The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 04, 1918, Image 2

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Strrttv in AJs
Ik Yw 13 00
Sis Month 1
Three Month SO
). al IM petteJrW l VntM. Orttee
a HtwiihH auit Mltei.
ADtuniu i m
Regular, per Inch per inaertioa
Transient, per inch pr ineertkMi
Locals, per tin per insertion
The Oregon Sute Council of IV-
fense h adopted the following pueaiK! wnion rcmaineu mm
resolution relative to Economy V1-. . - - . ,fc
. . Early in bfe he fell in love with
Chretmas Buying: Miia Mary jan Green, whom in
"The. State Council of Defense, the springtime of 1S69. when the
holding fast to the cardinal prinoi- earth was waking into a new life,
pie of its original resolution that the birds vrYre mating 'and the
Chirstmas giving for the season of flowers wvre budding into blown.
191$ should embody the elements he claimed as his bride. And we
. of simplicity and necessity, coo- truly believe that this union btre
ceives that the spirit of such giv- the seal of God. Their life has not
" ing. sanctified by the custom of been jl springtime and flowers,
centuries and invoking the highest Ah, no! Sorrow has come, mingled
traits of human character, should wjtfj the joy; disappointment has
not at this time be ignored or dim- beVa strewn amongst the successes.
imshed; rather, should be directed death has entered their home.
" into higher and finer channels Poverty has also teen theirs-- but
and in order that this spirit may through all the heart of the lover,
be still further deepened and the admiration of the bridegroom
strengthened, we urge upon all to for the one of his choice, ivmajnei
anticipate their purchased, to the jth him unto the last. Ttey be
" end that the season may be marled rn housekeeping in Weston, where
by an absence so far as may be hu- they lived the greater part of their
. manly possible of the hardships im- lives, except for a period t-pent in
posed in years past by the stress of Morrow county. Oregon.
. concentrated and oftentimes chaotic Brother Lieualien was the father
baying within the all too brief pe- 0f eight children, four of whom have
riod preceding Christmas Day. preceded him to that home with
We ask the public to make their- God. He surrendered his life and
: selections now, at a time when de- heart to Christ 27 years ago. tm
" liberation and well-considered no a cjj- when he stood by his anvil
"tion are possible when stocks alone, with Irs fca-nmer
have not been diminished and in the iron to suit his own mind, the
volume, variety and appropriatness triphammer of Cod's great tr.ti
meet every thought or need no pounding at his heart broke
"- matter how exacting. Early Christ- through, and the regenerating
mas baying in the truest sense will power of Cod's gnat hm an I
; conserve the man-power of the Na- grace filled his soul, and truly frxn
tion, and fall compliance with these that hour his r as teen a regenerate
suggestions will denote a troe j;fe. He was a faithful member
i spirit of patriotism and loyalty to cf the Church, loved it as Cod's
our country.
. A Gifted Oregon Cmcposer
Wefton rmrnc lovers will remem-
ber Miss Lois Peebles, daughter of
use laur rruieaeor u. .-v. recoio,
at one time vice president of the
Weston Norrwl faculty. She was
' a very gifted singer, and frequent
' ly delighted local audiences with a
voice at once sweet and powerful.
She is now Lois Locile Junk, and is
-; referred to by the Sunday 'Oregort
. ian as an ""Oregjn eompoter of real
merit," in an article describing a
reception given ber . at a Portland
t borne. She sang a nurobtr of songs.
all of which were her own, both
words and composition. Ibe Ora-
gocias eootinBes:
"Mrs. Jsnk's com positions are
.'broad in their concept showing
mach individuality, depth of dsar
acter and good style. Her harmon
ies ar exquisite and she- plays her
own accompaniments splendidly.
- She is withal a taiented musician
. and will no dotsbt meet with great
KK-i. a her songs sing them-
" ceives into the bearst of ber listen
ers. Oregon ean well be proud of
this gifted composer of poems and
songs. The only work of Mrs.
uck no published is the cycle. "A
Love EoBary,' containing three
abort songs.
"Mrs. Jack kft last Friday
morning for the Eastern cities,
where she will present ber songs
and arrange for further publica
tions." Cask 39 Eays
Beginning October 1, 1S1, I
will conduct my basin on a cab .
or 30-days basis only. Interest aU
the rate of 8 percent charged on
all accounts not paid in 30 days.
Improved farm, 67 acres,
sale. Mrs. Laura Shanks. -
American Soldkr Slays Ten Huns.
With the Americans Northwest of
Verdun. American staff officers visit
tog a battlefield on thla sector Sator
day found a dead American soldier
BorrouBded hy ten dead Germans.
rbom be sppsrtnUy had killed befor
being slain aimselt
Crm Raportad tavln8 Roumafiia.
London. Th German forces of oo
rcpaOon In Houmanla ar retiring
from that country, according to Infor-
matlott roceiToo " rr-
ties.; .
- -,
Keep Up m Coed Work, ,
' "TTnen yon git a sinner refonned"
said t'nde Eben. -don't U Interest In
him ao onlck Hat h feels lonesome ao
negSectwl."' , -.V-
(By E. 8. Iwa'
Ransom Ueuallen was b.n in
Kater county, Missouri. April 7,
1$48. and departed thi life at
Weston. Oregon. September 27.
919, in the 71t year of hi age.
Brother Licuallen was a pioneer
of this country, having crowed the
plain with hi parent in an emi
grant train in the year 1S63 be-
ing then a nn-rr lad of 15 year.
After spending sis nmnth
on the trail, they finally landed and
vttkd in what is now known as the
Wild Horse iighborbtxid in Uma
tilla county. whore young Kannmi
grew into a sturdy manhd. Ne
ing one of a large family of child
ren, he rarly Warned the give and
take wav of all such familu-s- nat-
urlly developing a omgenial dis-
... u : i
own institution and placed the wel
fare of the Church even above his
own ' success. Brother Lieui 1 m
had been a Sunday School superin
tendent the greater part of the
Ume for the past 27 years.
He was
at the time of hi oVaUi a mem
ber of the beard of stewards and
also a member of the board of
trustees of this, his Church, lie
was never assuming, never seekirg
office in the (h'ireh, yet ever seaiy
to work anywhere in the Master's
vineyard. It is wonderful and also
beautiful to note that God having
found an entrance into his heart as
he stood at his anvil, would send
the summons; "Come Home" to
He has been a loved and respect
ed member of the Odd Fellows
lodge of this place for 27 years,
and his fraternal brothers great'y
feel the loss.
Brother Lieuallen was a member
of a family of ten eihldren he be
ing the riot to answer the reaper "s
call. He leaves behind seven sis
ters, two brothers, four children,
six grandchildren, four great grand
children and a host of other rel
atives and friends to await the
same call.
We commit his body to the
but no tomb can hold his
have not askei that my path te
I have not asked that rest be
I have not anked for a path not
But asked to be led by a hand
have not said give me wordly
And let others reap the golden
I have not said give me joy or leis
ure, -With rest from grief and rest
from pain
I have not aked to be great and
Nor to mount the rounds of
earthly fame.
I have not asked that the world
applaud me,
But to shine for Hod aa a living
I have not asked to be remem
When I lowly sleep beneath the
sod, - ..
Not at-ked with the wu that my
name be remembered.
But to win some poor, lost ecu!
to God.
I have not naked for a pl:Cj in
to 6tand above one redeemed one
But that I may tell salvation's etory
Of God's great love and hi only
Sob.-- -Hattia Hinch. '
rcn tuc m I ICC
Food Administrator Writes Pre si
dent America Conserved 14 V
000,000 Bushels Wheat
MhI 4 fat tiita lti a
aM.tOO.00O sM4a.
CMiaenatloa Meanirea arplM T
lb jtmeHraa ft enabled lb CaU
H iilatea In hlp la th Alllwl tept
tntl to our cQ frc veratas 141,
0V,lX hosbvls of feeat and Si.0CO..
teat artag the pat
rear, vaiueq in
tear, valum in an ai i,wwwv
Tht a arcompIlalMd la U face f a
aertuua fooJ ahortaje la this country.
bmklnf tha boleheartedoeas aa4
patruxiua with hlch tha Amcrlcaa
wH hava art the food crtals abroad.
Food AdlBitrir Uoovae. la a a
ier l rrroMeat Vf ita. uplalna hvw
ih sliuailn met. T ntlaatarf
eMMvnailna prncraai tmtti by
fWJ Administratis eaahled the pttlBf
ep of ih Mlllkma f boahela of wheat
daring I917-19 and the ahlpaarat (
Ml dortn 1917-11
The loial raloo of all food ahtp
aeo' to Allied desiloatloaa aweaatod
to 1.000.W ail thla food ,blM
boocbt tbroajh or In eaUaboraOoa
ih the rwd Admialatrattoa. Taoao
Brnrea ar all bal oa eOdal reports
d nwwwi food xporta for the
harreat rear ckwed oae JO. 181a.
THe ahipojeota of aeaa aad fata
(IsdadlBC orat prwlorta. dairy prod
acts. feMe olla. etfJ lo AiUed doa
tlaattoBS were aa follows:
rwil year 19!1T... .Ml.VOXrba.
rural jor l9K IS... J.01 1.100,000 Ih.
laereaoa - W4.6O0.O0O a
Oar aiaocfcterahlt aslavila it the bo
lieaiBf of tbo last SVal rear were not
apprrrUMy larjer I baa tho year
fore and jnirmltrtj la ht; taey
ere protfblr The taereaaa la
ah'ptBeots la doe to eottatrrasJoa a
tho extra e!(ht of aatnals added tt
er f arasera.
Tbo full effect of theoo efforts boaaa
to bear their best resales la tha last
ha!f of the ftwal rear. tho
porta to tha Alllea were 2.IXJ.100.000
riivt. aa aralnrt tO8JOOJ0 powada
the aaBe period of the year before.
Thl eomparea with aa averts of
tOl.000.000 peaads of total exports foe
the aasMt half rears la the three-rear
pre-war period.
la eem!s and cereal prod acta ro
diced to tenoa of cereal beshela ear
ahipraeota to Allied destlaatlees have
Fiaral year l919-lT..2JW.0)bae!i
fiscal year 1917-1S. .msoo.000 boaheia
tncreaM 8O9O0.000 bnh!
Of ihe cereafa our shipments of
tbe prime breertsinfft la tbo Baca! year
1917-13 1o Alliod decttnaOoea wear:
Wheat UUXM.OnO boabels aad of tj
13.SKW.000 btwbela, a total Of 1444)00
0 buabeta.
The exports to Allied destlBatlena
dortof tbe Baeal year 19!-I7 wer:
Vbeat 135.100.000 bsabei aad ry
XjmjonO bnabeii. a local of 137.400,009
bustteta In addition wmbo 10.00(X0O0
bushels of 1317 whrat arc sow la port
for Allied deatinailoaa or ea roett
thereto. The total shipments to Allied
countries from oar laet hanrrat of
wheat will be therefore, aboot 141.0no.
000 bonbela r a total of IM.tfHO)
bixlielf of prime breadatoffa. In ad
dition to this we be shipped amae
lO.Ono.oro boatieia te nentrala depend,
ent opna na, sad w bars rseeltad
anm Imports from other quarter.
- -Thla accomplUhmeot f oar aopldr
In thla matter ataods oat erea more
dearly If w bear la mind rbat we had
available In tbo fiscal year 1910-17
from net carry-over and sa aurtilo
ever oar normal eooinmptlon about
2no.WiO.noo bushels of wheat which wa
were able te export that year wttboot
trenchtflg ea oar home loaf." Mr.
floorer aald. "This last year, bowerer,
owing to tbe large failure of the 1317
heat crop, we bad available from set
carry-orer and production and Imports
only jnat aboat our normal consomp
tion. Therefor oar wheat shipment
to Atued destination represent ap
proximately savtnss from oar owe)
wheat bread. .
-Tbea fleurea, howeTer, do aot fully
convey tha voloroe of th effort and
BRCiinr made daring the past year
by tba whole American people. De
spite the magnificent effort of oar aert
cultural popalatlott In planting a tnoea
Increased acreage in 1017, not only was
there a very large failure la wheat,
bat also tbe eora failed to mature prop.
erly.and oar eora Is our dominant crop,
"I am sure," air. Hoover wrote in
concluding his report, "that all tba
millions of oar people, sgrlcaltaral at
well as arban, wbo have contributed
to these reaalre should feel a very
definite satisfaction that la a year of
universal food Bhortages la the north
ern hemisphere all of those people
joined together agalnat Germany have
come through Into sight of the coming
harvest not only with wealth and
Strength fully maintained, but wita
only temporary periods of hardship.
"It Is difficult to distinguish between
virion sections of oar people tba
borne,, publle eating places, food
trade, orbaa or agricultural popula
tion in aaaeaaing credit for tbea re
call, but no one will deny th dota,
aant part of th Amertcsa
boarder la a man who la mors 1.
"rT,'d,,1 ttan ku Ww ta i4
?fifi -
1 chiles edca
Chariea tdaf of taoaa Palla, N. J.
rocaotty aaoomtad director of hohor
of ttx war InduatrMs hoard.
rnlut Ul lllAuW
New Yorlu-Th prk of poaea eltt
be taapanlal Jstkw t all aatloaa. th
taairaoeatallty ladiapvaaablo to Be
ear It la a leasao of aatloaa fora4
aot Wfor or anr. bat st th prac
eatrrae; aad Orssaoy. a a "
Vr, ba to t4tvi hr charae
tr aot by vhat happeaa st la peaea
tabi. bat by hat folio a
Ttu waa rreidat 'Ila'l aaaeer
clTva befor as audtraeo of foanh
Isbmr toa f kera hro, to the reraat
proc talh from th oatreJ pora,
alihooch be did aot rfr apoctrkally
to th aueraarr of aay leaders.
IVac aa aot a iloa. delard
th preaioVat. of "com! a te traa"
for v caeset ;a to teraa "!th
tbrta." as "they mad It Inpoaiiblo."
Prac mast b (uaraataed. for "ther
Ul b partk to th peac wboo
proiBia hare proved antraatvorthy
aad ateaaa aiaat b taaad ta aoaae
tioa with th pao attlaat I re
aT that aoarco f laaecarlty."
America n Are Active ea Northeraj
RuooiM Freat,
Archangel Amerkaa soldier ar
figattM la virtually all sectors of lha
bat tic front ta aorthara Raasia. Opar
aiiona la which they ar Bgged ar
proving soccecafol and th enemy t
retreating. The Americans have cap
tared several villas-
Th net reealt of th fighting la
which th American eo-oparated with
th British aad RaaalSns la taking
away mora places la the but 10 day
along th Dvtna. Is aa advance of
mor than 10 mll.
The operation, which ar stilt la
procresa, bealdes scoring a M Bill ad
vance, have ba accompanied by th
inking of at least four enemy ships,
th capttir of several guns, many ma
chin gsas and much war material
Prisoners hsva been picked p to th
number of nrly 100.
Dally Thought
We think there sre rtrcnmtawes
ander whlrh we ran deal with men
wltbrmt love, and there sre no such
clrcnmstanm. Ton can cut down th
tree and make brick, or hammer Iron
wttboot love, but yofl cannot deal with
human beings without Its Tolstoi.
Feelish Victims f Custom.
A summer hotel la Vermont one
trlel the experiment of placing bora
pout oa the meno. only to provoke in
dignant proteat from tbe aunt
againat auch unheard-of and uncivil
ised food. A few days later th de
ptaed 0h were again presented un
der the dlagai of "mountain trout
when they met with such eotbaalsatle
favor that several men bad to be em
ployed for the rest of the season to
catrli enough of the fltb to satisfy th
demands of the dUcrlininatlng guests.
These victims of custom would eat
trout, but not catfish.
; By usini;
Made by the
i west.!, mm co.
We do custom milling, bay
and sell Hay, Grain and
Millfeed of all kind.
fret GtT DcUrtnr
3 "
IN ruun o.uioi.j
Drive Now Under Way Ex
ceeJi Anjthln-jt ecn Mnce
First Kama Battle.
Parta-Tba allM a-anwa oa rm
wtora from iho Nor ill
fcfrat" ctiBil aad Imporiatil aifi
,ral "' '" UkB ,l"
Oraiaaa br lh rrtarh. Ilrlll.h. Aai'r
Ira a aad IVUlaa foma
Not alaca tho flrat haitlo oMh
Maraa haa thrro bora aa aiiarh le
oBipa" la it l"
erriilooa Tho ae kr h
Anglo li-l(Ua arwio aa a rompMt
urprl lo tho tkrnioiia aad la at
lac marhfd sacoa-
Oa tho fhaopataVrdiia froat lh
armla at Oaral Ooaraad sad Ut
ttt aro roralal atoadlly. Th
rrah aad Aar-aa frra bao rae
larrd atroa ooattloea Ware Iho he
laalac th p,Uo
0nral Ooaraad baa broads Iho
aiotanro of It Orwaa dUlalooa.
Tho rrBb Ireopa ao haa r"l
hoyoed HI. Qitoatla aorthraa', oaal
aad mithat of tha to a. aceordina
to rtporu. iwaacior te tha Oorn.aB
army la bo rvcardwl aa oo oc in
roaulis who tart
af troopa are fvd to etihdrsw.
lioatr ficbiiBa touh place in bl
Qooatla. RMtattna tubboraty. th
Ovrmaaa or drivoa barh 10 th oait
baok of (ho canal.
mmA luih tJ Rhalina lha
rroarh ha atado farther tmpnrtaat
gmtna. Tha eaitr maaalf of St.
Thlorry sow I la rronrk baada
Northeoat of Rhaim th Franca
ha takea rovltloa aad Tall aad
ao roachod th aouthora oeishlrt
of ViUora rraMuoia. North ol
Rhaisia thy aa poahed forward
thotr na to th oouhtrt of tMhoay.
St Qaoatla Is Uhaa sad th cor
aeratoao of th Htadtahttrg ri
has fallaa.
With th Ameetcaa forces North l
St. Quen Us American divisions bril
liantly attacked on a front of eevvral
tall la conjunction with the British.
At nightfall they were reported I
have gained ttwlr objectives only by
sheer might sad after killing large
number of th enemy.
Th rltaace encountered by lb
Anerteaa troops was aa strong as
earthing offered by th Germane for
many weeks Th Americana, aa well
aa the Brltlah, were held ap at many
pieree from time to time br machine
gva fir, la some place thla opposi
tion waa overcome by Hanking opera.
(Ions and la others quickly organised
storming parties nutted the enemy
aad silenced him.
It was I o'clock In the moraine
when the Americans with the British
ea their left and right flanks -hoved
After bard fighting th troops reach
ed the canal and sersmbled across as
the barrage tept ea ahead of them.
The ground over which th Ameri
cana paaaed was littered with Oernaa
dead end th Mm was true of other
sections of th front Deep progress
s reported virtually everywhere.
Other Town A Is Takn In Drlvs
Against Huns.
London.- In their attack between
Tpres and Dixtnud the Belgians cap
tured Dumnd. It ts officialiy an
Bounced. Th Belgians bava also ta
ken Zerram, StadeBberg, raaschea
dsl. Moorsledg sad part of West
roosebeka This muss aa advance of
severs I mil.
Routers, a Belgian town II mils
Bortheast of Tpre. was captured by
Batglan troops, according to a dis
patch received from th Belgian bat
tlefroul Th whol of th nemy'l
eommunlcsllon la Belgium and Flat
ters, particularly' ea th Belgiaa
coast, ar thresMned. ,
enata Defeats Woman Suffrag
WashtBgtoBTb senat refuted to
grant th rquet of th president
that th woman suffrag resolution
be pad as a war measure. After
five days of bitter debet th Bueaa
8. Anthony federal amendment reeo
lotlon enacted by U boo last Jan
uary reclvd on th final rolloall
two votas ls tbea th aaoeseary
two thirds majority. .
Cbas. H. Carter Dan P. Smyth
Carter & Smythe
rndktoa a ' - Oregon
ofT from th Hlndenbiirg outpoat lias, I NVl.rlrSi
about 1000 yards west of the Bl Quo- .J I 1 VI I jl
tin canal. After a short "erssh" ba $
rag th Infantry, preceded by a large nr&1lf !
namber of tanks, started advancing , CE CREAM U
'lliniili th. kala jnffM a N
I m rTpiy rmjo
If you want one for Fall
and Winter wt will be glad
to supply you. We repre
sent the lt tailoring
liouaca lit Chicago ami guar
If you want to mako your
old auit do we ran make it
look IJOOt) AS NKW ly
IDKALCoati and Suits
for ladiea.
R. L. Reynaud !
Butter Wrap order prompt
ly ftllod at th leader shop.
Dr. S. L KEulARD
Veterinary Surgeon
Hoapital at corner of Main
and Broad street.
t PhOllO
Main 253
the (jfcuil I'-oort f tb SlaU if
Orvsivn fur Umaltila County.
t'rankM Carr. Plaintiff, . tlia I.
Carr, lfwtanl.
To 01 1. Carr, Ike atwve named de
fendant: In tli Name of the State of Oregon.
Yuu are hereby r-rilr U eppear an-l
answer the romptamt fiSetl sgainet you
In the above entitled uit and euurt
within bis week from the daM of the
Bret publication of thla aummona, to
wn: on or before the th day of Octo
ber, llt and you will take notice that
If yu fail lo appear and newer aald
Complaint or utoerwie plead thereto
within aakt time, the plaintiff, for
want theroflf will apply tothabov
entitled court for the relief prayed fr
in her said complaint, to-wit:
Kor a deerve of aald court forever
di-lvlng the boode of matrimony now
and heretofore eaieting between the
ptaintirT and defendant, and forever
divorcing th plaintiff from the de
famlant. Tbi summona publUhed pursuant
to lb order of Hon. Gilbert W. I'help.
Circuit Judge of the Sisth Jodtrial 1i
trlet of th StaU of Oregon, duly made
and entered on the 3d day of Set'lrtn.
ber, ISIS. Th Aret publication of thia
aummona will be made a Friday, the
6lh day of September. lrl, and tho
lat publlcathm thereof will be matle
on FrWlay, the IWb day of October,
1918. and It will be wiblUhed all on
aecutive week in the tn l-eader
newspaper. 8. U. PETEKSON.
Attorney fr Plaintiff,
roetofflce addreaa; Milton, Oregon.
1AUIK li
;I Baker's Goods ;
Phone your dray orders, tj
9S. or trail at Jtrnr. H
Ellis I
Davis &
Irxle aTmf "'! I erne
t.v. am mw, iteifcw mr imi aw 4m
viHta toe past aSABCM ne1
mm emwm. SatnMM
earsMra build raaruata
mmi ve ywm mmf. WrM letef.
MT(T LiWfllt.
ngtea, 0. C
W. M. C. M. BUhep
Peterson & Bishop
Pendleton. Or. Preewater. Or.
Practice In all Stat and rederal
Ctiiuti TtUrlatry SirtM
rhon 32 FS - Athena. Oreeoo
i MUM.i