The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, September 20, 1918, Image 2

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CUM ttOOD, hfctUHtr
SMcth in AJahi
TU Yea.. It M
Sis Month .. 0 75
Four Month
battlefields will continue to ttter
back the Hun,
IW sure? you do YOUR sharv.
man loan slogans
Catered at tk pattalfice at VtttM. Ott.e
a Mc4 cImi eeil altt.
ftegular, per inch cr inevrtiun l-
Transient, per inch per insertion Sc
locale, per lin per Infection. 10c ,ions fl. jm,.ronitJ..
Wear your old clothes and buy
0 60 Liberty Bomb.
Liberty Bomb tr German
"Coin across" or the Kaiser
The ta.Micr gives; you must lend,
jberty IhHiiLi or German taxi.
Buy over hero to win over there.
It'ii billions for defcm
Six attorney employed in a Pen
dleton suit involving an KO-cent
laundry bill, will probably U able
to demonstrate the liiyh coat ?
i-X-JI J L 4
Unci Sam 'a war bill for the
coining year is estimated at thirty
fix billions, but it will w worth
every dollar if the Hun gels the
trimming that i-eem to be in store
for him.
Although the sheer weight of
America's milliitns of troops will le
sufficient to crush the Hun back of
the Rhine and batter down upon
the Kaiser's ears the remnants of
the world crown he thought to
wear, it has not been numbers but
typical American mobility which
has thus far caved the day for the
Wilhelm and the German prneral
staff, aInitting the gigantic re
sources of the United States, made
the error of calculating in years
instead of weeks the time necessary
for the shaping of those resources
for war puriwees.
. The day that we entered the war
scores of our fleet destroyer sped
east across the Atlantic. To a ship,
they reported upon arrival at Brit
ish naval bases, "Ready for action.
A bond backer is the KaiM-r'a
A man lm won't It ml is the
Kaiser's friend.
The more Uwds you buy the
fewer Uys will die.
Ix t all get on the bond wagon.
t one of t'.ie millions to lend
the billions.
Dig up the coin and bury thw
Buy bonds In-fore it's vcrln'tcn.
Idle dollars are pro-C-niian.
Iut the "pay" into patriotism.
- Bonds speak louder than word.
If you can't fight, your money
Freemen buy bomb; slaves wear
I'rv.Mtlent il.M'n's note in refionl
of Austria-Hungary's dubious ace
or bil- offering, b as brief as is apt to U
the duration of that taiii.cklc em
freedom; buy pire.
Tlie Huns need exiiovt little from
the pen of Uncle Sam until he lays
down his victorious sword.
His latest note is an earned that
lYesident Wilson has improved
tremendously in diplomatic corre
spondence simv the try ing days of
the Lusitania tragedy.
Gail Williams fttX)
Jimmie Nelson IUMH
Leonard Snider 2300
Arden Lucas 110U
Bdck up tits Pfss&bai
XX, What we seek is the rein
of law, based upon the con
sent of the governed and
sustained by the orjranized
opinion of mankind."
President Wilson.
Next week is the lat week of
the Weston Leader's Boy Scout
Subscription Contest, which closes
Thursday, September 2fi, at 10 a. m.
Gail Williams still leads by a
wide margin, but one or the other
of his rivals may yet overhaul that
enterprising young gentleman by
realizing upon premises of strong
The Leader was especially com
mended by the publicity manager
When continued losses through of Oregon Red Cross campaign,
submarine warfare seemed likely to and is now jn rpt 0f the follow.
make good the German threat to ing communication from the United support during the last lap of the
starve England, Schwab turned a Sutes Food Administration office race.
hundred shipyards loose on a ship at Washington: From now on no one will know
building program such as the wild- . . , - . .. how votr ntls until the lal-
rL;l7lm We deply PPrte the copy luU are uken out of the box by
est opttmist bad not dreamed pos- 0f the Weston Leader that has just iudgvt tr fina,
sible. reached us, in which you made gen- There's a chance for any boy in
American raiiroaa men ouui wo ua v vut uuov yuuinj tne race to lorge ahead by active ,.(rr of mul tecad: Al.liKS KfcU
thousand miles of track In France; matter. Conservation or loods and hustling, and surprise his opponents t.RKR. brother ef ..hi iitcl.
. . , - . . elimination of waste are important t the tane AGNES FKI'KKKK, a of
hundreds of huge warehouses were wap t . . t. WHnnlni .- , . u said We,J: AI.oI.-i KtUEUKK. .
erected: mountains of food, muni- .n4, m m ' ..,n:"rrr.:r L lof said. deacd; JACUB
Any Bank Will Help You
ma unmuiii t wnuum Tnvai Wl
as-svtn0 oo-oramAno o ,
In tb County Conrt of th StaU of
Orrgon fur th l ounty of Umatilla.
In the Matter vf the fl.l of JUS.
ANTuN KKLiKKKK, drceaacj.
To LENA KDKKKK. of aaid
dvcvaavd; A UNO .SU MiKKMiCJ tK.
It may be in order to remark
a cm i n f hnt nnw l i h tinu in atllw i l ii rn - i. . . . j .1 i
nous ana oujex supplies were ime rae ieaaer ior assistance in gcrbe or renew, or to Uke an extra VINZCNZ KEUKRER. wph.. of
landed. getting this information to the Leader to send to a friend or sol- "' dtfceaid; IsauukE KKuERER,
Tin al. r dudiic. wnicn once iniormea 01 m r.M ru,t..-. t u- t .a.,- ""i'1"'" i
leased from .11 EasUn fronU. be- !!' XLTZ. T1u7. tu
gan their ominous drive through nation."
Picardy. Amencan troopsmonths An(J ralhtr fancy that l(xky-8
in advance of the hurry-up Amen- of thJ wi wjlh
can program-began to pour approva from lhe Fourth Li,R.rty
through the chsrnel gateways. campai?Ih?rs. , shrtt we
and the Hun was held, then driven are lTying ..Jo uur bH
back. . , ,
Thus American ability to concen- The Nvw yor, wiitor wh j,,,
trate quickly its war efforts on any kijIing nia wifc but m
given point on the enemy line has recau u,e deUils. qualifies as a
n...k.a. ..I ..Irl A--
a year, and in ae- eeMM: koSA FHDF.REK. a tow of
government regula- aaid devad; NoKER KKUKKKR,
tions will be sent to no one unless
paid for in advance. A few sub
scriptons which expired September I
are being continued until the close
of the contest.
rwiihew of aid dceal. and JtME
I'll INK KEI'ERKK, a ntee of al
drcraaed-all f th hcir at law of
Jna. Anton Kedrrrr. decril, and all
others intertl unknown:
Ur' OkUJON. You arc hereby com
manded to np!tr befiirv the Honora
ble County Court of the State of Ore
ijimi in ami for lhe t'ounty of Cnmtill
at the t.'ourt liuuse in the Oly of IV n
dleton, on the !Hh day of Oetooer,
13IH. at tht hour of 10 o'clock A. M.
of aaid day, not leaa than ten dy af
ter the service of thl citation, to ahow
eauc, if any exiat, why an order of
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Cmalllla.
In the Mait.r of the Etat of JACOB
KEUEKEK. dcreanl.
To ROSA KKDKREK, widow, and
t'HINE KEUEKEK. all of the child
ren and hem at law of Jacob r'tderer,
deccaaed, and all others interested un
OF OREGON, You are hereby com
manded to appear before the Honora
ble t'ounty Court of the State of Ore
gon in ami for the County of Umatilla
at the Court Hotiae in the City of Pen
dleton, on the Vth day of October,
m. at the hour of IU o'clock A. M.
of aaid day, not tea than ten days af
ter the aervice of Una riUUon, to ahow
eau, if any exint, why an ordrr of
the above entitled court should not be
a-ruitd to lrna fVilcn-r, AdminUtra
lilt of the rotate of Jamti Kederer, de
ceaaed, aulhonsina her to aell at pri
vate aale for caah, or rmh and credit,
TV, U':f,. SL-K..I- M.,. ' ay, noc leaa man len naya ai- i r auch imrt of the hereinafler
foiled every Hun attempt-whether example o forgetful wilh a rreater enrollment in .rJOTr.X tf&S&'ft
by sea or land. husband. both grade and high schools than the above entitled court seouid not be coats and expenaea of the adminislra-
A really great demonstration of last year. granted u Una Federer, Adminiatra- tion of aaid estate, any claims that
in the hiirh school new courses -----.-"- mi inr niirai w
this American faculty will be given
in the Fourth Liberty Loan.
fronted with the necessity of rais- place wherein the allies can sit at a writers
ina war Inun r.f tn-iVo ko !n r.f .i.i ...:.v. i .: ..Mioatlu oil u k,.. A.ira ii; ...!, to said entate may be necessary to
- '" ' . r,.v the coata and exuenaea of the ad.
A mi SUIT?
If ynii want one fur Full
and Winter w will Ih glaij
to supply yon. Wo rvpie
aetit tlit Ix'sl luiluritig
liotiw In rbifHk'o nl guar
ant.f A rHKI-'KLT FIT.
If you want to tnuke your
old suit do we mil hi:ikt it
liaik UOOl AS NKW by
IHKAI. Coats uml Suitn
for ladiori.
R. L. Rcynaml
Mutter Wr otdeis nnii t
ly filled at the h aiUr slu.p.
Dr. S. L KEiillAKD
Veterinary Surgeon
Hospital at ennu i of Main
and Broad street.
Phone Main 253
In the Circuit Court of the State f
Oregon fur Umalilla County.
Frank w Crr. IMalnlifT, vs. Ola I',
t'arr, Ilefeiidant.
To OI H. Carr, the abova named de
fendant: In the Name of the Stele of Orrfnn,
You are hereby required to aiear ami
answer the complaint fllrd aaaliut )"'
In the above entitled auit aod court
within six week from the date of lhe
Ant publication of thia summone, to
wit: on or before the Hlh day of Octo
ber. IVlH; and ytnl will take notice that
if you fail lo emwar ad anawer l
complaint or ntherwtae pleail tlvervto
Within aakl tun, the plalntltT, for
want thereof will apply to the above
entitled court for the relief prayed for
In her sstd complaint, to-wtt:
For a decree of aaid court forever
dUaotving the bomla of matrimony now
and heretofore eaiatniaT between the
plaintllf and defendant, and forever
divorv-ina; ,th plaitiltlT from the de
fendant. Thta sominnn is puhlUhvd pursuant
to the order of Hn. tiilbert W. I'hel,
Circuit Jodire of the Mith Jmlieial
trict of the State of orrgon, duly made
and entried on the 1M day of .Hr.lnn.
her, IIH. The Brat )ublicatlm of thi
atimiiHina will t mal on Fridny, the 'day of tirpleinlwr. Ml, ami the
laat publication thereof will lx made
on Friday, the l!th day of October,
1IH, ami it will be l-gbluhrd t con.
aecutlva weeks in the Weaton Leader
newapaper. S. U. I ETERSON.
Attorney for I'latntifT.
Poatoloca adtrea: Milton, Oron,
riven Not that they love it particular- a '"l"" 'Tr7' 2 erer. deceane.1, .uihoriiing hr to sell ute and for the purposes of d.atribu- J
Con- lv but Berlin is iust about the onlv ST,, X" '"A?"0? nd ! ! fr caah or c.h and tion, said rsal property ielng described JI I WTHPCs
yMn DUt Berlin ' aDOUl lneoniy Bookkeeping. Iwo additional type- credit, all. or auch iart of the herein- M follows, to-witi S LUll Vll CD 1
rais- place wherein the allies can sit at a writers having been purchased, after described real property belonging A UTOiivj,icd one fifth of the '. J
rant . .u .t;r .uiirallif ill uk,. iku to said etate as may be neceaaary to w.i, ri, ...i.. iKwn..t b-.. ;
any of its epoch-making predeces- faction that comes from achieve- wl" accomniooaiea.
son, we are called upon to finish ment.
the task in three weeks.
Only by the full and united The Bolsheviki are acting on the
effort of every man, woman and principle that a dead critic is no
child in the United States can this longer in a position to criticise.
great task be completed in the time
set. It is as certain that it will be Trotzky and Lenine are just
completed successfully as that the about to lose their job of taking faculty are Miss Lurline Brown and
grim courage of America on French German money and Russian lives. Miss Edna Hollcnbeck,'eboth of
ministration of aaid eatate. anv claims
The teachers for the present year that may be hereafter filed anainat
aaid estate ani tor the puriMwea or. dis
tribution, sub real property being de
scribed as follows, to-wit:
An undivided one-fifth of trie
Northwest Quarter (N W) of Sec
tion Thirty iJO,, Townahio Five iG)
North, Kaii(fe Thirty-foor (34) Eaat
of the Willamette Meridian, in
Umatilla County. Oregon.
You are further notified that this
citation is served upon you by publica
tion in tne weaton i.eanur, a newapa
are miss Louise Kintoul, first and
second grades; Miss Vera Tipton,
third grade; Miss Mattel Colvin,
fourth and fifth grades; Mrs. Lu
ella Pinkerton, sixth and seventh
grades; Miss Hlza E. Love, eighth
The members of the high school
Northwest Quarter (NW.'i) of Sec-'
tion thirty (W.) lownehlp Mvi
(5 North, Range Thirty-four (34)
Eaat of the Willamette Meridian,
in Umatilla County, Oregon,
You art further notified that this
tation is served upon you by publics
tion in the weaton Ceailer. a newana-
per of general circulation printed and S
publtahed in Weaton, County of Uma- J!
. . 1 1 . . - . 0 t . - .1 . L. . . ....
illia,, auitf Ui
date of
me autn oay oi Auguai. jvis, and the j
laat nublication thereof will be on tha K
27th day of September. 1918.
'Ihia citation U so published and
p: it
Baker's Goods
rortland, and Mies Horence Sim- per of general circulation printed and served upon you pursuant to an order J
mons and Superintendent F. C. published in Weston. County of Uma- of the Honorable Charles II. Marsh, fj P, ,
Fitzpatrick, who were with us last JASSSUt i&.tS.HS I V
the 30th day of August, 1918, and the
last publication thereof will be on
27th day of .September. 11.
Thia citation is so published and
served upon you pursuant to an order
of the Honorable Charles H. Marsh,
Judge of the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of Umatilla,
made and entered of record In the
above entitled estate and court on the
22d day of August, 1918.
mrr WITNKaS mv hand and tha rail .If
'God alv me atrencth to keD this dread id nmirt iAiJ thi. OOA Av ..t a...
baat from Homa. toid i t dd.uu
ate of Oregon, and that tha U i
the first publication thereof is s Phone your dray orders, J
day of Auguat, 1918, and tha J ' !
93, or call at store.
& Rllis 1
the Umatilla, made and entered of record
the i the above entitled estate and court
By Halen M. Cumminfi.
Soma dar la your boy oln to aak you
When need urn. atrna waa crest,
Vour help w not fortliromlna?
When, In Hell'a fray, ha atubbomly
foneht to hold the Hun,
WoundM. -iffrln. almoat aornt.
Never will the German yoke be fitted to
an American neck, but it's up to you
to kill such German hopes by
Buyinjr Liberty Bonds Until It Hurts.
From all I lor, from my fair land.
In olden, a battle rased, and to the
(ory oe.
That lt a a lone aa ware upheld the
Leadpr'a handa.
go aured tha tlda of victory.
Are you then oln to help thoie boy
of oura
Tour boy and mine
tphold their hanoe and help them eeve
the free nun'a Riaht;
Or Tail them and fur evermore, be
elavee M Murderoua Mi(ht?
gust, 1918.
It. T.
By B. 0.
Clerk of the County Court.
on tha 22d day of August, 1918.
WITNESS my hand and the seal of
aaid Court affixed thia 22d day of Au
gust, 1918. It. T. BROWN,
Clerk of the County Court,
Seal Deputy.
Chas. II. Carter Dan P. Smytha
Carter & Smytho -
Pendleton - - . Oregon
BUY Fourth Liberty Bonds
Any Bank Will Hefp Yon
nraiorM oo-oraaanoa or
R. G. Sallng
Several hundred citizens ot bugene
assembled around a bonfire built of
msrailnes and oewapapers published
by V. R. Hearst and took part In a
celebration of the advance made by the
' American forces In their offensive
launched Friday. The Hert publi
cations ere taken from bundles which
bad remained unopened since the first
of the month, as a result of an agree
ment by taa newadealers of tha city
not to sell Hearst publications because
of the publisher's attitude toward the
war aaltaialllta.
the dcicnae of Freedom
which the United State authorities have ranked one of the
fifteen dutinguubed iiutitutioni of the country for excellence in
auliury training, hat retpooded to the call. The College it
dutinguubed not only for it miliary instruction, but
Dirnwcuitsio also ros -
It (tmnc induttrial course for men and lof wotaisi
IsAtncvhtrt, Commerce, r.nemae. faramy
tome EtoaomKa, Sliaiaa. rkaraMcy, aad
ocaUMul Edvcauoe.
It wholesome, purposeful tudent life.
It democratic college tpirit.
Its (ucceMful graduate!.
Student enrolled lait year, )H) i tun on it service Up, 1 15 8,
vrac iwriy pcivcn rcprcvuiuug onvcra.
Colleg epea September U, If II
f uuiag, i1XhiuM laaUrt, aWeOw iat4iMa riM tat lUfituo, CemUU, 0n
t mile luarka roioriiiritu miim1 mr rw
1 1-- a.Ml mhnII, 9kmvim or .hn,M aM 4m
"MM for PRII ARCH a4 rwt
Ml iMtiwUUMly, thtna rvfvrvfM-m
ftw. thtr trwr bodil t-ll Sow. lt w liiveat
ami atve ymt menwy, Wrna loay.
Seventh 6U Washington, D. C.
W. M. Ptunoa G. N. Blihnp
Peterson & fiishop
Pe.1lelon. Or. Kreewater. Or.
r'racMcea In all State and Kednral
Craiutt Veterinary Surgtoi
Phone 82F6 Athena, Oregon