The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, September 27, 1918, Image 1

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to tha government.
In ftir'hrr reference lo a conference
iiipnrAT Hoimior ('haitilN rlnln held sttnia 1 1 mo
(IF fiFNFHI! IfiTrnrM " '" ,,n wr iiuinr. board
"!" concerning the Uilrrr.ii of Portland
umrcliinte and tb Christmas trade,
Principal Event! of th Wiek '4 submitted to the senator its
r. i .. L . c a t - i-i-- programme for conserving rneources.
Briefly Sketched for lnipr i.bor and material, u i. rH
tuition of Our Reideri. u rhiny hmm aim;
that people ba encouraged to buy only
" useful gifts; that they buy csrly, rarry
Tha seventeenth annual Polk county the goods home and mall early every-
fair waa hi'lil at Pallaa latt weak. tliliifr that la to to by post.
Mra. Ilarbara Loennlg. aged 13 ycTra. TrnA,T of ,j ef ,, ,
and a resident of Oregon for 80 yearn. n 0rrton by , Mrt rtuilm, t0 (n,
dM at llaker. iU,B ,a uaed M , ooqM, tor Pr(p
Tha flral Parlfle roast amul ronler- p children, la mada lu a lttr lo
nw III be held at the Oregon Agrl- Secretary Olrott Roma building art
rultural rolli-ga October 4 and I. Included on tha tract.
At rwnl meeting of Klamath Tha rlrhnraa of the copper velna In
Treasurer War Work Council
National Board V. W. C. A.
In an Hlluola pralrla loan Uvea ! inspiration. Women of every race
blow who launden aeventeen baa- and creed ara Ita wardi. Tha ik
keta of wash a of tha War Work Council la Iremend-
every oua.
News During Past Week
Has Been Good.
Falls learhera It waa voted lo sub
scribe for no llearat publlcailnna.
81s hundred farmers from all eee-
tba Salmon mountain district, 20 mllea
aouih of Powers, baa attracted outaido
flnanrlera. C E. Bradford. San Fran-
llona of l.lnn and llrnton rountlea at elsro mining magnate, after having
tended a big tractor demoaatratloa at
The fourteenth annual ronvenllon of
tha Oregon Htato Funeral Dlreetora'
" ' week and t
I night thank
, I for having
' V vJ pity Into
" . . ' hearts of wo
To her rente one
day a letter from
ber only ion. lie
waa then at Canii
Funston, Kansas,
learning to be a
aoldler. Tha let
ter begged her to
rome and iea him
before ha waa
aant to Frinre.
Tha mother
opened tha tin
bank In whlfh
the metal aaaayed, baa decided to lu
teal In tha property and atart develop
ment work In tha near future.
Jamea Schuyler, Jr, highway engln- Mra. Davison
aaao-latlon will ba held In Fortland eer In tba office of public roads, baa tb. Bad bokTtling br dlmt ttM,
le iooei e. eeiaoiiineo. a camp eaat oi i-nneviiio ,u,rtera agalnit thli day. Tha money
Tba Oregon Retail Jeweiera aaeoeta- In the Ocboro national foreat. and will waa ararcely enough. Neverthelee
lion haa beaten every atatc In the have charge of tba crew making a the atarted. She walked tba Drat
Union In gain lit ntemuerthlp during location turvey of tba Wheeler county tlghteen mllea. Then her etreogtb
the neat veer. aeerlon nf the (ViinrA penvon rod. m. Out, and aba took train.
Tt r ika in,.n vrnu JuIm a w. kbiIm .. t-A. " did not know that visitor! to
-T,.'.: .'t:.t. z cp run.ton al., u junction aty,
v-.,. .. m,, alaven mllea away. 6o .ha got off
eral montba each year hereafter In tba Attorney General Brown baa advlaed tB0 train at Fort Illlsy. An officer
wanuieniire oi jmre. Hecretary Klein of tha anta mgnway Mt ber rlabt and iha reached Juno
A community board to ad J ml any eominlaalon that tba bid of the Tllla. Hon City artar dark. Somehow aba
dlfferenrea between capital and labor nook county court on the contract for found a rooming bout. Some on
that may develop will probably ba the Three HI vera highway project, la 'here Hole five duflara from ber
named In Albany aooa. Tillamook county, la Illegal. The ee- nv of tba pracloua dollar iba bad
A prune dryer oo tha farm of B. A. tlmatetf coat la 1100.000. Tba county ow W,B ,UD na
Iaaelle. about two mllea aoutbeaet of court aukanltted a bid much lower tbaa ! '!'" .kKj!.' !
in..,. ... k. rir. . , P u ' the bouao when no one
" . . ' ' ,B"r 01 - waa looking.
c.ue.nn a oi The Capital laaue committee baa uter In the night a aoldler found
Wedneaday Bend held a apeclal elec- 00tIMei senator McNary and Repre- bar trembling In the itreet. and took
lion for tba purpoee oi toting fju.uoo nUiive Slunott that no approval can ber to the roomi of the Young Worn
to Inatall adequate fire equipment to gVt0 t0 ,h8 pr0poed bond laaue for "' Chrhuian Ataorlatlon, roomi
Iniure protection to tha city. Warm Borlnae Irritation dlalrlct ,CB War Work Council bad
Tha erection of the flrat Y. M. C A. for ,h, nMim th,t j, dPtlrj ,0 opened aa a clearing house for troa-
hut In Cooa county baa been atarted C0llI4,rv, i.bor. material and capital 4," V
at Power., where about 10 aoldlera of d ,h, proJw.t not dieine4 ..u., JJjt to bed
it.. mrm emntnved ' ' miaorabie to ileep. Tba matron got
-..T ' 111 .... " w" foierpriie. p it daybreak, built a fire, and
n iHi.w., rii.nW- The war time houae dreaa. made of fortedher. Tha aona commanding
Red Croee organlsatlona joined in a nwf ttrkt and iooking m,, a nacb otnw at reached by telephone
moaa garnering picnic ana orougoi in mon ,xprntlv ,arment. waa one of early In the morning, and tha boy
mora than 1000 aackt or apbagnum tbo wloM Bhown la the madtrover
n0M- . garmenta division of the woman'! da
All Albany nawidealeri bave algned pmmvni ot ,he Une county fair. The
an agreement not to handle any llearat lr.u ... B.,d(, b- M Emllv Chrlt.
trnii-n, of Eugene, from IH toxr aarka
of the 100 pound lite.
The catablUhment ot a cooperallre
When the United Btatei entered
tha great war the Toung Women a
t'brletian Aiaortatlon waa, ai alwayi,
working among women. With tha
rati to new dutlra Ita members did
not abandon tbnlr old responsibilities.
Tba War Work Council waa formed
an emergency measure to take
A total of 200,000 Germans bave
been captured by'the French, English
and Americana alnca July IS, accord
ing to a French official dispatch.
Tbo entente allied independent air General March Announces All
force dropped bomba on the German
towna of Mannheim, Karlsruhe, Bou
lay, Freacaty and Morbange, accord
ing to an official statement by tha
British government
The moat stubborn fighting aeen In
weeki is taking place In the reglona
of Cambral, 8L Quentin and 8o!ssons.
where the armlea of Oeuerals Byng,
Rawlinson, Debeny and Mangin are
battering against the Hindenburg Una.
In Paleatine tbo Turks are all but
absolutely crushed.
From north of Jerusalem to the Sea
care of tba women who were catiaht of Galilee In the territory lying ba
in some of tba mazes of war. Just aa tween tha River Jordan and the Med
tha narent orsanlzatlon haa taken llimnnin 9u tha f
care of them throuBh many yean of have been caught by tba iwlft drive of Jurrledl' Ttfin "M.,ta
peace. Tba varied actlvltlei decided ths Brith ,rrole, ,nd Tirtuav annl. front or the Americana. Thto Una
upon by the War Work Council fol- hM., .... .lin(. a'retchea for 20 mllea from Malaeray
Washington. Enbarkatloa of Amer
ican aoldlera for all fronte overaeaa
now haa paaaed the 1.7S0.0O0 mark.
General March announced. He aald
military news during tba past week
from all fronts baa beea continuously
On tbe Lorraine front where General
Pershing's flrat American army baa
completed Ita operation to eliminate
the St Mihlel salient, the altuatlon
baa become itablllsed, with tba enemy
piibllratlona for ttm period of the war,
or until recommended to resume their
isle by the national council ot defense.
With the arrival of $3S,000 worth of
came to his mother on tba tint trol
ley-car ha could catch.
Tbe two spent long, low-voiced
houn together, perhaps the last
hours they will bave thla aide of
heaven. Every moment was aa pre
cious aa a month had been last year.
Tbo old lady bad still one present
grocery atora aa a means of baiting worry. Tba boy's bad cold might turn
piachlnery. active mining operallona th( tdv,nclng eoit of Vng la being Into pneumonia If aba left blm. But
will atari at tha boldlnga of tbe 8ef- ailvo,.l(Ml b lha .-ri,.,, i lh saw-
fern company, of New York, on their mlttti in,pvarda ,nd niemben of tbo
black aand chrome drpoalta In the Ug0B , Lmberinen and Ug-
southern part of Cooa county. fera Bt Nor,n Bed Th, itore
The big paper mill atrlke ordered u r,nanc.d by the jale of atock In
la Oregon City. Weat Linn. Camaa and 0, fach t0 (be work,ra.
Lebanon laat October, and which orlr Coaatructlon of the proposed ove
Inally Involved more than 1000 men. hM(J croaalng at 01vld(,t Une county,
waa called off at a meeting of tbe , Nnf because ot the In
striking mill workara la Oregon City. ab1y of th, u nwty Wttrt M(,
Eothualaatlo over tbe reaulta of tba ,b. 8outhn racfi0 company to agree
past aeaaoa'a work In handling frulte l0 lh,,.nt t0 whlch tho Wunty aball
and berrlea the dlreetora of tbe Linn ablllty ,tl.r completion of
and Benton Orowera' aaaoclatlon have tb, cr0M,Bgt Contraeta for conatrno.
derided to erect a cannery at Albany wer, M jo, by th, itat.
In time to take care of neat aeaaon'a h!gbwiir cootniwion.
eroP- Word haa been received from The
Development of a power alte at D.Hea that Father Othmayer, O. 8. B,
Creicent, In northern Klamath county. of 8t D.nedC,., Abb7. Mount Angel. '
baa been undertaken by Dr. N. E. who llrayed away tnm Tufa Hogbu
Wlnnard, of Heppner. The power will on Auu.t ,fl Md for wbom tb, enr4
be uaed for pumping water on landa Moimt Ange, eommuna, bad marched
In tha Fort Rock district la Uke tba hIa n vtln( bad Mely
towty. tba Catholic parsonage In The Dalloa, -
Some Oregon bopgrowera are atlll wUh b,a cjotblng wmewhat tattered
barvaatlng their cropa. but fully 20,000 but otberwM entirely well,
bales have been abandoned. It la tig. Ea8tern Oregon chrome depoalte are
tired that only 10,000, or at the moat, ben opewd wtn (Uch rapldty that
15.000. batea will be aavad. The bulk wtbln , few ,,,, Pralrla clly bna
of tbeae haryeated hope had previously doveopfld nt0 a bustling mining cent
been aold on contract. . er nd the (edtra government la rap
The government dredge Montlccllo ,dly ,roprovlng tb road between that
has been ordered to Cascade Lochi to cy tnd Jobn Dajr t0 faciutate tho
dredge the upper and lower entranoea. traniporUton 0f ore by trucka and
Silt brought by tho freahet haa. been tanli from ,be indan.pine-Dog creeka
deposited In the locka and It la ea- dUlrct t0 tha Sumpter valley railroad. .
tlmated the Montlcello will ba em- A mpaaa(w received by Manager
ployed there about a month. FTank 3. Chapman, of the Salem corn
Governor Wlthycombe notified At- mwcM ciubi from Senator Chamber-torney-Oeneral
Brown that he dealrea u,n MJ.a that tnt aurRpon general ot
an Inveatlgatlon of the altuatlon at (be war dpgrtment Is Impreased with
tbe atate penitentiary, growing out of th-a p0iaibiiity of converting tbe Ore-
the recent discovery bringing to light gon itate Mf groundi into a recon-
poNlbtlltlea of Irregularltlea In tb itructi0n hospital. Tho acnator la of ,
aecurlng of paroloa for convicts. tbe opnon, hywever, that the depart-
During the week ending September ment w)l, not congtr converting tbe
1 a total of 643 aocldenta were report- un,!, nt0 a cantonment
td o the itate Induatrlal accident
commliilon, and three of theie were
fnial. They are: Mike Jlovltcb. Oarl- Roporta from Washington are to the
ItHldl. quarrying; Jamea Scragge and erfect that contraeta under which the
Krcd A. Mclntyre. Fortland. ahlphulld- ncwly-organlied Klamath irrigation
j( , dwtrlct assumca liability to the gov
The people of Medford and Jackson- eminent for payment of operation and
vllle are up Iri arma and will Ight tha malnteaanee of the project for yeara
Bionoeal of President 8. 8. Bullla to subsequent to 11B have been approved
either Hop the operation of the South- by Secretary Une. An announcement
ern Oregon Trsctlon company railroad ot the contract any. the majclmuiu
between Medford and Jacksonville or amount for which th. dl. rlct become.
she had not money enough to stay
another nlgbt and buy a ticket borne.
When the matron told her that her
bed waa free, aba broke down and
cried and cried.
"I did not know there waa so much
pity left In tha world," aha sobbed.
Site atayed till ber boy's cold was
better. Then ahe went back to ber
seventeen washings and ber memo
ries. Because ot the certainty of Just
such cases aa thla waa Governmental
sanction given to the activities of tha
War Work Council ot the Y. W. C. A,
From the Paciric to the Alantlo Its
field extends. Every atate In the
Union haa Us memben. Urgent r
peala tor help ara its cause and Its
low closely the needs of the differ
rnt communities of tbe country. Sec
retaries trained In tha methods of
the organisation were sent out
broadcast. They were Instructed to
report to the National Board of the
bilated. At last accounts more than
25.000 of tbe Sultan's soldien and 260
guna and large quantities of war stores
were In British hands.
' In eastern Siberia tba Japanese bave
captured Blagovestcbensk, capital of
Young Women's Chr.stlan Assocla- tho province of Amur, and also the
tlona in New York the lines of work
which could be best followed In tba
various localltlee. These secretaries
work In close cooperation with mln
Isten, women's clubs, cbamben ot
commerce, churches, military officials.
and charitable societies. - Tbe reo-
town of Alexlevsk; 200 Austro-German
troops surrendered.
In Macedonia, the allies are now
punuing the Bulgarians on a 70 mile
front, between Monaatlr and Lake
Dolran. Tbe allies are threatening to
ord o; a day', doing., of . aecret.ry cut the U.kup-S.lonlki railway, which pnMng Arllpry brlgad, of
raaaa iiae a novel, an economio .wvfire. u uis .u m uio lm
to the Moaelle at Vandlerea. Tbe
Americana are now 10 mllea from.
Meu and an equal distance from Con
flans. Already tbe American foreca In
France ara more than balf aa strong
aa tbe wbele German army, and tbe '
tide of American fighting men toward
France la continuing at aa even pace.
General March read a cablegram
citing a general order Issued by Major
General H. L. Reed, commanding the
15th Scottish division, British army.
a novel, an
treatise, and a psychological essay Dolran region, and are also threaten-
all compressed Into a line-a-day entry, lng the city of Prtlep, northeast ot
A secretary aent out by tba War Monaatlr. Serbian, British. French,
Work Council must be equal to any ,ullall and Greak w, engaged
emergency. Mis. Lillian Hull at Cbll- (Q tbe drive
ileotha. close by Camp Sherman bur. To ,UIlan force. ,r6
rylng along tba street at nightfall , ......., .
' . , . .,, ,... I s harassing the Austrian lines in Alba
came upon a forlorn couple. A no- "
nlsh aoldler had pund a Job for bla Dr rldln operations.
wife, so that ahe might come on Extensive movements have been ob-
from Cleveland. When aba arrived served la the rear ot the German tinea.
she waa refused tbe place because near St Die, in Alsace. Tbe enemy
she spoke no English. Their money front lines In that region are said to
bad been all apent on tba railroad bave been mined. Tha Bochea are
fare, and the aoldler was due back .,, American line, in
Fires were observed in the town of
Dommartin, behind the German line,
on this front together with a heavy
movement of men and wagon trains
tbe Fint American division (regular)
for work In co-operation wlUt the
Tbe order aald the Fifteenth had
never before received such perfect s
aiatance In "taking over" operations,
although It waa realised that tba
American division at that time must
bave beea under great strain and bad
suffered severe casualties.
at Camp. Tba altuatlon waa bad.
Tbanka to Misa Hull a Chilllcothlan
housewife now baa an tndustrioua
and grateful domestic, a soldier la
hsppy, and a aoldter'a wife la safe.
Army folka often benefit even mora
directly from the secretaries' work, behind the line. These were taken to
In Bremerton, Washington, a secre
tary waa accosted on the street by a
sailor. She waa a alender woman,
and ba had mistaken ber for a girl.
May I walk along with you?" bo
Surely," she replied with mature
understanding and intuition. "What
la tha matter? Are you homesick T"
Tbe lad'a story came out with a
rush. Yes, he waa homesick,
Indicate a possible further retirement
ot the Germans.
Columbus Day Aa Liberty Loan Day.
Washington. President Wilson has
proclaimed Saturday, October 12, the
426th anniversary ot the discovery of
America, aa Liberty day. and called
upon all cittxena to celebrate It to
stimulate a generoua response to tbe
hopelessly, despairingly heartsick that Fourth Liberty Loan.
he was on tbe verge of deserting. .
But this woman gave blm genuine
sympathy and encouragement. She
saved him to bla country.
From north, south, east and west
these pioneer secretaries sent In
their reports. Tbe appalling sixe ot
tha undertaking was revealed to tha
War Work Council. Systematlzatlon
of tha work was the first step. Oat
. With the American Army on the
Lorraine Front Both German and
American llnea south of Meu bave
now been well stabilised. Occasional
clashea have occurred between out
posts, but for the present neither side
Is 'making any serious effort to alter
ita position. - '
Tbe German artillery haa continued
Its harassing fire, but the American
guns have tar over-reached the enemy'a
front llnea, a shell falling occasionally.
In the vicinity of Met and serving to,
emphasise to the Germana the ad
vance, the allies have made.
There haa been no bombardment of
the city of Mets, and a bombardment
of that place ia not expected during
the present operations. The fire
against the torts around Mets will be
Washington.-Naval units or naval conUnued at varying Intervals.
sections ot the student army training
Fires were observed In the town ot
. rwwnmartfn. behind the German line.
corp. are to ne esiaousnea at o-uni- -
o the multitudinous phaaea cartals versltie. and college, in 37 states. In r . .
-.:. .j . n. n..m tt.. .... d.n.r!nuint men and wagon trains. These were
lines Ql wora were re.eicu, wiiiuwus wvu. j
(Continued )
said etudenta subject to draft may en- to indicate a possible further
m th unit, of sections by retirement of tbe Germans. A harass-
- applying before October 1 to naval lng Ore was kept up at different pointy
representatives at tbe InstltuUons.
however, against the allied line and
Student, admitted will be allowed 00 PItiona In the rear.
active duty pay and will be enrolled
The Germane are using gaa sheila
In the naval force as apprentice sea
Western schools at which nav
units and sections will be enrolled
California Leland Stanford, Cali
fornia and Southern California univer
sities. Washington university and Washing
ton State college.
Oregon Agricultural, University of
Oregon. ,..
to a limited extent, especially for
sprinkling wooded areas. The Amer
al lean guns are returning tbe tire and
are harassing the Oermans to
equal degree.
Robber Gata Several Thousand Dollar
' Registered Mail.
Seattle, Wash. Registered mail vat
ued at several thousand dollars was
obtained by a lone bandit who held'
CAT 1 PniINn I CCC A WPPK up the engine crew of Great Northern
I ruuwu Ltsa a nttn traln No, 356 tw0 ,,,11 80Uth of Muk.
New Coneervation Call lasued by Food Uteo. a litUe before midnight, uncoupv
r;.,v v
- y -Ski i
Admlniatrator Hoover.
Washington. Food AdmiuiRtrator
Hoover, In a statement, recommended
that the American people reduce their
consumption of food by one pound a
week. This reduction is to Include a
halt pound of breadstuffs and a halt
pound of meats and fats.
Mr. Hoover, In outlining the food
conservation program recommended
led a mail and baggage coach and then
made his escape after compelling the
engineer to haul him to Browns Bay,
near Meadowdale. j
Bloodhounda from the atate reform-,
atory were put on the track of the;
bandit, but without avail, and a thor
ough search : of the waterfront be
tween Seattle and Everett yielded no
clue to the bandit The robber, after
for the American people during the getting on the train at some unknown
coming year, said the United Statea .vt-.
waa prepared to ship 6,730,000 more
When Britain reached the end ot the rainbow and found American
troops really pouring through her porta to France, by tens and
hundreds ot thousands, her heart welled up within her and a
welcome they will long remember waa the portion of the arriving
Above is shown an American regiment marching through London
In parade. Mark your enthusiasm In their passage to tbe trout In
your lubecrlpUon. to tha Fourth, Liberty Loan,
tons of foodstuff, to its armies and al
lies than last year and still have a
margin over the amount necessary to
maintain health and strength at home.
There will bo no food ratioulng in
thla country so long as the people con
tinue to conserve, aa ta the past Mr.
gpovex said.
with a drawn gun before tbe engine
crew and forced tha men to atop the
train. . j
"Josh Billings said he was an hon
est man because jail life didn't agreo :
with him." 'That was frank, wasnt
It 7". "No, it w-as Josh. Never heard ot
frank BUllngs." Boston Transcript