta in thla district for timber not
In a government reserve section. Tbe
Bull Run watershed la tha source ot
rortlsad'! jritsjt jojsHjr. "i -
"You get more calories to tha
penny from milk than from any
other food even at the' present
price," ssld Dr. E. 1. Labbe,
apeclallst, who returned recent
ly from Europe and who spoke
at tbe State Fair and at other
patriotic gatherings. Dr. Labbe
told of tbe children he treated
In the Red Cross children's hos
pital In Evlan, on Lake Geneva,
In France. Tbe Uttle French
and Belgian refugeea were wan
and weak and almoat llfeleaa.
A milk diet aooa brought good
results and tbe babes thrived.
"But." said Dr. Labbe, "they
will never entirely shake off
tbe marks made by the montha
In which they were starved for
milk. Children must nave milk
if tbe race is to go on. It la
every man'a and every woman'a
duty to do all In bla power to
keep the herda of Oregon alive. .
Feed men, mill men, dairymen,
householders, dealers, everyone
must co-operate. Tbe bablea of
tba world must be saved."
Milk may be used not only aa an
addition to an already rich diet but
in place of some of the slowly digested
dlshea which over tax tha digestive
organs and Impair the health. MUk
contains all tha elements necessary
to sustain Ufa and build up the body.
It must ba remembered too, that butter
la a food for all, for rich and poor, for
old and young. Cottage cheese la
another dairy product that la of great
food value.
a a a
Milk Aa An Energy Maker AeknowL
edged by Shipbuilder.
Because Portland and Seattle ship
builders make a scramble for the milk
bottles when the noon whistle blows
they are becoming famona and to tha
fact that they drink milk is attributed
their ability to do better work than
any other shipbuilders.
Now comes San Francisco showing
she, too, has taken c. the habit Tha
Pacific Dairy Review aaya "one dis
tributer akra aunpUe -1 AO qwiu -daUy
to men in the Union Iron Works,"
although, the review adds, "In Saa
Francisco, the milk-drinking habit ia
attll in ita infancy." Here'a another
argument for keeping up the dairy
herds. The milk bottle is backing the
beer can off the map. Tima waa
when the men of the Iron worka would
have "rushed the can" aa they termed
getting their beer.
"The food value of a quart of milk
la the equivalent of three fourths ot a
pound ot beet, two pounds of chicken
or eight eggs. Compare the costs and
milk wins." Dr. E. V. McCuUom of
John Hopkins University who visited
Oregon not long sgo made this state
ment He adds "For the sake of your
family's health, and for the reduction
of your living expenses, use more dairy
products, and then some mora."
"The restricted use of milk would
mean a serious loss ot energy, and a
serious menace to the winning ot tha
war" aaya G. A. Morgan in Hoard's
Shoes have gone up in price but
we buy them. They are a necessity,
Tet milk, the food that ia necessary
to everyone, because it goes up, is too
often cut from the diet Isn't that a
UtUe inconsistent?
We must have pure fresh milk.
Count it economy to aee that each
child in the family has at least a pint
of milk a day. Get the milk habit
Encourage the dairymen to keep up
his dairy. He is willing fo do his shara
but be can't do everything without co
operation. At a meeting ot the Portland boiler
makera' union it waa voted that tha
44-hour working week ahall be put in
to effect by members working in ship
yarda by the taking ot Saturday half
holidaya. The union voted two weeka
ago to work 48 houra weekly, after
having taken Saturday half-holidays
for two successive weeks. . '
An educational campaign la being
launched by the Tillamook Creamery
association to make their producta bet
ter known. The output of Tillamook
cheese thla year will, it ia expected,
exceed $1,600,000. In 1917 the 34 fao
torlea handled 44,901,303 pounds ot
milk, and from it manufactured 4,974,
328 pounds ot TUlamook cheese, valued
at 31.188.S45.
A shipment of 40 gallons ot brandy
and 65 gallona ot whisky that waa
masquerading aa "cyUnder oil, med
ium," and arrived on the ateamer Rose
City from San Francisco, waa eelxed
at Astoria by the police and federal
authorltlea. The liquor waa tn kegs
packed in boxea and waa consigned to
the "Wendliag Vaughn Logging com
puy, Gray! Rlvar, Wailu"
Principal Events of the ffeel
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Rettfers. '
la tbe etate bar examinations that
were held at Salem under tha direc
tion of the supreme court only 11 ap
plicants for certificates made their ap
pearance. Two draft calls for 43! elaaa 1 me
to be sent to Fort Stevens, Or, and
Fort McArthur, Cat, have been issued.
Entralnroenu ander both calls are ta
be effected la tbe five-day period start
ing October 21.
Applea have begun to roll from Hood
River to eastern points la large quan
tities. Average abipmenta now are 14
cars per day., Tbe total crop will ap
proach 1200 carload. . To date ISO ears
have been aent euL
Not since tbe Umatilla project waa
established ten yeara ago baa th la
te rest In alfalfa landa bees ao great
aa at the present time. During the
last 30 dsys cash sales have beem aa
menus and prices have been good.
To place plainly before tha hos
wives of Oregon once mora tha what
and why of present food conservation
regulations, the state food administra
tion la preparing to conduct big
pledge drive October IS to November
Clay Clam, owner of a 40-acre prune
orchard near Canyanvllle, haa harvest
ed tha record crop of fruit from hla
place thia year. He secured IS tons
of dried prunes and sold the output
at ! cents a pound, securing 117,100
for his crop.
Oregon's banks deserve tha credit for
putting the atate first In tha purchase
ot treasury certificate. Every bank
In the state took some ot the eertifl
catea ot the issue of October J, and
thia record waa not duplicated ia aay
A total of 59 industrial accidents,
of which three were fatal, were report
ed to the state Industrial accident com
mission during the past week. Tb
fatal accldenta werer Walter Harvey
and a L. Waters, Portland, shipbuild
ing; John Confer, St Helens, lumber-,
In response to aa Inquiry from
Klamath Falls as to whether persons
signing petitions for Independent nom
inations must be electors who are reg
istered without party affiliation. As
sistant Attorney-General Taa Winkle
haa advised that thia la not required
by law.
The aalmon fishing season oa th
Siuslaw and TJmpqua rivers and oa
Coos bay la now at Ita height and
many carloads ot the fish are shipped
from these sections over the Coos bay
branch of the Southern Pacific to out
side points, most ot them being bUled
to New York.
Carl Croeland, representing the de
partment of commerce, ia in Salem to
gather atate financial autistic which
are to be aent to Washington for com
pilation. Mr. Croeland expecta to be
there about two weeka. working moat
of tha tima ia tha otflca of Secretary
ot State Olcoti
Thomas C. Taylor, a past grand
commander ot the Knighta Templar,
dropped dead In the Masonic temple at
Bend Just" prior to tha opening of a
session ot the grand eommandery ot
tha.atat. Mr. Taylor waa on or east
ern Oregon's best-known men. having
lived at Pendleton a number of years.
Twenty-tour hundred common labor
era are seeded Immediately by ship
yards Is and about Portland It me
chanics are to ba allowed to go ahead
and th production ot ahlpa In thla
district is sot to e seriously crippled,
according to an announcement mad
by tha TJ&lted States employment bu
reau. As a forerunner ot extensive devel
opments on the Klamath Indian reser
vation, the United State government
Indian Irrigation service baa applied
to State Engineer Lewla tor a' permit
to appropriate sufficient water from
Williamson river and its trlbutariea to
Irrigate 73,638 acre on tha Klamath
swamp. ,
Creation ot , deficiencies, most of
them at the atate inatltutlona. wer
authorised by the atate emergency
board to provide a total of ll4.4a
seeded to replenish funds for the re
maining three montha ot tha present
biennlum. Other emergency board
meetings held heretofore have author
lied deficlenclea aggregating $347,600.
so tha present grand total In eroer
gency provision of funds during tht
fcits&i'fa.ij Y4. -1