The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, September 20, 1918, Image 3

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5s ?"wf, . f
vv5-v' j'I)t$y,,t 'hKtt&! yf II
Kmith wan business
Port.and the first of
v lathe
WHAT YOU DO TODAY, they will read
about when they arc aa old as you. They
will want to know what you did on the
to turn your face away in shame.
Later, you will give all you possess to make your
child proud of you
plenty of Liberty Bonds will do It
BUY Fourth Liberty Bonds
Any Bank Will Help You .
mzj AsriBTtaairavT covtbisvtib
rAxaiorjo co-oraavAnoa
E. O. DeMoss and H. Goodwin
We aim to make
our work its best
Improved farm, 67 wren,
wile. Mrs. Laura Shanks.
B. M,
itor in
Mia Ora Martin of Halfway, Or
egon, U visiting at the L. I. O'llar
ra residence.
Fred Dupuis, Weton'a versatile
thief of police, fs qualifying this
week aa a bridge builder.
Among Uie familcs who have
moved to town for the school year
lire thorn of J. II. Key. Dan Sowers,
W. L. JUyborn and II. William.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlow Foster of
Milton were gut-tit Tuesday of the
Harry Warrens. Mrs. Foster was
formerly Mi May Kinney and at-'
tended Uie Werton Normal.
Koyal Duiiiiick, a nine-year-old
Uiy who formerly lived in Weston
with his Nirents, was run over and
itiAtantly killed by a fruit truck
Friday at Wenatchoe, Wash.
Much benefited by her stay at
Hot Lake, Mrs. J. II. Williams re
turned Monday to her home in
Wetston, where she will continue the
prescribed course of treatment.
The infant child of Mr. and Mr.
It. A. Ball died Tuesday at their
home on the Heed and llawley up
lands. The little one's remains
were brought to Weston Wednes
day for burial.
Attention, Rebekahs! You are
requested to be present at the next
regular meeting, September 24.
Business of vital importance, and a
full attendance is desired. Maud
SUnfleld, See. By order of N. G.
Mr. and Mrs. timer Booher of
Condon are visiting at the home of
Elmer's uncle, W. H. Booher. He
had an average of 18 bushels from
$30 land this harvest, and thinks
Gilliam county is a little bit of all
I 1
By using
Made by tho
We do custom milling, buy
and sell Hay, Grain and
Millfeed of all kind.
Free City Delivery
Church of the Brethren Sunday right
school at 10 a. m. Preaching at The following officers of the Wea
,CW; 8 ?:30 P-m- ton Girls' Honor Guard were elect
Bible, Life of Christ, at 7:30 Saturday: Eliza Morrison, lead
p.m. John Bonewitz. elder. r. rg Irncs, vice leader;
Methodist Church-Sunday school Ruby Price, secretary; Vida Greer,
at 10 a. m. Preaching services at treasurer; Vida Lundell, sergeant
11 a. m. and 9 p. m. Epworth at arms.
League at 7 p. m. IYayer meeting Mr. and Mrs. J. Wurzer left yes
Thursday evening. S. L. Powell, terday by automobile for an extend-aHSlur-
ed trip by way of North Yakima
United Brethren Church- Preach- to Seattle and from Seattle over
ing at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. the Pacific highway to different
point in taniomia. They may re
main in California during the
The schedule of payments to be
required by the government on the
fourth Liberty Loan bonds has
been announced and will be as fol
lows: Ten percent to be paid
down; 20 percent November 21;
20 percent Decerning 19; 20 per
cent January 16; 30 percent Janu
ary 30. ...
Athena Press: H. A. Barrett has G. W. Suggs and party arrived
purchased a half-section of the J. J. home Sunday evening from their
Johnson ranch northwest of Ath- automobile excursion to the coast
ena, paying $14,000. The remain- having journeyed more than 1100
ing quarter-section was purchased miles in their new Chalmers with
by Mrs. Nettie Watts of Walla no car trouble except one puncture.
Walla for $20,000. Mr. Johnson They traveled to Seattle via North
and son have departed for their Yakima and returned via Portland
home in Ohio. and, of course, visited Camp
' George Sams and son Dorsey and ew'Si .
Nathan Sams and son Harry were A letter received from Private
hunting big game Sunday on Bear Earl Barnett who should be if he
creek in the Blues. Their dogs is not, under the direct command
treed a large black bear, which of Corporal Charles Nelson says
then fell an easy victim to their the Leader is cordially welcomed
guns. Dressing 300 pounds, bruin by the Weston soldiers at Camp
made a lot of good meat for their Lewis, and passes from hand to
neighbors and themselves. hand.
Every time you buy a bond you register
a vote of confidence in the United States.
CUT" When you don't buy bonds, you vote
against United States, against your
Country's Cause.
The issue is clean cut: Democracy or the
divine right, of an autocrat; self-governr
ment or government by a despot; victory
or disgrace.
Vote today for.Victory !
aunuay wcnooi at iu:uu a. m.
Junior C. E. at 2:30 p. m. C. E.
meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer meet
ing Wednesday evening. E. F.
Wriggle, I'Hstor.
Baptist Church -The Church with
a corjlial welcome for all. Sunday
school nt ten o'clock, preaching at
eleven. Also preaching at eight
o'clock in the evening. W. K.
Storms, pastor.
Buy Fourth Liberty Bonds
isninnain cosrraxatms tkxouqx tii
vatsxotxo co-orxmanov or
Mrs. E. E. ZEHM
(Saling brick.)
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon . Waitiburg, Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
M'ide of selected bluestem in one of the
bost equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold In Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company
Monday's Oregonian contained a Mrs- Sarah McDougal, Mrs. Z.
picture of Matt Turner, with the C. Price and Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
following announcement by his P06 returned this week from
father: "Missing Matt Turner Camp McDougal which until an
Age 82 years, height 6 feet 6 otner year wi" now be fciven over
Inches, weight 135 pounds, com- t0 the furred and feathered den i
nlovinn tnmtilim. pnlnr nf hair lellS Of the mountains.
black, eyes bluegray. Wore when Stevens Lodge No. 49, K. of P..
last seen gray -trousers and vest, has elected Clark Wood as delegate
nightshirt, no hat or coat. Notify to the grand lodge, which will he
J. C. Turner, Cornelius, Oregon." held in Portlurtd October 15 and
Young men are being urged r; naroour is uie noia-over
through the State Council of De-d.eIea.te nd . F- G- LucM WHS
fense to Join the Students Army elected 'ternate.
Training Corps at one of tho sev- Smallpox is reported to have ap
eral institutions in Oregon where peared in the Helix neighborhood,
units of tho Corps will be estab- where it is also said the Ralph Me
lished. The Government is organ- Ewen threshing crew was placed
izing the Corps for a purpose. It under quarantine because of this
believes that young men trained in contagion.
the colleges for definite war work G Thurson.i8 in with ty.
w!ll best be able to serve their phoid wjth whieh sevel.;,
country. , - members of the Tlmrson family
- Tjie Leader is advised that the have been afflicted during the
United States Employment Service summer. v
will be in need of about five thou- Jess "and Fl ank Powls, celebrated
sand apple pickers, packers and concrete exnerts from Colorado.
sorters, to be distributed through arc engaged in building ojerations
Hood Hiver valley. Picking will here.
begin about the 25th of September , . . , , ,
and will be at its. height by the first .'Accompanied by Mrs. Nelson C,
Veek in October. The wages will ""ir? , T, 58 lw
be $3.50 to $4 per day for able- m renuieion ourmg me ween,
bodied men and $3 per day for Fresh Jersey cow, coming three
abo bodied wximen. . , yean Old, for sale, E, T, Walkr.
The Prudent Man
will fill his coal bin when the fill
ing is good. Better order your
coal now, when I can supply you.
P. T. HARBOUR, Weston, Oregon
Help the Boy Scouts.
Tbe Farmers Bank of Weston
Established I89l
If you purchased four percent bonds through
this badk and wish to exchange them for
four and one-quarter percent bonds, kindly
let us know at once. This exchange should
be made now, so as not to interfere with the
Fourth Liberty Loan, and cannot be made
after November 9.