The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, September 13, 1918, Image 4

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    Wm4 is WoU4
MtJrntia Out
t tb eWt ta It Q M. C awXor U,W U,,H "
atre dtt at Cawo IWVfcmL IffTfW'ftP!! f IPffTiriiT
Wmw Uit tb wr
! and th JrfUmatf'd intm of
No(kv U hereby given that era),
ed W4 will b frived at mjr offW
yntil Saturday. 8rotibrr It.
19 n. at 2 o'rlw k p. m., tut .m
this Unm m ( th rt U frru
. .. .. A
UfTl Uwt. II hoi)
uriull l.trflUaJ
ub ronU of wwmI. grW and kind i
mf. Lie! Rd i ASfrwl R. Prw. fmT r- rKiaH.
ad ASfrt R. IW. fr- 2..."! "jjT .., kin Ja f b p..fid. to U deliver! at th
cevrni i tb N'jrtb Ntju-
Mr. r McBral retard irfdiMn. rUl to rr " , tk dur.r, II. Wr.k r,gh, M Wnl lo rr)rt ai, ,r
Mr. L EL a.M Irft 8o2a V. . "'Z.'.Z . : V.. " 7TS ii '7, . K. aitt wt!l W mmdr to ! Th rmrnrt.
t r ft-
tt U U-Irrl.
ik. m .m ankaarn Mar w
anJ K'im wk ill
vauMcf 0 lt S 't taSy iard. Ut 0 4 of U Frtli L.t-
L.M . . .1. ii.u t Hate twwkiMrtm Uw r
Bt at tfekMM f krr 4mttgArr,
Mr. L. M. Fttk, i Wail.
to wait mtil 0r Vmw4 Vp Vjij. m at rt M -IkWJ
t fH or it reward and nta. TW IhrKe are
. call Mondar. K. Um Uinlu tlmA
i. mnmitiL mit tkai (- a KrT IB arrr. rbiUrra tf the Hanvil. t hSijrtrr
Wr wl Un W S. eantaur fori Sam. T af Ua tw!y criiurt. Mr. fYv
a j lLriAir- Jut aJ Jim. rt to me lumr nrftt tanwr Brar
-. i ' i .l hp m arr vnr nmjti. ar.i Z yrt r
th adir T-h r, t: Mr. lfarJI ... p.-tma.r
h prfaj teat th Crrk- th bjt J1 .,J Ath. fi .a s rt vf
tVtk Iiutnrt S. I'J
rrk ircrdilf .
Well IfurtiiihJ t tr.
IW th ttx-tm ait-wMmrtit. II.
ion from th B) Mw- 1j . v- . i fusrral mror, I hri-J at
the (.nXin rfcsrrfc ta AUaai
l fm wnitl mrui mili artratn Mat ti u n. .
Sward rrriJ.w !h Wtf Jmiitl m ortitS SU0. 'f:r II --- 'J-
Th will of
ik. !r. J- Ltn (me ErwA. a Portland nH ho
fount Jikisr Manh. im wtiti' br Mr. If- C-Jia- Vj Kafcy '
of Mrr E. Mi!ir. ft bran date Prwr fre arrerml vmi Bsrcirr
rf Aaroat 12- 1918. tu-h rr ir.tJy tr y ryri
V &x:mvxi vi us jwrraw Frm
Kmil n Ui fai Atiwr-a
ortTM'urrj asJ Mr. Prv ra K
Mr. sod Mr. G. W. Suirr
Kmnsn and CSrm SUn t Sat
urday in their CfcaJmrra r fr i
toor th Soorad. "hids wi.'l m
elud a vtatt U Camp Lrwia.
At sera WB KTlTJ B vzx
O"" . i . m i ... 1 v . . ...
Mr. E. M. SiBfth. Mr. LwrtyieT y. . c. A, Ke rtu ut Cu-jmhrn,
Wtl Mr. Prvr. Tk ifc:vpr- y f r. A Carsp Cwrsaftsfcty
ert were Mr. S. A. Ears. Ma iwai Wrar P'ar Sai-
Refer Price and M Acs Lar- IU1. r" aad Aawrwaa Uhwn
A fJrenark sot of th Oreoa dr. Akooai ri'l be m P.-.iari
rrymr k!e, ond- on ki't Jr 77 W rT
Storsai. bo earned a kfter frXB
wooder at iU depreciaticja.
AtteBtioa, Beiekahi! Yoa
Mosdy. ST'-nsiber 1. ta i4p lax
Varr'a t-an J 'j raKr.j- a Vtai II.1?,
rtliff wvri tirv
A3 th tBwtnsrta
I JT (yiliii cS)
! Ladies' Goats,
0 0
We do not confine this nhowinj? to ladies' j;ood. but evcr' department
r,f th stnr. inins in this creat merchandisincr event. For months we have
are the patent' . t at th fjrtt- oryasuc
requested to be pmeet at th Bant irg front ia Fraaoc. TL rtkt
reg-ular meeting-, September 21. however. pre!dd the
Boaiiwai of TitaJ jmjkjrtaaee, and a readiejr of th Setter,
faff attendance i AetiivL Maod u ,r. , - .
Sunfidd, See. By order of N. C. nM.
A 00111032 party whkh indoded Mrs. C. M. Price earae dun ye-
aucfa reoowned Btmroda as Ourfe erday, and Mrt Price registered
liraUm. Fred Plttman, Doc O'Harra frr the atiectire draft. Mm. J.
and Georre K'usaewr spent moat of HodTwn and family retsreed to
taat week ia the region of the Dick their tws residence a few day
EegKan cabin. One bock fell to ?o.
M.Xp;UVD. Hafrbn tkrealwd of late . . n ...... im A
IIartogrnnWedhaaIiBirhiwht with w-rvou break down, Mr. J. A
crop irwn iw acrea, jea uorovn H. William left batorday lor
wa In town Monday from hi Cerk- ut Lake, Union county, wrxre
in. Flat ranch. He i quite well he will remain until ber cursdilina in orler 0at there might t h
lL4Ui mUIi Ik. - yalilPM S - - - IT!.. u. 1 ' t - I 1. .1 : . .
much erf bit land havin, yielded 25 on the trip by Mr. William. sidtraLly in nutn powtr and cibriat- A
btxbeb to the acre. Jo Key ha. lene the Ww-r of in f. D two
Marion Hansel! eatiirht two of a beautiful WillyvKnigfct Overland, t,m to .? fT for am A
a . a . a a 1 ' Z 1. I 0. . m .. ii.avk H) i ft in r 4T
. 1 . . A ltt -ri t rJnnr miTni 1 Trif in mrkfmnr K.11I . I Ur.IaalAC.'B HI I' JltaUV a 114 AitVta
a var asro. We are not bemoanmu conditions and n'minuinff you 01
df the a, led , , . . . 1.. . . ...1. ! Ainnliuktkiit riiir clinK'oc ntA v
-v-i v tr.e r.irn i nets. e are eimpiy curtrttiuiuni'; vm.miui vi o..v.. ..v. r
at t2ae request of Preudeat Wtiase
Can Wliiiams
JiTitnic Nelson 3010 J
Leonard Snider ...2100
racks are full of crisp new merchandise at lower prices than now prevail. We
attribute this to foresight in buying, that we might supply your needs for less
than you can purchase elsewhere.
OUR COATS are direct from the makers and are very attractive,
beautiful designs direct from the style centers and bound to please.
the fine Eambow trout in the bouzht thi wek of Dr. Kennard
Umatilla that have mn seen by The 4jctoT msvie another a3 j as
local angrier for some time, accord- terday. the buyer beintt Frank
In, to the Athena Prens. Each Gr-r ami the car an Ov-r!arwl.
meaaared about 1 incbea in length, M . u K K-tir
jnd they were certainly ackled JrJ rtZ
M3ltm' fiaiting- at the home of Mr. Kim
The G. DeCraw and the Sim brell'a parent. Rev. and Mrs. W.
Culleya returned yesterday from K. Storms.
Waah., where they viaited at the Jimmie i back fronvJW "
i . j u t 11 rvt Farm h4' nil m-rviivs nur. uviuxij
name vi nr. nu jir. " . f - ---
Barnes. They also camped out on " harvest were, bejor-d a doubt,
the banks of Chelan lake, and had highly appreciated
splendid fishing. ......
purpose this year.
Oreg'in' qafa is 1770.000. The
(f!tirf furd will be distributed l-
iwetn me at.tra orjranizaikJfi in j
accordance with a plan approved at
a or.fTence in New York, partic- JT
ipated in by five re(rtenUtie of JT
John R. Mott. general
secretary O
of the Y. M. C. A with beakjuar- A
New York, ha tn unani
chmen directr-in-chi f of
the allied drive by all organiza
tion concerned.
A total of 113 men registered in
Weston yesterday for the great se
lective draft. There were 27 in
precinct 15, 23 In precinct 16 and
66 in precinct 17. Four In the lat
ter precinct were non-midenu.
All were native-born American
with one exceptiona naturalized
The September meeting of the
Ladies' Guild was held at the home
of Mrs. L. S. Wood. Refreshments
were served by the hostess and a
pleasant afternoon was pawed.
Mrs. Herman Goodwin was present
as a guest, in addition to the mem
ber. The next meeting will be
held the first Thursday afternoon
In October at the country home of
Mrs. C. E. HA.
Oregon boys and girls doing pig
club work may thf year for the
first time compete with breeders
at the State Fair. An effort to get
a ruling from the secretary allow
jng thent to enter their animal In
the pig club as well a the breeders'
classes Is being made by the state
gent, L. J. Allen, This conces
sion Is strongly favored by the
breeder, who want to see the
young people given a chance to try
out their work In competition with
that of th skilled and experienced
growers of the state.
A big bear has been coming down ;
Into th? haunt of civilization on -the
Weston uplands and raiding ap- ',
pie orchards having an evident ;
fondness for apples, frank Snider -and
Jim Jones went after him Sun-
day but could only find his tracks
In the rowl these mi-aburlng ten ,
Inrhes in lenirth. George fteaton
and Newt O'llarra went scouting
fof him Monday, with no belter
luck. The bear was seen a few
days ago by Mia Nettie Smith
while she was out hunting the cowi
Veterinary Surgeon
Free Public Recital
The recital to be given at the
United Krethren church Saturday
Hospital at comer of Main
and Broad streets.
Phone Main 253
j j all aTi Hi all Ii M aVAaVAaVAAAA
If you want one for Fall
and Winter we will be tflad
to supply you. We repre
ent the best tailoring
houses In Chicago and guar
If you want to make your
old suit do wa can make it
look GUOD AS NEW by
IDEAL Oats and Suits
for ladies.
R. L. Reynaud
evening, September 14, will be free A
to the public, and a large attend- A
ance i expected.
Last year the Malen Burnett
School of Piano Playing presented
Miss Hanna in a recital which
proved to be a musical treat.
M !. Lois tassil of the fame
school i a brilliant pianist, with an
atractive personality. She started
her musical education with Miss
Burnett and with the exception of
the last three years has studied
with Mi Burnett. Miss Cetuil
comes well recommended, having
during the last three years given a
number of concert in Victoria, B.
C., and especially in connection
w in Ih. -. Vh
" I HIV . ... . - . . . . .
large class in Victoria, where the A
was a Btiaewful teacher, V
The concert tomorrow evening
begin at eight o'clock;
Engllah Flyer HtW Way ThrougH J
tntmy Fleets 70 Mile. ' f
London. A continuous battle In the V
ur. J. c. oauwuixi
firaiuU VtUriiiry Surjeo
Phone 32F6 Athsna, Oregon
air for a stretch of 70 mile wa
fought between a British tqaadron and
German alrplaDe, while th nrltiib
machine were beading for Mannheim,
the great German industrial city. Tb
raider refused to be diverted from
tbelr goal, reached It, after fighting
very mile of th way, dropped two
ton of bomb on tb city and then
turned for home. Again for 70 mile i.
they were pursued ana coniuntiy
'gaged by German flier.
! Several direct hits were scored at
.Mannheim, om on the famoui chm
'leal work. Msny other burst were
observed to result from the bombing.
The railway station at Ehrange alo
wm bombed, -"- -
KDrs CLOTEniC -This department is In full readiness for your selection." W are
laughinjr over the fact that we bought last spring of heavy fall weights and as result
are in a position to save you from 7.00 to 10.00 per suit. This sounds big, but we will
verify our statement bv actual quotations. This is the satisfactory HART SCHAFFNER
& MARX lire 8nd will pit are you in every particular. The weights are splendid heavy
winter weights and our advice is. tkct your suit now, as we cannot duplicate one of our
numbers for anywhere near tho price. Wc also carry the famous CLOTHCRAFT line in
serges, blues and grays, also fancies. A Hart SchafTncr & Marx suit for fcJO.OO and
135.00: a Clothcraft for $18.50 to C6.50.
0VOC0ATS Our racks are full of the bfst styles and values, and we will take pleas
ure in showing you the goods and quoting the low prices.
EOTS' CL0TBC?G, 150 Suits-School will begin the 16th, and this will give you ample
time in whith to lock these over, make your selection and start the boy off looking like a
real man. It is our purpose to reduce this stock to the minimum, and we are offering at
the old prices this attractive line selected from the best makers. Most of them are the
famous "BEST EVER" suits in pretty mixtures, blue serges, corduroys, etc. It is a pos
itive fact that when these are gone we cannot replace them at the price we are asking,
and we advise you earnestly to supply your wants NOW. We shall not attempt to replace
thjpm at anywhere near the price. Priced from 3.50 to $10.00.
SILKS, FANCY acd PLAIN We have jjust received for this showing a pretty new line
of fancy silks so much in demand for dainty fall dresses; also plain silks in all the staple
colors. These are direct from the importers and are dreams of beauty and elegance. All
on display for this sale and priced at $1.75 to 1 2.50 the yard.
WCCL CRESS CCOCS Fortunately we bought last season an abundance of the staple
wool dress gocds serges, suitings, coatings, etc. We have reserved these for the fall
trade that our customers may profit by our foresight, and for the season offer values that
cannot be duplicattd elsewhere in Eastern Oregon. In fact, we could actually sell these
tcods beck to the wholesaler at our retail price, but the policy of this store is "Our Cus
tomers First," and this showing of rich and pretty dress goods will be a source of great 1
atisfaction in supplying your needs. The prices are too general to quote, but we will take j
pleasure in showing you. Many of the goods are displayed and price-marked. - y
LADIES' WAISTS An elaborate showing of Ladies' Waists in dainty designs of I
Georgette Crepe and Crepe de Chine 4.9S to $10.00.
a tat, as m
LADIES' SHOES Frcm the best markets we assembled the best shoes dressy, stylish,
pretty, durable, attractive shoes of the latest style, the new heel, in tans, browns, blacks
and white, and fortunately some pretty grays that will be off the market ery soon. We
carry these in widths to fit you priced less than in the city for the same article 15.50,
te.00. 6.50. $7.00 and $8.00. '
For this sale we have placed upon a sale table about 200 pairs of splendid value the
odds and ends of last season's stock rich, pretty kids in blacks, mostly stylish lasts and
which sold readily last Beason up to $7.00 to close them out, only.$4.98.
CHLDRIirS SHOES Our stock is simply running over with Children's Shoos. We
have too many and will have some very attractive offerings in this department Sturdy
little gunmetals for school wear pretty patents in both kid and cloth top beautiful lace
English for girls and larger girls a pleasing array and priced,- many of them, at less than
the wholesale price today. We will reduce this stock if price will do it some as low as
$1.69, many at 12.00, scores of them at $2.50.
f IMod wile Co. I
ftnd la described a monster,