The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 11, 1918, Image 1

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Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infer
matlon of Our Reader.
prune plli
10 bushel of Mmfa and
havs been collected In
John Cary. aged 17 years, for 40
yrare resident of Vtmo county, died
I The Dslle.
Winter whest Is making good prog
rs In Oregon sod the Indications are
favorable for an lneresrd srresge.
Mra. Miranda Smith, a pinner real
dent of Oregon. died on br raurh, alg
miles from Newherg. at the ag of
Astorla'e new Liberty temple, red
ed at the Courthouse square, was dedl
rated Friday with spproprlst exer
cise. Three hundred men entered the
Oregon reer officer' training ramp
which opened Haturday at the Unlver
ally of Oregon.
Rain carried away atretcb of flume
of I be llnod lilver Apple Growers' as
aoclatlon water power plant, and aa a
reault a number of tba ctty'a Industries
were mad Idle.
Organliatlon of a atat association
of county officials will be perfected at
meeting to be held la tb Multnomah
county courthoua from October 10 to
November I, Inclusive.
Tba hous baa paaaed Repreaentallva
Ilawley'a bill autborlilng tb construc
I I'm or a dam acroaa Depot slough,
near Toledo, for tb reclamation of
severs! hundred acre of tide land.
Because of tb government's slow
flour-buying policy In tb northwest,
the flour mills are slowing down In
their opvrstlons until now they are
grinding to lea than SO per cent of
their capacity.
A. II. Lea. who will be general man
ager of tb North Pacific International
Livestock show at Portland this year,
has announced tentative dates for tb
show, November 18 to SI. Inclusive,
subject to ratification at a meeting to
b held In Portland. .
Tb statf .board of equalisation,
which Include members of the state
tax commission, will meet in Salem
October tl to equalise properties com
ing twdr the tax commission. These
Include, utilities which operate In
more than on county.
Representative Blnnott has Intro
duced a bill authorising the secretsry
of the Interior to extend for 10 yesrs
the period of the contract with the
atat of Oregon covering the Tumalo
Irrigation project The preaent time
limit will expire January IS. 1919.
Meetlnga of the 13 district councils
of the Loyal Legion of Loggers and
Lumbermen, the body representing em
ployers and more than 100,000 work
ers, will be held simultaneously over
th northwest, October IS.- The call
was Issued by Sprue Production Di
vision headquarters at Portland.
Th organising of a stock company
by retail meat dealers to control th
neat trad of the Coo bay .district Is
reported to be under way, taking In all
hops In North Bond and Marahfteld,
xceptlng tb Union Meat company's
hop at Marshfleld. The new compsny
la to bar a paid-up capital ot 125,000.
Until October IS young men of Ore
gon may volunteer for Induction and
entrance Into the next class at tb
Benson Polytechnic school In-Portland,
In preparation for war dutlea of a
mechanical natur. Volunteers are ac
cepted only until a glvsn board's quota
Is filled. Entrapment will occur Oc
tober 15.
Th freight rate on corn shipments
from Nebraska to Oregon will be re
duced from 61 cents a hundred to 68
cents, according to Information reach
ing the Oregon public service commls-
ston from the railroad administration.
The Oregon commission protested the
Increased rate some time ago when
stockmen complained. ; - .
Oregon's auota of S3S.708.130 In the
Fourth Llborty loan was brought o
completion, Thursday night when new
subscriptions were announced which
more than filled Portland'a apportion
ment of 818,323.431. The committee
announced that Portland will claim tlr
honor of being the first city of Ita
class In tbe country to go over the top.
A cloudburst did heavy damage at
Huntington and vicinity, inundated
the tracks at one place between Hunt-
lngton and the Snake river, hatting all
v.ii.. trafric. and caused wsshouts
of numerous highways ana sman
bridges. The deluge tore up streets In
Huntington, flooded basements and
carried tong of earth and debrla with
Attention of in Orrgon Hairy coun
cil ws directed to two serious short
sges that ronfront th Oregon farmer,
help and feed. Th.-ie Is no remedy
proposed fur the manpower shortage,
except the hope that th draft boards
will not deplete further help of th
dslrymen. With reference to the lark
of mill feed, the dairy council sent a
telegrsm to Herbert Hoover asking
that th government take th stork
of flour northwest miller are holding
In order that the mills may be grind
ing full time on wheat.
Sheriff Oeorge McDuffee, ei Sheriff
E. M. Bbutt and "Farmer" Drown,
county agriculturist, returned to Hepp
Ber from the head of Willow creek, 14
miles east, with Joe Handy, an alleged
moonshiner, a stilt outfit, and about
11 gallons of liquor. The officers
found a complete distilling plsnt with
a capacity of about It gallons of liquor
a dsy.
By an order of the stste livestock
sanitary board sheep owners of east
rn Denton and western Linn counties
must soon dip their sheep. Although
laat spring It was decided by the
board that generally sheep were suf
ficiently free from dlsesse to suspend
the dipping order, In these two coun
ties condition seemed to wsrrant re
quiring that tb dipping b don.
For th first time tb work of han
dling pninea Is being hampered In tb
Salem section by tb drying up of
welt In tb country districts. Fruit
Inspector Vsn Trump reports. A lib
eral supply of water la needed In con
nection with th evaporators In the
driers, and on many ranches this sup
ply Is said to be facing short of needs
because of the low water supply la
the wells.
Fifty-four per cent of th total bank
deposits In Oregon are held by tb
banks In Portland, according to a
statement baaed on th bank reports
of August SI Issued by Superintendent
of Bank Will B. Bennett. In the en
tire atat tber are S3 banking Insti
tutions, located In 163 towns, with
total dcVosIt of 1196,926.411, while ot
that tout S4 banks In Portland bold
Orders for IS cars of lime have been
received. by the elate lime board from
Willamette valley points and the
money has been -paid, atatea Warden
Murphy, of the atat penitentiary. The
plant Is now grinding lime, but no
where near at full capacity, he aald,
and just when tbe first dellverlea'will
be made Is aa yet a trifle uncertain.
Tbe Initial price set for the lime Is
$1.75 per ton. f. o. b. Gold Hill.
Tbe military sone about Vancouver
barracka haa been extended to Include
the city of Portland, and orders have
been Issued for a general clean up ot
the city. Restauranta, cafeterias, gro
cery stores and alf other places where
foodstuffa are handled and all barber
shops, beauty parlor and aimilar
places must Immediately estsbllsh
sanitary conditions and employ only
such help as Is free from communica
ble diseases.
A record crop of acorns Is being
harvested at Hood River this season.
Ranchers of the Frsnkton district who
own hogs srs fattening them with the
mast, and .those who have no swine
are gathering up th larger fallen
acorns for tbe market Acorns are
now a staple on the local market cell
ing for f 1 per bag, many children se
curing a fund for th purchase of war
aavlnga stamps by harvesting acorns
from trees along th public roads and
on vacant lots.
For the week ending October S a
total of 6S5 accidents were reported to
the state Industrial accident commis
sion, of which three were fatal. The
fatal cases were: 8. Yameahlta, Philo
math, logging; JVseph H. Hathejiy,
Portland, ahlpbulldlng; Andre Neva
kovtch, Port!and,-foundryman. In ad
dition were the two following fatali
ties resulting from Injuries previously
reported: 8. Ratte'nbury, employed by
a meat company In Portland, Injured
September 8, and Walter Nelson, em
gaged In grading work at Dirkenfleld,
and Injured September IS.
More than 11,000 acrca of the Bull
Run watershed, from which Portland
gets Its entire water supply, wss sdded
to the Oregon national forest reserve
by a bill "which passed the house of
representatives by unanimous consent.
The lsnd wss originally In the grant
of the Oregon a California railroad,
but went to the government by court
decision a few yoara ago. It -was to
have been opened for homestesders
with the rest of the grant last June,"
but the federal tend office held up the
land until settlement of the matter
before congress.
It la probable that the atate will
dispose of some of Its unused flax ma
chinery to Alfonso M. del Cam pa. who
owns a flax- plant at Quadalajara. Jet,
Kaj5wf t.
Tli tank seen In this French official photograph wrs captured by tb
French In tb recent beavy fighting na th western front The tank waa de
mollsbed by tb beavy French gunfJr and It took these crafty Frenchmen
twelve day of work under enemy Or to put It In order again. The photo
graph show the French crew which repaired th tank and which la operating
It with great results agslnst th enemy. -
pectlng the machinery at tbe state
penitentiary. He wishes to buy soma
of th flex breakers and a thresher or
two, and also some flsxseed. When
J. C. Cady Installed tbe flax ptant for
tbe State he purchased a great deal
more machinery than has ever been
Used, and Governor Wltbyeombe baa
given his approval to tba sale of tbe
unused machinery.
Tbe opening of tbe great Boutin
tract of timber In Coos county, the
largest and most productive tract of
aeroplane spruce of any In tbe state,
excepting one In Lane county, Is being
rushed to the productive point by 250
soldhtrs. Barracks, bathhouses and re
creation halt, now being built will be
finished before th advent of rainy
weather. The spur ot railroad which
1. 1 V.. II tmr T1..v.r tllll In ftl
" " 7 -M,h lh.- em
spruce tract and which, when com-
pleted. wilt be. between IS and 20
miles In length, Is well under way, and
It la figured 600,000 feet of spruce will
be cut dally when the slides are work
ing. It Is expected that actual logging
operations will begin soon.
Camp Lewla. Tacoma, Wash. -Inftti
enza increased and pneumonia de
creased Isst week In Camp Lewis, ac
cording to the report of Captain V. L.
Bishop, csmp sanitary inspector
There were 128 casea of Influenza dur
lug the week and 69 cases of pneu
monla. Last week tber were 94 In
fluents cases reported and 63 cases
ot pneumonia.
War Time
MERICA has several excellent war time sweet
half cup of syrup and about one-half cup of corn sugar.
One-fourth of a cup of sugar is equal to a"bout one-half
cup of syrup or one-third cup of corn sugar. One table
spoon of sugar is equal to one tablespoon of honey, about
.'one and one-half tablespoons of syrup and one and one
third tablespoons of corn sugar.
Sugar may be saved by the use of raisins, dates, figs,
dried pears and fruit pastes used on the breakfast cereals.
Fruit marmalades, butters and jellies should be used
to take the place of the ordinary sweetening at a meal and
not as accessories to it. Fruits may be preserved without
sugar. It may be added when sugar is more plentiful.
Preserving demands this year a thin syrup instead of a
heavy syrup.
If sugar is used one-half of the amount may be replaced
by another sweetener.
Drying is a means of preserving (without sugar) ap
ples, cherries, strawberries and black caps.
When ready to use they may have added the needed
sugar in the form of a syrup. When sugar is more plentiful
fruit juices may be made into jellies or may be used as
fruit juices with or without, sugar, as beverages, fruit
gelatins and frozen desserts.
- - Fresh fruits supply the place of sugar in the diet. They
should be used' freely. Desserts where sugar i3 scarce
may be made of gelatins, junkets, custards, puddings and
cakes.,'.' - '
1- i -Yl
1,850,000 MEN EMBARKED
Mora Than 250.000 Yank Sail Monthly
' for Franc.
Washington. Despite th epidemic
of Spsnlsh Influenza, embarkation of
American troops Is being continued at
the rate of more than 250,000 per
Hnonth, General March announced. Tba
'.total embarked to date now has passed
th 1,850,000 mark. Tbe September
shipments exceeded 250,000, although
cases of Influents in camps at home
exceeded 100,000.
Tbe policy of tbe war department In
sending overseas only men who hav
not had the disease snd who have not
been exposed to It has necessitated
material readjustments of tbe shipping
schedule, but hss not Interfered with
tat number embarked,
Germane Still Committing Crimea.
Havre. The Belgian government
haa Issued a statement that from tbe
coast to beyond tbe city of Bruges,
the male population between the ages
ot 15 and 45 have been brutally torn
from their bomee and forced to labor
on German military work.
Cambral and Douai Burned by Huns.
With the British Army In France.
Great tongues of flame were seen
shooting up from the city of Douai and
more fires have been started In Cam
bral. The Germans also hsve applied
the torch to many villages in tbe Cam-,
bral area.
eners that will be used largely during the
shortage in the sugar supply.
' They are maple sugar, syrups, honey and
molasses and may be used in preparing des
serts and other dishes requiring sweetening.
When a cup of syrup or honey is used
to replace a cup of sugar the liquid in the
recipes should be decreased one-fourth.
One-third of a cupful of sugar is equivalent
to one-third of a cup of honey, about one-
"ewjf.m war
On the battlefronta tbe Germans
everywhere are being forced to give
ground to the allied troops. la Bel
glum tbe enemy Is gradually being
pushed eastwsrd, and In anticipation
of a forced withdrawal continue prep
aratlona for thst eventuality by re
moving his guns and otherwise lessen
ing tbe vslue of his defensive works
In the territory upon and adjacent to
the North sea coast
To tbe south from Arrss to the Ver
dun sector tbe Germans are being bard
pressed by tb British. American, Ital
ian and French forces, although oa
numerous sectors they are still offer
ing desperate resistance.
With tbe Germans being defeated
over wide areas by tbe French and
Americana from Rbeims to the Ar
gonne forest tbe Italisns south of
La on have begun an offenalve which
seemingly bss as Its objective the fin
ishing of the work previously begun
by tbe French for tbe obliteration of
La Fere and Laon. Here they hav
captured Important and strongly held
German positions.
Tbe latest operations ot tbe French
around Rbeims bsve materially press
ed back the enemy. Likewise eastward
through Champagne to the Argonne
forest the French and Americans hav
advanced In titanic struggles, captur
ing numerous villages, crossing tb
A lane canal and pursuing the enemy
along tbe entire fronts of the 8ulppe
and Arnea rivers, both of which have
been crossed at several points.
, In the Macedonian theater the allied
troops have compelled the Austrian
to withdraw from tbe Elbaaan sector
and other positions, while near Vranje,
central Serbia, tbe French and Serbian
troops have captured A astro-German
Scores Perish st Munition Plant
' Perth Amboy, N. J. Many men
were killed and score Injured in a
tremendous explosion at the plant ot
the T. A. Gillespie Shell Loading com
pany, at Morgan, near her.
General Doyen Die of Spanish Gripp.
Washington. Brigadier General
Charlea A. Doyen, commandant of the
marine corps training camp at Quan
tlco. Va., died there of influenza. Gen
eral Doyon returned from France aome
montha ago.
Durazzo Navsl Bass Destroyed.
, Rome. Americsn, British and Ital
ian warships have destroyed the Aus
trian naval base at Durazzo and th
warships anchored there, according
to an announcement made by Premier
With the American Army Northwest
of Verdun. The American troops on
the line stretching westward from tht
Meuse, who are opposed by reinforced
units of the German army. Itart
atralghtened out the kinks left In theli
long front
On the Americans' right near the
Meuse, th woods and ravines about
Cunel were cleaned out and further
wist Monoy wood, which has been
the scene of terrible fighting for twe
days, was finally cleared ot the enemy
There has been stubborn Infantry
fighting between the Meuse and tht
Osons wood, and further west the ma
chine-gun and artillery combnta have
been constant and heavy.
There was Increased artillery fire
by both sides everywhere along the
Tbs movement of ' the Amerlcaw
against the woods sbout Cunel was
undertaken after a terrific artillery
preparation lasting for hours. Shelli
Ti-ere thrown In vast numbers, so when
the infantry finally did advance the
resistance encountered was compara
tlvely feeble.
It developed that the Germans In
the process of consolidating their po-
sltlons had brought forward machine
guns to a degree perhaps never pre
viously attempted by them. At cer
tain sections of the line they were only
five yards apart
Bulgarian King Abdicates.
Zurich. Crown Prince Boris haa as
sumed tbe reins ot office in Bulgaria,
following the abdication of King Ferdi
nand, according to a dispatch received
Influenza at Seattle Camp.
Seattle. Officera of the United
State naval training camp here an
nounced four men died at the camp
Sunday from lafitjeiwa .J. J
Chancellor Max Requested to
Tell Just What Interests ;
He Represents.
Wsshlngtoa. President Wilson has
met Germany's peace not with a
move that wUL at on stroke, develop
whether ber proposal stneer ot
merely a pretention, and. It a preten
sion it be, fully justify for all Urn
before th world th prolonging ot
th wsr with fore to th utmost,
force without stint or limit
At tb same Urn th president has
left wide open th door to peace.
Decline to Propose Armistice.
Declining to propose an armistice
while the armies ot the central pow
ers remain on Invaded soil, th presi
dent called on th German chancellor
to state, as an absolutely necessary
preliminary to a reply from the en
tente allies and tb Cnlted Bute,
whether Germany excepts th princi
ples of peace aa repeatedly laid
down, or merely proposes to accept
them "as th basis of negotiation."
and whether the chancellor merely
apeak for the German military mas
ters conducting th war or th whol
Cermaa people.
Reply Sent to Germany.
The text of th communication
handed to th Charge ot 8wltserlaa4
here follows:
"Sir I hav the honor to acknowl
edge, on of th president, your
note of October f, enclosing the com
munication from th German govern
ment to the president and I am In
structed by the president to request
you to make the following communi
cation to th Imperial German chan
cellor: "Before making reply to the re
quest of th imperial German govra
ment and in order that that reply
shan be candid snJ strslgioorwar
as the momentous Interests involved
require, th president, of the United
States deems it necessary to assure
himself of the exact meaning of the
note of the Imperial chancellor.
Chancellor Asked to Explain.
Does the Imperial chancellor mean
that the imperial German govern
ment accepts the terms laid down by
the president in his address to th
congress of the United States on the
8th ot January last and in subsequent
addresses, snd that its object in en
tering into discussions would be only
to agree upon the practical details ot
their application?
"The president feels bound to say
with regard to the suggestion of an
armistice that he would not feel At
liberty to propose a cessation of
arms to th governments with which '
th government of the United State
is associated against the central pow
ers, so long as the armies ot those
powers are upon their soil ,
Withdraw From Occupied Territory.
"The good faith of any discussion
would msnlfestly depend upon the
consent of the central powers imme
diately to withdraw their forces
everywhere from invaded territory.
"The president .also feels that he is
Justified In asking whether the Im
perial chancellor is speaking merely
tor the constituted authorities of th
empire who have so far conducted .
the war.
"He deems the answer to these
questions vital from every point of
"Accept, sir, the renewed assur
ances of my high consideration.
French Throw Enemy Out of Heights
Dominating th City.
With the French Army In France,
Tbe deliverance of the martyred City
ot Rhelma appears to be final. Fort
Brimont and the height on which It
stands was taken by French troops!
and the heights eastward from this
city are clear of the enemy.
Tbe French troops, while meeting
the usual stout resistance from nt-j
chine gun nests, conquered Fort. Bri
mont and the mounts ot Champagne,
which have been .the theater ot san-t
gulnary struggles tor four years, with'
surprisingly small losses. ! ':
Washington One hundred seagoing
vessels. 46 steel and M wood, aggre
gating 30M33 gross tons, wer com
pleted in American shipyards during
September. In addition, 70 non-sea-going
vessels of 7031 greet tone wer
built durtflg fifra tarns period.' ,