. i At the BLUE lilOlMAIN SAWMILL PerM $20.00 to $25.00 Until October 1st. DIMENSION. SHEETING. BOXING. SUIPLAT AND BRIDGE LUMBER. LAMB BOX COflPANY Red Cross Notes f A campaign for used clothing for relief in liotgium will he Instituted next week. As the need i greater than ever, it is hocd that the peo ple of this vicinity will respond very generously. Mrs. J. H. Iiev, chairman of the locl auxiliary, urge that a larger number of workers respond to the call for help in making the garments now m hand. For some time n. t n very few of the mem Ihth have Uvn carrying on the work assigned t this auxiliary. Those present at the meeting on Tuesday afternoon were: Mrs. Charle IVicv. Mrs. Will Price, Mm. Klla Uvendcr, Mr. K. IJeu alien, Mrs. Loveridge, Mrs. O'llar ra, Miss IVris Name and Mi Alma liarnett. BREVITIES IT ECHOES III BERLIN Royal Priskelt is here frein (old Springs fr a week's visit with rel ative and friends. It is Uncle Sam's help that will finish Prussianism. To do the job thoroughly millions of American boys are in France or on the way. They are there to help win the war quickly to wipe this hell from off the earth NOW, before it has deci mated the world's remain ing manhood. Will you do your share today to furnish an overwhelming balance of power? It is squarely up to you. This is our year-your year -America's year. What will YOU do? Buy Fourth Liberty Bonds Any Bank Will Help You ywrf AnCTmramra coMTmrsnrrap movn TO VATBZOTIO eo-oia,Tio Weston Mercantile Company Beginning Monday I will I pre parod to keep boarders and to nerve regular meal. Mm. Ijuira Shanks. Noah Bums, half brother of f.eorge Nesbit of this city, was killed in action July 29 t the front in France. Ho enlisted from Hotse, Idaho. , Mm. Fannie McHride, who eol iiwed lart week ami ha since been in a serious condition, was conveyed to Walla Walla Monday for hospi tal treatment. Albert Wragar, an old plainsman mid buffalo hunter who has also killed hi griaxly. was down from the mountains Sunday swapping jams with Jim Jones. Marsh has apiNiinted W. t). Read as administrator 'f the s tale .f Ihe late Martha A; Read. The appraiwrs are 1- I. O'Harra, K. M. Smith and J. II. Williams. The Weston garav i Ix-inir en larged with an addition at the rear. 40x60 feet in dimensions. George Schnitxer has the contract for the foundation and brick work. The garage front will be remodeled. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Wogds were in the city Monday on tin lr return to Walla Walla from Athena, where they attended Sunday tt funeral of the late Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hanaell and cxnator A. R. I"riee. Mr. and Mrs. Joel IHivis of Echo were callers Sunday at the IMJraw luinu. Thev were accompanied by Mrs. J. C. Davis, the mother of Mr. Davis, and her sister. Mrs. May McKennan of ConVyvllIe, Kansas. Mrs. A. D. Marker of 'Lakcview. Wash., arrived Monday for visit with her brother, Walter Webb, who came over from the Umatilla river to greet her. It was the first meeting of brother and sister in 19 years. Corporal Lowell Coleman of Good land, Kansas, who recently met death in action at the front in France, was a nephew of J. E. Scrimsher of this city. He was only 20 year old, having enlisted at the age of 18. Charles May brought some wheat down from the uplands Monday that weighed better than 150 pounds to the sack, and was the heaviest received this season at the local elevator. It is of the Mar quis variety. Ted March iJiot a young Ur near the J. K. Melfcniel place in the uplands Saturday, but let it get away. The trail of blood was fol lowed by a numlier of hunters, but tho crippled beast finally managed to elude pursuit. The company which Captain H. F. O'Harra has been commanding at Camp Fremont, Calif., wa late ly sent to Siberia, and he U now in charge of a company of re cruits. He hopes and expects to be ordered to France prior to next Christmas, according to a letter to his brother here. At the T. J. McCarty place In the uplands a litter of pigs adopted a cow as a foster mother. The cow did not take kindly to her squeal--ing followers, but has been unable to get rid of them. At last ac counts they were consuming her milk supply as fast as available, leaving none for the household. A. W. Lundell has disposed of the Weston meat market to A. W. Sauer and partner of Aberdeen, Wash. The new owners are ex pert sausage makers, and will give special attention to that branch of the meat business. For the pres ent Mr, Lundell will follow insur ' ance work at Weston, where he is agent of the Kansas City Life. Samuel Pambrun has lately re stocked his fish pond on his farm south of Athena with eastern brook trout, reports the Press, from the state hatchery. A former planting of fish of the same species was loHt a year ago last spring when the dam went out, releasing the fish Into Spring Hollow brook. Since then a number of the fish have been taken from the little stream, in i. some instances measuring over a v foot in length. v The big association of stockmen ' organized recently at Walla Walla ' will meet again in that city the second Saturday in February. A sale of bulls will be held at some convenient time during the winter. The officers of the Weston associa tion, President J. P. Lieuallen and ' Secrelary . A. Winn, had the honor of being elected president r nnd secretary, respectively, of the new organization, which includes the local stockmen's associations of eight districts. P. A. McBride was Appointed as thd Weston member of the dvlory board.' . " $ Smmm, C7V e Kvrrv steel uteaniship lnrnxl nut in our hundred ami mre hiprar.l has more than a million riveti. and the rat tat 1st or " riveter.' 'gui-1' i ''l",' the eheking f machine guns in France to drou the dying Oermau rbe,r over their submarine exploit. on The clinking dollars of the Fourth 1.ilr1y!M will add shriller voice to that' chorus and further lower Oermau ""'ha easy to cheer for our boys in France. Make your dol ar shout iu the Fourth Liberty Imd. Ucnu.ny will under Uud their voice without translation. The objectives of the fourth Lib erty Loan campaign are to be made more vivid by several soldier who have just returned from the battle field of Furope and will relate their personal experience. D. C. Freeman, assistant manager of the Oregon campaign, I in Victoria. H. C., making arrangement for a campaign tour of KoMtrn Oregon and Idaho. Mr. Freeman will ulno get more war trophies and war relic which will be added to the ex hibit now being sent throughout the state through the co-operation of Meir & Frank and Robert M. Byrne. There arrived here the other day in a Ford truck an Oklahoma family consisting of a man and wife and their seven children. AImj. the had a dog. They were travel worn and weary and the wife was ailing. It had been their intention, they said, to locate somewhere in the West, but they had changed their minds. So they sold the truck to the Weston garage and bought rail way tickets to carry them buck to Oklahoma. Frank O'Harra has taken charge of the clerk's desk at the (ioldcn Rule hotel in Pindleton. Mr. O'Harra, who "gtew up" on a Wes ton farm, 1 among the best-known pioneers in the county. The Gol den Rule is conducted under lease by another well known pioneer, J. M. Bentley, and is an hosUrly much favored by the old-timers when they vtait Pendleton. Mrs. Ernest Reynolds and Infant son left Sunday for Tacoma to make their home and will be followed in a few weeks by Mr. Reynolds, who is engaged here in warehouse work, Mrs. Reynolds was anxious to go in time to meet her brother, Edward Fulford, who is with the heavy artillery at Camp I-ewis, and may soon be ordered to France. John Barnes and family have movd into the W. S. Price resi dence on Franklin street. flsarsr that a rim fitsis for th Ml of prisoner' parole from h sui pnHollrr 8slm tn laid twftir lh iTlsoarra' i4 , of rortlanit. th ta result ht cm of ll4 bnt-ry I o W iQVMtlcatlon. wall It I lnt4 that olbr msy Mlt. A tb first result of th lnnilfilon, CoartN A. flhi-n dan. a fusrd at tb poUca(try. bt bven dtmlwl. Sal ef a lari tlnib tract eomsln lot J.(W.oo ft ef tlmbr nd In cluding more thn lwo cr ef lnt bs txn rltwd. Alfred L. Tboms. of Montana, I th prrbrr. Th prlr la understood to N close to $100,000, The trsct I wet of Monro and com trlx ht I known th Monro Timber company botdlnt. It He oa tb Also rWr nd Uk er. Pe tx-lm In Linn and part In !.ane county. Govtrnor Wltbyromh ba formally tendered to Secretary of Wsr Baker tb us of tb Oretoo tt flr ground l rUlem for rntonmnt pur pw or a concentration camp dur ing th courw of the r. Hupplt nifoiln bl letter to Hwretary rtkT with brl-f sutemeui th" eernor dtn clred that If nw'Mary the lle would do wy with Ihe fair entirely for a year or two, or during th course ofj tb war. .4 J Before the eall come for men In th new reilstratlon, the men remaining la else 1 from prevlou registration wlil b called. A dispatch from tb provoel mrbl grner!' office tatp that a call will be Issued early In October, and tht Oregon' quot will be about IS! men. Th cU of 11T will be cleaned up first, according to Captain Culllson, followed by tb June t. 1911, registrant, and tbea tbo of August II. HI. Buttr Creamery. He per lb. .Eggiruncb, 3c per doten. Poultry Hens. hvy. dreed. Jc; light. Jc; prlng. drsed 40 42c; rooster, dressed. 27c; duck, lire, toe, dressed, 5c; s. Tc; drd, 15a ! 7M 4 THEM OVER THE RHINE The Hun'e doubt u to hit ability to whip th world will grow when American armiet be ria to fight their way across the Rhine. Will it bo from jour contribution t tho Ameri can war chest that the bridge Into Rhineland are built? MAKE SURE THAT THERE IS NOT A PONTOON MISSING. BUY Fourth Liberty Bonds ANY BANK WILL HELP YOU tci juDTMsrxaanw cowrmnnrrsD xataovas nm - '. YATiuorxo UMua,noa or .WESTpNJAUTO CO. . C. H. Nelson ,