The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, September 13, 1918, Image 3

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Texas Farmer Now Gains five Pounds a Week on TAN LAC
Scarcely a Huy pawn Unit wore of t ttT are not received
from grateful users of Tanlue and their statements are- Indeed re
markable, Among tli nunilxT recently received the following
letter from William Hreedof lingvlew, Texas, which In (juIjIimJmmJ,
word fr word, juitt as It was written:
Ijonirvit'W, Texas, Jan. l.'l, 1917.
To Whom It May (Vmcern:
On Nmvi'IiiImt 25 I bought one lioitki of Tanlue and com
numifd tukintr same according to direction. I weighed only one
hundred and thirty jmhiikIk, In ten day I gained seven pound and
I am gaining at the rule of live pounda a week and weigh on
hundred mid llfty-llve itounda at the p,t. nl time. Tanlac beat
any medicine I have ever taken to UiiM up a run down system. I
would not tuko 1100 for what it has done forme. It lit the U at
medicine that I have ever tuken for catarrh of the head and I
have tried several different kind of catarrh medicines. My ca
tarrh la nearly gone, al my ittomnch trouble, from which I have
been suffering for more thun twenty year, ha almost dia
'ureil and I give all praise to your great medicine. When 1 com
in. -need taking Tunluc I could not do a day's work, but now I
believe 1 can do a much hurd work a any man. Your truly,
for Sale by
H. GOODWIN, Drujsitt
We aim to make
our work its best
Snider's 1
Clem Duncan has renounced hi
faithful Ford for a new Dodge car.
C. F. Bulfinch ii qutt seriously
ill with heart trouble at hi home
near Weston.
George Beaton left for La
Grande yesterday, with a view to
securing railroad work.
Mr. and Mre. L. I. O'llarra are
prearing to motor Sunday to Hot
Lake, where Mr. O'llarra will
consult Dr. I'hy.
I will hold a ale of Acorn Ian
tern and flash light Saturday ev
ening, September 1 1, at the Zchm
store. See them ou display. A. .
Through having hi ' left arm
badly aealded the other day, Fred
die York learned that a gaa engine
ia not to be handled with euy fa
miliarity. Kottert Hodgson ia bark from 1
Crowe to register, after seven
weeks of hard labor in the harvest
lield and hauling grain. He will
leave soon to join hi father in
Mr. and Mr. W. A. Graham are
now located at Keedaport, Oregon,
having gone to Heedsport from
M arh field. Mr. Graham is kept
brihkly busy at carpenter work in
Church of the Brethren - Sunday
iM'hool at 10 a. m. Preaching at
11 a. m C. W. S. at 6:30 p. m.
Bible Study, Life of Christ, at 7:30
p. m. John Bonewitz, elder.
Methodiat Church- Sunday school
at 10 a.m. Treadling aervicea at
11 a. m. and 8 p. m. F.pworth
league at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting that growing burg
Thursday evening. S. E. Powell, crop troun( Weston
patr. promises well this year, late rains
United Brethren Church-Preach-having helped the succulent le
Ing at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. gumes to mature. W. R. Storms
Sunday' school at 10:00 a. m. has forty acres of red beans on the
Junior C. K. at 2:80 p. m. C. E. J. P. Lieuallen place that look es
meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer meet- pecially well. The other day be
ing Wednesday evening. E. F. counted 120 pods on one vine.
Wriggle, pastor. Superintendent Fltzpatrick ad-
Baptist Church-The Church with vises the Leader that the Weston
a cordial welcome for all. Sunday schools will open next Monday, Sep
school at ten o'clock, preaching at tembcr 16. He is in Portland on
eleven. Also preaching at eight his return from San Francisco,
o'clock in the evening. W. K. where he attended tne government
11 mi" 'Mill. w B win- bum in II IT III MM 111 i ..P..,rlnirir,i
Storms, pastor.
e:. o. deMOSS
of all kinds
FISH in season
FW "k ',
iff " Wm
military school for teachers, and
expect to arrive in Weston tomor
row. The youngest daughter, three
years old, of Mr. and Mrs. George
Neabit.- set fire to a tent in the
yard at her home while playing
with matches, Wednesday. The
tent and the bedding it contained
were destroyed, and and it was
rather a "close call" for the Nesbit
The local Red Cross auxiliary
urges a larger attendance of work
ers to help in making the refugee
garments. The work rooms are
open Tuesday and Friday after
noons of each week. At present
girls' dresses are being made. Di
rections have been received by the
auxiliary for forwarding parcels or
letters to soldiers and prisoners. ,
I have decided to reduce my
stock and will sell at the following
prices: Chewing tobacco by the
pound, 75c; all can tobaccos, 13c;
all 15c cigarettes, 2 for 25c; Camel
cigarettes, 15c; plain ice cream,
10c; ice cream soda, 10c; milk
shake, 10c; sundaes, 15c; plain so
da out of fountain or bottle, 7c.
All 6c candy now 5c; 40c candies
now 30c lb. E. E. Zehm.
Miss Virginia Todd of Pendleton
Every time you buy a bond you register
a vote of confidence in the United States.
CCPWhen you don't buy" bonds, you vote
against United States, against your
Country's Cause,
The issue is clean cut: Democracy or the
divine right of an autocrat; self-govern-ment
or government by a despot; victorV
or disgrace.
Vote today forJVictory!
Buy Fourth Liberty Bonds
ssug unniBXR costiamn movox xu
jraxajOTio co-orxaaxioar o
Deam Calls Mrs. Harris
Mrs. Eliza Harris, wife of John
S. Harris, died September 11, 1918,
at 12:30 p. m., in St. Mary's hos
Hospital at Walla Walla.
Mrs. Harris was born June 17,
1850, in Boone county, Missouri, ,
and crossed the plains two years
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon . Waitsburg, Wash...
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold In Weston by ; y
Weston Mercantile Company
urn her Sunday and bearan the or- later with her parents, who Io
nization of a Girls' Honor Guard cated near Harrisburg, in the Wil
for Weston. Sixteen girls attended lamette valley. Her maiden name
the meeting and were enrolled in was Miss Eliza Fountain. She had
the local guard, of which Miss lived in the Weston neighborhood
Elita Morrison is temporary leader, since 1869, and for the past 14
All those between the ages of 14 years had resided in this city,
and 86 are eligible. At a meeting A devoted wife and mother and
to be held soon officers will be a kindly neighbor, Mrs. Harris was
elected and organization perfected, beloved by her husband and child
. reri and esteemed by her friends.
Mrs. A. J, Barnett leaves tomor- She had a member for many
row for Portland, where she will yearg of &6 M E- church, South,
visit her son,v Shirley, who resides Bn(1 wa8 an earnest Christian wo
there, and her younger son, Pri- man. she was also a member of
vate Earl Barnett, who comes from Hiawatha Rebekah Lodge. She is
Camp Lewis on a furlough. Mrs. survjved by her husband and two
Barnett will also go to uaiias, ure- 8on8( Janie8 Harris of Tacoma,
gon, to visit an aged uncle, Charles Wash., and Elbra Harris of Hing- 8
Youngblood. whom she had long ham Mont 1
nmnnwH tn hn riond hut whom she m . i ; j i n 9
Bfr - - x wu sisiers auu lour orviners mc
read of recently m Uie Oregon also left in bereavement.
Journal. Mr. Youngblood is a Funeral services were held this
frontiersman and author, and for forenoon in the South Methodist
years on the plains was a close church( with sermon by Rey H s.
friend and companion of the late ghangle of Milton. .
Buffalo Bill. , ,
Furnished and Printed at the Leader office
Sixty (minimum). $0 90
One hundred........................ 1 20
Two hundred............ 1 75
Each additional hundred 0 45
Tbe Fanners Bank of Weston
Established 1891
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Beathe are
visiting in Weston, their former
home., from Seattle. Mrs. Beathe
will remain for quite an extended
stay, but "Phil" expects to return
to Seattle' Sunday. He is in fine
fettle, smiling and jovial as of
yore, and is seldom seen on the
street without a knot of old timers
around him. Three of his sons are
in the service of Uncle Sam. Ed
ward Beathe is a marine engineer,
Felix it in the light artillery at
Camp Lewis and Cecil is in the
government training school at Cor
vallis. Even "Phil" himself, who
is a confederate war veteran, looks
tough enough to put up as good a
scrap against the Huns as he ever
did against th Yanki.
' fflgures prepared by Professor 3. O.
Hatl. engaged In preparing the biennial
rport for State Labor Commissioner
Hoff. Bhow that 44.000 males of Oregon
over 18 years of age are estimated to
be In military service or In occupations
essential to winning of the war; 64.000
are engaged la agriculture, forestry
and animal husbandry; 700 in the ex
traction af mluerals. 25.000 in trans
portation activities, 85.000 in mechan
,lcal and manufacturing industries. 19,
800 In trade, 2600 in public service.
5390 In professional service. 7200 in
domestic service and 2600 in clerical
Butter Wrap orders prompt
ly filled t the Leader shop.
If you purchased four percent bonds through
this badk and wish to exchange them for
ftlur and' one-quarter percent bonds, kindly
let us know at once. This exchange should
be made now, so as not to interfere with the
Fourth Liberty Loan, and cannot be made
after November 9.