The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 04, 1918, Image 3

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    . iir : 7
bib room
A new and attractive line.
Churlf Wilson and rYwl Greer
lft this wifk for Spokane to at
U nd buMniiw riillfge,
Mr. and Mrs. Hs Maloru-y hae
gone ti Walla Walla, whore Mrs.
Maloney will submit to an oiwra
lion. Mr. ami Mrs. J. II. Price' am
Mrs. J. K. Stanflfld motored to Wal
la Walla WediHwday for week-end
E. E Z hm has disposed of bis
stork and leaves tomorrow for
Spokane, where his family Is re-
?4 siding.
Wo uim to make
our work its best
R. C. Saling left today for south
ern Idaho to look after his ranch
InU'rrsU, and will be aWnt about
a week.
A recent casualty list contained
the name of Private Frederick W.
Compton of Milton, who was se
verely wounded.
A daughter weighing nine pounds
Church of tht Hrethren Sunday was born Thursday morning to
school at 10 a. m. Preaching at Agent and Mrs. S. S. Nelson at
II a. nt. V. W. 8. at 6:30 p. m. their home at the O-W. depot.
Hible Study. Life ot Vhrto, at 7:30 Wi Kutch wmvt;lM gA
p.m. John llonewiU elder. .round on cruUhes at his home In
Methodist Church -Sunday school Ahe Htukit uplands. He was quite
at 10 a. rn. Preaching aervicea at badly hurt while unloading logs.
II a. m. anu 7:3U p. m. r.pworm r.. i. ;.u
tion Hud Nelson's new electric sign"
but not for the purpose of ad-
o o o
S. K
Uugue at 0:110.
Thursday evening
United Brethren Church Preach
Ing at 11 a. m. and 8 p. in.
Sunday school at 10:00 a. m.
Junior C. E. at 2:30 p. m. C. E.
meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer meet
ing Wednesday evening. E. F.
Wriggle, pastor.
Baptist Church The Church with
" . I at ib.
a cordial welcome for all. Sunday j. .wo were neiKhbors In the
school at ten o clock preaching at Win,mrtte valley fifty years ago.
eleven. Also preaching at eight . ,
o'clock In the evening. W. R. Patriarchs. Attention - There
Storms, pastor. f J"1" ' Wenaha Ln-
campmem io. on iuctuh?.
wwttwwwvMw her 15. Work in Patriarchal ue-
13 . . M ima
vertising it, as it advertises itself.
J. !!. Padberg has been appoint
ed administrator of the R. Lieual-
len estate. The appraisers are S.
A. Barnes, J. H. Price and G. W.
Mrs. Jane Penland Quick of Hal-
sey, Oregon, was a guest this wee it
of Mrs. Martha W. Van Winkle.
gree. Uomc. II. u nearica,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Padberr
were here this week from their '
home in Morrow county, having
come to attend the funeral of Mrs.,
Padberg's father, the late Ransom
J. H. Clodius is In Lane hospital
San Francisco, recovering from an
operation for the relief of stomach
trouble. This proved highly sucv
ceauul, and his continued Improve
ment is looked for.,
Frank Hildcbrand has so nearly;'
recovered that he will be brought'
home in a few days from St. Mav
ry's hospital, where he has been a
patient with typhoid pneumonia for
the past four weeks.
Earl Lieuallen, who is taking the,
radio course at Washington State.
College to equip himself for special
war work, was here Sunday to at
tend the funeral of his grandfather,
Glenn Smith has enrolled from
October 27, 1918.
Set your clocks back one hour,
and buy A GOOD WATCH at
our store for only
o o
We all have been GOING SOME for the past four
months and in "High Gear" much of the time.
We have ordered an extra box of. STOGIES and
wish to come in and have one on us.
Goodyear Tires
smaxE Tins fact ahd feid AH EQUAL:
A Hudson Super Six received late last November, equipped with Goodyear fabric all
weather tread tires, carrying a load that required reinforcement of springs to hold, goes
over the Rocky Mountains, arrived at distant end (Detroit, Mich.) of journey with speed
ometer reading 4635 miles and CONTAINING THE SAME AIR STARTED ON.
Again, today the speedometer reads 9013 miles having crossed the Rocky mountains
a second time and all four tires are still holding good. On return part of trip there was
some inner tube trouble but not one minute delay because of outer casing failure.
The Prudent Man
will fill his coal bin when the fill
ing is good. "Better order your
coal now, when I can supply you.
P. T. HARBOUR, Weston, Oregon
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1866
Athena. Oregon . Waltibur. Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected blucstem in one of the
bast equipped 'mills in the Northwest.
Sold In Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company
W&ton in the Tanks corps at Port
landan army organization In
which resourcefulness and daring
are prime requisites. He is a son
of H. P. Smith of Dry creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morrison of
Loner Beach. Calif., were here dur
Ing: the first of the week on a Dr m, Mr8- Ff a WatU and
wedding trip and were guests of Worth wtt8 arrived home Sunday
the Richard Morrisons. Robert even! from Mjcnigan. trav.
und Richard Morrison are brothers. , e)ed Jn Hudson 3734 miles
A horse belonging to W. Ih going and 2516 miles returning, a
Warfield of Basket mountain was total of 7112 miles being regls
struck by lightning and killed dun. teied by the speedometer includ
ing Sunday's storm. The animal ing their trips while in the East,
had the distinction of meeting Even so, they had no car or tire
death from a cause unique in this trouble, and the car is shod with
Bection of the country. . the same tires with which it start-
a u !..w..l!HLn M. worm iook inewmpieic sum
1. oVT.C' i u;..,i. a m- .J mer course at the Culver,
III ktUUIIULIV. frnoii puu s'
s r-4
The Weston Leader is on a Cash Basis
Subscriptions, Jobwork and Advertising
r. U7.n 111.11. raiuuiry bciiwi. itivy
were visiUng this week at the homepame? home by the niece of l)r
of Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Storms; Watt, Mim Lora Gaylord of W,I
Mrs Johnson and Mrs. Cowan are hamston, M.oh.. who is a stenog.
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Storms. and tJrP,8t-
G. A. R. McGrew came up from fE
Portland Wednesday to lend a help-, Wednesday from the L berty Loan
Ing hand to "the boy" on the Mc Committee as follows: Hans Pahl.
Grew ranch. Bob really likes to get ?e.ndi$ton
Mo a suit of ranch togs and labor ff Urty f "f bJ
" , i,,-iii m . ' the Loyalty Committee and is so
long and ustily. Nex i , U our- ,aimed to blic John
eelVe8, w ,nost ind!lstrlou8 ters of Pendleton, Higbee Harris
man we know. .-, of mtgn Rnd f,. Hilbert o
Services will be conducted Sun- Ukiah have been cited to appear
day, October 13, at 3 p. m. at the before the committee to show cause
Episcopal church in this city, by why they should not be so judged."
Rev. Altred Lockwood of Pendle- Yesterday Mr. Pahl came through
ton. This is the first of a series of wjth the full 'allotment, $2500, as
services to be held the second Sun- signed to him by the committee.
The public is invited to attend a gage in war work writes to the
white shower given for the Red Leader from mid-ocean that she
Cross st the Red Cross rooms by "spent two weeks in New York and
the Honor Guard Girls Wednesday had a lovely visit with Dr, and Mrs.
evening, October 9 Refreshments Madden. Mrs. Madden was with
will be s&ved and a silver offering me a few days in New York. They
taken. A very'special invitation to are doing fine. This ocean trip is
be present U extended, to the men. wonderful and i&tsrestinff.".
The Farmers Bank of Weston
EstaMs&ed 1891
Buy U. S. Bonds and War Sav
ings Stamps, but don't over
look the last half of your 1917.
taxes, v v