The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 04, 1918, Image 1

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Principal Events of the WeeK
Briefly Sketched for Infor
nation ol Our Readers.
Wilt student body of wort Man
1000, the prrgna Agricultural college
opened Mondsy (or lb fall Hunlir.
The Sherman aounly aaaeaameat
roila for Ibla year ahow an a eed
valuation of IM.7H.I70, UK year fi
amounted la M.tSI.140.
(irarlnse of Portland banke for I ha
week ending Saturday totaled 130,., compared llb $16,003..
071.71 for tbt corresponding week of
laal yaar.
Conrad P. Olaon, of Portland, waa
appointed asset lata Justice of lb su
preme court by Governor Wlthrcombe
lo (III Iba vararry caused by Iba death
of Justice Frank A. Moora.
Burning out flv bridges, a format
ftra aaal o( Gates stopped (raffle on
Iba Eastern and Albany-Detroit branch
of Iba Bout hern Pacific, It required
fla daya to restore iba Una.
Tba Food administration baa author
ised District Representative llouaar,
I Portland, to grant modlflcatlona of
Iba 10-day atoragt rula ao aa to permit
atoraga of grain up to all moot ha.
, J. D. Drown, who waa certified aa
tba nominee of tba National party for
representative In congreaa for tba
third dlalrlct, baa filed notice of bio
withdrawal with Secretary of Biata
Tba state board of control baa ap
pointed Mrs. B- T. Moores, of Salem,
aa superintendent of tba Oragoa achool
(or tba blind. Mra. Moores la tba wid
ow of Iba lata superintendent of tha
Tba Oragoa Poultrymen's sssocla
Surrender to Allies and
Demobilize Her Army.
Lwawa by Our WUUams, Division of PlctorUl Publicity.
Food savings of milliona of Americana during our first wear of. war enabled thia govero
meat to tend enormoua food ohipmenta abroad for our fighting lorciag and the Allied nation.
Our savings in cereals- out of a abort crop amounted to 154,900,000 buahela; all of which was
hipped to Europe. We increased our meat and fat ahipments 844,600,000 pounds, This was
America's "bo from borne" to our army abroad and tba civilians and military forces of the
Allied nations.
Marshal Fork la putting tba Or.
mans aa tha westers front to tha moat
overt test of tha war. On four lm-
portant sectors from Verdun lo lb . .,. 5
jionh 8m, allied art fighting Armistice Provides for Military
Ibelr way Into and beyond tha Hlnden
burg Una. Nearly 10.004 German
era captured In three days.
Bmaablng attack art being deliv
ered by tba British and Belgians north
of Yprea, by the British and Ameri
cana before Cambral, by tha French
north of tba Alana and by tba French
and Americana In Champagne and to
tha east. On all front tha allied sol
dlera art meeting with success.
Belgian troops entered tha great of
fensive movement by beginning an
operation la conjunction with tba Brit
ish la tba Dlimuda-Ypres area.
In Belgium the Belgians and British
have driven forward and taken Dlx
mude, 10 mileo from the North Sea
southeast of Nleuport, bringing their
Una Into closer union with that la the
region of Tpres. Tha capture of Dli
mude. If It la pressed for further gains
eastward, will seriously affect the Ger
man aubmariae bases on tha North
Oa tha western flank of tha Champagne-Verdun
offensive, tha French
art pushing over the heights behind
tha Hlndenburg line. From th Ar
gonna eaat of tba Meust tba Ameri
cans are forcing their way Into the
Krelnhlld positions. - .
Ia Macedonia the allies art pressing
the defeated Germans and Bulgarians
into Bulgaria on the eagt Into Albania
In the west and toward Uikub on tha
London. Bulgaria la out of tha war,
baring accepted all tba military (arms
Imposed by tha allies, and baa ceased
to be an active participant .Tha armis
tice concluded with Bulgaria by tha
entente allies la a purely military con
vention and contains no provisions of
a political character.
Bulgaria agrees to evacuate all tha
territory aha bow occupies la Greece
and Serbia, to demobilise her army
immediately and surrender all meant
of transport to tha allies.
Bulgaria will also surrender her
boats and control of navigation oa the
Danube and concede to tha allies free
paasagt through Bulgaria for the de
velopment of military operations.
All Bulgarian arms and ammunition
art to be stored under tha control of
the aillea, to whom la conceded the
right to occupy all important strategic
The military occupation of Bulgaria
will be entrusted to British, French
and Italian forces and the evacuated
portions of Greece and Serbia respec
tively to Greek and Serbian troops.
All questions of territorial rear
rangements In the Balkans were pur
posely omitted from the convention.
ttcuttn tract of spruce, the atate hospital for the Insane! where aerojsjrfjooo: Kiver jointly oy we eoun-
Farmers will be allowed lo erect the deficiency will amount to f 100.000. IT nndistjflj Highway commission will
(Ion will create a fund lo provide for buildings on their premises, pre- bo flrat beardless rye ever known not opn for traffic this year. Tha
labeling eggs produced by members of vldlog tha structures do not exceed a has been produced by Robert Withy. Pw bridge will require a 70-foot fill,
the association, thereby guaranteeing tost of $1060 and are essential. This combe, son of Governor Wltbyeombe. lht feet deep, and It seem to be a
their nuattl v a-tiea I he Are ft tared an i. . m .,.,.... , kmia,i. ... . . ... - T. , - r . . ..--
Ships Will Honor Lead Loan Cities.
Saa Francisco. Ten ahipa of Amer
ica's merchant marine will bear the
names of cities in the Twelfth Federal
Reserve District making the beat rec
ords In'over-subscrlption to the fourth
liberty loan, and 10 fighting tanks will
be named after counties with tha high
eat loan subscriptions, according to
plana announced here.
Ibelr quality when they art placed oa
lbs market.
Twenty all years of honorable and
faithful service to the stale of Oregon
oa Ibt supreme bench came to a close
" when Justice Frank A. Moora died
at Salem after a long Illness. He waa
T yeare old.
Dugald Campbell, of Eugene, brought
one crop from his farm lo town In
an automobile and sold It for 19(0.
Tha crop waa 140 pounda of pepper
mint oil, which ha raised and distilled
oa hla place north of Eugene.
Tha Hood River Irrigation district
has made application to the state Irri
gation securities commission to hava
$167,000 In bonds certified under tha
Is sa amendment to a previous order
of the war Industrlea board that only
buildings built under the sanction of
Iba Emergency Fleet corporation, tha
army or navy or the railroads would
be permitted. Alterations or additions
to buildings already constructed are
still allowed, providing they do not
exceed the maximum of 12500 coat
Senator McNary submitted to the
War department an offer from D. H.
Walrh. of Astoria, to donate lo tha
government 100 acres of land Juat eaat
of Tongue Point, near Astoria, for a
alia for a quartermasters depot. The
offer baa ben referred to the divisional
Mr. WUbyeombe, wbo la In charge of
tha eastern Oregon Agricultural col
lege experiment elation of Union coun
ty, haa worked for IS years trying by
various processes of pollenlzstlon to
produce a variety of beardless rye and
at laat It appears that he haa succeed,
Because of the death of Justice
Frank A. Moore, of the supreme court,
Secretary of State Olcott Issued a sup
plementary ' certificate to county
clerks, directing them to Insert In the
notice of offices to be filled at tha
general election on November 6, a lint
lo read aa follows: "One Justice of
question at present as' to where the'
funds for the fill will come from.
On behalf of the government Bert
El Itaney, United Stalea district at
torney, baa Instituted in federal court
the first ault In Oregon for condemna
tion of timber wanted by the Spruce
Production corporation lor war pur
poses Tbt action la against the Coot
Bay Lumber a Coal company, a Wis
consin corporation, and Involvea 3360
acres of spruce and cedar timber In
Coo county. The government takes
up thla action because the Coos Bay
company declined to aell Ita atumpage
at the fixed price, and demanded ft
Hertling Quite aa Chancellor.
Amsterdam Chancellor von Hert
ling and Foreign Secretary von Hlntse
have . tendered their resignations to
the Emperor, the Vossiche Zeltung of
Berlin aaya It understands. Emperor
William has accepted the resignations,
according to the Zeltung Am Mittag,
of Berlin.
Damascus to Be Surrendered.
London. The Turkish commandant
at Damascus has asked for terms for
the surrender of the city to General
Allenby's force.
quartermaaters office at San Francis- tht supreme court, to fill the vacancy per thousand mo"-
state law. Tha purpose Is to refund
AO outstanding Issue, and reduce taxes.
Dr. Joseph Schafer, professor of his
tory st tht University of Oregon and
dean at tht aummer school of tha uni
versity, ha left for Washington, where
he will takt chargt of tht work of tht
national Board of Historical Service.
Tht Mod ford Irrigation dlatrtct bond
election resulted In 145 votes for to
A highway map of Oregon, declared
by Htate Highway Engineer Nunn to
be tbt beat ever published In the state,
has been prepared by the alata high,
way commission. It thowa all passe,
bit highways. Important cities and
towns and Is drawn according to exact
scale so that diatsncea can be deter
mined accurately.
A reduction of 1 cent a loaf on bread
caused by tht death of Justice Frank
A. Moore."
Delay In government ordera aa to
shipping la caualng a grave condition
of congeatlon among prune packer of
tht Willamette valley. Tht season'
prune crop, estimated at 60,000.000
pounds, haa been practically comman
deered by tht government The con
Tbt Oregon Highway commission
has made a final decision on the north
and aouth route via Fort Klamath In
Wood River valley to be a part of tht
central Oregon highway . on which
state funds will be used In construc
tion. Tbt commission adopted resolu
tions Instructing the engineer to peti
tion the government to co-operate with
U. S. Aviators Demonstrate Ability.
With the American Army Northwest
of Verdun. American aviators again
demonstrated Saturday that they are
master of the air on this sector. They
engaged In SI combats and brought
down 33 enemy machines without the
loss ot ont American pilot
Washington. The American govern
ment In reply to Germany's threat to
execute American prisoners of war
found In possession of shotguns, haa
given notice that If Germany cartiea
out any aucb. threat aultabla reprtaala
;rtB be token.-., "tv"
Secretary Lansing's reply declares
that the use of shotguns Is sanctioned
by The Hague conventions, and that
in comparison with other weapons
now used in modern warfare the shot
guns used by the American troops can
not be the subject of legitimate or
reasonable protest
"If the German government should
carry out Its threat In a single In
stance," says Secretary Lansing's re
ply, "it will be right and the duty ot
the United States to make auch re-
priaala as will be protect the American
'forces and notice Is hereby given of
tht Intention of the government of
the United States to takt such repris
al." . -
gestlon In tha warehouses la causing a ' ,tlte nd Klamath and Lake coun-
lies oa me roaa oeiween mamain
delay In the packing ot tht remainder
130 votes sgalnst bonds In tha sum of fcM bwn Dy Wi D. Ayer. state o( tht crop, all of which may causa
11,600,000 for prosecution of the work
on ths Butts Creek project to cover
10,000 acres of ths best farm land n
tba heart of tht valley.
Through Joint action of ths city
council and tht chamber of commerce
a clean up campaign was Inaugurated
in North Bend and Monday tvtry real-
food administrator, upon advice from
the baking division of tha food ad
ministration at Washington. Tht re
duction la ordered aa a result ot aa
Investigation by the division on manu
facturing cost and wholes al and re
tail prlcee ot bread.
Three serious forest fires were re-
great loss.
Although less than sli weeks only
is lacking in completion of the con
crete work. It is likely that tht big
40,000 concrete bridge being erected
Fall and Lakevlew as a postal road.
The decision of the commission on the
northern route settles an extended con
troversy between residents ot tht
Wood River valley and reservation
residents In tht neighborhood of ChU-
Influenza Toll la Heavy.
Boston. At least 85,000 persons are
HI from Spanish lnfluenxa In Masss-
cbuaetts and tha death list Is growing capital, necessltlng police Intervention.
Mob Overruns Hun Officials In tha
German Capital.
London. A peace demonstration
took place In Berlin on Saturday, ac
cording to newa received here. , The
cheering crowds assembled In frost of
the Bulgarian legation at the German
Million Appropriated for Influenza.
Washington. One million dollars
wss voted by the house to fight tht
Spanish lnfluenxa epidemic.
S&'ZSSSi nSt: 2- - cr.-r:.-; British wounded pass through French line
Srty ei ail ruouisa smuuimaieu
refuse. - . , . i .
i In rssponss to representations sub
mitted by Senator McNary In behalf
of Oregon wool scouring mills, the
Wool administration said that Oregon
producers srt fret to hsvs tbclr wool
scoured In Oregon If tbey so deslrt
under regulations adopted by tht gov
srnmtnt. Tht Oregon state fair last week wss
t record-breaking expedition In many
ways. Record-breaking weather ' sur
rounded tha stats show from start to
finish. On Thursday attendance rec
ords of fslr history were smsshed
when mors than 14,000 people entered
tht grounds.
Ths old Klondykt coal mint of Beav
er Hill near Marahfleld In Cooa coun
ly waa opened for the first time In
20 years snd 160.000 tons of coal waa
was burning oa ths Western Cooperage
property on Young'a river where camp
7 of tha spruce division waa destroyed.
Another fire waa In the Koappa dis
trict and tht third In tht Necanlcum
d let r let aouth ot Seaside.
Tbt war Is making such Inroads up
on tbe available aupply ot high achool
teac.ora that J. A. Churchill, superin
tendent of public Instruction, an
nounced that next June be will Isaus
emergency war certlflcatea to appli
cant who do, not come up to require
ment heretofore prescribed for teach
ers In standard high schools
Because Pacific coast oil producera
are required to furnish oil for airplane
use, thus cutting down the apecirio
gravity to a point below that required
under the Oregon law, Deputy Sealer
of Wclglita and Mcasurea Worlman
will go to tht government for fuel In
engines used In hauling logs from ths
Boutin trsct of spruce.
A building feat comparable to that
Of tha Vancouver cut-up mill baa been
accomplished at Marahfleld with tha
completion Of a bridge 1600 feet long
in aeven daya with a force of 125 aol
dler laborers. Thla bridge Is psrt of
UPiit .it tt!AWVti t
to prosecute dealers who aell gasoline
not passing the specific gravity teat
Secretary ot State Olcott haa called
a meeting of the state emergency board
for Wednesday, October , to consider
tht deficiency needa ot tbt atate In
stitutions. The board of control haa
asked that tht meeting be called and
a requeat haa alao been made by Dr.
"(MtH f
- -v. x g
sT - f ' ' N
ffSSffigy1 1rT i ir tw
Allies Have Taken 325.000 H una.
London. Since July 18 the allies
have taken 325.000 prisoners and 3600
Tht rioters, secordlng to tht Infor
mation, got tht upper hand ot the au-!
thoritiee and committed excesses. A
number ot statues In the Berlin
squares were destroyed.
There Is the greatest excitement in
Germany over the defection of Bui
garia, Judging from special dispatches
received here from Holland. On Sat
urday the excitement ammounted to
a panic. Tht alarm brought forth tht
Instant demand that 'something be
-No. 3 white feed, $60 per ton.
President Draws Flrat Draft Nam.
Washington. The drawing of or
Barley Standard teed, $48 per ton. der numbers for tht 13,000,000 draft
Corn Whole, $75; cracked, $76.
-lay Timothy, $30 per ton; alfalfa,
. Butter Creamery, 60c per pound.
Eggs Ranch, 54c per dozen.
Potatoes $2.252.50 per hundred.
Poultry Hens. 26 27c; springs, 21
J30c; ducks, 25 30c; turkeys, 32c.
Butter Creamery, (4c per pound.
Eggs Ranch, 65c per dosen.
Poultry Hena, heavy, dressed, 36c;
light 33c; springs, dressed 4042c;
roosters, dressed. 27c; ducks, live, 20c,
dressed, 35c; geeae, live, 27c; dressed,
registrants enrolled September 12 was
started Monday by President Wilson,
Blindfolded, the psesldent groped inta
the great glass lottery bowl and drew
out one of the 17,000 capsules It con
tained a slip numbering 322. thus giv
ing to men holding thst serial numbert
first place in their respective classes!
after registrants already classified un
der previous registrations.
During the fiercest of the fighting In a battle In Franco British wounded
on tht way to hospitals were cnrrletl past the lines of the French. As ha
pa twos tht trenches filled with machine gunners In action this wounded
Tommy, Interested, has raised hlk head to watch his French cousins help
hold the Hun, Awny at the roar In the woods cavalry Worses caoA be seen
JL E Leg fitslaar. ivwtotudant. of W S.J$J&! .WS?j. !25Si . . .... .Vt
8httt-Metal Work Old.
Sheet-metal work Is ont of the old
est trades known to man. Ancient
Egyptians, Babylonians, the Asiatic
races snd even the American Indiana
i fing4 9 this traJe,
Americana and British Crush Front
London. British, American and
Australian forces pushed forward on
tht front between Bellicourt and Gon
nelleu, in tbe face of the severest op-;
position. Field Marshal Halg haa an-!
nounced. Four thousand' prisoners
were taken by tha allied forces to
tht north ot St Quentln and 40 guns
were captured there. British forces ,
have entered tht northern suburbs of
CambraL , .j